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  1. I would like to thank Unstoppable, dblaney1 and cyberarm for their contributions to 4.8 Update 4 (If I missed anyone else who contributed to 4.8 Update 4, sorry). [blurb]Added new features, scripts, bug fixes, and more![/blurb] New scripts and changes to existing scripts by Jerad2142. New scripts and changes to existing scripts by Unstoppable. Added preliminary support for controllers - enjoy smooth vehicle steering! Added a potential fix for vehicle limits randomly breaking after custom maps. Added a new LevelEdit setting, “HideTeamBattlefieldInformation”, which will make the building icon not show up on battle field and team information screens. Added a copy constructor and equals operator overload to HashTemplateClass. (Credits to Tuna for figuring out). Added the engine call Set_Enable_Foot_Steps which can enable or disable the footstep effects and sounds of a specific infantry. Added the tt.ini keyword ReplaceBeaconWithEquipment which turns the Beacon object in the PT into an equipment menu. Added PDDUMP and PODUMP console commands that dump information about player data, objects and vehicles. Added the engine call Trigger_Smooth_Skeleton_Height_Resize which allows the programmer to make a soldier’s skeleton smoothly rescale at a set speed without spamming the network. Added PCC, PCCT and PCCP console commands to print text to client's console. Detect if FDS is running under Wine on Linux and fix console output if so. Changed how the TRAIN_TRACK_COLLISION_GROUP works (now only collides with itself). Changed how the TRAIN_COLLISION_GROUP works (now only collides with TRAIN_TRACK, SOLDIER, DEFAULT, BULLET, and C4 Improved the equipment menu to now check if your weapon is full, in which case it will block you buying more. Soldiers will have to reload guns as it only fills your bag rounds unless you don’t have the gun at all. This is unfortunately just the way powerups work and I wasn’t going to rework the system. The gameover command can now be used in single player to end the level. Note: this will result in 3 stars at best. Fixes so team GDI can now own an Obelisk. Fixed Giant Kane Hologram’s mouth movement in single player so he talks once more. Fixes for the Remote FDS Console and the opening if the F8 console is active. Vehicle Management Dialog now shows the name of AI in your vehicle instead of “None” Removed outdated code from the equipment menu that would block beacons from being purchasable unless settings had been chosen on the server. Fix PLAYER_INFO not printing some players when the player limit changes and there are more players than player limit. Fixed an issue with hearing sounds ahead of the player when game ends or if the player leaves while zoomed in with a scope. Custom Scripts Requests (That I know of): Added JMG_Utility_Zone_Damage_While_In_Zone for Mortalc13 Added JMG_Utility_Visible_Vehicle_Occupants for rackz Added JMG_Utility_Zone_Disable_Specific_Weapon_Presets for rackz Added JMG_Utility_Zone_Damage_While_In_Zone_Presets for ExEric3
  2. until
    Join Rencorner's Anniversary Server to participate in Renegade's 23rd Birthday After Party!
  3. until
    Join Rencorner's Anniversary Server to participate in Renegade's 23rd Birthday Party!
  4. Celebrate 23 years of C&C Renegade! From 22 February to 02 March, the C&C Community will see several game nights, a Community Roundtable, and more! Visit the C&C Community Discord @ https://discord.gg/zktcZQY for times and full details!
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  7. View File eddie's skyline from need for speed Underground 1 This replaces the Sadan. This is the car that is on the cover of Need for speed underground 1, also known as eddie's skyline. this took me about 2 weeks, or at least 22 hrs total with adjusting imagines and testing them and recreating them again. Please leave a like or comment so i know u guys like them and i could do more. Submitter erik93203 Submitted 03/22/2024 Category Custom Textures  
  8. Version 1.0.1


    This replaces the Sadan. This is the car that is on the cover of Need for speed underground 1, also known as eddie's skyline. this took me about 2 weeks, or at least 22 hrs total with adjusting imagines and testing them and recreating them again. Please leave a like or comment so i know u guys like them and i could do more.
  9. until
  10. until
    Renegade's 22nd Anniversary Event, Day Eight: He's taller!
  11. until
    Renegade's 22nd Anniversary Event, Day Three: Get back here!
  12. until
    Renegade's 22nd Anniversary Event, Day One: Havoc!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    A blast from the past, the Ottoman Sound Pack has returned! Created for Tiberian Sun: Reborn, this pack is also compatible with Interim Apex and base Renegade! Just extract the audio files to your chosen games data folder, and hop ingame. Now, the radio commands (issued via Ctrl/Alt + num) will properly capture the panic of battle and the atmosphere of Renegade. It's an absolute blast to play with!
  14. View File Fixed & Better Weapon Models Introduction: This is a refresh of an old project started by Gen Blacky (aka Mr. Z) with help from Slave and ErroR. It is a project that converted the first person weapon models to replace the original Westwood third person and back carried models. Read Description for complete list of changes. Batch script for personalizing/customizing, and Readme.rtf are included. In this refresh of the project, there are multiple fixes: Global Weapon Fixes and Changes: 1. Used the first person models (as is without scaling) for third person, back carried, and pickups to fix scaling inconsistencies 2. Welded all the vertices on the weapon polygons; doing this fixed micro gaps 3. Brightened the beams, displays, flares, and lights for first and third person models 4. Added reflection to all digital displays, laser beams, rifle scopes, and laser rifle's crystal (in XXXX_alt folders) 5. Removed all beams, display textures, flares, and lights from back carried models for proper (not in use/powered down) appearance 6. Made all the weapon flares, and lights cam-parallel 7. Made the weapon muzzle flashes that weren't in separate mz_xxxx#.w3d files brighter and cam-parallel 8. Fixed the smoothing groups; doing this fixed poorly shaded and visible triangles 9. Fixed all the back carried models' rotation and pivots Auto Rifle: 10. Added the missing front faces and texture 11. Fixed texture wrapping on the weapon's chassis 12. Fixed texture wrapping on clip 13. Fixed third person hand position C4-Proximity: 14. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match the original model's ***Included an alternate model with the arms fully extended out C4-Remote: 15. Fixed the straps not being 2-sided on the side opposite to the remote 16. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match those of the other weapons C4-Timed: 17. Fixed the rotation of the third person model so that the C4 now appears upright 18. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match those of the other weapons Chain Gun: 19. Moved the back and front meshes closer to the weapon's chassis to remove small gaps 20. Fixed texture inconsistencies on the chain belt and gun handle 21. Scaled the chain mesh by -0.55% to appear more fitted 22. Fixed the chain mesh not having inner faces 23. Adjusted the chain texture's VPerSec from 7.0 to 10.0 to match the rotation speed of the weapon's barrels 24. Modified the non-rotating cylindrical meshes to rotate with the barrels Chem Sprayer: 25. Fixed texture inconsistencies 26. Removed gaps between the tip, top bridge, and canister 27. Fixed goo mesh's texture inconsistencies, they are now seamlessly wrapped 28. Scaled canister's goo1 mesh by -0.80% to appear more fitted 29. Fixed the reload animation, pc000 and pc001 weren't removing with the clip f_cm_chem due to not having checked only export geometry and unchecking transform bone 30. Fixed the back carried model to have the goo1 and goo2 mesh texture 31. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate model with reflective glass over the clip canister Flamethrower: 32. Made the torch2 flame muzzle cam-parallel 33. Enhanced the brightness of the torch flame 34. Fixed the trigger missing faces on the right side of the weapon 35. Fixed third person hand position Grenade Launcher: 36. Removed a gap between compressor canister and launcher chassis 37. Resized the clip to remove large gaps and appear fitted 38. Resized the f_cm_gren clip to match Ion Cannon Beacon: 39. Moved the locks closer to the center to remove gaps 40. Moved the panel pieces on third person model to remove gaps 41. Rotated the third person model to match the remote C4's hand position 42. Rotated the back carried model to match the C4'(s) facing ***Included an alternate model that has the locks and dish parts fully extended, now matches the deploying animation ***Included an alternate model with the missing lock lights added back in Laser Chain Gun: 43. Removed a gap between gun barrel rotor and gun chassis 44. Changed the topbeam texture's VPerSec from 1 to 10 to match the barrel rotation speed 45. Fixed the firing animation to match the rate of fire, to behave more like a chain gun, and removed gaps and mesh clipping seen in the original animation Laser Rifle: 46. Made the crystal's color more saturated to prevent the reflective layer from washing out the color Nuclear Strike Beacon: 47. Moved feet vertices to fix overlapping/clipping 48. Extended the 4 receivers out on third person/world model Personal Ion Cannon: 49. Removed a gap between the scope and gun chassis 50. Fixed clipping between the rotor and scope 51. Fixed the muzzle flash for first person but it doesn't appear after every shot 52. Fixed third person hand position Pistol: 53. Fixed the reload animation, the clip wouldn't drop from the weapon due to having an incorrect pivot hierarchy order 54. Fixed broken vertices on clip 55. Fixed bad texture wrapping on clip Rail Gun: 56. Removed a small gap between suppressor support and barrel Ramjet Rifle: 57. Removed a small gap between hydraulic and gun barrel 58. Fixed third person hand position Repair Gun: 59. Removed gaps between canisters and tubes 60. Fixed the third person model's muzzle flash so that the two smaller flashes are no longer cam parallel and fixed their rotation, so they don't clip through the weapon Rocket Launcher: 61. Removed a small gap between screen and launcher chassis 62. Resized the launcher loader to remove large gaps Shotgun: 63. Centered the back carried model 64. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate model that has no stock ***Included an alternate back carried model that has the stock folded to match the original back carried model Sniper Rifle: 65. Changed the white light back to red to match the original model 66. Removed a gap between scope and rifle chassis 67. Fixed the texture wrapping on the clip 68. Replaced the individual clip model f_cm_snip with the one that's actually used on the weapon 69. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate back carried model with the scope lid in the closed position Tiberium Auto Rifle: 70. Changed the white lights back to green to match the original model ***Included an alternate model with an edited texture that has the canister's color changed to grayscale, added an animated goo mesh over the canister similar to the effect on the Chem Sprayer Tiberium Flechette Gun: 71. Removed unnecessary faces from the inside of the weapon model ***Made the clip glass clear and reflective Volt Auto Rifle: 72. Fixed the animated electric texture on the right side of the weapon 73. Removed gaps between the electric currents and the weapon's chassis 74. Made the electric currents 2-sided 75. Fixed the pivot orientation of the flares on the first person model ***Included an alternate model with a glass cover over the electric currents ***Included an alternate model with a red beam styled to Westwood's original model This package contains a batch file for easy install/customization, and a Readme for installation. Please enjoy and if you should use this in any mod or on a server please give credit to everyone involved in this project. ***Update 03/31/2022: Fixed credits for Gen Blacky and ErroR, misspelled names in credits.txt; Added another alternate Volt Auto Rifle that has a red beam styled to the original Westwood version. ***Update 04/04/2022: Adjusted the height of the p_bone for pickup models to prevent spawned weapons from falling through the ground (only noticed this happening on some maps). ***Update 04/08/2022: Adjusted the height of both the p_bone and worldbox for pickup models (centered them directly to the model) to fix multiplayer weapon spawners. ***Update 08/19/2022: Fixed Alpha channel bug on the Laser Rifle's crystal, added 2 more alternate models: 1-Alternate for Chem Sprayer with reflective glass over the clip canister; 2-Alternate for Ion Cannon Beacon with the missing lock lights restored, Extended the 4 receivers on the Nuclear Strike Beacon out further, wrote a batch script to help personalize/customize the installation, merged changelog.txt and credits.txt into the Readme.rtf file. Submitter Mortalc13 Submitted 08/20/2022 Category Misc. Files  
  15. Version 1.0.4


    Introduction: This is a refresh of an old project started by Gen Blacky (aka Mr. Z) with help from Slave and ErroR. It is a project that converted the first person weapon models to replace the original Westwood third person and back carried models. Read Description for complete list of changes. Batch script for personalizing/customizing, and Readme.rtf are included. In this refresh of the project, there are multiple fixes: Global Weapon Fixes and Changes: 1. Used the first person models (as is without scaling) for third person, back carried, and pickups to fix scaling inconsistencies 2. Welded all the vertices on the weapon polygons; doing this fixed micro gaps 3. Brightened the beams, displays, flares, and lights for first and third person models 4. Added reflection to all digital displays, laser beams, rifle scopes, and laser rifle's crystal (in XXXX_alt folders) 5. Removed all beams, display textures, flares, and lights from back carried models for proper (not in use/powered down) appearance 6. Made all the weapon flares, and lights cam-parallel 7. Made the weapon muzzle flashes that weren't in separate mz_xxxx#.w3d files brighter and cam-parallel 8. Fixed the smoothing groups; doing this fixed poorly shaded and visible triangles 9. Fixed all the back carried models' rotation and pivots Auto Rifle: 10. Added the missing front faces and texture 11. Fixed texture wrapping on the weapon's chassis 12. Fixed texture wrapping on clip 13. Fixed third person hand position C4-Proximity: 14. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match the original model's ***Included an alternate model with the arms fully extended out C4-Remote: 15. Fixed the straps not being 2-sided on the side opposite to the remote 16. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match those of the other weapons C4-Timed: 17. Fixed the rotation of the third person model so that the C4 now appears upright 18. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match those of the other weapons Chain Gun: 19. Moved the back and front meshes closer to the weapon's chassis to remove small gaps 20. Fixed texture inconsistencies on the chain belt and gun handle 21. Scaled the chain mesh by -0.55% to appear more fitted 22. Fixed the chain mesh not having inner faces 23. Adjusted the chain texture's VPerSec from 7.0 to 10.0 to match the rotation speed of the weapon's barrels 24. Modified the non-rotating cylindrical meshes to rotate with the barrels Chem Sprayer: 25. Fixed texture inconsistencies 26. Removed gaps between the tip, top bridge, and canister 27. Fixed goo mesh's texture inconsistencies, they are now seamlessly wrapped 28. Scaled canister's goo1 mesh by -0.80% to appear more fitted 29. Fixed the reload animation, pc000 and pc001 weren't removing with the clip f_cm_chem due to not having checked only export geometry and unchecking transform bone 30. Fixed the back carried model to have the goo1 and goo2 mesh texture 31. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate model with reflective glass over the clip canister Flamethrower: 32. Made the torch2 flame muzzle cam-parallel 33. Enhanced the brightness of the torch flame 34. Fixed the trigger missing faces on the right side of the weapon 35. Fixed third person hand position Grenade Launcher: 36. Removed a gap between compressor canister and launcher chassis 37. Resized the clip to remove large gaps and appear fitted 38. Resized the f_cm_gren clip to match Ion Cannon Beacon: 39. Moved the locks closer to the center to remove gaps 40. Moved the panel pieces on third person model to remove gaps 41. Rotated the third person model to match the remote C4's hand position 42. Rotated the back carried model to match the C4'(s) facing ***Included an alternate model that has the locks and dish parts fully extended, now matches the deploying animation ***Included an alternate model with the missing lock lights added back in Laser Chain Gun: 43. Removed a gap between gun barrel rotor and gun chassis 44. Changed the topbeam texture's VPerSec from 1 to 10 to match the barrel rotation speed 45. Fixed the firing animation to match the rate of fire, to behave more like a chain gun, and removed gaps and mesh clipping seen in the original animation Laser Rifle: 46. Made the crystal's color more saturated to prevent the reflective layer from washing out the color Nuclear Strike Beacon: 47. Moved feet vertices to fix overlapping/clipping 48. Extended the 4 receivers out on third person/world model Personal Ion Cannon: 49. Removed a gap between the scope and gun chassis 50. Fixed clipping between the rotor and scope 51. Fixed the muzzle flash for first person but it doesn't appear after every shot 52. Fixed third person hand position Pistol: 53. Fixed the reload animation, the clip wouldn't drop from the weapon due to having an incorrect pivot hierarchy order 54. Fixed broken vertices on clip 55. Fixed bad texture wrapping on clip Rail Gun: 56. Removed a small gap between suppressor support and barrel Ramjet Rifle: 57. Removed a small gap between hydraulic and gun barrel 58. Fixed third person hand position Repair Gun: 59. Removed gaps between canisters and tubes 60. Fixed the third person model's muzzle flash so that the two smaller flashes are no longer cam parallel and fixed their rotation, so they don't clip through the weapon Rocket Launcher: 61. Removed a small gap between screen and launcher chassis 62. Resized the launcher loader to remove large gaps Shotgun: 63. Centered the back carried model 64. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate model that has no stock ***Included an alternate back carried model that has the stock folded to match the original back carried model Sniper Rifle: 65. Changed the white light back to red to match the original model 66. Removed a gap between scope and rifle chassis 67. Fixed the texture wrapping on the clip 68. Replaced the individual clip model f_cm_snip with the one that's actually used on the weapon 69. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate back carried model with the scope lid in the closed position Tiberium Auto Rifle: 70. Changed the white lights back to green to match the original model ***Included an alternate model with an edited texture that has the canister's color changed to grayscale, added an animated goo mesh over the canister similar to the effect on the Chem Sprayer Tiberium Flechette Gun: 71. Removed unnecessary faces from the inside of the weapon model ***Made the clip glass clear and reflective Volt Auto Rifle: 72. Fixed the animated electric texture on the right side of the weapon 73. Removed gaps between the electric currents and the weapon's chassis 74. Made the electric currents 2-sided 75. Fixed the pivot orientation of the flares on the first person model ***Included an alternate model with a glass cover over the electric currents ***Included an alternate model with a red beam styled to Westwood's original model This package contains a batch file for easy install/customization, and a Readme for installation. Please enjoy and if you should use this in any mod or on a server please give credit to everyone involved in this project. ***Update 03/31/2022: Fixed credits for Gen Blacky and ErroR, misspelled names in credits.txt; Added another alternate Volt Auto Rifle that has a red beam styled to the original Westwood version. ***Update 04/04/2022: Adjusted the height of the p_bone for pickup models to prevent spawned weapons from falling through the ground (only noticed this happening on some maps). ***Update 04/08/2022: Adjusted the height of both the p_bone and worldbox for pickup models (centered them directly to the model) to fix multiplayer weapon spawners. ***Update 08/19/2022: Fixed Alpha channel bug on the Laser Rifle's crystal, added 2 more alternate models: 1-Alternate for Chem Sprayer with reflective glass over the clip canister; 2-Alternate for Ion Cannon Beacon with the missing lock lights restored, Extended the 4 receivers on the Nuclear Strike Beacon out further, wrote a batch script to help personalize/customize the installation, merged changelog.txt and credits.txt into the Readme.rtf file.
  16. if you have recorded games you can post it here
  17. http://www.moddb.com/mods/cc-assault http://en.ccassault.com Commando Assault is a mod which was first released in 2010 for C&C Renegade. And it allows to build up base from scratch on Westwood 3D game engine. Inspired by Battlezone series of videogames. Has its separate music (including Frank Klepacki's works that he exclusively approved for this mod, some of my remakes of his famous songs and even my new melodies) and unique features. Want to speed up construction rate to reduce time you are waiting for new purchase that you made? To capture existing building or steal it while it is not deployed yet (or even MCV)? To drop player-controlled tanks in the rear of enemy base? To win with one useless structure? You have all in one. Welcome back again, commander, crush your enemies with your own 3D-hands and lead your forces to fight. More tactics, more fun, more teamplay. Some videos are under spoiler: Feel free to discuss and share this stuff =)
  18. Today (Saturday the 26th of September) marks the 25th anniversary of Command & Conquer. And in the immortal words of GDI Commando Nick "Havoc" Parker "I Got a Present For Ya". After a long wait, I am finally releasing scripts 4.7 (the latest version of the Tiberian Technologies unofficial patch for C&C Renegade) to the world. Sever owners be sure to read the information at the bottom as it is important. Also note that in this release we have dropped support for Windows XP/server 2003 and Windows Vista/Server 2008. Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 is now the minumum required version. This will allow us to move to a newer better compiler in the future. (should we get feedback that there are people still stuck on these ancient/long-out-of-support versions of Windows who have no way to upgrade we will re-consider the decision to drop support but no-one should be connecting a Windows XP machine to the internet anyway given all the potential security issues that arise from doing so.) I would like to thank Jerad2142, Dghelneshi, Moonsense715 , Neijwiert and dblaney for their contributions to 4.7 (If I missed anyone else who contributed to 4.7, sorry) Changes made since 4.6 update 9: Various bug fixes. Added EnableVis TT.ini keyword to enable or disable vis. Added support for the Korean language (you can select it in the installer and it will switch your Renegade to Korean (or if you already have Korean Renegade installed, it will install on top of it) New scripts and fixes to existing scripts by Jerad2142. Fix an issue with one of the files in the Japanese version. If you already have Japanese Renegade installed and select Japanese in the installer, it will install the correct file. Fix a bug with animations. Fix to the anti-cheat (details withheld to not aid cheaters) Fix memory leaks in Log_Killed_Message and Get_Player_Name engine calls. Added bot logic written by Moonsense715. New scripts and fixes to existing scripts by Moonsense715. New scripts and fixes to existing scripts by dblaney. New scripts and fixes to existing scripts by jonwil. Add new console command botcount to let you turn on the bot logic and set how many bots you want (and optionally add them all to one team) Add new engine call Get_Multiplayer_Spawn_Location to obtain a spawn location for a soldier object. Add new engine call Is_Pathfind_Generated to verify that the current map has valid pathfinding. Add new engine call Get_Closest_Pathfind_Spot to determine the closest pathfind spot to a position. Add new engine cal Get_Closest_Pathfind_Spot_Size to determine the closest pathfind spot to a position given a minumum sector size. Add new engine call Get_Radio_Command_String to obtain the string ID for a radio command given its index. Add new engine call Is_Sidebar_Enabled to determine if the sidebar logic is enabled (as opposed to the regular stock PT logic) Add new engine calls Can_Build_Ground, Can_Build_Air and Can_Build_Naval to determine if a given team is able to build a ground unit, an air unit or a naval unit at this point, i.e. is the factory alive and not busy) Add new engine call Is_Soldier_Busy to determine if a soldier is currently busy (i.e. doing an action of some sort) Add new engine call Get_Script_Parameters to get information about the parameters to a script. Add new engine calls Get_Enlisted_Purchase_Items and Get_Purchase_Items to obtain the purchase items from the purchase settings. Add new engine calls Is_Infantry_Purchaseable and Is_Vehicle_Purchaseable to determine if an infantry/vehicle is currently purchaseable. Add new engine call Kill_Messages_Disabled to determine if kill messages are disabled via the tt.ini keyword Add new engine call Is_Extras_Enabled to determine if the extra/secret PT pages are enabled or not. Add new engine call Set_Emot_Icon to display the emot icon for a radio command over the head of a given soldier. Fix an issue with the per-map polygon budget settings that could cause crashes in some cases. Add new engine call Can_Generic_Soldier_Teleport that will test if a soldier is able to teleport to a given position or not. Add new engine call Find_Closest_Poly_Position that will find the closest polygon for a building given a position. Add new engine call Find_All_Vehicles_By_Distance that will find all of the vehicles in a level sorted by how far away they are from a given position. Change various sound creation engine calls so they return an int which can then be passed to Commands->Stop_Sound to stop the sound. Works over the network. There is also Stop_Sound_Player and Stop_Sound_Team. Add new engine call Enable_Spawners_By_Name to enable/disable all spawners on the map given a preset name. Add new engine calls Say_Dynamic_Dialogue, Say_Dynamic_Dialogue_Team and Say_Dynamic_Dialogue_Player to allow you to trigger the dialogue system (complete with face movements) over the network. Commands->Enable_Letterbox now works over the network to enable the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen (as used in some single player missions for in-game cutscenes). There is also Enable_Letterbox_Player for a per-player version. New engine calls Set_Max_Health_Without_Healing and Set_Max_Shield_Strength_Without_Healing that set the max health/shield but do not change the current health/shield. Fix a typo preventing the Create_Explosion function in cinematic text scripts from working. Bots/AI now correctly handle gravity-affected/lobbed projectiles. Fixed a crash if your GPU has a name longer than 128 characters. New physics class DynamicProjectorPhysClass which is the same as DynamicAnimPhysClass except its got projector settings like StaticAnimPhysClass. Fix an issue with the scripts M00_Play_Sound and JFW_Play_Sound that caused them to constantly spam sounds. Fix so that if the AI code is targeting a soldier and that soldier is in a vehicle, it will use the vehicle as a target instead of the soldier (this was causing issues in cases where the soldier's actual location was outside the pathfind grid) Fix an issue with tracked vehicle bots driving backwards. Add new versions of Get_Team_Cost and Get_Cost engine calls that take a preset ID instead of a preset name. Fix an issue with choosing the sound file to use with a sound preset. Fix a bug in SysTimeClass::Get Fix so track movement and track wheels work correctly at any frame rate. Add new engine call Test_Raycast_Collision that will test if there are any objects between 2 points in space and optionally test if the object you hit is a specific object you passed to Test_Raycast_Collision. Add new engine call Is_Inside_AABox to determine if a position is inside an aabox. Add new engine call Does_Beacon_Placement_End_Game to identify if beacon placement ends game is enabled. Add new engine call Is_On_Enemy_Pedestal to identify if a beacon object is on the enemy pedestal. Add new engine calls Set_Subobject_Animation and Set_Subobject_Animation_Player to set an animation on a subobject of another object. Fix a bug in LineSegClass::Set Add TimeScale console command. Allows you to fast forward and run the game in slow-mo. It automatically syncs to clients. Scripts can also set the time scale with the Set_Time_Scale engine call and there is also a TimeScale tt.ini keyword. Fixes to animations for text cinematic scripts. Removed the ability to use weapon scopes on ladders (allowed you to aim and shoot anywhere, even though your character was facing forward with gun up in the air). Add new engine call Write_File_Async that will write to a file without blocking waiting for the write to complete. Doors that allow vehicles to open them will open for AI soldiers as they don't have portals generated in pathfind. Added a 'C EYES' bone which can override the line of sight from the 'C HEAD' bone in case the head bone is not where you need the eyes to be. Jump landing animations now use unused stock Renegade landing animations, this will reduce the amount of times players shoot the ground at end of jump (which in turn will improve server synchronization). Fixed a bug that caused soldier bot weapon tilt to go to extreme up, extreme down, or middle; it now smoothly moves between them. Fixed bugs causing AI that operate vehicles not facing the turret the correct direction on-line. Improvements to lighting code. To enable new lighting where intensity affects dynamic object put NewLighting=true in your tt.ini under the general section. To enable the new specular lighting feature put AllowSpecular=true in your tt.ini under the general section. Its strongly recommended that NewLighting be enabled when using specular. Restored the smooth harvester credit dump that was seen in stock Renegade, this was broken if the server was running more than 30 FPS and was removed in 4.x for bandwidth issues. It has now been re-added: Single player skirmish displays the default (but fixed) dump. LAN now dumps at a rate of 10 times a second. Online now dumps at a rate of 5 times a second, but can be configured with the server.ini setting of HarvesterDumpRatePerSecond, this setting has a few alt modes: If 0 it works as it did 4.x – 4.6 (credits stop flowing until dump finishes) If -1 it will basically send all the updates possible, making a nice smooth, if not bandwidth intensive update to the player If > 0 it will update that many times a second. Per map tt.ini files will now only update data loaded from tt.ini, per map will no longer completely replace server tt.ini settings. Add LinearImpulseScale and AngularImpulseScale tt.ini entries. This allows you to scale the amount of impulse applied when vehicles collide. Regenerate pathfinding on all the stock multiplayer maps so the bots created by Moonsense715 can function properly on those maps (fixes issues with doors and with pathfinding around nod turrets) Fix vis glitches on the single player mission "Evolution of Evil". Fix glitches with some looping wind sounds so they loop properly. If you are running 4.6 Update 9 (or any earlier version) you will be automatically updated to 4.7. Due to some changes (mostly the fixes to the maps), the update will run the scripts installer again. Just select the appropriate options and it will install. People wanting a full installer (to install from scratch or to do a full reinstall), a server download or a tools download can find them on the Tiberian Technologies website (www.tiberiantechnologies.org) in the downloads section. Appropriate source code for 4.7 as well as the source files for the map fixes in 4.7 can also be found on the site. People who wish to use the excellent AI bots created by Moonsense715 on their server just need to use the botcount console command to set the number of bots they want (and optionally which team they want the bots on). Set to 0 to turn bots off completly. These tutorials https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/416719-ai-bots-advanced-1/ and https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/416724-ai-bots-advanced-2/ give details on how to customize maps and add more fleshed out support for AI bots to those maps beyond the support you get if you just turn bots on. Server owners will need to make sure they copy over all the updated map mix files, the updated always3.dat and the update anticheat.ini. If you have a modified version of anticheat.ini and want to know what's changed in the one in scripts 4.7, open the 4.7 anticheat.ini and search for the line b3b5a7faa502f747d3bc8ff5c63a99cb=M00_Tutorial.mix in the file. Copy that line and everything down to the end of the file and paste it into your anticheat.ini file. The source lvl files for our fixed maps are available on the Tiberian Technologies web site as mentioned above in case people want to modify them for some reason. People who need Dragonade will have to wait for a compatible version of Dragonade to be released.
  19. 1,773 downloads

    This is the Sole Survivor mod for C&C Renegade, released in 2004 by SomeRhino. Download contains the release 1.01 installer as well as the 1.2 patch. You will need stock Renegade for this to work. Enjoy!
  20. The community is organizing a huge reunion to celebrate Renegade's 19th birthday! During the event, we'll be hopping between multiple games inspired by Renegade, along with enjoying some action from the classic itself!
  21. With the release of scripts 4.7 it's now time for yet another Bear Island update!New Stuff: • Mice now run around the base at the start of the game. Players can kill them for a little cash and to burn time while they wait for other players to join/start the game. • The top 11 players will now start the game off as distinct deer from each W3D Mod as well as a Renegade deer and Renhalo deer. • Added 4 new weapons that are purely for bragging rights: Fire Axe – A powerful melee weapon unlocked by getting over 1,000 normal animal kills. Knife – A weak melee weapon unlocked by getting over 4,000 mutant kills. Ruger 10/22 – A weak long-range instant hit weapon unlocked by playing for over 1,000 minutes. And one last weapon I am going to keep secret; Easily unlocked once you figure out what you must do. • Added 2 new items: The Portable Pumpjack, a bonus reward for completing 100 side objectives. This item gives a very slow trickle of money. Placement affects payout. The milk bottle, an item that will slowly regenerate your health after drinking it. Unlocked by completing the cow objective. • Two new objectives: Find the lost cow – returning the lost cow to the new barn (which is outside the main base) will grant the player the milk bottle. Secret objective • Added 11 new high scores for the new objectives • Voices on bear island can no longer overlap. New voices will stop old ones • The StatsWebsite has been updated to display the new scores, also added the ability to export all scores into an excel document so users can crunch that data however they like. Tweaks and Bug Fixes:• Objective [blurb]New Animals, Objectives, Ranking, bug fixes, and more![/blurb]Fixes Fixed a bug with the cougar objective that was causing a pink star to show up on the radar at 0,0,0 Turret Truck objective no longer spams objective stars Fixed a bug that could cause the side objectives to number wrong. • Many score fixes: Fixed some scores that were being worded wrong. Fixed the cougar objective not being counted as a side objective Fixed oil rigs and weapon containers not adding to proper score tracking Fixed a bug with the turret truck’s score C4 vest score fixed • Mutant attack tweaks: Minor difficulty buffs to the mutant assault (more health). Mutants no longer die when attacking non-moving objective targets. Fixed a massive bug with how mutants attacked the President of Corporate America. At some point I broke the code and many mutants surrounding the POCA were not doing damage to him. Fixed a bug causing mutants not to properly rush the POCA in a last-ditch effort before the gates close. • Wildlife Tweaks: Wildlife AI improved to avoid the player better Wildlife now rotate much faster so they can flee quicker Wildlife now gets cleaned up at the same point the last normal bears disappear. Normally, the mutants kill all the wildlife but it was previously possible to have some manage to hide and live until the end of the round, which could only waste networking at a best-case scenario. • Miscellaneous: Fixed the billboard LOD’s so they do not disappear super early Updated billboard advertising Turrets and alarms now use the new physics type for texture projectors for lights. Cleared out 127 unused animal animations Updated the credits to include people I missed Added the landing animations for all animal weapon poses as the engine now uses Land animations besides the A0L# set. Massive VIS improvements. Fixed dazzles on the factory disappearing too soon.[blurb]New weapons, objectives, animals, bug fixes, and more![/blurb] Final Boss’ head can now be shot. It was a bug that it could not be hit previously. Friendly AI have had massive improvements to their kill system, so they get kill cash properly. Reduced the voice spam for killing 10 animals in a row. It now only plays once per game per player. Massive spawn system improvements so the player will not spawn in sight of the Final Boss. Reduced the payout of the engineer objective being they are so useful. Tweaked the safe teleport distances. Players should no longer spawn on the other side of walls if their spot was blocked. MA_Bear_Island.zip
  22. As you may or may not know, Wyld1USA has sadly passed away. Our hearts go out to his loved ones and family. He was a dear friend to all in his life and one of the greatest people you could have hoped to meet in the Renegade community. For more information on Wyld1's passing, you may visit https://multiplayerforums.com/topic/8525-goodbye-wyld1usa/. The MPF community will doing a classic Ren-style event to tribute him with beacons, and with some memorial objects that he liked, such as cookies. The server will be available this weekend as "Wyld Fun & Cookies Memorial." You can join this server to play with everyone, and tribute Wyld1USA. MPF NewMaps and RenCorner Marathon will be offline for the duration of the event. Event features: Every character has been replaced with Hotwire (model change). Buildings have 25% more hit points. Beacon cost has been reduced by 50%. Removed audio alerts that were over 10 seconds For 10-second beacons. Added chat replacement for "RIP" -> "Rest in Peace." Replaced crate model for TT clients with a cookie jar, in honor of Wyld1USA. Memorial credits: MultiPlayerForums - Organizing and asset creation RenCorner - Asset creation Original thread announcement and additional info can be found at https://multiplayerforums.com/calendar/event/30-wyld-memorial-event/
  23. Hi everyone) I need your help. I recently downloaded RenegadePublicTools to edit the C&C Renegade game. So here. I opened the Renegade Map Editor, and it turned out that there are NO resources (soldiers, cars, buildings, weapons, etc.). What should I do? Maybe you need to install any resources so that I can create maps for C&C Renegade? Please help me(
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