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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

That's an interesting objective you have there...

But anyway, the act of explaining the plan would tip off the intended target on how to avoid it, so I can't. I've now told Chop, because I've verified him as safe, though.

That's ok.

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2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

That's an interesting objective you have there...

But anyway, the act of explaining the plan would tip off the intended target on how to avoid it, so I can't. I've now told Chop, because I've verified him as safe, though.


Fair enough.


1 minute ago, Jeod said:

Fuck your circlejerks.


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12 minutes ago, Killing You said:

I need to be holding a Death Note at the end of the game in order to win. Seeing as how I need to know how the game is supposed to end in order for that to happen, I'm willing to see how to do that. Even if it means forfeiting my special objective. And honestly, I was prepared to be investigated today, but then Nodlied and I got to brainstorming.


Are you willing to let us in on your plan, per chance?

There is no such character in the series who is so obsessed with these notebooks that they always want to have them on hand, except for Light and Sidoh.

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

There is no such character in the series who is so obsessed with these notebooks that they always want to have them on hand, except for Light and Sidoh.

That's just my condition, dude.

1 minute ago, Voe said:

Of course not. And KY hopes he'll receive it eventually :haw:

Well, duh. As my win condition specifically states that.

1 minute ago, Voe said:

He's the "trustworthy" one who needs to enter the rabbit hole :haw:

As I stated before, if we had to open it, I'd prefer Nodlied to do it, as between his personality and his role he's the least likely to be "corrupted" by the thing.

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1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

I'll admit, for the past few days, I've had KY being pegged as Sidoh sitting at around 20% chance. I've belabored my point about working with Shinigami already, though, when we suspected Jeod of that.

That's all the more reason to investigate him. Although, if he does turn out to be a Shinigami, then it also proves that Nodlied has opened a notebook already.

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

That's all the more reason to investigate him. Although, if he does turn out to be a Shinigami, then it also proves that Nodlied has opened a notebook already.

It would hard confirm him as one, yes, but that's it. If our logic is sound enough that's good enough. I'm not quite sure I'd bank on mechanics working how we think, though. I mean, we've never had someone try to do the normal mason via trust with you, so we don't know if that'd be denied for sure :p

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9 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

So I assume that Nodlied is still unwilling to open the Note?

I'm unwilling to open it myself. But if I can't prevent people from wishing to open it, then I guess we'll have to find somebody else unless people really, really want me to do it tonight. I can't fight the entire playerbase on not opening it if I can't secure enough votes for that goal. But if we're making a deal, I want at least one more notebook to be removed from play (as I'm assuming that there will only ever be three in total) and not have Voe be the one to do so.

2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

That's all the more reason to investigate him. Although, if he does turn out to be a Shinigami, then it also proves that Nodlied has opened a notebook already.

How would that even make any kind of sense? You passed me your book on N1, I gave it to Chris on N2 and I received this one on N4. I haven't had the chance to open one yet and I prefer to not do so.

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So the alternate plan (if we have a majority ruling here) is for Voe to be investigated (removing 1 book) and for Nodlied to take a trip down the rabbit hole as he's the least likely to be corrupted.

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Just now, Killing You said:

So the alternate plan (if we have a majority ruling here) is for Voe to be investigated (removing 1 book) and for Nodlied to take a trip down the rabbit hole as he's the least likely to be corrupted.

And how exactly have we determined he's the 'least likely' to be 'corrupted'?

I concluded that, because Nodlied and KY had confirmed to meet, that Nodlied had opened a notebook to be able to see KY. If I'm not the original owner of the notebook, I don't become bonded with the player. Ergo, if KY is Sidoh and Nodlied is meeting with them, then Nodlied can see KY and therefore must have opened a notebook originally belonging to KY.

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KY, don't be so fast and stop pushing me. We know you really want me under control ever since the game has started.

"Least likely to be corrupted" what does that even mean? I'm taskforce and my objectives are task force. If i don't need to kill anyone, I won't. If the objectives somehow change and I do need to score a kill, it doesn't matter if it's me or Nodlied.

Additionally, you're super fast to abandon your plan. You really don't want to be investigated, and I don't know why.

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Nodlied, why specifically do you not want Voe to open the notebook tonight? You have the other one and can control where it goes. Do you have any suspicion of KY as Shinigami? Which other character's objective would be to be holding a death note at game end?

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I'm out of political power. I would really like enough trust for myself AND Jeod to be able to meet tonight. I care naught for the special L power, so being 1 in the positives is enough. Maybe we can get some answers at last.

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Here's a twist: what if, and this is a big one, but what if...

...notebooks can have pages torn out of them before being passed? I'd assume if true, then pages would become one-time kill abilities, while notebook holders would have the ability to kill or not kill infinitely. This would also allow page holders to see Shinigami, like the bus jacker in the show.

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1 minute ago, Voe said:

Additionally, you're super fast to abandon your plan. You really don't want to be investigated, and I don't know why.

I'm adjusting the plan considering I'm observing that people are wishing to have the debtnote opened, so I propose a compromise. Hopefully, It'll be unecessary and I'll be able to come back to it later.


As for the KY being a shiminawanker, I think it'll be easy to figure that one out.

@Chaos_Knight What was the message you got when you tracked down Jeod during N1? What did it say specifically?

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

And how exactly have we determined he's the 'least likely' to be 'corrupted'?

I concluded it based on his role. And no, I'm not diverging it to sate your conspiratorial tastes.

1 minute ago, Voe said:

KY, don't be so fast and stop pushing me. We know you really want me under control ever since the game has started.

"Least likely to be corrupted" what does that even mean? I'm taskforce and my objectives are task force. If i don't need to kill anyone, I won't. If the objectives somehow change and I do need to score a kill, it doesn't matter if it's me or Nodlied.

Additionally, you're super fast to abandon your plan. You really don't want to be investigated, and I don't know why.

The plan is either lock down both notebooks, or lock one down and have Nodlied (I don't trust anyone else with doing it, not even myself) open the other. You have one, Nodlied has the other. Simple as that.

And I'm not abandoning it. I'm amending it to include an alternate route.

3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I concluded that, because Nodlied and KY had confirmed to meet, that Nodlied had opened a notebook to be able to see KY. If I'm not the original owner of the notebook, I don't become bonded with the player. Ergo, if KY is Sidoh and Nodlied is meeting with them, then Nodlied can see KY and therefore must have opened a notebook originally belonging to KY.

The process of events Nodlied mentioned earlier debunk that. You're pulling shit out of your ass for no reason.



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1 minute ago, Voe said:

They can't, Jeod. There is no such option, unless it appears after one is opened.

That puts a hole in my logic. Darn. Well anyway, here's the vid in case it does become a thing later.


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@Voe:  If we decide not to investigate you, I will move your trust up high enough. Not Jeod's though, as that would give him the L power I think (not sure actually if trust cancels it out). This isn't about me keeping that power, but about Jeod not having it. As for not giving you the trust right now, that's cause I don't want to waste my (admittedly huge) proposal if you're going to be locked in jail tonight anyway.

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