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Showing most liked content on 10/01/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 likes
  2. Hello new member here.. I like command and conquer renegade I have been playing it a lot for many years and i love new things adding to this game at the same time i love the original side ... So I salute to everyone here I am intersed in this site and I have a simple request ... I want you guys to make WWI ... dont change the fighting system just make a world of WWI vehicles and weapons and maybe soliders somehow if it is possible but must importanty vehicles only WWI vehicles it would be awsome to add those things into one map,,,
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  3. Building games takes an incredible amount of time, man power, creativity and will. Further more no one is getting paid and even if you finish the game you still have to get others to play it. APB has been in development since 2003 or so to get to this point and people still play it seldom now and days. you’re talking about creating new sounds, characters, textures/skins (the paint/faces of everything), vehicles from 3D, maps and promoting it all on a system from 2002 that runs very sketchy at times. If you’d like to go for it, i’d recomend researching what you want, studying how to design games and going with Unreal Engine as that’s where you’re going to have a lot of popularity and better success.
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  4. Are you the same SToRM I've been repairing in AI? Welcome!
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  5. Hello there, and welcome to W3DHub! Be sure to check out our community rules so that you stay out of trouble 😉 Currently we don't really have the man-power to start another fresh project from the ground up. But you are welcome to begin development yourself if you have interest and aptitude for it. We have tools and tutorials available to learn all about development on the W3D engine, as well as many development veterans who love to teach. If that sounds like something you would be interested in doing, just speak up!
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  6. WTF kind of CPU do you have that doesn't straight up shut down at 101°C?! That's an insanely unsafe temperature.
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  7. The fact that the name of the developer company for this monstrosity is called Redwood Studios has made me even more angry.
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  8. Were there dragons in that dream? Scratch my previous question. Personally, im infuriated. I mean, i never usually go on a massive shitpost twitter streak. This is not the CnC people anticipated and waited for. Instead of that we got mobile crap. Even more funny, there were people willingly took EA's offer and promoted the 'game' on their YT channels. Also, this is probably one of worst clash-royale-like implementations i ever seen. Just dont touch CnC anymore and let modding community do it job at keeping the game alive. Because thats what they were doing ever since C&C4 and end of gamespy.
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  9. I hate EA. Always have, always will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpKiPyNynU8
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  10. Honestly speaking, if they said something like, "This is a fun little spinoff while we work on something good," I wouldn't care as much. Granted, it'd still look terrible, but I'd just roll my eyes and move on. But they said that this supposed to be "C&C reinvented for a new generation." This is their idea of presenting us with their plan for the future. "Disappointment" doesn't even begin to cover it.
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  11. EA has only done good things for the Command & Conquer IP. I can't wait to see this new, innovative, revolutionary, stellar, exciting, unpossible, malcontent, ashtunkutcher, experience.
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  12. Finally. A promising cnc game we can all look forward to
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  13. I didn't think my will to live could sink lower. Thanks for proving me wrong EA.
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  14. I believe EA was pushing GDI to be blue since Tiberium Wars.
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