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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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50 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

Haven't you been reading this thread?

Not as thoroughly as I could have. All i see is you being in contact with Mojo and KY trusting you. What else have you done for town aside from that this game?

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46 minutes ago, Killing You said:

Honestly with how hard he's been pushing you when you've so clearly been town this game, I'm starting to doubt his claim.

It's a shame you're doubting my claim AND my contribution to this game, yet feeling nothing wrong with ChopBam's lack of claim and lack of contribution.

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While there's not much I can muster as a defense of myself to have you reconsider your votes on me, just know that an investigation on me does not benefit the police force or the case at all. You'll only reveal me as a member of the NPA/Task Force, while the Death Note will remain in ChopBam's hands to be used once my name is revealed or passed along to someone overnight who will use it to their benefit. I'm a fairly generic character, mind you, so locking me up means more important and likely dangerous people will remain loose for the night. Reconsider your votes, as I shall be with our extended time.

##unvote ChopBam

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Considering the extended day, I'll also

##unvote FRAYDO

As he doesn't read as a baddie to me.

Which means nobody really reads as a baddie to me. :v

Voe, are you sure that confiscating the note from a non Kira means it won't fall into the wrong hands? What is the endgame here? Surely there is more to uncover.

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I don't know, Choppy. I know, however, that if a potential thief has a "steal" action, saying openly that you'll going to pass the notebook between yourselves (you and Mojoman) will provide the information who exactly to steal it from.

I believe there is still a lot to uncover. I am CONVINCED that the moment the deathnote is used, it will become a trigger for the game to become a whole different dynamic. Someone has to activate Jeod.

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11 minutes ago, Voe said:

saying openly that you'll going to pass the notebook between yourselves (you and Mojoman) will provide the information who exactly to steal it from.

That's why I said earlier in this thread after OrangeP47 said the same thing that it wasn't the plan to do that. I don't actually have a set-in-stone plan right now.

Maybe the death note has a chance of being stolen if it's confiscated. If we keep passing it around, however, eventually it could fall into the wrong hands, which is why we need an endgame. Something that will ensure it (they, since there are multiple) goes (go) away and the rest of us can win.

We could try passing around this notebook and wait to see if anything happens to CK's notebook in the meantime, but you're right in that passing it around is definitely not a long term solution.

Does anybody have any clues at all as to what would happen if somebody who's not Kira was to open the notebook? All I was told is that I'll have another set of actions available should I choose to open it. There have been hints in this thread that corruption may happen if the notebook is opened, and various heinous things may occur if the pages of doom are stirred, which is why I haven't honestly considered that action as viable.

Looking at our players, though, this is only through the lens of what I know, so please just take it with a grain of salt. The players I label as Suspect are only through process of elimination in my mind, and not the way they're playing (minus a little bit of Fraydo). I just haven't interacted with the suspects on this list enough to rule them out.

Killing You - Suspect. While he supports me, I just don't know anything about him and his role. I'd hate to push anything on him, because of his support of me and he reads as a townie, but this could be exactly what he wants.
Jeod - Shiniwhatsi. Pegged, admitted, and all but confirmed.
Voe - Suspect. Again, reads as a goodie to me, but I just haven't interacted with him enough to show one way or the other.
ChopBam - Goodie. Mojoman and I know this for 100%. As I mentioned earlier, either he and I are goodies, or we're in cahoots. If we're in cahoots, why are we publicly passing a death note to each other?
Chaos Knight - Confirmed anti-Kira.
Fraydo - Suspect. Acted pretty shady most of the game. Only came out later when under fire.
Mojoman - Goodie. Basically confirmed to me (as is his character name), but not to the rest of the players.
Nodlied - 98% sure he’s a goodie. Everything points to Nodlied as a non suspect. From my conversation with him to the way he is writing, I have insight as to who his character is.
Category 5 - Confirmed baddie.
OrangeP47 - Suspect. Again, I don't want to point fingers. It's just process of elimination and the way business goes.

This all said, there have to be other Big Picture things we're missing, and I just don't have those pieces.


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I think your relationship is quite similar to mine and Orange's. Of what I can tell we agree in opinions as far as KY and FRAYDO. I'm willing to compromise and work out those two before we start investigating one another.

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2 hours ago, Killing You said:

Honestly with how hard he's been pushing you when you've so clearly been town this game, I'm starting to doubt his claim.

The thing is... and I can't say this without sounding at least a bit like a jerk... I don't think Voe has enough meta knowledge to fake his position. Also his argument about the game changing once the note used is pretty convincing, at least when taken out and fully developed, with the assumption that our D1 vote on Jeod and then surprise finding of Misa broke the expected flow of the game design... Which is a convo we've had in docs.


45 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

Maybe the death note has a chance of being stolen if it's confiscated. If we keep passing it around, however, eventually it could fall into the wrong hands, which is why we need an endgame. Something that will ensure it (they, since there are multiple) goes (go) away and the rest of us can win.

I provided one option. You don't have to agree, but the radio silence on it is... troubling... I'm at least expecting if my logic is bad for people to try and shoot me down :p

48 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

Does anybody have any clues at all as to what would happen if somebody who's not Kira was to open the notebook? All I was told is that I'll have another set of actions available should I choose to open it. There have been hints in this thread that corruption may happen if the notebook is opened, and various heinous things may occur if the pages of doom are stirred, which is why I haven't honestly considered that action as viable.

Granted, relying on meta, but I still say it's safe to just look.


51 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

Killing You - Suspect. While he supports me, I just don't know anything about him and his role. I'd hate to push anything on him, because of his support of me and he reads as a townie, but this could be exactly what he wants.
Jeod - Shiniwhatsi. Pegged, admitted, and all but confirmed.
Voe - Suspect. Again, reads as a goodie to me, but I just haven't interacted with him enough to show one way or the other.
ChopBam - Goodie. Mojoman and I know this for 100%. As I mentioned earlier, either he and I are goodies, or we're in cahoots. If we're in cahoots, why are we publicly passing a death note to each other?
Chaos Knight - Confirmed anti-Kira.
Fraydo - Suspect. Acted pretty shady most of the game. Only came out later when under fire.
Mojoman - Goodie. Basically confirmed to me (as is his character name), but not to the rest of the players.
Nodlied - 98% sure he’s a goodie. Everything points to Nodlied as a non suspect. From my conversation with him to the way he is writing, I have insight as to who his character is.
Category 5 - Confirmed baddie.
OrangeP47 - Suspect. Again, I don't want to point fingers. It's just process of elimination and the way business goes.

A few points on this, other than some general strange language:  That's a very charitable reading of CK, and this is me saying that as someone's who's been saying third parties are no threat this entire time. His goal may be Anti-Kira, but he's also the sort to be willing to throw the town to the wolves to get the personal glory.

Also, while I of course can't criticize not suspecting oneself, citing info held very close to the chest just doesn't seem very convincing, especially if that's then extended to others.


However, this is all throwing shade on others, and I'd be a hypocrit if that's all I did after saying that's not a good way to make an argument. Therefore, I have a few proactive points.  As far as the note goes:  1) At least comment on the first half of the plan I laid out. 2) Decide what you are going to do about that. 3) You can tell us you've come to a decision, but minimize the number of people who actually know what that decision is. This way if someone has a steal action there's less chance they can make use of it, and who knows we could get info other ways if someone slips and says something about it they realistically shouldn't know.

On the vote: At this juncture, there just seem to be two options to me, though this does not mean those are the only two I'd suspect of being pro-Kira. 1) ChopBam, for reasons we've belabored, and 2) FRAYDO, for acting strangely.

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1 hour ago, Voe said:

I believe there is still a lot to uncover. I am CONVINCED that the moment the deathnote is used, it will become a trigger for the game to become a whole different dynamic. Someone has to activate Jeod.

Agreed. I'm also convinced that somebody opening the debtnote will change the dynamic of the game. And while, according to people, the lore states that a debtnote doesn't corrupt, I'm pretty sure it will, or at least its master (Jeod the Shimiscam) will be able to corrupt said player. So no, we shouldn't even think about opening the note.


You want to have some return points, you want met to trust you up again?


Also, don't fall for Jeod's proposal to help, no matter how he words his proposals. He claims to need the notebook (or maybe he can talk to people once they open the debtnote, who knows!? I'm not willing to find out) which is in direct conflict with our own objective, which is to arrest the killer and to confiscate the debtnote. 

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2 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Agreed. I'm also convinced that somebody opening the debtnote will change the dynamic of the game. And while, according to people, the lore states that a debtnote doesn't corrupt, I'm pretty sure it will, or at least its master (Jeod the Shimiscam) will be able to corrupt said player. So no, we shouldn't even think about opening the note.


You want to have some return points, you want met to trust you up again?


Also, don't fall for Jeod's proposal to help, no matter how he words his proposals. He claims to need the notebook (or maybe he can talk to people once they open the debtnote, who knows!? I'm not willing to find out) which is in direct conflict with our own objective, which is to arrest the killer and to confiscate the debtnote. 

I think the change will happen once someone *uses* the note, which is different and distinct from just taking a look.

As for Jeod, he's not trying too hard. He's just trying to not be bored as he waits, powerless, for the rest of us to actually figure something out, heh.

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15 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

That's a very charitable reading of CK

Yeah I don't have more on him other than that Nodlied trusted him a lot. What we know from lore on his character is that he's anti-Kira. I don't know how this relates to the way his agenda will work with or fight against ours, so I kept my reading brief.

15 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

 1) At least comment on the first half of the plan I laid out.

Sounds fine to me. Holding onto the notebook isn't an option, as it'll be taken from me and sent to who knows where.

Here are a couple options I'm potentially okay with.

1) Passing the note to somebody 95% trustworthy.

2) Opening the note and reporting my findings. Be aware that this could be extremely risky and there are trustworthy players here who are staunchly against the motion.

3) Being investigated (sigh). It'll just be redundant. I'll pass off all my proposal points before day end. It'll expose me, but prove me once-and-for-all as trustworthy. One of the risks to the team here is that we will miss a chance to catch somebody more suspect.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

I think the change will happen once someone *uses* the note, which is different and distinct from just taking a look.

I'm not willing to risk it.

As for Jeod, he's not trying too hard. He's just trying to not be bored as he waits, powerless, for the rest of us to actually figure something out, heh.

Well then, let's find a way for him to stay useless.

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I find you and Orange the least suspicious. Most suspicious would be ChopBam and Jeod.

Trusting you and not trusting Choppy collides a little bit, that's why I'm willing to compromise. Fraydo is a wildcard, and although i don't find him THAT suspicious, I guess we won't lose much by spending one day on learning who he is.

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I am also fine investigating FRAYDO if it's what the group wants. I just want some accountability on the handling of the note to make sure at the very least we have a plan :p Given the extended deadline it's fine to take some time to think about it, as it's a pretty big deal and fairly complicated to get a good plan, but before hammer I at least want to see some commitment. Commitment is even more important for me than if I like whatever plan is settled on or not :p In the end I may disagree with whatever decision there but I'll at least respect that a decision has been made.

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I can appreciate not saying who, as that's a layer of defense, but I also do counter that doesn't let us vet the decision as thoroughly. If they themselves don't know ahead of time too it'll stop even them from initiating a doc to hear the other plan, if they wish. Things to consider.

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