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[GAME OVER] RA:APB-themed Mafia Game V (Big Fireworks Edition)


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  On 7/24/2017 at 1:06 AM, VERTi60 said:
  On 7/23/2017 at 11:58 PM, VERTi60 said:

Overall good game guys, pretty entertaining as I'm used to. Hopefully I see you again in the chat version in mid august or by the next installment of Red Alert: APB Mafia!


Finally someone admits that mafia games aren't made to entertain the players, but the game hosts :v.

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  On 7/24/2017 at 1:04 AM, Retaliation said:

I'm actually curious how the stuck/kill%/BPKill% work. I've been assuming you roll for stuck, followed by kill% with targets adding modifiers to those rolls. I imagine a negative modifier is bad or engineers would be more durable rather than less.


Everything runs in my scripts for the APB Mafia Series. Random number generated by script basically already give me the result so I don't have to manually do dice rolls.


On the above pic I just run the macro with the assigned buttons, it will generate numbers for weapons stuck and kill success at the same time, then puts the result.

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Took me over an hour to read the scum doc >.> fun stuff, I felt only compliments towards me from scum :b and I'm glad they didn't lynch me when they had the chance. Forgot that I was the first to put forward artillery instead of a TP. It was a pretty good game, I'll try to work off your advice, Vert.

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Also I'd like to again point out, D1, lynch was 50/50 between two scum.  I'd say town actually did well D1, we just got fluked up by Alstar being a building and too much meta arguments on the Cat 5 night kill.

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  On 7/24/2017 at 1:23 AM, OrangeP47 said:

Also I'd like to again point out, D1, lynch was 50/50 between two scum.  I'd say town actually did well D1, we just got fluked up by Alstar being a building and too much meta arguments on the Cat 5 night kill.


As I said, Allies were mostly lucky on D1 :D Then managed to pull all the attention off themselves by idon'tknowwhatsorcerymagic but maybe because the only guy pushing them (cat5) was dead, and other players got lost in as you perfectly pointed out, meta arguments.

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I will say, I probably played too conservatively this game.  As an engineer, I figured my role was to *hide*.  I wanted to be alive at a point where I could use my repair, or else I'd have been a waste.  I therefore tried not to push anything too hard, because any counter-questioning of me would have eventually led to me having to out myself as an engineer, and thus be high priority on the chopping block for a night kill.  In retrospect I probably could have been more aggressive in questioning others, but the entire game I was just pervaded by an overwhelming sense that if I even got town talking about engineers the scum would be able to figure out everything and quash any defense we came up with.  I was too afraid to even chime in with an 'innocent' "maybe we have a second engineer' line of thought when charts were being made and calculations done.  I felt kind of like I had to hide from my own team.

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  On 7/24/2017 at 1:38 AM, VERTi60 said:

(or I just don't wanna get lynched IRL by salty town players :P)

Anyway Jeod you should read the Allied Doc first! :v


I did. I'm not mad at them considering killing me. In fact, I expected it since I couldn't communicate with them like I intended (I would've been able to send 3-word messages every 2 nights had I not been blocked via lynch). Because of that, I chose to make them think I was holding more cards than I was dealt, and it worked.

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I am literally shooting Jeod at the start of every game now.


Also Verti give me a civilian role I want it.


I really don't know how we got the heat off us D2. Though if I had been lynched D1 it would have been fun to see people hunting down Fraydo and Voe. :D


Also should have NK Jeod.


I really enjoyed being scum that game. It was a shame my ##shoot didn't work. Would have been fun to hit a Soviet then kill a scum teamy by mistake.


I really will never let Fraydo live down that RNG kill. Fraydo is becoming a meme :D. Who needs lynch Voe D1 when you have Fraydo randomly dies.

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"Random idea: What if lynching an Allied building returned the “cannot be lynched” message, BUT in addition, forced the player to dismantle? That way we don’t land in the situation we ran into with Chronosphere/Staplerfahrer/this mafia, while still giving a fair chance for scum to claim building and attempt to keep the ruse up."

^Bit from the dead doc I came up with. I still think this would be a better mechanic for dealing with Allied buildings. For instance, if this was in place for this game, all that would've changed is Orange wouldn't need the free refill for town to finish off scum. I'm standing by my word on this.

Other than that, good game everyone. I'm still salty at Jeod for just opening fire all willy-nilly like that, but eh.

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I'd actually rather see ALL buildings be reduced to one-time lynchproof, regardless of side, as I've suggested after previous games. VERTi60 could balance the game with that in mind if he wanted to, but he doesn't, so he won't. He's heard all the arguments before and he's shown no interest in changing his mind. We'll continue to have this problem every time until he stops. And every time it happens he winds up hearing this:


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And this little tidbit from scumdoc just proves my point:


We have 3 days to kill siloses. Please tell me that i am correct. 2 nights is all i need."

I honestly don't think scum should be allowed to do this if they're outed.

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I saw someone posting in the dead doc that they prefer to have proof before making a case. Thing is, most of the time in mafia, you aren't going to have proof. Even things that seem to be proven might actually have been faked instead. Hell, the only time you had solid proof of anything in this game was when the mafia revealed itself. Proof isn't generally just handed to you on a plate like that. Even investigative roles sometimes have to consider how their results might be falsified. Most of the time you have to go digging for proof. Come up with a scenario and then go see if you are right.

My case on Mojoman started mostly on a repeat of the same behavior I saw Alstar do a couple games ago, where he kept making "jokes" about how other players looked scummy for this or that reason, seemingly egging on others to start a vote on someone, anyone. Didn't want to put himself out on a limb by being the first to vote, but was eager to make somebody look suspicious for any reason that might stick. Scum players want to control the lynch while not looking like they are doing so. They don't want to start the wagon, for fear of being caught in the spotlight, but they do want to pick which wagons gain traction. I read Mojoman's posts as fitting into this basic scum thought. This part of the case was spot on. Nowhere do I have proof of anything, but this weak case with no real leg to stand on wound up being one of the strongest cases of the game.

When I tried to look deeper into it and guess his partners based off his interactions, that's where I went wrong. However, had I survived to Day 2, I would have lit him up. That reaction to the "second nightkill" was such a bad slip that I'm shocked that people like Chaos_Knight or ChopBam didn't make him pay for it. (Hell, Chaos_Knight not catching it was the big reason I suspected him while sitting in the dead doc. At least ChopBam tried to continue my crusade.)

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I thought I had something going against Retaliation but I got all mushy and backed off when he said he had autism. Never again. :v

Also finally someone appreciates that I at least attempted to continue Cat5's thing, feeble as it was.

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  On 7/24/2017 at 1:19 AM, OrangeP47 said:

So FRAYDO got RNGed even in this game :v



  On 7/24/2017 at 3:54 AM, Mojoman said:

I really will never let Fraydo live down that RNG kill. Fraydo is becoming a meme :D. Who needs lynch Voe D1 when you have Fraydo randomly dies.



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Aite. Either way, it was fun. Props to fellos Bad Company bros for being a ballers, esspecialy with that day 3 jump. Day 4 was full of funny moments and bullshit. And i think i havent done that bad like in previous 2 mafias i was part of.

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  On 7/24/2017 at 3:54 AM, Mojoman said:

I really don't know how we got the heat off us D2. Though if I had been lynched D1 it would have been fun to see people hunting down Fraydo and Voe. :D


You're welcome. It was my outrageous claims on D2 (lynchproof, bulletproof, possibly NKproof) that turned all of the attention to me and away from you and Alstar. In particular, it was a personal success that I got ChopBam to completely drop the prospect of lynching you in favor of going after me. Talk about a one-track mind. I didn't start the game knowing who scum was, but I had a good guess with you and 25% on Alstar by D2. If I was town, I'd have backed lynching you.

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From my own perspective, you should keep in mind that I was given a role which should get 0 attention from scum and town alike. And to make it worse I had no day action of any sort (to try and blend in), nor had I any night one.

This in combination with being lynchproof basically made me wonder if I should even try to play good this time. If I go on a proper scumhunt, I'll get NK'ed (see Cat5's fate). If I don't play, town will lynch me for lurking (almost happened) and reveal my status to scum which is a death sentense. Or better yet shoot me during the day (then I would've laughed tbh).
Speaking of shooting, every time someone fired a gun, scum got a bit closer to finding me out. Wonderful. And shooting was the only way to remove Alstar who was unlynchable building able to NK.

Tl;dr: playing silo role sucks balls as you have 0 agency of your own. Pls do something about it :v 

Gonna go check when scum figured out I was a silo.

Well, that took them a while. At least that part of my plan worked. Kinda.
Also what the hell. They knew about Soviet experimental unit but not the rest of us?

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I'm also going to have to say, btw, this was my first 'real' game as town, but unfortunately as many have notes with the aspect of silos it wasn't exactly a normal game to take some of the normal learning experiences away from. (I don't count the mafia universe game, or the quantum mafia as 'real' games, for obvious reasons, whatever their merits).  

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