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Showing most liked content on 04/20/2017 in all areas

  1. Obviously, Lunar Paradox is in.
  2. I've been recently experimenting with a MC mod that allows the creation of custom entities, and have been using it to illustrate my game ideas in an interactive form, which has proven useful for someone with limited coding capabilities. With help of the mod, I recreated Bitmap Brothers' Z inside the game.
  3. Hello everyone VERTi60 let me know that this would be an appropriate place to post this. __________________________ I would very much like to invite your community to take part in Season 4 of the Mafia World Championship. The Mafia Championship is an annual online tournament series that pits representatives from various forum Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and become their “Champion”. Season 1 ran in 2013-2014, while Season 2 and Season 3 ran in 2015 and 2016, respectively. As of Season 3, a total of 160 communities have been represented in the Mafia Championship, making it the largest cross-forum event on the Internet. People from all over participate in these games -- we have American, British, Australian, Danish, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Polish, German, etc. communities. I hope that all this sounds very exciting. If you are interested and would like to send a representative, please let me know as soon as you can. You can use this thread to discuss interest/volunteer yourself/nominate others who you think would make good representatives. More information here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E9x7nJkSPmv1ZtSKFdSmLsvD4DQoX13i2MA9VG5p4W4/edit Cliffs: - 165 communities will be participating -- hopefully you will be amongst those - The setup this year: 15-man Mountainous (3 Mafia Goons vs. 12 Vanilla Townies) - Qualifiers take place during May and June. So your rep would just need to have 2-3 weeks where they could play during either of those months (they play in just one qualifying game at whatever time suits them best). - Your rep can choose between 12, 36, 48 or 72 hour Day Phases - Your rep needs to make a minimum of 10 posts per Day Phase - The activity will be much higher than what you're used to - expect maybe 500 posts per day the first few days - Deadline for deciding on a rep/volunteering: April 23 (apologies for the tight deadline, I only discovered your community today -- if you need a couple more days, we can arrange that)
  4. Pushwaffles and me found a good solution to the travel problem. To explain would be too complicated, so I leave this here instead:
  5. Seeing as feedback and voting reached a pretty clear conclusion, I've forwarded my present thoughts to Pushwall and we will have to come to an agreement within the next few days on how to proceed. In the meantime, here is a draft for Hostile Waters "Redux"; Some extra insight into these changes: The new landmass will feature a new objective in order to integrate it into the gameplay properly, other than that, I will salvage assets from my cancelled "3rd map contribution (Frostburn Cove)". The new iceberg additions will not be made of ice, as editing the ice mesh is a bit of a tricky process due to the double mesh layer. Instead I'm opting for more industrial entry points and additional buildings, and generally making the icebergs a bit more industrial (more concept salvaging from my cancelled map, essentially). So yeah, industrialized icebergs are coming to APB. Abandon all logic ye who enter here. But the good news is, gameplay should improve.
  6. 2 likes
  7. Suggestions: The Woods Today: add neutral oil pumps Allied Assault: add supply truck spawns for split bases CamosCrossing: bigger ore patch and more cover for bases (maybe ore trucks neutral and respawning upon death) Volcano: pools of lava for boundaries and forget grass make the ground scorched earth Bunkers: add a few defenses or better in-base defensive cover. (remove Radar Jammer) ShallowGrave: expand lake in order to narrow the land side routes and increase naval role. Metro: needs neutral building maybe oil derrick? And maybe minimal base defenses. (both lessen silo rush importance) Glacier: add aircraft, but low flight ceiling? -OR- neutral buildings to capture. NorthByNorthwest: add a couple of neutral somethings or anything, I often got lost because everything was white and nothing stood out. AlpineLake: remove refinery add silos and oil pumps and neutral SDs and cannons (main issue was defense camping and early rushes) Partium: add silos A Path Beyond: (infantry sprint, better AA RPGs, and faster vehicle speeds since .9935 make the distance in this map no issue) maybe remove some trees it had a lot.
  8. I'd like to be able to add bots to more maps so people could mess with bots while idling on the empty server waiting for players, but they are in a very experimental stage right now. In particular their biggest problems are overzealousness when it comes to buying vehicles, kills against them counting on stats (meaning easy KD), and their turret rotations being completely bugged out when online. They're still fun though and I applaud @moonsense715 for his work on the new AI.
  9. Maybe, just maybe, someone will find this useful. Just run the exe and minimize it. It will show the popup if more players joined the server since the last update, you can also click the icon to display the current status. Right click it and select close to keel it. https://w3dhub.com/forum/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=27768
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  10. Sounds cool. And LolSoldier, i kinda fight now for {AW} Count me in.
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  11. Well congratulations to you, wishing all the best.
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  12. If you're going the industrial route with icebergs, might I suggest a few well-placed lamp post props for lighting?
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  13. Soon™ The AR project has not been going as quickly in some areas lately due to us trying to push out the new TSR public version. As soon as that happens, then development will start going a little quicker. As of yet though, still no release date. We aren't so good with nailed-down dates we've figured out
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  14. That would be CamosCrossing. It seems that nearly everyone but me hated that map Just remembered something else.....Hourglass anyone? I remember it had some issues that needed to be solved, but it was a gamma map so it would probably be easier than some to bring back.
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  15. I would be up for this as well. Would be nice to have balanced teams, and not have a good group hug the same team.
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  16. Looks like Videomaker will have some work to do. :D
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  17. Because while I could just export the Gamma source file as is, not have to do any more work than just tweaking the pathfinding to work with the new OT, and then call it a day, they would look extremely out of place visually among the other maps, they'd have slideshow performance because of a lack of VIS combined with horrible optimisation issues in the Gamma w3d/max files, and changes brought about by Delta would introduce some gameplay issues (using Bunkers as an example: looking at the current source and creating a 350m sphere around the radar domes, I am pretty sure that MRJs would literally be able to jam from within their own base. Without needing an occupant.) Plus I'm still really not a fan of the pre-Delta philosophy quite a few maps had where bases (particularly Soviet ones) had a ton of open space on all sides making the "LT swarm circle around the edge of the base and never get hit" strat too easy and making it too hard for infantry to sneak around. Before we moved here there was also a stigma around reviving Aircraftkiller's stuff, which we don't have to be weighed down by anymore. I still went ahead with the "from scratch" River Raid remake anyway because it was half-done at that point and I was still challenging myself to make a proper map from scratch. Something I may never do again because holy crap that takes forever. Lunar Paradox is basically a heightmap so that doesn't count. I wasn't about to delay Delta's initial release by another 6 months just to get all the old favourites up to spec and fix their problems; 16 or so maps was enough for the initial release so we've been slowly reintroducing the rest afterwards. Since the initial release, the map editing process has been somewhat streamlined and I'm less clumsy with max now, so some of these big picks might actually not take too long.
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  19. Thirteen signups so far. I'm hype. If I don't get some PR posts out tomorrow morning and get the word out on this one, remind me to do so!
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  20. @Pushwall I am actually really interested if we can track the win/loss for these games. Number wise it probably won't be statistically significant, but still it can give a glimpse on how balance shakes out when the game is played the way it's meant to be played - large organized games with RTS like strategies.
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  21. Glad to be back, so much has changed. I thought everything had died. I was so damn busy... after a year of waiting. Then it hit me.. something is missing.. First thing that came to mind was testing the games here, and the community fun we had doing so. Man I wish games like these were made more often...
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  22. Joke answer: Firewood Forest and Fullout. An infantry only map with missile silos and an air and vehicle map with no barracks both sound like they won't be problematic at all, nope.
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  23. [blurb]We need your input on several APB features and fixtures! Come and let us know your opinion![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.5.png[/thumb]Several threads have started recently, asking for your feedback! ChopBam asks, "Which APB maps should we bring back?" Raap asks what improvements can be made to his map, Hostile Waters. Pushwall asks how everyone would feel about implementing an anti-stalemate feature. Visit these threads and others in the W3D Hub Discussion forums and express your thoughts!
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  24. My proposal for the APC horn.
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  25. I'm all for this but I've been having trouble finding something unique for the APC. My last resort will be using an MLG airhorn and I really don't want to do that.
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