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Everything posted by FRAYDO

  1. This was a good game to watch! Had I been in Chop's shoes, I would have played into iLikeToScum's hands and voted Orange. Props to him for reading both of their posts and finding the truth between the lines. Never seen Darwin's Game, though I would be curious to watch it sometime if you say it's good.
  2. I foresee a great turnout for the Star Wars mafia. The Force will make it so.
  3. >optimal Town strategy >Shade939
  4. Not so fast, partner. ##shoot Jeod
  5. That you, Arno? Good to see you here. I see OWA was able to point you in the right directions. Hope you find what you need! Keep up the good work.
  7. I can't tell if a game is happening or if this is just usual banter with Shade.
  8. I trust everyone received their gifts from Santa and were able to spend time with friends and loved ones this holiday season. Until next year!
  9. Sorry for the late response, was just now checking my notifications. I'll revisit the APB section while I'm on winter break now. If I get burned out before reaching the Soviet section, we can reach out and get you onboard the wiki editor. Everything is pretty much written out, it's just copy and pasting from our current documentation and including the appropriate unit profile images.
  10. APB Beta files are now available to download! Grab it from our launcher and get your nostalgia fix in our open server!
  11. The game starts right before I leave for holiday, so I might not be around to actively participate. I will have to decline for now.
  12. Yes you are! Providing actual feedback for IA on our forums? Nicest boy! Absolutely! Also updating the list with Discord grabs. Testament: Simply being you. Wargaming: It has been brought to Santa's attention that Wargaming pulled another farce, this time being the Puerto Rico fiasco. Dawn of the Tiberium Age: For being one of our favorite C&C mods to kick back and play.
  13. You read that right, folks! We would like to present to you an early Christmas gift of APB Beta! This 21st of December, jump into our Beta server and relive the good ol' days with the lads. Einstein and co. will have the server and files ready for Saturday so you may download and play! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! [blurb]You read that right, folks! We would like to present to you an early Christmas gift of APB Beta! This 21st of December, jump into our Beta server and relive the good ol' days with the lads.[/blurb]
  14. Representing the American spirit of obesity! Good man! Nice list APB Beta for all the good boys and girls! Yes! a ball cradle! Gosh, thank you! No. Yes. Hoping! Best wishes! Putting this on the Naughty list makes me fear for my life. Nice list! Yes! Sorry! Thank you for your concern.
  15. The N64 soundtrack was much better. That MIDI just hits different.
  16. Cool username. Welcome to our community, brother
  18. Worry not! Nice list so you don't get meteor! No u Nice list for this laugh Your volunteering will not be in vain, good sir. Nice list without a doubt. Arigato weeb-kun kawaii-desu Hiroshima moshi moshi (^o^)v(◕ᴥ◕)( ˘ ³˘)
  19. Holy moly! I have work to do! ok Thunberg 1v1 me Halo Reach Naughty list I'll let RNG decide your place on the list. Random number between 1 and 10 Odd number: Nice list Even number: Naughty list Number Generator Your result: 2 Naughty list! Thanks for playing. 99% level of stress! 'tis the season! Nice list for your hard efforts. I swear to St. Nick if these are vegan cookies you get naughty list for life Nice list! (for now) To play Wargaming games and also obtain coal, I have just the solution for you! Commit war crimes! I'll preemptively place you on the Naughty list. May you receive lots of coal! "Should be on the list" sounds demanding. However, peace on Earth is an admirable wish and so Nice list ??? Nice list....? For the Brotherhood, and for our Tiberium future! You have done well. Nice list! For tribute! Excellent. Santa has informed me that due to new labour laws introduced in his workshop he has been needing extra help, preferably help that does not complain of silly things such as "unsafe working conditions" and "imminent danger". Nice list and a good reference from Święty for your résumé. 80 people falsely accusing you sounds suspicious. Surely 80 people cannot be wrong, and so I must abide by consensus. Naughty list, I'm afraid. See an attorney to overrule this decision before December 25th. Hmmm.... I'll say Nice list! May you receive the coal you need and may life become better for you in the near future. Nice list Nice list unless death crate. If death crate, prepare to hear "Nuclear Warhead approaching".
  20. 2018 List 'tis the season and let's be jolly! It's that time of year again to see if Santa will give you presents or coal this year! Post here and see which list you end up on.
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