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Everything posted by Testament

  1. FREE SPEECH. S H U T - I T - D O W N This is the type of thinking that turned it from ironic to unironic. It's not exactly officially approved, it's just put into its own containment board. Everyone who goes BUT MUH RACZISM missed stuff like us trying to save bakfiets from homelessness or the daily conversation we had about anything and everything. It was a place to freely express opinions and debate ANYTHING. Shutting that type of thing down just gives credence to the points made by all the people whom these certain people have an issue with. All they had to do was join, and put them in their place if they felt so strongly, anyone was free to do so. Yah-Nosh, the majority of the Renegade community are huge advocates of freedom of expression. I was blamed as a ring leader for saying things I've said for years (and everyone else has) that are suddenly unfashionable or unacceptable because a few sensitive sallys who can't be bothered to take it up with me directly have to go tell the playground monitors on me. That's a separate issue though. If you didn't like the Grille, then you didn't need to even look at it. It's like being mad people are saying things you don't like somewhere you don't even have to frequent and imposing your will on that. That's what I will never get, this autistic obsession of controlling how other people conduct themselves. Like I said before, it's something no other Renegade communities have, and it was a community favourite among many regulars. If you didn't like it, you should have muted it immediately and forgot about it. Existence doesn't = approval of the boards content. Containment boards are a strategy utilized by online communities since I first started posting online back in 2005.
  2. >Yikes Uh, if you didn't like it. Don't look at it? It had an NSFW sticker and prompt on it for a reason. You waived liability by clicking on it and the channel followed the rules laid out by the discord TOS. On BBQ GRILLE 2.0 I don't like some channels that were added and I do something incredible. I MUTE IT AND HIDE IT. I don't virtue signal and tell people they can't do their own thing and have fun while showing contempt and lording over them with a holier than thou attitude. Jesus, self awareness goes a long way. FRAYDO's in here right now tho? I answer to FRAYDO Like I've said before, grille removal is a symptom of a deeper problem.This is gas lighting and ignoring the root issue which is the splintering of the community.
  3. It's not a rumour. I've seen it used as an argument time and time again. Portfolio be damned, I fail to see how having a certain "company culture" suddenly makes your achievements invalid. I agree with you on project management over community management. Leave the community management to FRAYDO and the the policing to the moderation team. 100%, I will always try to give astute observations when it comes to PR or marketing.
  4. Yeah I have no idea where you got that from my comment, that's quite the assumption. I merely said you're missing the mark and its outside your realm of expertise.
  5. Yeah IDK, these 12 people who actually were regulars were all players. Yet you're changing the argument to discredit his criticism. The splintering of the community is what was being discussed, not the grille removal. That's only a symptom of an underlying problem.
  6. >verbose pomposity that's totally out of touch with the actual weight of killing off the one killer app that made us different from every other boring C&C discord nobody cares about because a few people clicked the NSFW tab and got their jimmies rustled. Even then, that's not the route cause of grievers comment as I suspect, the grille removal was merely a symptom. 30+ people who organized on our discord FRAYDO created to play games, chat and have fun = no purpose. I'm sorry Mr. Game Server Moderator, but I don't see anything in your title that relates to PR. I was brought here to do just that, and Its getting frustrated when you are told that engaging the community on a daily basis is worthless when no one else other than the two PR guys cares to do it. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how that played out for nearly every dev who held their base in contempt.
  7. I don't remember ever seeing you ingame. Ever. For anything. Now, this community has been in danger of being flushed for years for various reasons. It may have its populated times and lulls but they are much too extreme and wind up turning off anyone who may be interested away. Nobody wants to join up into games that aren't always gonna have a decent amount of players. Funny enough, I've been posting about this on the various chans for years and I had someone tell me "No, we don't want THOSE types of players.." Lets get real, you don't get top be choosey for RENEGADE. A nearly 20 year old game that wasn't exactly popular to begin with. We should be doing EVERYTHING to retain individuals as once regulars are gone you lose 1 person who will be in that game nearly everyday giving others someone to play against. As an aside, this current "professionalism" bullshit I keep hearing from the bigwigs makes me utterly cringe. I've had to consult with them (people wholly unrelated to what I was doing) in order to post a fan video they didn't like, when I already spoke with the LEADER of that mod project and the PR lead giving a go ahead. That type of micromanagement and obsession with control means this place was never gonna grow on its own or have much chance of holding anyone's interest who wasn't incredibly autistic about Renegade. Throw away regulars for the potential to please some undefined base and people who don't even regularly play because some people don't have a skin thicker than a grapes. I know our base, and we're not doing what we can to reach them.
  8. It's a great comedy movie. A real kneeslapper
  9. Good stuff. Although it was fun to spam M12 fire at people in full auto, it was a bit ridiculous.
  11. Maybe in Cuck time but I got 3 hours left
  12. I agree forum mafia is cancer. It ruins the off topic forum and should have its own separate tab that people can just ignore completely. The feed on it is also cancer. I want to hide all of it.
  13. FIX THE MULTIPLAYER! Desyncs everywhere, all the time. It can be nearly impossible to play a game with bots on RA2, or Generals. I want to play games of Generals with people online so badly, but it almost never goes through and we end up just giving up nearly immediately. UPDATE FOR USE ON MODERN SYSTEMS Heck, even with the first decade back on Vista I had to fight with it to get it to work. It would be nice to just download or drop that disc in and fire it up and have it work. PHYSICAL COPY One thing I really love, is that I always have a physical copy of The First Decade sitting on my shelf. Looks good and keeps me from having to constantly download it. PROPER ADVERTISING Get another generation interested in RTS games, it's a dying genre and most of the youth don't even know they exist. I have nephews who's eyes light up when I tell them they can play with army men on the computer with explosions and tanks and what have you. C&C is an accessible series where you don't have to be a micro wizard in order to be at least a bit competitive, and have fun. PACKAGE LINKS TO VARIOUS COMMUNITIES ON THE INSTALL C&C is at its best when it's modded IMO. I have spent more time playing Renegade mods than any other game over the course of my time here on this earth. Tiberian Sun comes in a close second. You get people into the fan sites and modding communities and you reinvigorate your brand. Now if you wanna get serious, a nice remaster of RA1 and Tib Dawn with some updated, yet faithful visuals would be utterly swell. However, I can hold my breathe on that and ask for better resolution, and the abolition of 1 click unit building micromanagement. I would also like to see a graphical update to Generals, because out of all the games that one has aged the worst IMO. Also, it needs more PLECOSTOMUS's if you want to succeed. PS: IceReaper from OpenRA is right, I also wanna see a redone C&C 4 (throw the rest of that crap out the window and forget that it even happened) that's at least respectful of all the work that went into the series before it and gives an actual ending instead of this gutter trash: HEY LETS SLAM A CONCEPT ART PORTAL ONTO A BLANK WHITE SCREEN! SHOVE IT OUT THE DOOR BOYS! You can tell there was little to no love put into that game, and its the only C&C I never actually purchased after buying them close to release day for a decade. Bring my faith back, but it'll be hard to do.
  14. Pretty much. Just hang around base or use units that feature a gold star. They are easy to use and typically pretty effective in most situations. Watch for spies as Nod and don't get out of tanks as GDI unless you want an chameleon spy to run off with your ride
  15. Frank is an absolute unit. Gotta give him credit for answering my deranged questions.
  16. [thumb]thumb_ia.1.png[/thumb][blurb]Interim Apex is now on the W3D Hub launcher! Check it out now![/blurb]W3D HUB PROUDLY PRESENTS: Created by Kaskins(Yap) and dblaney1 You heard right, Interim Apex is now available on the W3Dhub launcher. Interim Apex began its life as the popular Renegade mod Imperial Age, and has since become wholly different and unique experience through the efforts of dblaney and Kaskins. Interim Apex is what I had hoped the original Renegade would be, with its unique approach to the engine that makes you feel as though you really are inhabiting the boots of a soldier on the front lines for Nod or GDI. Featuring whole new maps, well detailed vehicles, expansive new base buildings, naval combat, and even the ability to build your own obstructions and base defenses. I hope you'll be as amazed as I was when I first stepped in game. Communication Centers - These buildings allow you to research new technologies or buffs for your entire team that can give you the edge you need to be victorious on the battlefield Construction Yard - Just like in the RTS games , the construction yard isn't just for show. While it is still operational, you can rebuild a destroyed building for a hefty fee. Naval Facility - Many maps feature a naval yard in close proximity to your base. Capture it, and rule the high seas with insurmountable firepower. Losing your original base defenses is no longer a death sentence! With enough cash, you can utilize a Sapper or Pioneer to build rudimentary defenses and barricades to keep on the defense, or to hold down checkpoints. Playing support is a vital role for your team which will help mitigate enemy attacks on your journey towards victory. Captain massive battleships that feature dozens of guns, all controlled by AI with the option to manually choose targets. There is nothing quite like this in Renegade! Utilize a trusty bridge layer to get your team to where it needs to be! They can be used to create shortcuts to the enemy base, ease passage, or to open up routes to valuable tiberium! There are other support vehicles such as the mammoth recovery vehicle, which will help you repair destroyed tank husks, vehicles, and buildings at an incredible speed. Tiberium has had years to rapidly mutate organisms, drastically changing the earth's ecosystems. There are many different types of tiberian fauna on some maps; from visceroids to veinhole monsters. Some of the others, you'll just have to get acquainted with yourself. Furthermore, tiberium fields visually grow and deplete over the course of the game Interim Apex is a fantastic addition to the W3DHub lineup and provides a unique experience that we hope you'll all enjoy. Download it via the launcher, and join the one and only official Interim Apex server in the community and see what the tiberium age has to offer!
  17. ITS A FIDDLE KINDA NIGHT AND BANJO TOO I really don't get how people can like any hip hop post 2005. It became souless trash just like the majority of contempary country music. LEAN BACK, LEAN BACK. - Fat Joe
  18. Your mother is quite the animal, yes. Wicked broad.
  19. The only two kinds of music. Country, and western. People who play upright bass pick up ten times more chicks than those who don't.
  20. If you could, how would you destroy contemporary country music?
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