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[Game Over] Star Wars Mafia: Jedi vs Sith


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2 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

We get notifications now with each post, rather than just when mentioned, that's new.

(Unless I borked my settings somehow and I don't recall doing it).

You are right, that's the same behavior as what happened to me. Saw the notification, thought that meant I was quoted or pinged. Thought perhaps the game had started or was going to start imminently. Which would have been a problem, since I don't have a role PM yet.

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Strange enough, I don't get any notifications. About game start: even though I got super busy this week preventing me to do anything, I would really like to kick off things asap, so most likely today you'll get your role PMs and we'll start during the weekend.

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22 minutes ago, VERTi60 said:

Strange enough, I don't get any notifications. About game start: even though I got super busy this week preventing me to do anything, I would really like to kick off things asap, so most likely today you'll get your role PMs and we'll start during the weekend.

Cat5 and OP47 are following the thread, hence the notifications for all posts.

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5 hours ago, Jeod said:

Cat5 and OP47 are following the thread, hence the notifications for all posts.


1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I think my settings just automatically have me follow any thread I post in.

I used to follow threads, until it turned out I didn't get notifications from posts, so I didn't bother to follow threads anymore. So if I auto-follow now and get notifications, that's still something different with the forum.

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Game update: The game will start  24 hours from this post since I finally have enough time to dedicate to the necessary preparations. As I am stumbling around game mechanics, I'm also doing some changes and improvements that I think will make the game even better, with even bigger open setup and ultimately more freedom how to proceed throughout the game. There is no real plot/script to follow this time and everything in the game will be decided by your own actions only, and basically, everyone in the game will have pretty much the same opportunity.

Those of you who liked the automated battles in Dead Space 4 with the health-damage-action system will love the new duel system, the only problem is that it will take time to perfect and automate, but I hope it will be done before the 1st day is complete. Since it will take some time to get used to, the first Duel phase will be only for practice (a tutorial), hence you can also take the first Day less serious as well.

Because of that, you won't probably see the Duel combat actions until the actual first practice duel starts. Everything else should be almost ready though.

When I'm done tweaking some character traits and writing the description to (many!) of the available game actions, I'll start sending out PMs. 


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While many of us are chomping at the bit to get started, I'd like to take the time to say thanks once again to Verti for setting this up and all the effort that goes into it.  Though we've not seen the setup fully yet, it's already gotten us the most excited we've been for a game in quite awhile. Thanks!

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By now every one of you should have received a Role PM. If you haven't or think something is wrong, let me know please right away.

Rule number One is (before I post detailed rules), don't share your role PM with anyone, keep it to yourself for sake of game's fairness.


You might have noticed there's A LOT of info in your character PM (and there will be more). You don't have to bother with night/rest phase action details yet as we're not there yet, and before that, we'll proceed with the Council/Day Phase and Combat/Duel Phase. There's no update yet when I'll have duel phase ready as it's starting to be busy at the start of the week, but as I promised I tried to make due before the first Council/Day phase ends. But as you can tell there will be "Health Points" & "Force Points" which will be also tracked separately.

Let's break the info in your PM first.

Your name and race are displayed first, with your race traits revealed. Each race will have a small easter egg (now revealed) as a bonus. Be it some combat advantage, one-time use action, some sort of exception or stat bonus.

Then you can see your attributes, and side of the Force  (e.g. "Light" on default for all Jedi).

Next is your description (background), objective (for Jedi: As a JEDI, you must find all Sith and destroy them before it's too late. If all JEDI fall or the Balance of the Force is turned to the Dark Side before then, you'll lose.).


Council/Day Phase Actions is the part that we will focus on next. These will be your basic vote actions in order to determine who will be voted for the Duel:

Each player votes a Champion and a Sith. (they can't be the same player)

If the player doesn't vote for a Sith and Champion at all, he/she will automatically be voted for the Duel (as Sith). You can also vote for yourself to be a Champion if you want, but you can't vote for yourself to be Sith yourself. Any player can change their vote anytime they want.

As mentioned in the OP, the difference is that the Champion will have the advantage to strike first in Duel (which might be a good advantage since players take turns after each other).

Players can also directly challenge themselves instead of voting (only one player at a time for each player, so you can't challenge multiple players for example before your first challenged player replies, and visa versa, a player can't challenge someone else if he/she was already challenged.

The first player who accepts the Duel will initiate a Duel Phase and the Council Phase will be shortened (but not more than 24 hours).

In case there is no challenge accepted, the votes will determine who has the most "Champion votes" and "Sith votes". In case of a tie, Dice Roll will determine the outcome.

A standard Day/Council Phase will last max 48 hours. During this time, you can discuss your action results from previous phases and outcomes, and determine who should be your Champion and who could be the Sith. The duel will be the main mechanic of player elimination from the game, besides other special Night actions. I'll explain mechanics of the Duel once we reach the Duel phase (probably in the middle of next week).

For now, practice voting, you may also discuss the other game mechanics but please if you have a question about something ask me in PM. Once again there's no need to discuss Night actions as that will follow after Duel phase.

Please note that in the tutorial phase, no one from the voted players will get harmed in Duel phase, it's just for practice only. The real game starts with the Day 1 after tutorial Duel phase and Night/Rest phase tutorial. A CVC (Cumulative Vote Count) will be available when I'm done with it, and it will be explained next.


Jedi Council:

  1. Jeod
  2. Nodlied
  3. ChopBam
  4. TheIrishman
  5. Killing_You
  6. Shade939
  7. OrangeP47
  8. Sunflower
  9. Retaliation
  10. Category 5 Hurricane
  11. FRAYDO
  12. Voe
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Wow. Didn't take long for someone to go nuts. I find it interesting that you went for voting him Sith rather than challenging him to a duel. I feel like this is some sort of ploy, because you are never this aggressive.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I'm a little confused. Challenges are set during the "Day" and happen during "Night", and also override other voting if accepted?

Challenges are day action since you can challenge them now. As written in the OP, a Duel can start if two agree on a Challenge, in that case, voting is overridden.

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Yeah, they are a day action but the result happens at night. My initial thought was that it was a combat phase that occurs during the day.

The fact that voting gets overridden means that Challenges allow two people to override the will of the rest. Don't think I like that. We need to make sure we don't use this command willy nilly.

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Yeah, Irish's post did scream a bit "look at me I'm town" to actually be town, so it rubs me the wrong way too.  I follow Cat 5's logic, if that's the same logic at least. I also agree that day phase deliberation should take priority, and thus no challenge.  That said, Cat 5 nominating himself as the champion is... bold... not necessarily bad, but bold.

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I work with the guy, so indeed I would quite like to hit him with a saber. I'd prefer it to be a metal one, but eh, gotta work with the tech of the times.

As far as I understand it, this Day 0 is even less meaningful than a normal D1 as whatever battle happens during N0 won't actually have an effect. Were it a battle that mattered, I wouldn't be submitting myself. I haven't designed my character for combat. But for a tutorial battle, why the hell not?

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Very troubling to learn of this disturbance in the Force and that there may be a dark presence in the midst of our very own revered Council. Have you guys taken a look at what most of the Sith Lords of yore looked like? Wrinkly... pale... shriveled...weird blemishes! They really need to re-evaluate their life choices. I don't even want to imagine what lotions you'd need to load up on to keep that skin disaster under control.

#lightside #beautiful

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1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Bull to the shit that you are Jedi!

Let's go, scrub!

##vote sith TheIrishman

##vote Champion Category5

I meant Jedi in the generic way. We're all Jedi, whether good or bad. There's the Light, the Gray, and the Dark. The Sith are mostly just Jedi who've gone to the Dark Side (excluding the actual Sith race). Unless we go back to the times of the Je'daii Order, everyone should be a Jedi. It wasn't meant to be a claim, just an exclamation towards childhood fantasies. But I can second that feeling, Cat5, so I'm not opposed to hitting you with my plasma swords. And it'll be a fair fight since my character isn't meant for combat either. Plus I'm interested to see what you came up with for your character's backstory considering that you know next to nothing about Star Wars. I'd vote myself to be Champion, but it's not like it really matters.

##vote Champion Category 5 Hurricane

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Just now, TheIrishman said:

I meant Jedi in the generic way. We're all Jedi, whether good or bad. There's the Light, the Gray, and the Dark. The Sith are mostly just Jedi who've gone to the Dark Side (excluding the actual Sith race). Unless we go back to the times of the Je'daii Order, everyone should be a Jedi. It wasn't meant to be a claim, just an exclamation towards childhood fantasies. But I can second that feeling, Cat5, so I'm not opposed to hitting you with my plasma swords. And it'll be a fair fight since my character isn't meant for combat either. Plus I'm interested to see what you came up with for your character's backstory considering that you know next to nothing about Star Wars. I'd vote myself to be Champion, but it's not like it really matters.

##vote Champion Category 5 Hurricane

He's clearly Jedi Makise Kurisu, obviously. :p

(It's a hilarious image, one which I don't want to dispel)

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