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Corrupt A Wish 2.0


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A really fun forum game that many forums have. Let's see how this goes...


So, the goal of this game is to corrupt a wish that a previous poster made. Essentially


Poster 1: I wish I was an astronaut!

Poster 2: Granted, have fun without a space suit!

I wish I could survive without oxygen.

Poster 3: Granted, but you will feel the pain of suffocation everyday.




1. Nothing innappropriate. Keep to decency and forum rules please.

2. Try to put an effort in your post. No "Poster is blind and cannot grant wish" stuff please.

3. Please post a wish after every response you make to another wish.


Thats right! Corrupt a wish is starting over! Why? Well for one, the first one was getting a bit long. For some of us, the more pages a thread has, the slower it tends to be. So we'll retire that one for another!


Also, I'd like to change the rules a bit. Basically I'm just adding a win condition. In the original thread, I convinced someone to grant my wish but not corrupt it. I must admit that it was a complete accident. After noticing this, I jokingly posted that I'd won. This gave me the idea to just start over, but with a win condition included.


So! Same rules as before, as Generalcamo stated. Only difference is that if someone grants your wish but DOESN'T corrupt it, YOU WIN! No there are no prizes, only bragging rights.



Lets begin! The seed wish....


I wish the power had not been off all night at the plant where I work.

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Was there seriously a need for a new forum thread? I recommend NOT doing this, as this destroys notifications and RSS feeds.


Moved here from off-topic because of ^this^. Forgive my stupidity, but I don't understand how a simple new thread destroys things... I wish someone would please expalin.


Granted but your move is ignored (It doesn't because no one checks their email for notifications on a stupid corrupt a wish topic anyways, plenty of room on this forum for two topics on the same way, that way when one gets stuck the other can keep moving).


I wish that GeneralCamo would play better.

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You are free to do anything on the days added to the week. As long as it involves something involving praising your Great Lord General Cody "Camo" Brittain. This applies to the rest of the days of the week as well.


I wish I had released the TSR patch last week instead of [censored].

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Granted. But your PC has really badly damaged HDD, so everytime you run the game, your savefile disappears. And you can´t change that HDD because what I know, probably memories.



I wish I would have all NFS much earlier before release




I like this game

Edited by AndyT
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Granted. This place is invaded by tumblr.


I wish I was an Avenger.



You're now an Avenger!

(Not the one you had in mind, is it? :v)


I wish this topic would remain open.

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Granted. The topic has 500 pages. Try to not blow up in the next years.


I wish I could travel back in time to repair some mistakes, without disturbing the time-line by meeting with myself or by making Putin even crazier to start World War 3.


And happy birthday or yesterday Generalcamo.

Edited by AndrewGOLD
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Granted. But because of mistake in time continuing, there are 4 Mileys, Kim Kardashian has become president of Texas, Italy and Sweden. KFC no longer makes fast foods, but it does sushi instead. And butt of Nicki Minaj is as big as Spain. And EA has bought BHP and W3D Hub.




I wish I would have garage full of all Lamborghinis and Mustangs

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Granted. You don't have a house with that garage and thus no place to sleep or prepare food.


I wish the TV series "Outcasts" had not been cancelled a couple years ago :(

Wait if I don´t have that house with that garage, then I just have a normal house, that means I have place to sleep and prepare food!


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Granted. You don't have a house with that garage and thus no place to sleep or prepare food.


I wish the TV series "Outcasts" had not been cancelled a couple years ago :(

Granted. It stays good for a couple episodes, and then the rest of the series is utter crap.


I wish M. Night Shyamalan would stop making movies.

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Granted. You don't have a house with that garage and thus no place to sleep or prepare food.


I wish the TV series "Outcasts" had not been cancelled a couple years ago :(

Granted. It stays good for a couple episodes, and then the rest of the series is utter crap.


I wish M. Night Shyamalan would stop making movies.


Granted, he'll make films instead.


I wish I could change somebody's Big Red Text.

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