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Tiberian Dawn: Ground Zero Official Q&A Thread!

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which old mods are you using for early start references and resources?

will be the sam site of Nod have a standby to drive-out animation like in TD or will it be always out like in APB/RA1?

i think it's clear that we won't see the little naval part of TD in the first release, but maybe in later patches? hoping for gunboat and hovercrafts

also sure not in the first release but will we see big buildings like temple of Nod, tech centre (like in APB on NorthbyNorthWest Map) and Hospitals later in the game?

Obelisk and GDI Advanced Tower still have doors or second-tier buildings like silos, service depots and Tesla Coils from APB?

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  On 1/7/2019 at 10:11 PM, Metaridley said:

which old mods are you using for early start references and resources?


Currently, we're using resources recycled from APB and Renegade Beta. We're also attempting to contact the developers of The Brotherhood to see if they have anything we can use, though we've yet to get a definitive response.

  1 minute ago, Metaridley said:

will be the sam site of Nod have a standby to drive-out animation like in TD or will it be always out like in APB/RA1?


The SAM Site will be pop-up, as it was in TD, and just like the laser turrets in TSR.

  1 minute ago, Metaridley said:

i think it's clear that we won't see the little naval part of TD in the first release, but maybe in later patches? hoping for gunboat and hovercrafts


We're definitely looking into adding them in post-release.

  1 minute ago, Metaridley said:

also sure not in the first release but will we see big buildings like temple of Nod, tech centre (like in APB on NorthbyNorthWest Map) and Hospitals later in the game?


It's entirely possible. The Temple of Nod, in particular, is going to have it's own map dedicated to it (It's too big to balance as a main structure, and having it small enough to be balance wouldn't do it justice.)

  1 minute ago, Metaridley said:

Obelisk and GDI Advanced Tower still have doors or second-tier buildings like silos, service depots and Tesla Coils from APB?


That's still undecided, however the current plan is for them to not have interiors.

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  On 1/7/2019 at 10:24 PM, Jeod said:

My guess is AGT will be sized down some to fit the manual model (below).




  1 minute ago, Jeod said:

There's a damaged TD Obelisk in C&C3, but I'm not sure if that was modded in or if it's from the source game.



I want to say it's part of the base game, but truth be told, I'm not sure.

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you should also look into the virtual westwood museum and sole survivor mods for renegade, there are also a plenty of models for references!

will be the commando available for both factions?

will be mission-like maps? (like in APB where allies have to defend the radar dome and getting reinforcements over LSTs)

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  On 1/7/2019 at 11:35 PM, Metaridley said:

you should also look into the virtual westwood museum and sole survivor mods for renegade, there are also a plenty of models for references!


Thanks for reminding me, I actually forgot to mention that we have SS assets as placeholders! As for the virtual Westwood museum, yeah it's worth a look.

  7 minutes ago, Metaridley said:

will be the commando available for both factions?


Yes. More details will be available in an upcoming blog.

  7 minutes ago, Metaridley said:

will be mission-like maps? (like in APB where allies have to defend the radar dome and getting reinforcements over LSTs)


Probably not in the first release, but we do want to have more "assault" style maps to vary up the gameplay.

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  On 1/7/2019 at 10:24 PM, Jeod said:

My guess is AGT will be sized down some to fit the manual model (below).


There's a damaged TD Obelisk in C&C3, but I'm not sure if that was modded in or if it's from the source game.



As for the AGT, at the moment I really don't see a reason to add an interior as what would you guys fit in there to make it look nice, or make it look "canon"? The last time I checked, I don't believe the AGT had an actual interior, and those blue glass looking panes on top fold out to launch the missiles. The missiles have to come from somewhere right?

If an interior was to be added, I'd just say have an elevator go up into a small observation room below the missile doors that holds an MCT, a Purchase Terminal, and maybe some radio/electrical equipment.

I've done a little searching, and none of the mods for C&C 3 that I've played or seen have had that obelisk as a model. Plus theres also what looks to be a Nod STW power plant behind it. I'm on the fence, but its either a modded map, or from the campaign somewhere. If we're going for Obelisk size, I'd probably say it shouldn't be any smaller than a normal tree. maybe scale it down just a tad from the Renegade Obelisk, see if it fits, and fine tune the size from there.

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  On 1/8/2019 at 2:44 AM, MPRA2 said:

As for the AGT, at the moment I really don't see a reason to add an interior as what would you guys fit in there to make it look nice, or make it look "canon"? The last time I checked, I don't believe the AGT had an actual interior, and those blue glass looking panes on top fold out to launch the missiles. The missiles have to come from somewhere right?


You are correct, those are the missile tubes.

  1 hour ago, MPRA2 said:

If an interior was to be added, I'd just say have an elevator go up into a small observation room below the missile doors that holds an MCT, a Purchase Terminal, and maybe some radio/electrical equipment.


Ultimately, the decision to have interiors will come down to whether or not it'd be good for gameplay.

  1 hour ago, MPRA2 said:

I've done a little searching, and none of the mods for C&C 3 that I've played or seen have had that obelisk as a model. Plus theres also what looks to be a Nod STW power plant behind it. I'm on the fence, but its either a modded map, or from the campaign somewhere. If we're going for Obelisk size, I'd probably say it shouldn't be any smaller than a normal tree. maybe scale it down just a tad from the Renegade Obelisk, see if it fits, and fine tune the size from there.


Oh trust me, we're not going to sell the Obby short (pun intended). That thing is an iconic structure, and we definitely want to do it justice.

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  On 1/8/2019 at 5:22 AM, FRAYDO said:


Portable Obelisk y/n ???


I wasn't gonna, but that's a GREAT idea!

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  On 1/7/2019 at 10:19 PM, Killing_You said:

Currently, we're using resources recycled from APB and Renegade Beta. We're also attempting to contact the developers of The Brotherhood to see if they have anything we can use, though we've yet to get a definitive response.


Try contacting Staude. I worked on that mod for a while. Alot of assets werent rigged though. Just the Humvee from what i can remember. 
The soundtrack was pretty nice

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  On 1/8/2019 at 4:12 AM, Killing_You said:

Ultimately, the decision to have interiors will come down to whether or not it'd be good for gameplay.


Honestly, the only reason to have interiors for the defensive buildings is so you can repair them safely and faster with an indoor MCT. Other than that, to me I just think its not going to kill gameplay if interiors weren't added, it'd just be a convenience so us repair whores/base guardians who suck at combat could actually repair the defenses without constantly being sniped or shelled in the open.

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  On 1/8/2019 at 5:28 AM, KevinLancaster said:

Has there ever been a rear view of the AGT? The in-game sprite doesn't seem to make much sense.



Not to my knowledge. And yeah, the sprite looks pretty awkward. We'll be going off of the render, and we'll have to use some imagination.

  On 1/8/2019 at 2:07 PM, wolf said:

Try contacting Staude. I worked on that mod for a while. Alot of assets werent rigged though. Just the Humvee from what i can remember. 
The soundtrack was pretty nice


I believe that he's the guy we're trying to get a hold of. @TeamWolf and/or @OWA would be able to give specifics.

  On 1/8/2019 at 4:59 PM, MPRA2 said:

Honestly, the only reason to have interiors for the defensive buildings is so you can repair them safely and faster with an indoor MCT. Other than that, to me I just think its not going to kill gameplay if interiors weren't added, it'd just be a convenience so us repair whores/base guardians who suck at combat could actually repair the defenses without constantly being sniped or shelled in the open.


We'll decide via testing whether or not they need interiors for precisely that purpose.

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oh i have another bunch of questions!

will there be advanced gameplay improvements like shift button to fast run in APB?
Will there be a minimap for the player like the chrono tanks teleportation map? (still hope that this get standart in APB/TSR and other W3D mods because my orientation on maps is fucking bad)
will therer be a sniper extra-class like in APB or will the commando the only unit with a sniper rifle?
will there be cutscene exclusive units also in this game like various aircrafts from gdi and Nod?

how could i and others join to a test member staff?

Edited by Metaridley
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  On 1/8/2019 at 5:27 PM, Killing_You said:
  On 1/8/2019 at 5:28 AM, KevinLancaster said:

Has there ever been a rear view of the AGT? The in-game sprite doesn't seem to make much sense.



Not to my knowledge. And yeah, the sprite looks pretty awkward. We'll be going off of the render, and we'll have to use some imagination.


The only TD AGT render I was able to actually see a full 360 view of was the one from the Sole Survivor mod. I could go and grab a few screenshots of the AGT to use as references to make a happy medium between the TD AGT and the closest 3D rendition of it. Might make things a bit easier instead of just building one from that one image and some imagination.

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  On 1/8/2019 at 6:00 PM, delta said:

Will the Obelisk laser do that short split-second zap like in TD and TS, or will it be a more sustained beam like in C&C3...assuming the latter is possible to implement?


The Obelisk will function the same way that it does in Renegade and TSR, since it already works fine and there's no real reason to change it.

  On 1/8/2019 at 8:25 PM, Metaridley said:

will there be advanced gameplay improvements like shift button to fast run in APB?


Yes, we will have sprinting, crouch-RADAR invisibility, accuracy, and potentially more.


Will there be a minimap for the player like the chrono tanks teleportation map? (still hope that this get standart in APB/TSR and other W3D mods because my orientation on maps is fucking bad)


Probably not, although if we find a good reason to implement it, we could change our minds and throw it in.


will therer be a sniper extra-class like in APB or will the commando the only unit with a sniper rifle?


There will not be a dedicated sniper class. The Commando will be the only unit with a scoped rifle.


will there be cutscene exclusive units also in this game like various aircrafts from gdi and Nod?


In the first release, no. However, we do plan on implementing various cutscene-exclusive units in post-release patches.


how could i and others join to a test member staff?


Instructions on how to apply can be found here. Best of luck!

  On 1/9/2019 at 2:51 AM, MPRA2 said:

The only TD AGT render I was able to actually see a full 360 view of was the one from the Sole Survivor mod. I could go and grab a few screenshots of the AGT to use as references to make a happy medium between the TD AGT and the closest 3D rendition of it. Might make things a bit easier instead of just building one from that one image and some imagination.


That would be great, actually!

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Alright, so after copying my renegade install, "downgrading" it by repairing the game, then installing SS 1.01... Here we have both a quick look at the AGT, and the Obelisk.

AGT: giphy.gif



Obelisk: giphy.gif

There are also some old vehicle files, like correctly camoflauged tanks for GDI. (Nod is red, and the attack cycle looks like a hot wheels car....) Also each vehicle does look a tad different from the APB/Renegade models.

Oh I can also get a view of a full MCV as well as Tiberian Silos, but I'm not sure the MCV is a priority, and I'm sure the silos have a better model than one from like 2004.

Right, so note to anyone who wants to play this.... make a backup of your renegade files with the most recent scripts, put it on a USB, and pray that your install didnt get corrupted.

I had to go through and modify my renlist and some of my core game files just to get it all back up to the way it used to be... So I'd do that if you dont want a huge headache 😛

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That's very helpful, thanks!

  On 1/9/2019 at 3:19 AM, MPRA2 said:

Oh I can also get a view of a full MCV as well as Tiberian Silos, but I'm not sure the MCV is a priority, and I'm sure the silos have a better model than one from like 2004.


I appreciate the offer, but we've got those covered. Plus the MCV isn't a first release priority anyway.

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That SS AGT doesn't seem to have the support pillar with the warning stripes on the back:


Found some other C&C mods that have done a remodel of the AGT:



TD Redux for Generals seems to have one as well, but I can't find any renders: https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/11/10740/sshot337.jpg

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  On 1/9/2019 at 5:36 AM, KevinLancaster said:

That SS AGT doesn't seem to have the support pillar with the warning stripes on the back:


Found some other C&C mods that have done a remodel of the AGT:



TD Redux for Generals seems to have one as well, but I can't find any renders: https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/11/10740/sshot337.jpg


I do happen to have the only available version of that mod. Its actually from the C&C 3 Tiberian Dawn mod. I really wished the mod would progress but I believe it kinda died after its first release.

This is what the AGT actually looks like ingame.



sorry for the imgur upload... my normal Giphy uploader wouldnt work, and I cant be screwed to edit the video, save it, then hope it goes through the upload.


Also, heres the closest thing I can get to a render of the TDR AGT... I cant really go through another 30 hour install/move/copy process for Generals..... Not now...

Anyways it looks a bit renegade-ish.






Since we're on the topic of Tiberian Dawn...

Please, I'm begging you.... No Renegade airstrip please... Thats all I ask of you to do.






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Thanks for the images, guys! It was pretty difficult to get a hold of proper art for the AGT, so now we've got a more comprehensive look at the structure, thanks to you guys!

  On 1/10/2019 at 5:34 AM, MPRA2 said:

Since we're on the topic of Tiberian Dawn...

Please, I'm begging you.... No Renegade airstrip please... Thats all I ask of you to do.


We'll be sticking to Tiberian Dawn, of course. However, out of mere curiosity, what issue did you have with the Renegade airstrip?

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  On 1/10/2019 at 6:02 AM, MPRA2 said:

the C-130 Hercules... I'd rather have a jet that looks like the one from TD than the Renegade C-130.


Gotcha. Yeah we're definitely going to go that route, either the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy or the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III.

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building design question

will be both power plants in the game? (normal and advanced) - in my mind for a artistic touch, a normal power plant in a little base would make sense for only power up barracks, vehicle production and a few smaller buildings like SD or ore silo.

so for big bases with extra buildings like CY, radar, super weapon and lot more defenses a advanced PP would make sense. in addition to these arguments, the A.PP don't take more space as the A.PP from APB/RA1 (but APB, give me the A.PP back, i miss it!)

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