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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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Just now, Chaos_Knight said:

Also true. It is said to give me access to the death note doc and to know more about it in general.

Please don't wear the ring again :haw: We both know how it ends :haw:

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2 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Not really. We secure the debtnote by confiscating it. The OP tells us that it will be confiscated if found on a person during an investigation. However, it will only be permanently confiscated if found on a killer.

Ahh. That's a good point.

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I say confiscate Chaos' notebook. Mojoman can open his, as he's claimed the possesion immediately and i think we can agree he's trustworthy.

Unless it really is a bad idea, unlike what Chaos is suggesting.

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1 minute ago, Voe said:

Please don't wear the ring again :haw: We both know how it ends :haw:

One of the hints to him that he'd receive the note was hidden in the post explaining why I tend to do well in a Chris-Dan team. It mentioned the LotR mafia and also warned him not to do such a thing again. (In this case, entering the debtnote)

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Lore wise though people have looked at it and nothing happened to them. They're not inherently trapped.

This is a verti game though, it is advised to stay away from any outlandish object.

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The objects aren't inherently anything, aside from the ability to see shinigami, and some metaphysics that we don't need to worry about for the purposes of this game, such as regenning pages and not being able to go to the afterlife if you use them.

I highly doubt there's any danger to just looking.

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2 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Also, what are the odds that opening the debtnote will force you to kill somebody? 

None. L, N and many others came in contact with it without killing anyone and nothing happened. IIRC.

There was a rule about "No killing anyone for 30 days resulting in death of an owner" but it was a lie made up by Light to make Kira look more innocent. Aka a fake rule. It wasn't really in effect.

I do believe, however, that opening the Note will let one know who's the affiliated Shinigami.

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Just now, Voe said:

I know you really want it, Chaos, and that's why I don't really want you to have it :haw:

Well, we're confiscating his anyway. :v So he can't have it.

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Nodlied you cheeky shit, instead of giving it away yourself you waited for someone else to have it so you dont get to have your role revealed. You did it, and received 300 trust as a bonus. Incredible.

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Just now, Voe said:

Nodlied you cheeky shit, instead of giving it away yourself you waited for someone else to have it so you dont get to have your role revealed. You did it, and received 300 trust as a bonus. Incredible.

Perks like that come with the job. :v


But I kept it hidden for as long as I thought it needed to be. And as I said before, I fear that the killer(s) may have a steal action.

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On 3/1/2017 at 0:46 AM, Killing You said:

Jeod's case is strange to say the least. For one, we couldn't investigate him. This leads to two possibilities: he's Kira with D1 protection, or he's a Shinigami. I want to work the latter angle for a second, as it would tie into the Nodlied point.

Jeod is a Shinigami

Well, guess people beat me to that suggestion.


On 3/1/2017 at 1:05 AM, Chaos_Knight said:

Alright then.

So, thanks to the fact I had the highest trust (1 point yay), I was given access to L's equipment which in turn allowed me to spy on a player for the night. Which I did.

The results are... quite interesting. Apparently Jeod is so good at hiding or whatever that even state of the art tracking systems have failed completely to locate him. For some reason PM also mentioned that this fact is extremely bothering to me. Idk, flavor or an actual hint. I am more and more inclined to believe that he might be a Shinigami and Vert kinda bent the lore a bit to make game work.


>Good at hiding
>Cannot be investigated
>Immediately tried to debunk a possible Origami player being in this game
>One of my night actions allows me to do something to ''anyone'' ''(if possible)''


I think we found the Shinisalami guys

Also, did any of you wankers visit me tonight? If so, could you please tell me?


Apologies but it appears that even on a laptop trying to quote a nested quote doesn't work. Anyway, let me break this down:

1) Nodlied says that he was going to suggest I was a Shinigami

2) Nodlied backs up his reasoning in the second quote, which includes his night action

3) Nodlied wraps up by asking if he was visited

This is why I suspected Nodlied to have a notebook. It's fairly straightforward.

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

Also, now that we have two notebooks in play, the question is if one is fake. If not, this gets a lot trickier.

If one is fake I still think we'd have 2 real ones, for game balance and the fact that offscreen Light would want in on things.

Also I took believe there's a shinigami steal action, @ what Nodlied said up there.

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:
Apologies but it appears that even on a laptop trying to quote a nested quote doesn't work. Anyway, let me break this down:

1) Nodlied says that he was going to suggest I was a Shinigami

2) Nodlied backs up his reasoning in the second quote, which includes his night action

3) Nodlied wraps up by asking if he was visited

This is why I suspected Nodlied to have a notebook. It's fairly straightforward.

And yet the only two that were related to one another were my night action, detailing that I could do something to other players (if possible), which basically told me that there were non-humans in the game and my suspicion of you being a Shinygamer. And even with the explanations I gave you, you kept the train going. 

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Yes, yes, we all know you think I'm a Shinigami. The fact remains that you linked that comment with your accusation, and that told me that you may possess a notebook. You've been using my theory as a reason to paint me as the bad guy, yet you yourself are the reason I had the theory. Voe just can't read.

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Thing is, you appear to have known more than you could/should have. As I said, those things were unrelated to one another. And I consider you to be good enough of a player to consider the explanations I had outlined or even look at the posts and deduct that they were unrelated. Yet you are/were so sure about your case, which in many respects was true, I did have a debtnote, that you kept the train rolling. So yes, something's rotten in the state of Denmark.

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It's interesting that CK is claiming to be M, and Jeod is claiming to be N. That CK says he's active now, while Jeod claims to be activated later. Jeod seems shady to me, but my role specifically mentions N and nothing about M. Yet I don't think CK would make up the claim about M without looking into the lore at least a little bit, and it'd certainly give him potential reason to distrust Jeod.

But, what if both of their claims are true? It's possible the task force could die or the killer gains enough trust to meet with L in person, creating the necessity for M/N. But a second backup? I'd say that would only be needed if we had a strong kill dynamic at play here. We've already jailed Cat5. Fraydo is MIA. Who else could the actual killer be? I think with an investigation tonight, and whatever night actions follow, more will be revealed.

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