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[Danubian Federation Victory] Ausgleich '37


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I think the safer reform to start with is economic. If it does drastically affect game mechanics and actions, it would be for PP and we could go into Day 2 with more information on reform mechanics.

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I think it might also boost certain abilities maybe, but maybe can affect PP.  Seeing as the first P in PP is Political, though, I'd figure there's probably some crossover.  I bet, regardless of what reform category, there's a way to boost certain countries within the Empire, and then our Nationality comes into play.

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Interesting mechanics. So we have three factions, Pluralists, Status Quo, and Abolishment. I'd assume that Abolishment would be more along the lines of "Scum."

As for voting, there is an issue that can potentially be used to our advantage. Since voting during the day and night cost 1PP while night actions also cost 1 PP, then we can try to limit any shenanigans by "forcing" everyone to vote during the day for reforms. If Scum wants to try and control the vote at night, they won't be able to perform their night actions. The voting for the vault and investigations seem to be separate so I don't think they cost any PP. Since the investigation is public and isn't performed by any specific person, it means that we won't lose our "cop." Although this plan also assumes that most of our abilities are relatively useless in comparison to the investigation and our ability to control the vote. It also assumes that Scum would abide by the same rules (which I'd think they would), but like in Vert's game when I was Sith, I was able to do some things at no cost.

As for reforms, I think I'd prefer something for economy. Economy is all about the wealth/food/resources in the country and distributed between people and if we can keep them happy I think it'd give more stability than any military force.

##vote Reform Economy

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

I think PP refreshes each day AND night, so we get 2 PP for Day, 2 PP for Night, so that part of the plan wouldn't exactly work. (though mod clarification on that might be nice).

Reading over it again, I can see where I misunderstood. I'm pretty sure you're right. Whelp, there goes my first plan of action.

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40 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

So we have three factions, Pluralists, Status Quo, and Abolishment.

Where did you pull Abolishment from? And how sure are we that there are only three factions?

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Just now, FRAYDO said:

Where did you pull Abolishment from? And how sure are we that there are only three factions?

In the initial post they were mentioned.  Abolishment probably isn't a "public" goal though, and they can perhaps only make a move if the rest of us break down in our negotiations.

That said, the original post also is phrased as "known" objectives, so there's technically a possibility someone else could be out there too.  A syndicalist maybe.  That's such an outside possibility I don't think it's really worth discussing at this juncture though.

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57 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I think PP refreshes each day AND night, so we get 2 PP for Day, 2 PP for Night, so that part of the plan wouldn't exactly work. (though mod clarification on that might be nice).

I was wondering about that too. I agree with Orane and Irish that it's probably 2 each time but wasn't sure.

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Here as well, though just to check in. My Monday thing is a go, and probably busier than usual, so I figured I'd check in before bed rather than try to find some time tomorrow. I'll be here Tuesday for hammer, though. Also going to wait until then to do a full overview; I'm admittedly a bit lost, but when I have time I should be able to figure it out.

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9 hours ago, Nodlied said:

Political, economic and military reforms each provide their own ''bonusses'' when you vote for them. The day phase vote is to select a type of reform. Then, during the night you vote on one of the different options. They do not affect players directly, but each type has an affect on other modifiers.

So picking a reform during the day would be like triggers something like an event where we vote among the choices? And we can't know what those choices are going to be in advance?

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25 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

So picking a reform during the day would be like triggers something like an event where we vote among the choices? And we can't know what those choices are going to be in advance?

Yep, that's why it doesn't seem like it really matters what reform is selected at the moment, all of them should have multiple version to vote on, more than likely allowing anyone to begin working toward their victory condition regardless of what's selected.

We could just as easily have an economic reform to increase military spending, as we could have a military based reform to restrict the size of the army.

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8 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

##vote Reform Economy


8 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

I think PP refreshes each day AND night, so we get 2 PP for Day, 2 PP for Night, so that part of the plan wouldn't exactly work. (though mod clarification on that might be nice).

That is correct. PP refreshes each day and night.

7 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

Missing a 'g' in Orange.

Fixed, thanks!

4 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

OrangeP47 (or perhaps Nodlied/Voe), do you happen to know if the Darkest Hour Kaiserreich is as fleshed out as the HoI4 version is?

I don't really know. I've never played the DH version, but if I had to take a guess based on what I've seen; Darkest Hour has a longer timeline and plays a bit slower while the HOI IV version is more detailed from 1936 until after the 2nd Weltkrieg and also plays a bit faster. 

4 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

So picking a reform during the day would be like triggers something like an event where we vote among the choices? And we can't know what those choices are going to be in advance?

Somewhat, yes. The reform picked during the day will present the players with four different options to choose from. It doesn't matter as much what reform you pick during the day. The four options are similar to those of other reforms. However despite their similarity at first, Economic, Political and Military reforms each have their own small bonus.



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So, I've read through the rules and skimmed the past game. I think if we we're going to get more stability either of the three paths will give us an option. So now it's just a debate of which path gives us the most stability. In my opinion, that would be either economic reform or military reform. Either you keep the people happy or you have the military power to enforce the rule of law. Of those two options, I feel like the force option has a chance to backfire down the road. For that reason I will be proposing economic reform.

##reform economic

Also, I just noticed that Emperor Karl is just Mr. Bean in disguise...

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7 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

OrangeP47 (or perhaps Nodlied/Voe), do you happen to know if the Darkest Hour Kaiserreich is as fleshed out as the HoI4 version is?

I've not played the HOI4 version, but DH is pretty detailed.  It really depends on what path you picked though.  In my game, for example, I picked centralization as Austria, Hungary just said no, so I relented and gave them Bosnia in their sphere to keep them happy and not revolting.  Then we had events where we directly annexed our sphere, which went much better.  I annexed Bohemia, they annexed Croatia and Bosnia.  Somehow Galacia got annexed by Poland due to a bug....  But yeah, it's multi-tiered and detailed.

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Time to follow through on my stance.

##reform Economic

As for today's investigation, ##investigate OrangeP47. Being a lore savant warrants the rest of us being sure of your alignment to prevent manipulation through propaganda.

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If everyone agrees to economic, but for the purposes of finding something to increase stability, I'm not opposed.  I'll keep my vote on military, though, as not to waste PP, if you don't mind.

I'm also not opposed to being investigated.  My status is currently innocent, and I have the perfect character for leading "town" this game, so getting cleared early is a good thing.

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1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

No, that and investigate are free.

I'd assume the opposite, unless it's specifically listed as being free or only costing 0 PP to use it, the standard cost for any action should probably considered as 1 PP for balance reasons.

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Just now, Shade939 said:

I'd assume the opposite, unless it's specifically listed as being free or only costing 0 PP to use it, the standard cost for any action should probably considered as 1 PP for balance reasons.

If it was 1 PP for everything, we'd only be able to do two of the three day actions that we know everyone has access to, AND only be able to vote once without changing it.  Votes for people almost have to be free or else the game doesn't work.  It'd be way too easy for people to investigate the wrong person late game and lose if that was the case.

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While I don't disagree that an economic reform may be our safest start, I believe I'm making the right choice supporting a military reform today. A strong military makes a stable nation.

##reform military

For being the first to propose the military reform, I would have to nominate Orange for investigation. Not to say you're someone to be cautious of, but knowing more about you wouldn't hurt.

##voteinvestigate OrangeP47

And because no one has volunteered yet, I will place a vote on myself for the vault.

##votenominate FRAYDO

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On 7/15/2018 at 6:59 AM, Nodlied said:

Political power


The standard limit per day and night phase is 2 PP and the standard action tax is 1 PP.

Passing reforms
Voting on a category will cost 1 PP. Voting on a reform variant will also cost 1 PP.You vote on a category by using ##Reform <Political/Economic/Military>

The vault and evidence base
As with the previous game, we have an item vault as well as a modified evidence base. During the day, a player can be voted on to be allowed into the vault with ##VoteNominate <Player Name>.

Investigations and lynching


There is no lynching in this game. We’re beyond such a barbaric concept now. Instead we use the ##VoteInvestigate action to take a look at a player.

It's rather clear how the rules should be interpreted at the moment as written. And I'm not certain you can call it unbalanced to have it limited in what day actions you can do at this point, it might entirely be intended where you have to give up on shaping the political future of the Empire in exchange for trying to root out the traitors in our midst.

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Just now, Shade939 said:

It's rather clear how the rules should be interpreted at the moment as written. And I'm not certain you can call it unbalanced to have it limited in what day actions you can do at this point, it might entirely be intended where you have to give up on shaping the political future of the Empire in exchange for trying to root out the traitors in our midst.

Yes, it's rather clear... in my favor :P

Really Shade, I do this kind of thing for a living.  The 1 PP cost is clearly under the section for passing REFORMS, not under investigate (or nominate, which you left out).

We can always summon @Nodlied though if it makes you feel better.

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