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Did we have a Reborn map named Siege or something? The one with the Nod base inside of a cave and the GDI base on top of it, and I think two entrances per base? It was all weird because you'd be sitting in your own base and there'd be enemies all over the radar because the enemy base is right on top of or below you. Whatever happened to it?

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Cant remember Seige, but it sounds interesting.

Unless you were a Gamma tester, you wouldn't know Siege.


Rest assured I will be providing some preview images this weekend.


I'm currently in the process of updating the assets to Delta. I'm also re-designing the faction bases from scratch since all the buildings needed to be re-placed anyhow, as well as defenses, walls, scripts, etc. all being placed in 3DS Max these days. The updating process takes some time as I need to be careful no leftover Gamma properties remain on the map. There aren't currently any crashes on map load, so that seems to be all-clear.


Next up is re-texturing various parts of the map since Delta doesn't have all the textures that the map used to have. Then there is also another optimization pass (I've already cut draw calls in half by removing poorly optimized detail objects), as well as adding additional foliage around the map... Without going overboard on that.


Finally, I'll be adding the map specific gameplay elements, before ultimately shipping it off to testers. Unlike Hostile Waters, testing for Siege will be minimal since it isn't a major departure from core gameplay (air to air balance might come into close view on this map, however).

Well, cant wait to test it when the time comes around. Sounds like a really interesting map. I loved Hostile Waters and what you did with it, really brings out Red Alert's Naval combat, since it wasn't getting widespread use in the original Red Alert until 2, 3, and OpenRA came out.

If you wanted to give some constructive (or not) criticism to the map ideas I posted, I'd love to hear it. Goes for everyone else too, I appreciate the support. Hopefully sometime soon Choppy'll teach me the basics of making maps, so I can at least get a map shell made. Might have some trouble placing objects and making tunnels... My only map making experience was on Gmax back in... cold fusion or Nuclear winter I believe..... couldnt figure it out for the life of me.

Keep up the amazing work Raap.



My only advice is... Get your hands on 3DS Max and experiment while learning. This is the best way to figure out what works and what does not, or more specifically, what works for YOU or not. Start simple, preferably a map that you do NOT intend to release, but simply to serve as a testing ground for your learning of the tools. It's typically a good idea to not release your first project as it is bound to be less good than your second project - and so on.


Once you get into the details of things, I'm sure I can give more detailed advice. Right now you're basically looking at learning the basics, so that should be your only concern, and not how amazing your first project will be. :)


Did we have a Reborn map named Siege or something? The one with the Nod base inside of a cave and the GDI base on top of it, and I think two entrances per base? It was all weird because you'd be sitting in your own base and there'd be enemies all over the radar because the enemy base is right on top of or below you. Whatever happened to it?


I'm not informed on Reborn's development, but Siege has been an APB map since around 2011, it just never saw a public release.

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Did we have a Reborn map named Siege or something? The one with the Nod base inside of a cave and the GDI base on top of it, and I think two entrances per base? It was all weird because you'd be sitting in your own base and there'd be enemies all over the radar because the enemy base is right on top of or below you. Whatever happened to it?


I believe you're thinking of TS_Gear. I don't know what happened to it either.

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I think it was removed for some fixes. There were places where you could shoot through the map and hit either base. I think it was also one of the maps that fell victim to the silo bug at that time.

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Why isn't Raap an APB dev/mapper? Take that as a great compliment, your work looks amazing!


I worked with BHP around 2008-2012 before departing from the team due to internal issues within BHP, which ultimately concluded in a disagreement regarding a few things that could not be resolved. Most of my time on the team was assigned to fixing bugs, not new content creation, at least little that saw public release (Siege wasn't the only project to never be released, as BHP project leader Chronojam set me up to create a bunch of conceptional levels for game modes that never became reality). Edit: I think 2011 is a safer end date considering that I recall my last year on the team to be rather 'rough' due to said internal issues.


I do not have the time to return to "full time" development contributor.


Worth keeping in mind is that unlike most of the talent at W3D Hub, I am not someone who works on these things IRL, and neither do I study for these things. It's pretty much just something I pick up during downtimes in my RL schedule and other priorities.

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It's nice that a lot of the map issues have were ironed out so that the map makers can get back to actually crafting new content. :D


Each update contained a lot of map fixes. Some patches had a change log mostly filled with map fixes worth a few pages in length.


A waste of time that was in the end, given that with Delta most Beta/Gamma maps have been remade or axed.

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I'd opt to give Raap W3D Hub staff status at least just for the sake of making his work easier if nothing else (access to software, files, updates, info). It's not like ALL of our staff are full time contributors and professionally interested game dev enthusiasts. Just something to think about. Love your map work in any case, extremely well thought-out! :)

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So whoever controls the castle has a big advantage? And these bases will be in range of the castle guns? And are the mobile AA guns just gap trucks with AA guns on them? Will the cannos on the castle be auto, or manned?


So hyped. I love hostile waters.

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So whoever controls the castle has a big advantage? And these bases will be in range of the castle guns? And are the mobile AA guns just gap trucks with AA guns on them? Will the cannos on the castle be auto, or manned?


So hyped. I love hostile waters.


Cannons are manned by players, and if destroyed they leave repairable debris to make it operational again. They can destroy the entire base if you let them.


Mobile AA is a project not in my hands right now but it might be done in time for Siege. (I actually created the unit for Gamma but the original rigging and presets were lost and needed to be redone.)


I'd opt to give Raap W3D Hub staff status at least just for the sake of making his work easier if nothing else (access to software, files, updates, info). It's not like ALL of our staff are full time contributors and professionally interested game dev enthusiasts. Just something to think about. Love your map work in any case, extremely well thought-out! :)


It's not really something I've discussed at any serious level. Lack of file access is a problem on a regular basis I do admit.


Anyhow, poll is up in the other thread regarding the alternative objective. Let me know what you guys think about it in that thread.

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