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[Complete] RA:APB-themed Mafia game III


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Hey there forum lurkers. Since there is enough interest we'll continue this Forum game series of good old RA: APB Mafia.

If you do not remember or are unfamiliar, we played APB themed mafia game, where soviets in their base try to capture allied spies before the allies can eliminate and outrun the soviets (mafia scum vs town in general mafia terms). Basically I PM players what they are and what their role is, and when the game begins, players try to figure out who is who (or what), based on other players' actions during day (battle phase) and night (plan phase) and act accordingly (vote for players to lynch or try to attack them directly by themselves or use their special role actions).

This type of Mafia game was easy to run, usually it lasted a week or even few days in case of forum game version, and it could be also run as chat game too (instead of forum game, where the game lasted around 30 mins up to an hour). Unlike some movie/game themed mafia games I did run, I usually didn't have much trouble with them and since there were no additional lore, video or gfx work, I could to run them almost anytime. With my busy schedule and a lot of other gaming it also fits my taste as well.

Let me know if you would like to participate - based on the poll result I'll schedule a game before the end of summer. Usually it doesn't require too much time to participate, but you would need to be active on the forum at least twice a day when the game is run so you won't miss doing your actions (forum game phases last 24 hours up to 48 hours where you need to decide your actions). For each game, I'll need at least 7 players to make the game last for at least two-three days, but the more players the better (up to 10-12 is ideal for each game, for voice-chat version it's 5-10).

  :soviet: Game UPDATE: 

For now I propose The third forum game version could start next Friday 16th of September at 10 PM UTC/GMT (subject to change based on feedback). VoiceChat version (on TS) will be scheduled if there is enough interest (they are quick & fun, the last streak was three games per event!) - second attempt is on Friday 21st of October at 10 PM UTC/GMT (subject to change based on feedback).

Each Game phase (Day/BP & Night/PP) will last 24 hours max, meaning that if you want to participate, you should check and check each day at least once or twice to complete your actions. Though the more you participate the better, as the game becomes more active and fun.

All roles and sides will be randomized before game starts, if you want to have a specific role, PM me in advance. there's a guide how to create a role below.

Signed Players:

(minimum 7 players, max 20)
Game Progress:

DAY 8 - Game End

Chat (TeamSpeak) Game Progress:

RA: APB Mafia Chat Session VIII - October 7th

RA: APB Mafia Chat Session IX - scheduled for Fri October 21st

If you're new to mafia forum gaming, or you want to know details how this is played, check the info below.



   :soviet: How to Play APB Mafia Chat/Forum Game 

The concept is pretty simple, similar to classic mafia, with few additions. All general mafia standard rules will apply, but the phases will be literary only few minutes short with few little extra rules (bolded). All together one game shouldn't last more than one hour, but it can last only 20-30 minutes as well!

The game is about classic RA:APB Base infiltrated by spies.
There are Allied Spies (mafia) and Soviet Soldiers (town). The Soviets greatly outnumber the Allies (>=25%). However, none of the Soviets know who the Allies are at first, while Allies start with their own google doc where they can discuss the game anytime they want.

The game is broken up into two phases: Battle Phase (classic Day phase) and a Plan Phase (classic Night phase).
The phase duration last as 10 min Battle phases5 min lynch results/Plan phase + 5 min resolving the night/PP actions (so basically every ten minutes we will have a new phase unless unexpected delays which shouldn't last more than 5 mins).


During the Battle Phase (10 min duration), everyone talks and tries to build cases against each other directly in the forum chat. While the Soviets are arguing to try and find the Allies, the Allies are trying to throw everyone off their trail.
The goal of the Battle Phase is to find somebody for a Lynch.

People will vote for one person they want to be lynched and the person with the most votes will die at the end of the day. Your vote should be in this format:
##Vote PlayerName
If you decide to change your vote, you must first ##unvote (player name not required but is helpful) or you can simply vote another player if you already know who.
Note: As per previous game suggestion, we might have a forced voting mechanism starting Day 2 - more info on that during day post.

If a majority vote of over 50% is cast on one person, then they will be lynched right then and there, no need to wait for the end of the phase. When someone is lynched, everyone will find out their role and who they were aligned with. During the Battle Phase, players are also allowed to use their battle actions, such as ##shoot, etc. which will be resolved instantly. If the target players dies, he will be eliminated from the game and the game will continue (his vote will no longer be counted).

All BP/day actions need to be acknowledged by the mod before they are counted (just simple line to acknowledge so you know it came through, Current Vote Counts (or CVC) will appear periodically to inform you about the time remaining as well as the current vote status). Remember, without the mod acknowledge line, your vote or action doesn't count, so please don't do actions before the previous one was resolved. If it was missed, please use ##TIMEOUT command to stop the game, but only if it's really required (otherwise just repeat your action). All players are required to participate in chat, if one player stays quiet whole phase he/she might get role blocked for the next plan phase.


During the Plan Phase (5 min duration), Allies will have to decide to kill a Soviet player. They must also decide who will make the kill. However, certain people in both the Allies and Soviets have special roles they can use during the night to kill, protect, disrupt, or gather information. Some roles carry a certain risk while others give a little more freedom. When the new Battle Phase begins, everyone will see who has died during the night and find out what side they were on and what role they had.

Plan/Night actions are done classic way by the Private Message (PM Forum Messenger, outside the chat), same as resolved action replies. If you have a night action and do not inform me by PM at least 5 mins before the next Battle phase begins what you are doing with it, you do nothing that night. Talking in the chat during the plan phase will be restricted. This is because I won't have time to mod it since I'll be focusing on resolving the received actions (+5 extra mins for resolving). You can only chat in general, but no game-based stuff (accusations, plans, role claims, etc.). Players who won't comply might get role-blocked that phase.


The Soviets win when they have eliminated the Allied threat (all allied players must die).
The Allies win when they have managed to dispose of enough Soviets to outnumber them (or equal before plan phase).
If there are any Neutrals in game, they will win if they survive until the game ends with any of the fractions winning.

There are also extra guidelines which are posted in the general thread, but let's recap the main ones for those who are new:
  • Try to stick to the timetable
  • Await your Role PM soon before the game starts, if you have any questions, let me know before we start, since after that I won't have time to check PMs
  • The Chat system always displays time intervals for each 5 mins. That's a good way to see whether there is a hammer (end of Battle Phase after 10 mins from start) or new phase starts, since our phases will change in 5-10 min intervals as well...
  • If I'm not present in the chat (crash/outage) when the battle phase starts or is on the way, please wait for me and we'll start over in next five mins (basically game is on hold when I'm not there)
  • If resolving will take longer than expected (PM spam, etc), then I'll notify you and we'll start the next BP in the next 5 min interval
  • Please be civil! No spamming or swearing. It's just a game. Let's have fun!
  • If you are not in the game, please DO NOT post game related stuff in chat!
  • DO NOT discuss the game outside of the thread unless you are specifically given permission by me.
  • DO NOT quote private mod communications.
  • DO NOT attempt to break the game. No trying to get people to make toxx clauses, encryption, or fake day actions. Basically, if you're about to post something you're a little too proud of as a way of breaking the game, think twice before posting.
  • Good luck!

  :soviet: Player Roles, Flavor & Factions 

Now as far as flavor and roles go, there's gonna be a little twist, but I'll try to start with really easy and simple settings. The flavor will be the classic Soviet base infiltrated by the allies (we can try different flavors once the pilot is success, or continue with the APB if people wish for it).

Now here's the twist. For every game, few roles that might turn up in game will be revealed before the game starts, so you know what you're up against (something like in epicmafia), but there will also be few mystery roles and also, I'll let players themselves to design their roles using some available abilities and combinations, which will make it a bit more interesting. So you can end up picking a role that is already listed, or you can go for the mystery role, or, you can design or your own role. Infantry, vehicles, or even buildings, you name it.
This epic concept can make every game different.

There will be no crazy roles since I'm going to develop an easy inst-resolving mechanic so therefore the role abilities during night will have certain rules in order to work (what action does what, what is the order for resolving, priorities, action resolving messages, etc).

For people who don't like vanilla (=ordinary) roles, you're lucky since I'm gonna put every role some available actions at least. To stay true to the RA: APB flavor, even basic rifle soldiers will be able to shoot others, though ofc there will be a chance of missing or getting your weapon stuck. The only role which doesn't have any special abilities currently is the Neutral Civilian. Other advanced roles will be mostly useful during the night phases where classic investigations, tracking/spying, body-guarding and standard mafia killing take place.

We'll see if there will be a need for google docs as well but I can assure you mafia will be able to communicate in doc, at least.

  :soviet: Game Specifics: 

Here is the first role sheet that was used last game, I will upload some more units before next game:


As you can see, this game now offers new concept of vehicles and vehicle infantry fighters - the Soviet RPG soldier and Allied Rocket Soldier.
These are the only infantry that can successfully destroy the vehicles during the Battle Phase, or damage them during the Plan Phase.

All vehicles in the game have special Vehicle Armor - which protects them during the Battle Phase against infantry, except RPG or Rocket Soldiers. 
Vehicles can also destroy themselves during the Battle Phase, they can be lynched just like any unit and finally they can be killed during a Plan Phase.

Of course, vehicles can also become full Bullet proof if there's such a role that can change them.

You can pick one of the classic roles that are listed above, but you can also pick the mystery role not listed in this sheet (previous mystery roles won't be available, at least for some time). Only one mystery role is allowed per each game. This role won't be revealed until the actual game ends, and it can have any alignment. There might not be a mystery role in game however, depending on other roles.

You can also create/design your own, custom role.

Here are the guidelines:
  • As you can see every role has one Battle Phase (BP - Day) Action and one Plan Phase (PP - Night) Action. Your designed role can't have more actions either. Scum players have the Standard Mafia Kill as extra PP action in addition to their own actions but they cannot combine it during one PP.
  • Your designed role needs to be RA or APB flavor with appropriate actions to the flavor (vehicles, animals and structures are allowed).
  • Vehicles are Bullet Proof during during the day except if other vehicle or Anti vehicle infantry shoot them.
  • Buildings are immune to lynching.
  • As you can notice, all BP actions have a "weapon stuck" chance and "kill success" rate (which are two dice rolls needed to execute that action), and PP actions have frequency and usage limits. Here's a formula which limits the unit's actions to have them balanced vs each other:
  • KILL PERCENTAGE = Kill Success Chance - Weapon Stuck Chance (from -100 to 100 by 25% intervals only)
  • -100% < KILL PERCENTAGE < -50% -> Unit is able to perform one unstoppable kill during Plan Phase or very Special rare Action.
  • -50% < KILL PERCENTAGE < 0% -> Unit is able to become BP for a limited duration or perform multiple protect/support actions on others without frequency limits
  • KILL PERCENTAGE = 25% -> Unit is able to perform a scouting/investigating ability without frequency limits
  • KILL PERCENTAGE = 50% -> Unit is able to perform a scouting ability but with limited frequency
  • KILL PERCENTAGE = 75% -> Unit is able to do only one limited PP action which doesn't involve kill, support, protect, scout or investigate actions
  • KILL PERCENTAGE = 100% -> Unit doesn't have a PP action.

Here's an example. Let's say you want to protect one player each night (protective action). According to the formula your kill percentage shouldn't be bigger than 0%, which means your stuck weapon chance and success chance should be same. Let's say 50-50. Now for the flavor.You could be a heavy tank, serving as Armored shelter. Now if you want to have one BP ability, your frequency will drop so you can only protect every second phase.

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Gotta carry on with the tradition, Voe. "See ya in 3 days, Jesus."




Wonder if anyone remembers that I'm usually the prime suspect whenever Voe dies Night 1? Classic meta.

Edited by Jeod
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Honestly I don't even remember when Voe was last NK-ed on N1 and as for D1 lynch that hasn't happened that often either, tbh... (also you can request a building or other un-lynchable role if you're afraid of it - e.g. like cat5 in the last game).

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Ah, Voe's playing as a whole country. :p


No, that's where Voe is taking his trip to.

Voe's favorite place.




So... judging from the player role requests, this is going to be very interesting game, looking forward to it :)

inb4 forklift


But voe's not playing...




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