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Everything posted by TeamWolf

  1. I just found this picture and it looked spooky
  2. We really need to get a big game of Hostile Waters again and record that!
  3. Good set of changes, look forward to seeing how they play!
  4. Remove mammoths? Drop it down to tech level 4 for real so there's no Volkovs to hold the line, or down to 3 so it also knocks out Mammoths and MGGs? Move the tesla coil back to behind the barracks? Dropping down to tech 3 would give the map a lot more of a chance for Allies.
  5. I see what you did there. It more resembles the Dune 2/2k Trike.
  6. Can we take a look at your base reference for this?
  7. We have a forum for issues such as these here.
  8. In testing I did actually bring back the SVD's faster fire rate/lower damage. It kinda worked since getting sniper headshots period is a lot harder in Delta than before, so the Enfield didn't have a clear advantage like before. But it was still too much pain to balance back then so it didn't make it into the final release. Might be time for a comeback for that? I'm in favour of this idea.
  9. Shockwave, Overseer of Cybertron in Megatron's absence.
  10. I'm the only person to pick Riflemen for both infantry?
  11. Sir Francis Drake, The Queen's official Pirate and Vice Admiral.
  12. I feel that 15 seconds is a bit too long, EMP mines are only something like 5 seconds and that feels more like 20. But on the whole I feel like it's a great idea.
  13. Hey and welcome there (a little late I know). He has access to the development area!
  14. I'm soooo glad I wasn't the only one thinking this!
  15. Hello there, welcome to the forums!
  16. It also doesn't help that Gamma almost completely killed the game...
  17. The latter is pretty ironic in hindsight. It was always hilariously ironic, we couldn't get enough of it!
  18. Amazing to see the return of stats for APB, really awesome job guys!
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