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Showing most liked content on 04/02/2016 in all areas

  1. Tiberian Sun: Reborn is back! Check this news post for more information. Announcement Hey everyone. A lot of people have been questioning the future of Reborn, and what has been going on behind the scenes. I am here today to clear a lot of things up and present to you a small preview as to what we have planned for the next major update for Reborn. Bear with me if this is a lot of reading, but it will be worth it. Behind closed doors A lot of you know that this game is a hobby for us so, sometimes real life steps in the way of that. This past year, I have been struggling with a lot of real life issues. These have included: A hand surgery, unemployment, and even the loss of my father; all this while trying to maintain a healthy family environment. So--needless to say--these things have taken up the majority of my time. Much like life, even the roughest storms will calm, and life starts to level out. With this hobbies can become relevant again. I am proud to announce the team has begun work on the Tiberian Sun: Reborn release! What does this mean? What this means is that we will be going in and revising the entire game to prep it for what could be considered a final release. Now that does not mean that this is it or that future items will not be implemented. But rather the game will feel complete and we would be able to add future items that would not directly effect the core of the game. The idea would be much like APB's Delta release. To where, things could still be balanced or added on a whim without disrupting its current game play. What can I expect? You can expect several things in the new release, including (but not limited to): A complete overhaul of the gameplay and balance, making TSR more fun overall! A complete redo of several of our buildings and units! Perhaps even some new ones! Overhauls to existing maps, reintroduction of some old maps, and even some new maps! Some brand new features to make your TSR more interesting! And of course, bug fixes. Closing We are still working out most of the details regarding TSR 2.0 and hope to have more updates for the public soon. Including pictures, videos, and in depth details about what to expect in this future build. We are sorry it has taken this long to address the public but given the circumstances. I hope everyone can understand why. Thank you all for your continued support. We can't wait to see you on the battlefield! Also I did manage to find this great video of One Winged Angel boxing in his room.
  2. Warning: Rebarn detected. Countermeasures activated.
  3. Hey, don't beat up the doc. Without him there wouldn't be a Chronophere, Prism Tanks, Prism Towers or Mirage tanks, and what would the Allies do without those? Probably just a collection of spectrum tanks, peacekeepers, proton colliders and century bombers.
  4. [20:44:40] TK-421: So... Anyone try out the cruiser? [20:44:48] delta: yup [20:48:12] TK-421: I want to try out the Cruiser Hahaha, I wasn't sure if I should have spoiled it for you yesterday. Though I think it should have been obvious to anyone who's been spending time around the forum that it would be a joke.
  5. Tiberian Sun: Reborn is back!
  6. Hey, don't beat up the doc. Without him there wouldn't be a Chronophere, Prism Tanks, Prism Towers or Mirage tanks, and what would the Allies do without those?
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  7. If I may ask, why wasn't it funny? It is generally known that APB will never have the cruiser. We decided on the joke to make fun of this, took an ancient RA2 Aegis Cruiser model and put it ingame. I'm honestly suprised some people actually fell for it.
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  8. Need to call in a buddy to even stand a chance against Iron Man.
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  9. I think TWT is much better then bonsai, I mean what exactly do you mean by similar? Gameplay? theme?
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  10. Can you remake that map that has that one thing, and that one building, and that one tree, and that one track. That's the one. I'm excited for any map to be remade or introduced and as such I'll likely not submit a map request at the time. Tiebreaker vote maybe.
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  11. And then there's me, n00b extraordinaire at your service!
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  12. Cruisers a joke SO NOT FUNNY.
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  13. I guess that's the most reasonable course of action for you; since most people want Fjord and APB lacks in urban settings, then why not expand on the Fjord idea and reimagine it into a new map with a new name and quite ideally with a central strategic location which has an assortment of close by houses or some sort of structures like that. We really could use some sort of town setting where people could run into and around buldings, flank tanks at a crossroads and things like that. I know we have at least a few house and barn models in APB and I doubt anyone would mind if multiples of the same structure were included provided the environment was mixed with misc objects and at least made to look a bit different. Multiple infantry movement paths within a village would add a great new spin on gameplay since we could effectively guerilla-style enemy tanks if you were to make a funneling path through the village as something like a lone road leading from the two bases. Sounds like a good concept to please everyone! Oh and more dense forrest areas would be a great addition to the village concept if you're going that route. Not too much but just a pinch of a more infantry friendly forest area would be great so vehicles can't run us over that easily. Just a thought for say a side path where vehicle movement could be limited. EDIT: Some vertical combat options from a ladder added to the lighthouse model or something higher beside the village would be great too for snipers and such! (depends on how you want to make the setting)
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  14. I've always considered a difference between a n00b and a newbie. You're the latter. A n00b doesn't care to ask questions or learn how to play and keeps making the same stupid mistake over and over. A newbie yes has a lot to learn but actually bothers to learn, ask questions, and try to play with his team.
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  15. Anything New? How's skatey Perry doing?
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  16. I figured since it was intended to be useless (on CI at least) I might as well take the opportunity to remind everyone of what a great gameplay mechanic Drunk Missiles are. Oh yeah in case anyone still doesn't get it it was an April Fools joke. Forklifts, on the other hand, are well-balanced and thus here to stay You can always just fill out pathfinding for the whole map, anything infantry can't climb will not have pathfinding. Of course, even though the map is small enough to not crash when given full pathfinding, I still had to restrict the pathfinding to "just enough to get to and from the ore field" because of how RAlistic the ore truck AI is: With full pathfinding coverage, the ore truck prefers to take the cyan path. If the cyan path is unavailable due to it not being on the pathfind grid, the ore truck takes the much shorter red path, which it does currently.
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  17. You know your shit since you played before. Lets say you have a basic training completed
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  18. *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* that game of Hostile Waters with the Destroyer rush. I was in that. I feel so included! I'm a part of things! :dance:
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  19. *raises AK-47* YEAHHH!!!
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  20. You should use RenList and join Caverns of Doom.
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  22. OH man! A Dune RTS!! Why didn't I think of this?!?
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  23. 1. Have you ever thought that grenadier is best for close quarters while it is the flamethrower which is better suited for long range (by making the flamethrower a bit more long range)? I just tried the timed grenades. They're ridiculous, it feels like you're hurt even if does explode like 10 meters away from you. It's no use whatsoever now, and since they are timed it's impossible to use them as ranged attack. 2. No comment as Reborm vs APB arguments are old and don't address issues. They are for kids who like to throw mud at each other 3. Well then. Since grenades are just bad when they are timed. It doesn't work well in fast paced shooter. Works good for C4s but not for throwing grenades which are suppose to be the main attack weapon. If we can't have both versions then, we only need the first no-timed version. 4. Nobody cares about the model of the grenade if it simply doesn't work. You need to sort out the weapon first, then worry about the models Even if we have two same models or just one or a placeholder, it doesn't matter. It's not about the model but about the weapon itself. Have you tested the grenadier now? I think any of the previous versions worked a lot better. The blast radius is too large, you'll damage yourself rather quickly and the enemy will finish you sooner before the last grenade explodes. You're denying grenadiers to use grenades in most inf vs inf situations (aka close combat as that's what most infantry do - not just buildings). You can't use the grenadier as a long range because non of the infantry will stand in one place either and wait for the grenade to explode. You won't be able to hit any vehicle now at all. So why using the grenades if anything else works better? Basically he's useless in almost every situation other than random kov-tillery fire. RPG is actually more useful now than grenadiers. But what if I want to use something which is either good against infantry and low armor vehicles, and does some damage to buildings too? RPG is anti armor/AA for the most part - but not particularly good against fast vehicles with anti infantry riding them... Kovs, shockers, even RPG are way better at hitting and damaging buildings than the (now overpriced) grenadier (except the cheaper RPG can at least defend against armor and air). I don't know a sane person who would use grenadiers now. They are simply more usable for close combat scenarios. Giving them a pistol, higher price tag, nerfing their HP and fighting capabilities will not make them any more usable.
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  24. 500 for a squishy infantry unit is too much imho. Generally I don't like any change done to the unit, the pistol is overkill since the grenade is suppose to be anti infantry already. If anything for such a price increase he could get some anti veh capabilities.
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