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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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I don't know how safe it is to name names publicly, considering that the Kira can use that information. I'm reporting that I got some info during the night and it's urgent that I meet with a specific someone tonight.

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To amend that slightly, I didn't get info specifically, but I was told someone else has info or might be in trouble and I need to meet with them. I don't know if Kira can manipulate people yet as he supposedly doesn't have a name or face yet to write down and victimize.

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Though actually, let me just ask a question to get this straight: Do YOU know who you need to meet with, or do you not? Was it just "There is a person out there that needs to meet you, but you don't know who it is?"

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16 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

To amend that slightly, I didn't get info specifically, but I was told someone else has info or might be in trouble and I need to meet with them. I don't know if Kira can manipulate people yet as he supposedly doesn't have a name or face yet to write down and victimize.

Either they have info or they might be in trouble? It can't be both? That's an odd way of phrasing it.

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

Either they have info or they might be in trouble? It can't be both? That's an odd way of phrasing it.

If we have somebody who needs to share info or is in trouble beyond the person that I need to talk to, perhaps I'll disambiguate more. You see, I have this thing about being purposefully vague so the scum have as little to go on as possible. I have a history of this with my cop roles, so surely you aren't surprised. The person who needs to see me surely knows they need to see me, so I'll let everybody come forward first and verify (either directly or indirectly) that they need to see me. If we have two people who claim to need to meet with me, one of them might be Kira.

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7 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

Would the person who wanted to meet really just come out and say it? What if you are in fact the Kira trying to lure someone in?

On an unrelated note,



If somebody came out and said that they did in fact call for a meeting, it would verify my claim. If they didn't, I could have been making it up, but why would I make something up that requires somebody else to verify the truth of it?

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Well, I'll help narrow it down by saying it isn't me you are seeking. At least, I think it isn't. The only thing I am puzzled about is why I have 15 more points than everybody else. As best as I can tell, nothing happened to me last night. Is that a mistake?

As far as what ChopBam is claiming, I have no reason to believe he'd be pulling some gambit to get someone killed. I can't imagine anyone sticking their neck out like that without a good reason. With that in mind, I want to help him get whatever it is he needs done.


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Also, I want to add that I would totally believe that the Deathnote holder may have D1 lynch protection to prevent the game ending before it begins. The fact that Jeod is preoccupied by something that supposedly won't impact him to the point where he suggested we "do something" about his suspicion level, indicates to me that he indeed has something to worry about. That doesn't tell me what his allgience is, but I'm not inclined to worry about his situation.

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Hmmm, given the other thing, might want to confirm that's what the readout actually should say I guess, but if that's correct, that is indeed interesting.

I guess I'm fine with ChopBam having the trust, so he can establish contact if this indeed something important. If it's some trick I don't think it's a trick that would get him very far so while we're all good to still be wary I don't think it's going to be make or break by giving him the trust. He's putting a target on himself in exchange for like 20 trust, which even with the ability to open docs that doesn't seem like the risk v reward would be tipped that way.

I'd be more interested to know if there was some specific reason Mojo gave Voe 10 trust, other than a reward for a lucky guess perhaps (and we still don't know exactly what's going on with Jeod anyway).

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Okay, this is what I can gather so far.

-Jeod cannot be investigated.
-ChopBam needs to meet with someone tonight.
-Voe is deadset on taking Jeod down, thinking that because he's a Death Note fan he must be guilty of something. Also his character is dead in canon.
-Both Nodlied and Jeod seem to trust Chaos_Knight, possibly wanting an alliance.

To me, Choppy is immediately in the clear. What he's doing right now would be a pretty stupid move if he was Kira, but Choppy's not stupid. He's also doing his best to protect the identity of his possible informant, which to me is a good thing. I'd like to see him succeed, so 

##propose trust 28 ChopBam

Voe is a wild card. His claim that his character is officially deceased should be kept in mind, but shouldn't be used as a basis for investigation. After all, the list of characters that survive is far shorter than the list of those that don't. His tunneling on Jeod is a little bit unnerving to say the least, but then again, he doesn't seem to understand this format or flavor, which makes him a fish out of water. He's low on my suspicion list, but potential to grow.

Jeod's case is strange to say the least. For one, we couldn't investigate him. This leads to two possibilities: he's Kira with D1 protection, or he's a Shinigami. I want to work the latter angle for a second, as it would tie into the Nodlied point.

Chaos_Knight has been a focal point that we've seemed to overlook. Both Nodlied and Jeod want to get close to him. Nodlied always seems to trust Chaos until given a reason otherwise, so unless further evidence comes forward, I'll let this stand as the reason. But what of Jeod? There's nothing in the meta to suggest anything between the two, so let's work this from the two scenarios we've created.

Jeod is Kira
In this scenario, he might be trying to play the nice guy and get close to Chaos in order to discover his identity and eliminate him. This would imply that he feels threatened by Chaos as a player, as he hasn't really been a threat to him thus far.

Jeod is a Shinigami
So who would a Shinigami need to get close to? None other than the holder of the Death Note, AKA Kira. Not much more to be said.


Now, of course, there's the possibility that Jeod was uninvestigateable due to alternate factors and all of this is pointless. I don't think that's the case, but it is something to keep in mind.

However, since investigations are more or less harmless, given the circumstances it stands to me that Chaos is worthy of investigation.

##vote Chaos_Knight

Nothing personal, of course, and I'm open to alternate possibilities if evidence is brought forward.

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Alright then.

So, thanks to the fact I had the highest trust (1 point yay), I was given access to L's equipment which in turn allowed me to spy on a player for the night. Which I did.

The results are... quite interesting. Apparently Jeod is so good at hiding or whatever that even state of the art tracking systems have failed completely to locate him. For some reason PM also mentioned that this fact is extremely bothering to me. Idk, flavor or an actual hint. I am more and more inclined to believe that he might be a Shinigami and Vert kinda bent the lore a bit to make game work.

KY, you seem to grasp at some straws as far as "Jeod is trying to get close to" case goes. Nodlied? Yes, we have a long history of cooperations in such games after all. But all Jeod did yesterday was to literally give me exactly 1 trust point. Was it to break the tie or whatnot is something he himself can probably tell.

For the matter of fact

On 27.02.2017 at 7:46 PM, Killing You said:

Trying to earn trust isn't really that sketchy, it's just something to keep in mind in case sketchiness comes up.

Contradicting yourself much? Now this 180 is pretty curious. Either you know something "sketchy" or you are trying to derail things.

##vote Killing_You

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Not really. I was referring to the fact that the only thing we had on Nodlied at the time was that he was trying to earn your trust, and I stand by my statement that he was (and is) innocent based on that. The "keep-trust-gain-in-mind" thing was directed more or less in Jeod's direction, which lead to my suspicions when taken in with the possibility of him being a Shinigami. Your testimony seems to back that scenario up.

Speaking of your testimony, it seems pretty clear to me. I doubt you'd go against your theory just to cover yourself, especially if it's a soft bus. Therefore, ##unvote

Also I seem to have misunderstood the trust/suspicion mechanic, so that probably threw me way off.

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6 hours ago, Mojoman said:


Mojoman proposed 10 Trust Points to Voe!


3 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Well, I'll help narrow it down by saying it isn't me you are seeking. At least, I think it isn't. The only thing I am puzzled about is why I have 15 more points than everybody else. As best as I can tell, nothing happened to me last night. Is that a mistake?

As far as what ChopBam is claiming, I have no reason to believe he'd be pulling some gambit to get someone killed. I can't imagine anyone sticking their neck out like that without a good reason. With that in mind, I want to help him get whatever it is he needs done.


Category 5 Hurricane proposed 22 Trust Points to ChopBam!


2 hours ago, Killing You said:

##propose trust 28 ChopBam

##vote Chaos_Knight

Killing You proposed 28 Trust Points to ChopBam!
[Vote Counted] Killing You voted Chaos_Knight to be lynched!


2 hours ago, Chaos_Knight said:

##vote Killing_You

[Vote Counted] Chaos_Knight voted Killing You to be lynched!


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KY unvoted too. Also was Cat 5's proposal points actually supposed to be that high to begin with today?

(Side question for KY, is your avatar supposed to be Ryuk? I noticed awhile ago but forgot to ask, and of course it has no bearing on the game I'm just curious)

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6 hours ago, Killing You said:

Jeod is Kira


In this scenario, he might be trying to play the nice guy and get close to Chaos in order to discover his identity and eliminate him. This would imply that he feels threatened by Chaos as a player, as he hasn't really been a threat to him thus far.

Jeod is a Shinigami
So who would a Shinigami need to get close to? None other than the holder of the Death Note, AKA Kira. Not much more to be said.

Wrong both times. I'm important, yes, but my character is more of an endgame mechanic. I'm sort of dormant right now. Just an observer, until the story progresses to a certain point.

3 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

KY unvoted too. Also was Cat 5's proposal points actually supposed to be that high to begin with today?

(Side question for KY, is your avatar supposed to be Ryuk? I noticed awhile ago but forgot to ask, and of course it has no bearing on the game I'm just curious)

Yes, his avatar is Ryuk.

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6 hours ago, Killing You said:

Jeod's case is strange to say the least. For one, we couldn't investigate him. This leads to two possibilities: he's Kira with D1 protection, or he's a Shinigami. I want to work the latter angle for a second, as it would tie into the Nodlied point.

Jeod is a Shinigami

Well, guess people beat me to that suggestion.


6 hours ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Alright then.

So, thanks to the fact I had the highest trust (1 point yay), I was given access to L's equipment which in turn allowed me to spy on a player for the night. Which I did.

The results are... quite interesting. Apparently Jeod is so good at hiding or whatever that even state of the art tracking systems have failed completely to locate him. For some reason PM also mentioned that this fact is extremely bothering to me. Idk, flavor or an actual hint. I am more and more inclined to believe that he might be a Shinigami and Vert kinda bent the lore a bit to make game work.


>Good at hiding
>Cannot be investigated
>Immediately tried to debunk a possible Origami player being in this game
>One of my night actions allows me to do something to ''anyone'' ''(if possible)''


I think we found the Shinisalami guys

Also, did any of you wankers visit me tonight? If so, could you please tell me?

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I didn't try to debunk anything, that was from others. I was the first to explain what Shinigami were and tried to prepare everyone else for the possibility that they're in the game.

Yellow text hurts. But one of your night actions allows you to do something to "anyone" "if possible"?

And then you follow up with asking if someone visited you?

##propose suspicion 20 Nodlied

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8 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I didn't try to debunk anything, that was from others. I was the first to explain what Shinigami were and tried to prepare everyone else for the possibility that they're in the game.

Hmm, after going back, you seem to be correct on that one. Disregard that failure of a point then. However, the others still stand.


Yellow text hurts. But one of your night actions allows you to do something to "anyone" "if possible"?

Orange better then? I use the coloured text because the new forum doesn't allow me to break up quotes into different pieces like it used to. And yes, that description was there to provide us with yet another clue that there is a ShinniMogami in this game (and I suspect that it is you). That's why I wrote that down.


And then you follow up with asking if someone visited you?

Yes. Do you think that these two are related?

##propose suspicion 20 Nodlied
Any further arguments for this other than my mistake?

But yes I'm not too happy with the lack of the BBcode feature and lack of pure code toggle that the previous version of the forum had.

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29 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

So we ignore Jeod for today. No point voting for him or anything. Night actions would take care of him if he's a threat, but he clearly isn't right now.

No one mentioning that I gave Voe trust?


Don't think anyone cared. I'm guessing you have a night action that helped you determine his allegiance? I'll say it again: I am no threat and I never will be, except for one person. Night actions don't have any effect on me because at the moment I "don't exist". I'm not a part of the 'plot' yet, so to speak.

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