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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Yeah that one, as soon as its possible. I'm sure one day it will be.
  2. Yeah @FRAYDO that was a fun match! Early on, I had just decided to repair the whole match because my connection was being bad, so I was donating everything I had and running wild with a techie. Perfect scenario where the "underdog" came out on top On the subject at hand, lets look at another possible idea that I've heard before that hasn't been mentioned yet. Bots! Now before anyone freaks out and pushwall has an aneurysm, I only mean defender bots that hang around each base and don't wander, nor do they count as a player kill (anti-KD whore). I think the AR project is planning on doing something like this? @moonsense715 Basically there would be bots ingame that join or leave to help balance teams. So for example, one bot per player that it would take to have a balanced number on both teams. Now if you really wanted to get fancy, you could increase or decrease the amount of bots that spawn in based on something similar to the scoring algorithm mentioned earlier. If you have two elite players vs 3-4 normal or newbie ones, they don't necessarily need help. But if you have the opposite situation then they get a couple of bots. Hope that makes sense.
  3. Yeah man, good times! Dat 26-player limit and waiting forever just to get in!
  4. v0.42 Added feature: GSA query proof-of-concept. Currently only lists server IP addresses and ports, and allows them to be copied into the appropriate fields for use. Good luck figuring out what server you're connecting to! (I will eventually get that working too!) Added Feature: Pre-launch application (set in options menu). Added Feature: Post-launch application (set in options menu). Ensured that IRC Profile field could never be blank (will always read "None" if not in use). i've had the most basic bit of the GSA query working for a while now, I just haven't shared It didn't take much to fix it up enough to do something though, so enjoy! More to come on that bit.
  5. Alright then. Well try asking nicely in the form of a discussion question instead of threatening to leave if you don't get your way. We're adults here.
  6. Hello! I remember both of you actually Nice to have you here!
  7. Demanding changes without cause will only get you resistance bud. Care to explain why Pushwall should just undo a significant portion of his hard work?
  8. Version 0.47


    This is the current public beta version of the W3D-Asterisk Connect Tool - A direct connect tool built to be a spiritual successor to the legacy RenIP connect tool. This tool is compatible with all Renegade W3D-engine mods. It includes: A universal server connect tool, compatible with all Renegade-based mods on the W3D engine. A universal single-player game launcher. Save an entry for all of your W3D-based games and easily run them from here! The ability to save multiple server profiles for quickly changing between your various favorite games and servers. Multiple config options (with many more to come!) so that you can have things just the way you like them. Adding execution arguments to the game - useful for developers! An IRC !auth feature for players with protected nicknames. No more joining IRC just to run one command and leave, this will do it for you! GSA Query (functional but incomplete). Many features are still being developed. Stay tuned for updates! Design choice notes: For simplicity's sake, I have chosen to not attempt to disallow the user to delete saved items in the Games and IRC Profiles lists even if those items are currently associated with a Server Profile (this will break the associated profiles). There are warnings, but the user may do as they wish (since they can manually edit the file anyway). I have also chosen to not force uniqueness in IRC Profiles. Due to the way it is coded currently, this makes sense as these profiles do not have actual names but rather are identified by a concatenated string of all contained information, minus the password. I hope to fix this in the future. Still to come! Data management rewrite (for saving/loading all the user-entered data) GSA query improvements Themes (re-worked, better than before!) Bug fixes
  9. v0.41 I've discovered a small few bugs and/or better ways to do certain things in code since the last release. Here's the rundown! Fixed bug where IRC profiles could show up twice in the list in the when editing a server profile. Fixed bug where the IRC profile field could be blank, which could in certain cases cause a crash. Changed delay before connecting to IRC from 10 to 15 seconds in an attempt to fix a bug where network/internet latency could cause the IRC connection to terminate prematurely, resulting in a failed !auth attempt. I'm looking for a better way to implement this so I can eliminate issues with slow connections completely. Implemented better delay code which allows the program UI to stay responsive rather than frozen from the effects of the previously threading.thread.sleep() method. Corrected text on Save button when editing an IRC profile. Due to certain antivirus applications causing a ruckus, and me deciding to be lazy now, I will no longer be attempting to obfuscate the code for this program. I initially tried it, as it is considered "best practice", but I've deemed it not worth it in this case. Don't know what this means? Don't worry about it Now that the W3D-Hub downloads section is up and running, I will be making use of it! I have pinned a perma-link to the OP where you can always find the most up-to-date version!
  10. Either there or France possibly. I can't remember for sure. (The internet locale defaults to France anyway )
  11. I have on occasion quit a match (though I really do try to stick it out) as a sort of "anti-Ransik" maneuver. What I mean, is that if I detect that sticking around will mean that it is impossible to escape splash damage from mammy tusks, phases, arty, v2 spam no matter where I spawn next, I might leave just to help the match end because I feel like the other team may not be wanting the match to end, for the purpose of boosting their own KD. Otherwise, I think I play the underdog position quite well and take difficult situations as a new challenge
  12. Hey bud, glad to see you back around! I agree with you on this 100%. It seems like this keeps coming up...this is what? The 3rd or 4th attempt to do away with it in some form or fashion?
  13. I wasn't suggesting that. I was just commenting on how inventive our playerbase tends to be
  14. We floated an arty on a LST. I fully expect someone to do this
  15. Believe it or not, they mentioned it at the end of "Dancing with the Stars" last night (wife watches it). Sad day...
  16. I wonder if mechanics can do drive-by repairs on yaks? Hmmm... also LOL at the "burn baby, buuuurn!" chipmunk
  17. I like those doors Also, that brick texture nodguy mentioned reminds me of one of the APB alpha textures. Those buildings were so hilarious back then EDIT: Please don't take that to mean that I think the texture used is as bad as those were back then!
  18. Its possible then that these are two different types of issues. If your ping is high, it can mean that your network (or ISP) is crowded or "bottlenecked" at the moment. Traffic will get processed, just at a slower than ideal pace (but not dropped). Ping would then jump up because it is in fact working, albeit slowly. However the "gauge" so to speak that ping is, tends to break when packet loss is the problem, which is what I described earlier. Basically in that case, it shows the same as a normal ping because it did not receive a value during the connection drop and doesn't have a display value for not receiving an ICMP ACK packet (or whatever it uses for its pinging system), so it just continues to display the last value it received. I hope I'm making sense.....and again, this is guesswork. I have a networking degree, not a W3D engine degree, so I could be totally off here. It does line up though. EDIT: I like how the forum recognizes "ACK" as aircraftkiller In context, thats an "acknowledgement" packet, sent in response to a SYN (synchronize) packet.
  19. Correct. He also did the theme for the James Bond - Casino Royale movie
  20. Okhe. Here's a few of my favorites, although it was really hard to only choose three.... (I realize that the last one is by AiC, but Chris is in it too, along with several other awesome seattle voices of the time.)
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