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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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11 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Alsp, what do you mean it cost you a notebook? Are you trying to hide that you have one for some reason?

Nah. I've no reason to keep secrets. The only book left in the game is the one confiscated from OP47.

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6 hours ago, Nodlied said:

Then again, as long as I'm still alive...








I don't take turncoating lightly KY. It's worse to turn scum willingly than it is to be born scum. You had the chance to do good, to help all that is right. You could have been the hero of the game, but instead you decided to become the most despicable player, one that chose the easy way out, one that chose to become a pawn for evil for his own personal gain. This is how one is tempted, how one becomes corrupted, how one will be open for a deal with not only the forces of disorder, but with the devil himself. In fact, while I do believe that the bad players out there happily made use of you, I suspect that they too, in their most honest ideals, consider you to be dishonourable.

 I will hunt you down with Cromwells even if it's the last thing I do.

(Unless the dead ghost of the P47 Thunderbolt can still manipulate me and my gun to somehow shoot you in the face for a most ironic turn of events.)

It amuses me that you think I hadn't been plotting all game.

You see, I had been planning on gaining your trust while running down the list of people to be investigated, to get their names and faces in the open. Then, of course, get my hands on the Death Note, and take you all out in one fell swoop. Easier said than done, and at a point I had wondered if I could ever achieve that goal. And then you decided to meet up with me. On the same night a Death Note landed on your doorstep, no less! I had hoped to convince you to pass it to me (thank god that didn't happen), but you went to do bigger and better things. Then I decided to bide for time while still getting everyone's identity out there. That's when Orange and I met up. It seems we were both in the same mindset, pretending to be town when really we were uncovering other people's identities for personal gain. When Mojo flipped town, Orange revealed his plan to me, after which I revealed my true self to him. Twas the beginning of a beautiful alliance, which was alas cut short by ChopBam.

TL;DR: I didn't actually switch sides. You simply fell for my bullshit.

1 hour ago, Jeod said:

Actually he was going to get a notebook after we killed L (of which a book was required). Unfortunately doing so cost me my book, so I'll have to take the confiscated one tonight.

Just so you know, I'm holding you to this.

3 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

How does he have the fake?

Every player got an item and a power. His item was the fake Death Note meant to stir confusion.

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22 minutes ago, Killing You said:

 Just so you know, I'm holding you to this.

Every player got an item and a power. His item was the fake Death Note meant to stir confusion.

How exactly are you in a position to hold him to do anything?

And I understand where the fake came from. Last I knew, Nodlied had it. "How did OrangeP47 have it now?", is the question I was asking. I assume it was confiscated when Nodlied was investigated, but then Jeod should have it. How did OrangeP47 already have it.

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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

How exactly are you in a position to hold him to do anything?

I'm not, I'm just demanding :v

3 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

And I understand where the fake came from. Last I knew, Nodlied had it. "How did OrangeP47 have it now?", is the question I was asking. I assume it was confiscated when Nodlied was investigated, but then Jeod should have it. How did OrangeP47 already have it.

Even he didn't know, looking back in the Google doc.

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3 minutes ago, Killing You said:

I'm not, I'm just demanding :v

Look at this little scrub, Jeod. He talks big like he matters, but you literally control whether he succeeds or fails. If he were in a position where he'd gain from betraying you, you know he would in a heart beat. Crush this bug.

##vote Killing_You

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You're forgetting one itty bitty little detail.

I have yet to write in a Death Note.

So even though I am scum, and I have helped Kira, for all intents and purposes, I am innocent. Investigating me will only put my name out there, and even then I still have the ability to get out of it. You'll be needlessly extending the game.

Or you could end this game. Right here. Right now. Play your role. Capture Choppy, so that he doesn't become N. Nodlied is a dead man walking; he doesn't matter.

Hell, it's possible that doing so would still cost me my victory, as I wouldn't have time to get the Death Note passed to me. Either way, you win. Why make this longer than it needs to be?

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I'm counting on Jeod killing you after revealing you. Hell, I suppose he doesn't even need to do that, does he? He could kill you whenever he likes. Right now, for instance.

I'm pushing for this because I don't want to see you win. That's it. I can't lose. Jeod maybe can't lose. ChopBam and Nodlied can't win. You need Jeod to let you win. It doesn't technically matter to me if you win or not, but frankly it will be highly enjoyable to watch someone who thought he put himself in a strong position have his win taken away by the people he foolishly trusted. Wouldn't such an end be fitting for one such as yourself? I sure think so.

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KY, do you want to get investigated? Do you just need to be holding a deathnote when the game ends? You never agreed to the deal I made earlier, and you're voting yourself, so

##vote Killing You

I guess?

Also, I am NOT going to become N.

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2 hours ago, ChopBam said:

KY, do you want to get investigated? Do you just need to be holding a deathnote when the game ends? You never agreed to the deal I made earlier, and you're voting yourself, so

##vote Killing You

I guess?

Also, I am NOT going to become N.

And that should be hammer.


As for you KY, I highly doubt that you plotted all this from the start, but in case you did my point still stands, you decided to forgo as many people winning as possible for your own personal gain. If anything, chosing to become scum when you don't have to is worse than being scum from the get-go. You fell for your personal objective. Personal objectives, at least for the good and some neutral players, exist to cause divisions and break down efficiency. 

Orange would have deserved victory for how he played, if only he didn't become cocky, which likely cost him the game.

Jeod deserving victory? I don't know enough about his role and/or abilities to judge him yet. But I think it is pretty clear that I don't like his attitude. :v


Anyway, I'll be back later.

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9 hours ago, ChopBam said:

KY, do you want to get investigated? Do you just need to be holding a deathnote when the game ends? You never agreed to the deal I made earlier, and you're voting yourself, so

##vote Killing You

I guess?

Also, I am NOT going to become N.

Yes, I just need to be holding a Death Note when the game ends. Also, what deal?

6 hours ago, Nodlied said:

As for you KY, I highly doubt that you plotted all this from the start, but in case you did my point still stands, you decided to forgo as many people winning as possible for your own personal gain. If anything, chosing to become scum when you don't have to is worse than being scum from the get-go. You fell for your personal objective. Personal objectives, at least for the good and some neutral players, exist to cause divisions and break down efficiency. 

Orange would have deserved victory for how he played, if only he didn't become cocky, which likely cost him the game.

Jeod deserving victory? I don't know enough about his role and/or abilities to judge him yet. But I think it is pretty clear that I don't like his attitude. :v


I did plot it all from the start. I was given a scum role and was willing to do whatever it took to win, no matter the cost.

6 hours ago, Nodlied said:

On a completely unrelated note: KY, back in October you asked if we could play Company of Heroes. Still up for that? :v

At some point, sure. It'll have to wait until April, as work has me swamped up until I move.

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6 minutes ago, Killing You said:

Yes, I just need to be holding a Death Note when the game ends. Also, what deal?

Well it probably doesn't even matter now, considering you're okay with getting investigated.

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On 3/20/2017 at 7:31 PM, VERTi60 said:

Hammers will also not end current Day. Meaning that if one person gets 50% of the votes, it won't trigger the end of the day. A proper detective reserves a time for proper investigation. No shortcuts for the Kira(s) as well to end the day sooner. However, the hammered person will still be investigated and extra votes will no longer count.

Y'all too late.

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If that requires an investigation, it can happen tomorrow since there'll be nothing I can do about it. Even assuming Cat5 votes for the same person I do, if you guys vote for me, it'll tip in your favor since Jeod has a lot more trust.

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16 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

We'll just have to wait for day end at this point. My death's a foregone conclusion soon as Jeod gets that note.

IIRC Jeod can't kill people that aren't NPCs. So the note will have to be passed to either KY or Cat5.

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