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Showing most liked content on 02/16/2021 in all areas

  1. @Guard55 for streaming the game night! @ryknow69 for his coordination of epic moments and attacks. @GaryOak for being a reliable teammate in any scenario. (Honorable mentions to Staff so they don't count toward awards) @AZ-Stalker for the LST-LST rush. That Allied beach was left full of them! @ChopBam for keeping this game great and fun. I've enjoyed every round in these game nights. @Coolrock for his charisma and charm that makes all of this happen!
  2. Keep the LPO-50 model. It looks beautiful. Revert the Flamethrower firing mechanic to actually lobbing a ball of flame Red Alert-style. I hope we're in agreement there, or how else are we making the Flamethrower great again?
  3. Volkov's napalm grenades should also explode on impact; I hate seeing them stick to the ground, and then eventually get eaten by the ground (noclipping through the terrain) just before exploding and causing little to no splash damage with a short fire proc. On that note, since the Sergeant no longer uses its slug round as its secondary, perhaps this can be relegated as Volkov's primary fire on the AP cannon. It can serve as a somewhat compromise for the players that preferred volkov when its AP cannon was the "sniper" cannon (myself included), and players who wanted the napalm grenades back.
  4. Volkov's shotgun hand is really hard to use beyond point blank range. I've watched multiple Volkovs try and kill a single rocket soldier and it took forever.
  5. @AZ-Stalker, @Metaridley and whoever else was behind the creation of the Babayaga Vodka squadron, best meme of the whole gamenight in my opinion :D
  6. Hello everyone! We've recently been having discussions among the staff about balance. With the recent high amount of game nights, it’s brought a lot of attention to certain units and maps. We’d like to ask our community to participate in giving feedback on anything you feel is off or not performing how you believe it should. This can range from damage not being high enough with a certain unit, to even prices being too high/low. Do you think a certain map has a higher advantage for one team over another? Now is the time to speak up! Let’s get to discussing
  7. Whatever changes go for Volkov, great, but this is by far the most important thing to fix for Volkov. Make him say his classic line again. "Commander."
  8. Frankly, I agree. The new model is fantastic, but the current firing mode feels a bit weird. The classic fireball was great as a room clearer, though that's arguably taken by the Grenadier. Either way, I agree that the current firing mechanic is a bit jank and could use some investigating.
  9. Make Flamethrower Great Again.
  10. @ryknow69 and @Eggman891 for excellent rushes and team coordination.
  11. Me, myself, and I and I guess @Metaridley and @GummiBear
  12. If @ryknow69 was behind that chrono rush, I will add my vote for him! We were seriously impressed by that one on the soviet side EDIT: If I'm not too late, I would also like to mention @forg0ten1and @SilverShark. High level play and they outscored me like every game too
  13. No one has voted me for a long time, so I'll do it myself.
  14. I nominate @Nodlied. He worked hard and doesn't afraid of anything. He was always there when I needed him and never left my side. Always in the line of fire to attract enemy attention, oretrucking a team to victory, or taking part of daring offensives. I like the guy. Please clap.
  15. @Eggman891 for great teamwork and being a paragon of base defence when it mattered the most. <3
  16. Hello players! We’d first like to thank everyone for joining another amazing game night! We once again want to ask that you reply with a nomination for which players they felt were the real MVPs of the night. After 24 hours from now, we’ll tally up the names and announce the MVP and Runner Up awards! What’re you waiting for? Get to voting!
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  17. 1,574 downloads

    Ever wondered where RA:APB started? Well, you can see for yourself! Back in 2002, two gents known as Agent Gibson and 13f7h4nd3d (Lefthanded) hatched an idea to build a Red Alert 1 themed mod for Renegade. This was a bold idea, as Renegade had only released earlier that same year. But they got to work, and Renegade Alert was born. Unlike all later versions which are "total conversions" aka standalone games, this initial release is a "pkg mod", or single-file self-contained mod, which was common in those days. It makes use of Westwood's built-in mod-loader, which works by using Renegade as a foundation, pulling what it needs from the base game, and loading new (modified) content on top of it to produce the intended experience. To play: (Renegade is required, version does not matter) Extract the .pkg file from the .7z file in the download. Paste it into your Renegade/data folder, and then run the game. Host a multiplayer game, and on the "map cycle" selection screen, choose "RedAlertMod" from the oft-ignored dropdown menu at the top labeled "Mod package". A single map will then appear in the list - ra_keep_off_the_grass - which you will want to double click to move into the rotation list. Click "start game" and travel in time all the way back to the dawn of Renegade modding! Enjoy!
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  18. Make Flamethrower Great Again. Increase the price of Rocket Soldiers. I think they are too cheap for how effective they are at destroying tanks. Increase the turn rate of cruisers. They are so frustrating to maneuver right now. Killing a main battle tank should kill or do massive damage to the infantry inside. Reduce the price of demolition trucks so more people buy them.
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  19. Volkov I don't like playing as a Volkov. The reload times make me ineffectual at killing anything except light vehicles and small buildings (but not base defenses). The AP rounds just don't work for me, regardless of range. Granted, this is more I'm bad at the game. Instead of making me swap weapon modes, I'd prefer it if his AT rounds just had a decently sized AOE that was great for killing infantry and did virtually no damage to anything else. I'm not sure how this would work mechanically, but it would give people like me, who suck at the Infantry Combat in w3d, a reason to use a Volkov aside from just wasting lots of money when my team is already winning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heavy Tanks I think they need either just a little bit more durability, or a bit more DPS. I don't feel a big difference when I fight a MT with a HT or vice-versa.
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  20. Voting list: @ryknow69 for the good memes. @SilverShark for constant artillery barrages that led to match victories. @TeamWolf for the good Light Tank rushes. @PXD2000 for the spy operations.
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  21. And here we all made sad faces thinking that nobody recorded the LST fleet! Good man! The ghost of baba Yaga was certainly with us that day!
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  22. That was hilarious. I have all of those encounters recorded, I need to edit a video together. Also, I played for 10 hours, 53 minutes, 5 seconds straight that day.
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  23. @Metaridley for doing his part in helping support lead the Vodka Squadron. @ryknow69 for the Chrono rush and combined enthusiasm in the spirit of the game night. Plus telling us to hold before takeoff like a pro. @ChopBam for spreading verbal fear as the Vodka Squadron did its glorious work for the motherland. @NodGuy for the priceless look on his face helicopter when we showed up with about 8 LSTs to counter his aerial harassment. @Killing_You for taking an LST beating like a champ. Vote for more people everyone, it's not like you only have one choice. Spread the love around a bit!
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  24. @ryknow69 for his crazy rush ideas, such as the Coastal Influence Chrono Tank rush when all seemed lost.
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  25. Again @AZ-Stalker for the birth of the Baba Yaga Vodka Squadron with Yaks and LST's!
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  26. We are halfway toward our yearly funding goal and it is only February! A massive thank you for your massive donation! Thank you forg! For others who would like to chip in, we do have a Donations button in the forum tabs and also to the right. With forg's $500 donation we are halfway to our yearly goal of $1,000. We appreciate every bit that goes toward this goal as it keeps our servers and infrastructure running. [blurb][/blurb]
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  27. Forg, who actually wanted to donate $50 but accidentally pressed the 0 key twice J/K - Very nice and generous man!
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  28. no problemo. I did it for the apb gold account. Just figured id give something back for all the years of w3d fun
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