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APB Changelog

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Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update!

:allied:Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update :soviet:

Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server based on your feedback!




  • Golden Wrench healing vs. buildings reduced by 33.33%. This does not affect its ability to disarm C4/flares or capture neutral structures.
  • Grenade damage to buildings up by 6.66% (0.3 -> 0.32).
  • Grenade damage to infantry armour up from 37.5% of health damage to 100% (i.e. it now depletes both health and armour at the same rate).
  • Handheld machinegun bullets (M60/PKM) damage to base defenses down by 14% (0.175 -> 0.15).
  • Handheld machinegun bullets (M60/PKM) damage to MCTless buildings down by 12.5% (0.2 -> 0.175).
  • Anti-tank shell (Gunboat/Volk AT projectiles) damage to infantry health up by 33% (0.375 -> 0.5).
  • Weak explosion damage to infantry armour up by 66% (0.15 -> 0.25).
  • Strong explosion damage to infantry armour up by 66% (0.375 -> 0.625).
  • Artillery splash damage down by 16% (120 -> 100).
  • High-explosive shell (Artillery/V2) damage to surfaced naval units down by 20% (1 -> 0.8 ).
  • Longbow splash damage down by 16% (15 -> 12.5).
  • Longbow damage to submerged subs down by 25% (0.2 -> 0.15).
  • Destroyer damage down by 11% (90 -> 80).
  • Hind damages submerged subs now, for half the damage it does to surfaced ones (0 -> 0.1).


  • Ladder-climbing speed has been doubled, making it now as fast as crouching. Roof flares should be easier to disarm as a result (but also easier to place).
  • M16/AK-47 range up from 90m to 95m.
  • Flamethrower range up from 80m to 85m.
  • Grenadier price down from 500 to 400.
  • Grenadier health up from 50 to 60.
  • Grenades no longer have projectile collision (which previously caused them to stick to other grenades and not explode).
  • Grenade timer reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds.
  • Clearing charge splash radius up by 33% (7.5 to 10).
  • Halved reserve ammo on limited-ammo Beretta/Makarovs.


  • Longbow splash radius down by 20% (7.5 -> 6).
  • Neutral Supply Trucks no longer send a "Unit lost" message to the Allies when destroyed.
  • Neutral Supply Trucks can now take 5 passengers like teamed ones can.


  • The tracks to the side of the War Factory's main door can no longer be walked through (the door itself still can though because of reasons).
  • Naval Yard and Sub Pen now have stairs instead of elevators.
  • Removed ladders leading to the Power Plant's smokestacks. Infantry that happen to land near the smokestacks by using aircraft (not possible in any current maps) will slide off.
  • You can no longer get stuck behind the beds in the back of the Allied barracks.


  • Mechanic's wrench model has been replaced by the more fitting Socket Wrench from .9935 and given a new icon.
  • The Melee Wrench has the text on its icon updated to reflect its status as a melee wrench.
  • Fixed size and position of Medic's MP5-N when it's stowed on his back.
  • Made the grenade's shrapnel effects more visible.
  • Neutral Supply Trucks no longer have an Allied insignia.
  • Models of vehicle occupants are now properly removed when a vehicle is sold.
  • Service Depots and Refill Pads no longer sink into the ground when viewed from a distance.


  • Supply/Demo Trucks/MCVs now use the Mobile Gap Generator's wheels, which use less draw calls.


  • RA_AS_Seamist: Mine limit reduced from 60 to 15 for this map only.
  • RA_CoastalInfluence: Added naval blockers to stop boats beaching on the Sub Pen walkways.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Time limit reduced to 5 minutes.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Point limit reduced to 500.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Jukebox narrowed down to just Backstab (map isn't long enough for more songs to play anyway).
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Now uses the Tournament plugin; your spawn character will either be Sergeant, Starshina, Captain, Kapitan, Grenadier, Engineer (no tools), Shock Trooper, Volkov or Tanya. Both teams get the same character.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added M16s, AK-47s and all of RockTrap's weapons to the crate loadout.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Removed armour crates since gameplay no longer revolves around an armourless class.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Boss health raised from 150 to 200 to compensate for the improved variety of classes/weapons available.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Removed barbed wire in the forest section.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added Soviet ghost soldiers; they will fight with the Allied ones and "kill" each other - or just haunt their living enemies.
  • RA_ForestOfIllusion: Fixed heart container not animating.
  • RA_HostileWaters: Re-enabled shock troopers.
  • RA_HostileWaters: Advanced naval structures now provide 2 credits per second, and so do the silos.
  • RA_HostileWaters: Added naval blockers to stop boats beaching on the Advanced Sub Pen walkways.
  • RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Added blockers to the big cliff overlooking the Allied barracks and the east side of the cliff overlooking the Soviet CY to prevent MAD tanks/demos climbing all the way to the top.
  • RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Made the cliffs overlooking the Soviet refinery and Allied barracks a little less abusable for both sides' infantry by blocking some parts off (but not all).
  • RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Shrunk Soviet mixed ore/gem field a little to slow their economy down.
  • RA_PacificThreat: Returned to a two-silo setup; however the Soviet silo by the helipad now has its terminal obscured so it cannot be stolen from. Only the one by the sub pen can be stolen from.
  • RA_PacificThreat: Raised all the SAM sites to make them harder to exploit.
  • RA_PacificThreat: Propped up the naval yard AA gun on a platform.
  • RA_RidgeWar: Fixed missing script zones for manual ore/gem fields.
  • RA_RiverRaid: Soviet buildings actually have spy zones now.
  • RA_RiverRaid: Added a visible blocker to the cave entrance behind the Allied WF to signify why vehicles can't get back there.
  • RA_RockTrap: Time limit reduced to 5 minutes.
  • RA_RockTrap: Point limit reduced to 500.
  • RA_RockTrap: Jukebox narrowed down to just Smash (map isn't long enough for more songs to play anyway).
  • RA_RockTrap: Reduced the amount of thick grass around the river.
  • RA_RockTrap: Added character crates, though in a less absurd form than Gamma's. The only classes you can get are Sergeant/Starshina, Captain/Kapitan, Sniper, Rifle Spy, Grenadier and Engineer. These are locked to their respective teams, so for example, Allied players will never get Starshinas, and Soviet players will never get Allied Snipers, only Soviet ones. Grenadiers now have an Allied equivalent and Spies have a Soviet equivalent for this purpose.
  • RA_Under: Decreased kill radius of collapsing underpass from 55 to 45.
  • RA_Under: Removed 1 frontal Flame Tower.
  • RA_Under: Rotated Soviet Radar Dome to make its entrance more accessible to Allies from the tunnel/underpass.


Get to the launcher and grab the patch! Be on the lookout for more updates, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!
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After updating, I get this error message when I try to join the server: "The program can't start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."


Do I actually have to reinstall?

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Could you explaining how thief silo stealing works? I didn't know thieves could steal from silos.


Also, pre-patch destroyer and missile subs did the same damage. Is it intentional to make it weaker than m. subs?

Edited by des1206
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Could you explaining how thief silo stealing works? I didn't know thieves could steal from silos.


Be on a map that doesn't have a refinery, park your butt in front of the silo's computer.


Also, pre-patch destroyer and missile subs did the same damage. Is it intentional to make it weaker than m. subs?


The destroyer also had a much higher hitpoint total and defended itself better against aircraft. It's quite telling how destroyers and missile subs have been bought an almost equal number of times but destroyers have taken out twice as many vehicles and three times as many buildings as missile subs have. Also allies dominated pacific/hostile.

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Could you explaining how thief silo stealing works? I didn't know thieves could steal from silos.


Be on a map that doesn't have a refinery, park your butt in front of the silo's computer.




It is really confusing to players when silos can be stolen from on some maps, but not on others. Was it OP before for Allies if they can steal from any silo?

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  • RA_HostileWaters: Re-enabled shock troopers.


Shock Trooper Hinds on icebergs were murdering Allied ships during testing, so I removed them. Shock Troopers can camp the Advanced Naval Yard spawn exit from the nearest icebergs and basically fully block Allied attempts to do anything. This is the same reason why the crates do not contain Shock Rifles (I added a rare stealth crate instead, but this was removed last patch). So I don't think this was a good idea.


Good work on the patch though. :)

Edited by Raap
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Shock Trooper Hinds on icebergs were murdering Allied ships during testing, so I removed them. Shock Troopers can camp the Advanced Naval Yard spawn exit from the nearest icebergs and basically fully block Allied attempts to do anything. This is the same reason why the crates do not contain Shock Rifles (I added a rare stealth crate instead, but this was removed last patch). So I don't think this was a good idea.


The distance between the nearest icebergs and the ANY spawn exit is so much greater than the shock's range of 80m that you can barely see shocks through the distance fog if you want to snipe them from the ANY (so it must be around twice that). So shocks can't be that restricting, especially when you compare them to RPG troopers who have twice the range and 1/3 the cost. And Allies, once again, had a massively favoured win ratio on that map. And the halved income makes it harder to afford hindshocks to spam.

It is really confusing to players when silos can be stolen from on some maps, but not on others. Was it OP before for Allies if they can steal from any silo?


Yes it was OP. What was even more OP: The pre-Gamma days when you could steal from a silo while inside a vehicle and just give a big middle finger to AP mines.


What's confusing about it? If there's a refinery, you can't steal from the silo. It's consistent.

After updating, I get this error message when I try to join the server: "The program can't start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."


Do I actually have to reinstall?


We've just put out another patch that contains the proper redist, that should work.

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What's confusing about it? If there's a refinery, you can't steal from the silo. It's consistent.

Maybe it's potentially confusing to new players who might not be poring over all these details on the forum?
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Or even old players. I first tried the thief on silos on maps with refineries, after it didn't work I just assumed it was the case with all silos. This is the first time I found out thieves can steal from silos since Delta came out.

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Hell yeeeeah! Nice patch


Or you could remove the Ore Silo's red computer terminal from all maps with a refinery. Only silos with a computer terminal can be robbed.


That will probably require creating a completely different model, which will need to be placed map by map on all these maps.

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Hell yeeeeah! Nice patch


Or you could remove the Ore Silo's red computer terminal from all maps with a refinery. Only silos with a computer terminal can be robbed.

That will probably require creating a completely different model, which will need to be placed map by map on all these maps.

That's not a huge task...
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I don't think the little computer screen will make a huge difference, but I suppose that, since Thieves look for them to steal from Ore Silo's, their absence might be sufficient a hint that the particular Ore Silo is question cannot be stolen from.

Edited by Raap
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Hell yeeeeah! Nice patch


Or you could remove the Ore Silo's red computer terminal from all maps with a refinery. Only silos with a computer terminal can be robbed.


That will probably require creating a completely different model, which will need to be placed map by map on all these maps.


It should be a simple matter of removing the computer part from the model, and possibly some minor texture adjustments in case there's any shading around where the computer part was. This is very easy to do.

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Reddit? What a great idea!




Disclaimer: Under Construction

don't do it Fraydo..... there's gonna be people who will put nothing but bad things on it, and wish for CJ to be in char... oh.... too soon........

anyways, haven't really checked out the new patch. but 2 things I just don't understand. 1. Why are the grenadiers so deviated from what they were in RA1 and the older versions of APB? (I still don't understand why the only fire mode for grenades, is to stick to surfaces and explode 2 seconds later, unlike in RA1 they were impact grenades.) on-top of that, the grenade throw time was affected, as it takes .5 to 1 full second after i press the fire button for the grenade to actually be thrown in-game, which really messes with my already horrible aiming/throwing skill. and 2. why reduce the GW healing? I thought it was pretty OK before when 1 Engineer could repair a defense that was under attack to at LEAST 75% if it was in the red. (I really haven't played enough APB to see the GW change, so I can't really say anything else.)

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I believe it was because the golden wrench was repairing faster than was fair. I mean, you could have your next shot in a V2/arty take it down to a sliver of health, but before you get reloaded to finish it off, someone with an engi can just go "LOLNOPE" and repair the building to near/at full health by the time you have a shot loaded.

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I believe it was because the golden wrench was repairing faster than was fair. I mean, you could have your next shot in a V2/arty take it down to a sliver of health, but before you get reloaded to finish it off, someone with an engi can just go "LOLNOPE" and repair the building to near/at full health by the time you have a shot loaded.

I'd believe that, I've had that done to me several times... but isn't there a way to only increase it's repair speed with defenses, and have it be nerfed against the larger main buildings?

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