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Showing most liked content on 02/24/2021 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce that we’re pushing out patch 1.6 today. We’re sorry for the late notice, but this should hopefully make the event a little better compared to what’s currently in 1.5. Below you’ll find the changes that we’ve made, and should be available on the launcher soon! GENERAL -TSR 2.0 Menu and Intro Movie backported from 2.0 -Rocket warhead effectiveness VS flying vehicles increased to 1 (was 0.8) -"Unit Ready" announcement no longer plays twice Infantry -Veterancy purged from all infantry units, effectively removing it from the game -Third person camera adjusted to be smoother -Minor lighting adjustments -Cyborgs and Enforcers can now drive vehicles -Umagon anti-vehicle C4 and Toxin Trooper Toxin Grenades removed -Umagon and Toxin Trooper projectile gravity increased to 0.5 (from 0) GDI -Disc Thrower secondary fire removed -Disc Thrower Gravity changed to 0.5 (from 2.250) -Disc Thrower Projectile velocity increased to 60 (was 40) -Disc Thrower range reduced to 100 (was 180) -Riot Trooper moved up on the purchase list -Riot Trooper Price reduced to 400 (from 700) -Shotgun Slug ammo cost reduced to 1 (from 2) -EMP mines removed from Riot Trooper -Umagon rifle is no longer burst fire -Umagon damage up to 33 (from 11) -Umagon magazine size set to 8 (from 18) -JumpJet armor reduced to 0 (from 40) NOD -Elite Cadre Grenade Launcher now has unlimited ammo -Cyborgs now have their arm cannon by default -Toxin Trooper damage up to 30 (from 10) -Toxin Soldier magazine size set to 10 (from 30) -Confessor Rifle damage boosted to 18 (from 14) -Cyborg Commando speed increased to 6 (from 5.5) -Cyborg Commando now has a flamethrower secondary fire Vehicles GDI -Wolverine Targeting Range increased to 85 (was 75) -Wolverine MaxEngineTorque increased to 5000 (was 4750) -Hover MRLS secondary fire removed -Disruptor Health/Armor increased to 500/500 (was 450/450) -Disruptor now uses Heavy armor (was Medium) -Juggernaut Splash Radius increased to 15 (was 12.5) -ORCA Fighter range increased to 120 (was 90) -ORCA Bomber Splash Radius increased to 30 (was 15) -ORCA Bomber Splash Damage increased to 130 (was 120) -Carryall texture updated NOD -Attack Cycle model & physics updated to handle far better, making for a smoother experience -Tick Tank now uses the same emitter when deployed and undeployed -MRV now has a repair beam -MRV range increased to 12 (was 6) -Cyborg Reaper damage increased to 40 (was 35) -Cyborg Reaper web removed -Harpy damage down to 6 (was 8 ) Buildings -Vulcan Cannon damage reduced to 6 (from 8 ) -RPG Turret damage reduced to 70 (from 80) -RPG Turret now uses Rocket warhead, making it more effective against vehicles, but less effective against infantry Levels General Ion Storms have been removed from most levels. TS_Crossroads - Finally added the missing Gas Station and Local Store to the middle - New Outposts have been added near each Faction's base in the middle - Civilian buildings have been added near the GDI base - The crashed Banshee has been moved closer to the shore and a small car park is now in it's place - Some texture updates - Fixed an area where you could go out of bounds - GDI Base defenses no longer float TS_Drought - Added a Civilian living area to the GDI side - Added a small industrial area to the Nod side - Various objects have been placed over the map for better infantry combat cover - Other small changes and additions TS_GrandCanyon - The Tiberium Sludge is no longer broken TS_Isles - New back amphibious routes to the Nod base TS_Shallows - GDI base defenses no longer float TS_Snow - New vehicles have been added leading into the side of each base - New vehicle routes have been added along with tunnels leading into each base - Some missing objects have been re-added - Mutants and the Mammoth Tank have been removed from the middle area - Crates will no longer float
  3. You voted after hammer. Wouldn’t have mattered in the end, and you forgot the game existed.
  4. Coolrock is gonna play with us all the time now that he knows how many likes he'll get.
  5. The web is a very badly designed mechanic, that is unfun to fight against. Basically it removes an enemy from the game, with no real counter-play. Re-introducing the old mechanic where you cannot shoot at all just spreads the frustration to both sides, as now neither player can actually play the game. It's planned to get a rework, but with the old engine build it's not possible. A better system is in the works, but with the old engine build and the bad design for veterancy (there's a complicated reason for this), it was decided to temporarily suspend it. I have been made aware of Cyborg buffs being too much. Granted, GDI has their own near-OP counter in the Enforcer, which eats them for breakfast. Both units may receive nerfs in the future. GDI's Vulcan killed infantry too easily, but the RPG was not very good. Those changes serve to equalize them to make the Vulcan slightly worse, but in exchange for the RPG being better. Overall it's a nerf against infantry but a buff against vehicles. Auto-healing is incredibly powerful, possibly too much so. We'll see about the rest. Impossible for an old engine build, but 2.0 has this implemented fully. Can't really improve the handling this version, 2.0 already completely reworked it to handle significantly better however. This is the first time I have heard of this, I'll look into it. There's a reason for this. The original secondary firemode was a burst-fire mode with four missiles... that was only good against Air units. It definitely didn't look the part, so new players who join just think it's a straight burst fire, and got frustrated with the lack of damage. When I was designing a new alternate fire mode back then, I thought of Tiberian Sun's HMLRS which could fire over walls; this is where the Siege Mode came in. However, this also had its own issues. We may look into a new or updated alternate fire mode, but for the game night we decided to cut it temporarily.
  6. 2 likes
  7. Hi everyone! As part of the celebrations for Renegade's 19th Birthday, the W3D Hub team will be doing a Q&A session on Discord, Twitch and YouTube this Saturday at 8Pm GMT! We want to know what questions you have for the team here at W3D Hub! This could be anything from what our future plans are to what we had for lunch, so please feel free to be creative with your questions! We will be curating the questions a bit however, so if your question is a bit on the controversial side, it may not get answered! Fair warning to you! Head to the question form here to submit your questions! <- Clicky Head here for more information on the event! Don't worry if you cannot make it to the live stream either, as we will be recording the Q&A for later as well! Cheers! Edit: This Q&A has now finished. Please check out the video below to view it! [blurb]As part of the celebrations for Renegade's 19th Birthday, the W3D Hub team will be doing a Q&A session on Discord, Twitch and YouTube sometime next week. (Keep an eye out for the date).[/blurb]
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  8. There is serious "reputation currency" inflation during our day phases. Might take over 10 points to win a day if there is an active game going.
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  9. I actually really enjoy this. It's nice that one section of the forum is active at least.
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  11. I guess we're so shocked we're holding a moment of silence for Retal, well done.
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  12. I appreciate you taking the time to explain the issues. I’m sure a developer will be around to at least give feedback on why those changes were made that you’re upset about. At the very least, you don’t seem to hate the entire patch
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  13. Here, I will post my opinions about most changes in this update and why is it good / bad or totally dumb, to let you know why I am raging so much about it and discuss. Overall quite good change, as units with rockets should work well as AA. Dunno if it applies to JJ, but because of it's HP nerf it doesn't matter that much. Making it way less interesting. I hope it's just temporarily suspended for balance purposes, as this mechanics is gamechanging and makes playing infantey far more enjoyable. I'm okay with that. They also keep their anti-vehicle dmg as I suppose. Dunno bout cyborgs. They are already powerful on foot. Now they can also be agile. But... With this change and no nerf, these thing should at least be more expensive. Or got their HP & magazine capacity nerfed. Now it's OP even more. Grats. (Yes, i keep in mind, that Veterancy is no longer a thing, but it's still to much for this unit) I hope, that Gravity reduction will be enough, but still I don't know about this change. It may be less situational, but with range reduction and no alt fire, it may become unit only for rushing structures, or defending base. It makes sense. It's a little bit of shame tho, they don't have EMPs anymore, but these should be at least nerfed hard. It's another gameplay mechanics that goes to trash. As I said earlier. HP reduction is ok. If rockets change also applies, it may be too much of a nerf. New disc throwers. I already see them camping on cliffs above GDI base etc, making use of their nades gravity factor. But not imba I think. Just very annoying when used correctly. And this is good change overall imo. Making it effectively all-rounder. Good change for vehs and buildings. Not so much for infantry. Remove burning damage and it will be ok. Dumbest change you could ever done to the already overpowered unit. Even with veterancy removal, it will shit on everyone and everything. Nerf it's HP AT LEAST to 450 or 425. Ghostalker is now even more shittier in comparison to CC, than it was. And, oh yes, EMP mines don't exist anymore More Wolvie rushes, but it's OK change. Another alternative/posibility/you name it - goes right into the trash. Good change. If they were caught on field, they were usually dead a moment later. And now it will profit from enemy inattention, when it comes to assaulting bases. I think, you should do something with Nod Arty instead. I hope you will do something about it in the upcoming updates. I think it's a good change. But repairing Nod War Factory from inside when it's bombarded is now impossible, hope you knew it FINALLY. Best change in this update. What does it even mean? Good change for beam. You never knew if it repairs or not. Now you will. And it won't be easier to use it with better range. Reaper damage wasn't good enough, but on the other hand, it's shape was tricky to shoot at. BUT DAMN, WHY THE F*** YOU REMOVED WEB?! YOu could make it so you cannot shoot after using web (As it was few years ago). But no, you removed f***ing another game mechanics because it was... I don't even know, it's just stupid decision. Better accuracy instead pls. I don't know about that. I just don't know. GDI base defs were already easier to kill than Nod ones. But those were sometimes super annoying. We will se how it will work. Good. Annoying shiit. Though, I would rather make them less likely than remove entirely on some maps.. And add "Ion Storm Approaching" notification. This one is good. But only followed with placing sams on cliffs, so they can make Orcas bombing War Factory or engis storming PP harder. But still die after just a few shots, huh? Who even CARES? This map is unplayable because of grass and leaves made of fucking titanium. At least middle route is now valind with removal of those mutants. Now, what's still missing? - Rocket Soldier range nerf - Ghostalker buff (swich armor into Health, so he can refill on tiberium, or add HP. And give him more speed, as you have done with CC) - MKII auto cannon turret nerf (this shit has better dpm than mammoth railguns) - Buggy and cycle need sth like handbrake. (Like in APB) - Titan is still shit, because it cannot usually keep it's balance, making it super hard and annoying to use. - fixing Mammy and literally every unit getting stuck everywhere. - Better usage of gun slots (for chameleon spy or engi) - DT's armor buff and gun handling - Tick tank bug fix, where it cannot shoot after leaving it while deployed - Probably some more, but I can't tell right now. And regarding APB patch, I've posted everything that was wrong with it already
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  14. I’m curious about what you don’t like? At least explain what you dislike about the update so we have a chance to explain the reason for the change. This comment is as vague as the comment you left in the APB changelog (which also didn’t name what changes you didn’t like).
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  15. Meta: That awkward moment when you've left Fire Emblem running in the background mode for literally 24 hours because you forgot to exit the program (first time I've ever done that). At least I actually bothered to plug the switch in yesterday or the battery would be shot... usually I don't...
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  16. NIGHT TWO FRAYDO is lynched and as you all know, he is a Soviet Conscript! Send me your night actions. Day 3 begins tomorrow at the usual time if not earlier. PLAYER VOTE Killing_You Mojoman Shade939 FRAYDO OrangeP47 FRAYDO ChopBam FRAYDO Coolrock Mojoman Category 5 Hurricane FRAYDO Anon_Kat Retaliation FRAYDO FRAYDO DEAD Mojoman FRAYDO Louis DEAD LEAD FRAYDO
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  17. I forgot this was the post anime girls thread
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  18. 1,574 downloads

    Ever wondered where RA:APB started? Well, you can see for yourself! Back in 2002, two gents known as Agent Gibson and 13f7h4nd3d (Lefthanded) hatched an idea to build a Red Alert 1 themed mod for Renegade. This was a bold idea, as Renegade had only released earlier that same year. But they got to work, and Renegade Alert was born. Unlike all later versions which are "total conversions" aka standalone games, this initial release is a "pkg mod", or single-file self-contained mod, which was common in those days. It makes use of Westwood's built-in mod-loader, which works by using Renegade as a foundation, pulling what it needs from the base game, and loading new (modified) content on top of it to produce the intended experience. To play: (Renegade is required, version does not matter) Extract the .pkg file from the .7z file in the download. Paste it into your Renegade/data folder, and then run the game. Host a multiplayer game, and on the "map cycle" selection screen, choose "RedAlertMod" from the oft-ignored dropdown menu at the top labeled "Mod package". A single map will then appear in the list - ra_keep_off_the_grass - which you will want to double click to move into the rotation list. Click "start game" and travel in time all the way back to the dawn of Renegade modding! Enjoy!
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  19. Ok. Is this your attempt at an appeal?
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  20. Interim Apex Final 2020 Meme - YouTube
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  21. I dont think apb is dead, im sure its just because everyone is playing reborn at the moment
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  22. I like this answer. The rest of you are fired.
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  23. There's also the community at large to consider. The actual W3D community is pretty big. That includes people who play the game, but don't come to the forums, those who only stay on the forums, and those in between. As a community, I'd say we're pretty healthy, regardless of sometimes frustrating player numbers in certain games.
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  24. Can you also make Shiba Inu skin ?
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