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[Game End] RA:APB-themed Mafia game IV (Staplerfahrer Edition)


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Mojoman, are you claiming to be Third Party? Does this explain why you were able to "clear" Issac on D1?

Soviet Yak implies there is an infantry on the not-town side. It seems we already have a vehicle destroyer that took out an Allied Vehicle, so we may actually not have a MiG. I'm beginning to think the idea that mafia is Helipad > Longbow > MRJ doesn't work out.


There would have to be one of a couple of scenarios for this to work.


1) Anti-town 3rd party is an infantry unit.

2) GeneralCamo isn't what he says he is, and actually killed his teammate to get clear status for himself. This would mean that GeneralCamo is the Longbow, and I would argue that Mojoman could be the helipad in this scenario.


A scenario that could totally flip this is if ChopBam is mafia and actually took a shot likely to miss to "clear" himself. This eliminates him as a Longbow, so unless there are four mafia, ChopBam being Allied would make it impossible for any of the SAM site, Longbow, or Helipad to exist. This scenario is still possible until one of these is found.


None of the above looks likely to me. I think we're getting the fundamentals of this setup wrong.


I sort of agree with this. Rather, your assessment of the Yak implying a scum or third party infantry makes sense. I'll have scout on Night 3, so if I last that long I can scout GC. I do want to hear more from Mojoman. I'd like a full, complete claim from him in fact, since he is not the Airfield and is also insistent on the eliminating the neutral party.


If need be I'll explain the neutral thing as I understand it, but it is not the third party. There's even a difference between the two factions in the OP.

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If any of the remaining players has a building destroyer weapon or something that can damage buildings, shoot Mojoman. He is Allied or Third Party.

Category 5 Hurricane. I believe I know why you must find the Airfield, if you're to be believed. But first--can you confirm for me that you are in fact a spy plane?

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Chaos_Knight is successfully hiding everything about himself. I can't read him in any direction right now. He could be anything. The only thing I have for a note on him right now is some questionable reasoning for a vote.
ChopBam has probably removed himself from having a big impact on the game moving forward. Unless his claim is a lie, in which catching him might be the most important part of the game.
FRAYDO is quiet and doesn't seem to be doing much of consequence. I'm leaning towards him being anti-town. He's not getting his hands dirty trying to solve the mystery, that's for sure.
GeneralCamo is interesting to me. Frankly I think he's making up his role claim. I don't believe any of the details of his claim other than that he is a vehicle destroyer. I think he's been bluffing a claim to cause uncertainty about what he is and what he can do. That said, while I think he is bluffing, I don't see him being a mafia player who shot a teammate when his teammate had plenty of time to get himself off the hook. Because, let's face it, we're dumb enough to suspect the guy who shot a mafia player as being mafia himself. Anything could happen and there is no reason to give up that early.


By the way, I've been meaning to address something you think is a contradiction. You claim it was fishy for me to vote for you after questioning Chaos about doing the same, but you misunderstand what I was questioning him about. It isn't that I disagreed with his vote, I was disagreeing with the reason for the vote. I felt his argument applied to me and Jeod as much as it applied to you, and that looked fishy, like a bandwagon vote. This did not mean that I did not find you suspicious, because I did.
Jeod is quite clearly....something. He used to be town, that much is clear. What he is now is up in the air. I'm not sure I believe this claim that he's temporarily shifted to neutral. I think he's either perm-neutral or is now 3rd Party. He's working in our favor for now, though, so we should keep him around whatever his alignment is.


I have something to clear up for you as well. I left before hammer because I had work starting at the same moment as hammer. I didn't have a choice but to leave, and I always try to place a vote as late as I can if I can't be there for it. I won't be around for the next one, either. Infact, probably won't be around for at least a couple hours before hammer, with a potential possibility that it is more than 7 hours before hammer when my last post takes place.
Killing_You did a couple interesting things in his quiet time leading towards his death. He said very little, but when he did. he was very protective of Issac The Madd and laid suspicions towards GeneralCamo and Mojoman. 
Mojoman I'm completely lost about. I thought he was the Airfield but he doesn't seem to have anyone helping him (e.g. Nodlied) and his claims later fit more like a Radar Dome and then he's claimed something else that isn't even a building. Furthermore, I haven't a clue how he knows anything about Day 4 or whatever any of that stuff means. He also claimed to know how many per faction. I don't understand any of this. It's confusing as all hell.
Voe, I'm not sold that you are a neutral. Even if you are, your actions reduce town's chance of winning. I view you as a threat, even if I probably shouldn't move on you now.
"Wait, you skipped someone!" No, no I didn't.
As I mentioned before, Killing_You had an affinity for Issac the Madd that stands out in retrospect. First of all, Killing_You pointed out the inaccurate CVC that gave Issac the most votes. This shouldn't mean anything, but the exact words were:

Erm.. how does Isaac have the most votes when only 2 votes have been cast and only one is on Voe?

which is not a neutral statement. This looks defensive towards Issac and indifferent towards Voe. He didn't just point out that there was an error, he specifically asked what Issac is leading the vote.

Jeod's definitely reading heavily into flavor text, but then again, even flavor can be important in a mafia game. Of course, Isaac biting back like that could be anything from simply partaking in a petty squabble to being unnecessarily defensive. It's just Day 1, though, so it's tough to tell.

Later, Killing_You parroted Issac's argument that Jeod was reading too heavily into a flavor argument. This was perhaps the most content filled post Killing_You made all game. Going against Jeod's theory was apparently a high priority for this guy.

I'm in favor of pushing a vote on Issac the Madd, FRAYDO, or on ChopBam. Finding out whether ChopBam is a building or not would go a good ways to removing any remaining suspicion and should be a safe lynch if we're not sold on anything else. Mafia should want to avoid a no-lynch when a failure clears someone.

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Here's the current CVC as I count it.


Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody
Chaos_Knight voted GeneralCamo
ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane
FRAYDO voted nobody
GeneralCamo voted Category 5 Hurricane
Isaac The Madd voted nobody
Jeod voted Category 5 Hurricane
Mojoman voted Generalcamo
Voe voted nobody

5/9 votes casted so far
Category 5 Hurricane has the most votes - 3

Category 5 Hurricane. I believe I know why you must find the Airfield, if you're to be believed. But first--can you confirm for me that you are in fact a spy plane?

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Let me guess. You die if the Airfield dies and you lack a proper plan phase ability until you find the Airfield. Oh come on, the scum are already speculating it--and if I were scum or third party with a doc I wouldn't be saying it right now; I'd be targeting you for the nightkill. An easy confirmation of your alignment would be if the Airfield comes out--and I get why you wouldn't want that. We've narrowed down the possibilities for scum and tp a lot today already. If you and one other can be confirmed we'd pretty much be set, I think.

Category 5 Hurricane - Spy Plane
Chaos_Knight - ???
ChopBam - SAM Site
FRAYDO - ???
GeneralCamo - Mammoth Tank
Isaac The Madd - ???
Jeod - Sniper (neutral)
Mojoman - Scum
Voe - Forklift (neutral?)


There are only three unknowns left and even if any of the claims above are false, none of them are the Airfield. This will be a cakewalk, but it'll be up to the Airfield to come out and play in the end.

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Oh, I've basically already said that I'm useless until I find the airfield. That isn't what I'm talking about.


Actually, that's a fair point. Mafia has little reason to attack me until it's known that I've found the airfield because I can't do anything else until I do and there are far better targets. Still, leaving the exact role I am is still something I want to leave as a question mark so that there is at least a little uncertainty as to what action mafia needs to do to remove me.

Again, I've told you all aspects of my role other than the name and it's specific vulnerabilities. I don't know why you need further information.

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ChopBam can attempt to shoot you tomorrow in case you're a Longbow I suppose. It's interesting that you include him in your lynch proposal when he may be the only one capable of taking you down without a lynch.




In this case, I propose to lynch in CK, Isaac, and FRAYDO. If one of them is the Airfield, they won't be killed. But we must kill Mojoman somehow.

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That sounds like a wasted opportunity. I'm neutral, too, so I don't care who wins etc now. My personal aim is to figure out who is who. There's only three people left to claim. Let's get all the cards on the table, I say.

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Not really. Lynching someone suspected to be a building makes that person more clear by removing alternate possibilities, which Mafia doesn't want. It also drags the game out longer with the lack of a death. Pressing for a ChopBam lynch may bring out a counter-reaction from people who'd really rather have a mislynch than a nolynch.

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What can I do to prove radar dome then?


Not claim Warhammer 40k stuff. I didn't even know you'd claimed Radar Dome. How about answering our questions? Why were you so sure about Isaac on Day 1 and why have you been behaving so erratically?

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Mojoman: You could start by giving us straight answers. Full alignment, objectives, battle phase action, plan phase action, any actions you have taken so far, and what you know about day 4.


Do not hold back. You are in the ironsights of us now. May as well attempt to save yourself. Maybe we will reconsider.

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By the way Cat5: I consider your explanation valid. 




My best bets on a lynch are on FRAYDO or Isaac at this point. I would prefer to get FRAYDO out of the way since he's confirmed active, while Isaac isn't and probably isn't much of a threat since he wouldn't be able to use his actions at this point.


If we prefer to confirm buildings, Chopbam could also be an option.

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CVC is off.

Page 10.

Correct again.

##unvote Mojoman

I'm dubious of Mojoman's alignment, still. He has to be TP or scum, and he's the one to shoot if you're still intending to. Going with your alignments on myself and Voe being correct, I will also go with your optimal lynch.

##vote Isaac The Madd


Have not unvoted since.

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Scum is beginning their final crusade. You wont claim not because you dont agree with jeod, but because you got too goofed up in your semi claims that you cant fathom a role which would meet all these conditions.


You tried convince town to lynch me twice already, by calling on the Nodlied lynch. It didn't work so you shut up before someone noticed you're pushing too hard. Now, when the heat turned up, you look like a rabid animal, cornered.


#vote cat5


Someone shoot Mojoman. He can't Save his butt any more. Most likely an allied radar domu.


Also, my role is equally surprising to me as it might be to you. It's like a cult with a conversion limit, no common win goal and no doc. And yes, it states specifically i can convert ANY player. I made no mistake saying this before.

Ah, i didn't notice there was another page to this.


Cat5 is finally making longer posts. I wonder.

Also stop guessing cat5 role, by trying to make sense of what hes saying you're only giving him ideas.

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so we may actually not have a MiG.

Oh but we do. I am the MIG.

After finding out about your armor I was mostly waiting for your claim really. Why? Well, to send a R-60 rocket up your exhaust port should you claim to be MIG yourself. :p

But it seems to be not the case so yay, I guess?

I still need to fire at someone to try and trigger the whole masonry thing.


So far I've considered the following targets:

- GenCamo. For being fishy, also wanted to see if he's actually a vehicle.

- Voe. Friendship Cult is not something I'd believe. He also seems to be a vehicle so nice target for me.

- Mojoman. To the last moment I was wondering if he's an airfield or not. Didn't want to risk blowing him up until I was certain + I can miss this shot.


Now I could also fire at FRAYDO but once again, this could miss.

Also that moment when my role was in my signature all along :p

Ok, that's not a MIG but Su, but whatever.

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If everyone claiming so far is telling the truth as they say it, only FRAYDO and Issac remain as players we know nothing about. Makes my job easier, I guess.


Chaos, you don't have a masonry right now, is that correct? Do you just land after firing? How do you find the airstrip if you don't know who it is?

That should mean that whatever Mojoman was saying about Issac is something he can't know unless he's an the Allied or TP faction together with him.

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If everyone claiming so far is telling the truth as they say it, only FRAYDO and Issac remain as players we know nothing about. Makes my job easier, I guess.


Chaos, you don't have a masonry right now, is that correct? Do you just land after firing? How do you find the airstrip if you don't know who it is?

I don't need to find it per se. I have no masonry with anyone either.

From what I see I need to land after firing, and if airstrip exists, we will magically find each other (I can even land without airstrip it seems xD ). My role doesn't state anything about masonry, however, Airstrip's description in the OP does.

And the condition/trigger for it to happen appears to be the event of re-arming.

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You guys are welcome to vote me to confirm my buildingship. Maybe it'll help extend the game long enough for Isaac to actually make a post...


Can't wait for the steamy one-night stand between CK and his mystery airfield partner. Sounds really juicy.

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Oh, Voe, if you can convert anybody, go ahead and convert an Allied Building so we don't have to shoot it to win. k thx bye

I wonder why I have to find the airfield if you don't. That seems odd. I also don't know for sure what happens when I get there. I think my role will change, but I don't know.

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Oh, Voe, if you can convert anybody, go ahead and convert an Allied Building so we don't have to shoot it to win. k thanks bye


Sure. Give me an allied building and wait for the cooldown. 2/3 use frequency.

Oooo i got it wrong i can flip on night 3 not on night 4, and i also have 2 more uses left. Pretty decent.

I'll flip you, cat5, what do you say?

When i think about it, it says i can flip people back to what they were. I was thinking i can make neutrals scum or town back again, but now that the aircraft cult thing is becoming a main topic of choice, maybe it means i can actually flip the cultists back to their original roles. I don't know.

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Well sure. You claim it isn't harmful to me and even makes it so that I can win regardless of town victory or not, so why would I object to that?


Of course, if you actually flip me to 3rd party, you should know from experience that I won't comply with my new victory conditions.

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