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Blujet last won the day on July 30 2022

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About Blujet

  • Birthday October 11

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    Ohio USA

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  1. I nominate AZ-Stalker, for keeping the spirit of the game night going through the end, and overall being fun to both play against and with (Techie Olympic Swimming anyone?) Also shoutout to Meta, for somehow managing to jumpscare me with a minelayer of all things.
  2. Description It is possible to swim under the Naval Yard on Coastal Influence, and even be able to shoot at it at a spot close to the beach. Reproduction Steps Swim under the Naval Yard.
  3. I can fly the Yak fine, but the MiG is another story. Because of the ping from playing from NA, combined with the MiG's higher speed and worse handling characteristics compared to the Yak make it difficult to fly a MiG compared to the Yak. In addition, I think that the help section should also mention that the use of free aim allows for off-boresight targeting (there is probably a less jargony term for this that could be used though,) as until i figured it out myself, it made it nearly impossible to shoot something with the MiG while not crashing into the ground/water/trees/whatever else immediately afterwards.
  4. This is my code: 134339584 I'm pretty much in the same boat as NodGuy, most of the time I play against bots or campaigns when I play C&C. I am willing to do PvP, but don't expect anything amazing out of me in it.
  5. I remember trying to get 1.2.0 to run on my computer to no avail (and endless amounts of salt.) It'll be nice to finally be able to try this out.
  7. Your control should be accurate, as the speed should not vary from player to player due to medium speed capping the frame rate at 20 fps. (assuming it's running at the framerate cap.)
  8. This is amazing! I can't wait to see the final version.
  9. Honestly, I think it may have been a case of a few bad experiences poisoning the well (Hostile Waters Advanced naval buildings being nearly unkillable after the first few minutes, along with it taking FOREVER to get from one base to the other, Siege's grindy nature combined with huge bases that result in it rarely ending in base destruction.) Though I may be wrong, as getting feedback beyond "it sucks" from most people who play seems to be like pulling teeth, judging by the difficulty of getting it for HW/Siege and shotguns.
  10. I feel like what Raap said: Basically sums up my thoughts, Though I dont not know if it should be made to be a more all-round anti-tank/building unit, or a dedicated tank destroyer.
  11. I remember the allied team on pipeline organizing a chronorush on the Soviet bar (I was a part of it and this was just after it got added.) we had several tanks in the rush yet we barely managed to kill the bar, and it would have failed if even a single techie was reparing the bar. Granted the chrono is supposed to be a tank killer (I think its supposed to have anti-building dps equal to that of a Medium Tank), yet I don't see it being used that way much. I think it is partly due to it not playing the way that one would expect the chrono tank would (effective against buildings and tanks as opposed to being a dedicated tank killer.) Though if it was as effective against buildings as like say, a phase, I could see it running into problems balance wise.
  12. I was in that match, and I would say that this is my opinion as well, hell, I didn't know that the ASP got Tanya'd until all the Soviet buildings started blowing up, and I was on the Allied team.
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