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[Game Over] Star Wars Mafia: Jedi vs Sith


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Hey I just thought I'd share my character bio since it's the only one we didn't get to read. I am indeed Aayla Secura! My lightsaber is guardian blue, and I included a picture that people on my lekku docs got to see.

Jedi Master Aayla Secura is a cerulean blue Twi'lek from Ryloth. Trained by Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, she served as a General during the clone wars. Like many of her race, she is graceful and deadly when called to battle. She is unusual as a jedi for being highly empathetic but also impulsive. Secura saved Anakin Skywalker's life during the Battle of Quell and helped to defend the native pacifists against the Separatist armies along with Ahsoka Tano. As a Jedi, she wished for peace, but she believed that liberty was worth fighting for and would do everything in her power to preserve it. She was also known for her wit and mischievous Sense of humor.


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mgwYiiH.png Game Ending Outro & Awards



SW Mafia: Jedi vs Sith is finaly over! With 2880+ replies and 38 days gameplay so far, it's the biggest game we had here so far (although not my biggest). Hopefully we'll have more games such as this! Every one of you did very well when it comes to contributions, so a very big thanks goes to everyone who participated!

Check the Outro video for the story ending as well as the player individual awards. Congrats.

Now, without further ado, let's look at the game's spoilers:



mgwYiiH.png Players' Actions, Roles & Characters


Character Info:


Click Here for bigger pic


Player Tracker & Night Actions:

Click Here for Spreadsheet Doc


Google Docs:

(If any of the Doc links won't work, let me know so that I can fix it)



mgwYiiH.png Game Mechanics & Actions


Force Mechanics such as FBI and Force Ghosts are described in the Oneness Doc 

Sith Actions/Mechanics are described in the Sith Order (Scum) Doc


Form Maneuvers:


Click Here for bigger pic


Force Combat Actions:


Click Here for bigger pic


Force Night Actions:


Click Here for bigger pic



mgwYiiH.png Game Balance & Lightsaber Tournament


I would like to host a Lightsaber Tournament the following Weekend (starting Friday-Sunday). Before I share the details, I would like you to tell me some of the balance changes you would like to suggest. The only thing that will be changed dramatically will be the cost of the FCAs, they will basically cost ten times more - so for example, tier 1s will cost 10 while tier 3 90. Reason being is so that you have to choose more wisely between actions (and also b/c you don't need to preserve FP for FNAs).

Players who will participate will also be able to re-design their stats, available actions and form maneuvers - there will be an exp. point limit system where you can allocate your skills as you wish (whether you invest more for FCAs or Maneuvers or increasing your FP limit, is up to you). Racial traits will be most likely disabled so it's fairer.

Everyone is welcome to join the Lightsaber Tournament, please let me know here in the thread if you would like to join so I can plan ahead the Tournament ladder system and elimination system.

The winner of the Grand Lightsaber Tournament will also be given a price of real-life size Lightsaber toy/model!

Hopefully, we'll have a blast and last chance to play the Duels to the fullest potential!

May the Force be with you!




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49 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Nice video, and also nice to see Shade's massive walls of text in the docs get acknowledged with an award :p

Yep, you can see how I go through and almost constantly reevaluate my current opinion based on just about anything that happens.

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Just now, Shade939 said:

Yep, you can see how I go through and almost constantly reevaluate my current opinion based on just about anything that happens.

While not always helpful to town, your meta would be incredibly hard to read if you're scum.  I've got my eye on you for CYOR III :p

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1 hour ago, Voe said:

Congrats to the winners, well played to the losers!

Deathstar achievement, muahaha


I hope you're more active next time xD There were a few ways we could've won if so, like a last minute switch of the votes and we could've had Town v Town. It would've obviously shown us to be Scum, but we would've both been free to act during the night and they wouldn't have been able to stop us since after that it would've been 2v2.

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Just read through the docs. Orange and FRAYDO, my whole Clarification, Observation, etc... thing was in reference to HK-47 from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, an assassination droid for Darth Revan full of dry wit and who commonly refers to humans as meatbags. It was basically me teasing about being Scum and I wanted to see if any Star Wars fans would pick up on it.  Here's a few quotes.

HK-47: "Observation: I am a droid, master, with programming. Even if I did not enjoy killing, I would have no choice. Thankfully, I enjoy it very much."

Revan: "What legal requirements do you mean?"

HK-47: "Answer: Simply that the distinction between 'killer' and 'killee' be a clear one. I cannot kill of my own volition, naturally."

Revan: "I don't think 'killee' is a word."

HK-47: "Expletive: Damn it, master, I am an assassination droid... not a dictionary!"

HK-47: "Amendment: Then I will endeavour not to refer to you by your meatbag status in the future, master. Does that suffice?"

Revan: "No!"

HK-47: "Query: I am confused. 'No' you do wish to be referred to as meatbag or 'no' it does not suffice?"

Revan: "Are you deliberately trying to insult me?"

HK-47: "Answer: Deliberation implies some form of intent, master, when I am only stating a fact. Perhaps you would prefer the term liquidious fleshbag?"

Revan: "How about 'human'?"

HK-47: "Objection: But... but that technical term does not accurately portray the vast amount of bulbous slushiness present in your bipedal form!"

I really don't like how my attempt at convincing Jeod to stay put me under direct suspicion, but it really couldn't be helped unless I wanted to abandon him and throw him under the bus. From what I read, I was basically "guaranteed" Town until that point. Obviously the Force Eater hurt me later, but I already discussed that in the Sith Ghost doc.

I do appreciate the compliments about being a good liar though, thank you :p

Orange and Sunflower, I was pushing towards an Orange v. Voe fight for four reasons. 1. I was pretty confident in Voe winning. 2. If Voe did win, we'd be looking at an easy 2v2. 3. So I could heal up (or Transfer Life). 4. I'd recruit Orange if Voe lost and we'd still be at 2v2 ;) 

I also didn't know Voe's combat actions since he never shared them, so I wasn't able to determine whether he should've just let me use Battle meditation and Enlarge Force so I could kill off the rest of the Jedi, then surrender or not :\ Though I think I might've been a better candidate since I already had 4 Forms, so I would've gotten my 5th for sure.

And Nodlied, the whole lying about my result thing mostly happened due to being forced, since I couldn't have Orange get killed as he was the backup. If Force Eater didn't screw me over, then I would've went on my merry way, going along with Towns' suspicions.

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This turned out to be pretty fun and a good attempt at balance for the first time being hosted. Thanks for hearing my concerns and making real-time adjustments based on feedback, Vert. I would for sure sign up for a 'Episode II' of this setup, but I'd expect it to be better than how George Lucas handles things! ;)

My sensitivity to game balance in this one was based on the APB VI fiasco and my alignment swap, I suppose. I didn't get to play as town enough to know just how difficult it would be to find Sith, and then from a Sith perspective upon first joining, it didn't seem like we had much to work with outside of being powerful in duels, which of course I wasn't. I prefer the mind games. :p

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8 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

I hope you're more active next time xD There were a few ways we could've won if so, like a last minute switch of the votes and we could've had Town v Town. It would've obviously shown us to be Scum, but we would've both been free to act during the night and they wouldn't have been able to stop us since after that it would've been 2v2.

I regret being away and not sending in the night action when i was at 100FP. I could have learned one more ability or something else.

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37 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

I'll take it if you need to meet minimum player count. Otherwise I'll be fine walking away with my win against Category and my "Ironic" award :p

Maybe you want to stick around and see how much better you are against RNG odds now?


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Light Saber Tournament update:

We have 4 signed up.


During Saturday, we'll play 1st & 2nd round simultaneously, and on Sunday, we'll play the Final 3rd Round.


1st round:

@Nodlied vs @Voe (Jedi Plunger special round)


2nd round:

@TheIrishman vs @ChopBam


During the next 24 hours, you need to send me your new LightSaber Character Info!

You can pick from the usual attributes, but you are limited. Everyone has 10 points (pts) to allocate, so use them wisely.


These are the choices and costs:


1. Choose Combat Attribute (only 1):

  1. Strenght - 1pt
  2. Dexterity - 1pt
  3. Constitution - 1pt
  4. Dark - 4pts

This will determine which set of CFAs and Combat Form Maneuvers you will have! Note that selecting Dark will only get you Dark Force actions this time and you won't have any attribute bonus.


2. Choose Force Orientation (up to 3):

  • Control - 1pt
  • Sense - 1pt
  • Alter - 1pt


2. B. If you have chosen more than one Force Orientation, you can choose Tier 2 or Tier 3 CFAs:

  • Tier 2 CFA (based on your selection above, there are 3 combinations so you need to specify) - 2pts
  • Tier 3 CFA (you need to select all 3 Tier 1 first) - 3pts


2. C Increase  your Force Pool:

  • +10 Max FP - 1pt


Please note that all CFAs will cost 10 times more than in Mafia game, so you can only cast limited number of CFAs!

Tier I will cost 10 FP to cast

Tier II will cost 30 FP to cast

Tier iii will cost 90 FP to cast

All players will start with 100 FP, unless they allocate to increase FP


3. Choose your Forms (any that you see fit):

  • Form I: Shii-Cho - 1pt
  • Form II: Makashi - 2pts
  • Form III: Soresu - 3pts
  • Form IV: Ataru - 4pts
  • Form V: Shein / Djem So - 5pts
  • Form VI: Niman - 6pts
  • Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad - 7pts

If you have selected Dark, you also get the Dark Maneuver and Sith Stance for free.


4. Bio - If you want to change your appearance:

  • Avatar
  • Lightsaber colour/type





  • Strenght - 1pt
  • Control - 1pt
  • Sense - 1pt
  • Alter - 1pt
  • Tier 3 CFA (you need to select all 3 Tier 1 first) - 3pts
  • +10 Max FP - 1pt
  • +10 Max FP - 1pt
  • Form I: Shii-Cho - 1pt

Total: 10 pts




@Voe @Nodlied @TheIrishman @ChopBam please send me your choices asap within 24 hours so that we can start


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Ok, time is up now, Irish was the only one who made effort to design the character. Nodlied requested defensive and/or balanced setup. I was waiting for voe, but he wanted to play with the old setup. So to make it fairly balanced, voe's getting his strength while Nodlied is getting Dexterity for counter and defensive play. All players have a Form II maneuver, 3 Tier I CFAs and 2 Tier II CFAs. Nodlied is Control oriented, TIM Sense Oriented and Voe Alter oriented:





To make this faster and fluent, we will have all 3 Duels running at the same time (each participant dueling two others separately).

Everyone will start first in one Duel while starting second in another, so everyone has equal chance.

The player who beats both of his opponents wins. In case of a 3-way Tie, the person with most remaining HP will win.

Voe vs Nodlied

Nodlied vs TheIrishMan

TheIrishMan vs Voe


How to Duel:

The Duel is broken into Turns, each turn consisting of Attack and Defence phase. When your turn begins, you are the attacker and the opponent is defending, then your opponent's turn starts, he's attacking, and you're defending. You can only call actions during the attack phase though, so you have to think ahead too.

Besides Health and Force Points, there are now three more attributes that control the Duel: AttackDefense, and Stamina.

Attack value determines your attack value during your attack turn. Defense determines your defense value during your defense turn. When a player attacks, he deals damage based on your attack and the opponent's defense value (DAMAGE = YOUR ATTACK - OPPONENT'S DEFENSE).

Note: If the Defender successfully defends against the attacker (his Defence is greater than Attack), and he has an attack value greater than the attacker's defense, he can counterattack back.

Stamina is the cost of each attack or defense (no matter the result). Each Duelant starts with 100 Stamina points, and if they run out of Stamina, they can no longer attack nor defend. They need to wait their turn in order to Rest first to regain Stamina.

Every time you are attacking or defending, you are also rolling a dice (from 0-10), the dice will ultimately multiply your result. If you roll 0 you will miss, if you roll 10 you will achieve a critical hit. Critical hits can change the outcome of the turn pretty quickly. Dice values will be determined by RAND() function in my tracker.


To understand the Duel actions, let's explain these three terms:

  • Ready Stance
  • Form Maneuver
  • Force Combat Action


Ready Stance is basically your defining move. If you want to be aggressive, defensive, balanced or resting during your turn, you need to select your Ready Stance first. It will determine your Attack, Defense and Stamina values during your attack and defense phase. There are 4 basic Stances:

##Jedi Ready (-25 Stamina) - gain +5d Attack and +5d Defence: This is your balanced Stance, low cost and providing average attributes for both attack and defense (set as default).
##Defensive (-20 Stamina) - gain +9d Defence: This is your standard Defensive Stance. If you want to stale for time or wear out your opponent from Stamina.
##Offensive (-30 Stamina) - gain +9d Attack: If you want to start aggressively and with a very little chance of OTK your opponent, this is your choice. However, it costs the most stamina.
##Center of Being  (+30 Stamina) - rest to gain extra Stamina, you can't attack nor defend. You can't overload your stamina unless you use some sort of Force Action that will allow it.

Your Combat skills also help modify the above:

With Strength Combat Skill, you get +1 bonus Attack for Offensive Stance and Jedi Ready
With Dexterity Combat Skill, you get +1 bonus Defence for Defensive Stance and Jedi Ready
With Constitution Combat Skill, you use less Stamina per round by 5 points, and gain extra 5 with Center of Being


Form Maneuvers are special moves that grant you extra bonuses for attack or defense during your turns, but also provide a special bonus in case you roll a critical hit,  or yield other bonuses. Form Maneuvers are related to seven Forms of Lightsaber combat, each providing a set of Maneuver respectively for strength, dexterity, and constitution. You can advance to next Form to learn new sets of Maneuvers, but only if you win the Duel (so get to it!).

For example, a tier 1 Maneuver for a Strenght is "##Disarming Slash" adds extra +1 damage to the Attack formula and also provides a bonus for Critical Hit (when 10 is rolled) to disarm the opponent and gain extra attack turn for the user.

During the Duel, you can use each of the learned Force Combat actions ONCE. Unlike the Stance moves and Form Maneuvers, they don't cost stamina but just like Force Night Actions (don't confuse them), they cost Force Points. Although the Combat ones are much cheaper (ten times cheaper for each tier respectively), so you don't have to worry if you run low on Force Points before attending a Duel. However, your timing has to good, since you only get one chance to use each of the Force actions. You can only use one Force combat action per turn.


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