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Everything posted by Testament

  1. I like how Imperial Age has this. It's got my vote I LIKE IT
  2. We have gone too far. I really do not like these changes. Every weapon feels like it shoots nerf darts against people but rips tanks and buildings to shreds. It feels like trying to fight a Havoc in Renegade with a Nod rifle soldier if you fight anyone remotely competent. inb4 "git gud" I was pretty good when my bullets actually hurt.
  3. Now, I usually follow this rather casually since the majority of it is AAA dredge, VR games, and console hardware that nobody cares about but there has been some rather interesting things that I've had sent my way so far. I need a better computer With me, Ace Combat is obligatory. Looks solid. Also has one of the best CGI dogs I have ever seen. And on an unrelated to the Cringe Expo note, Cold Waters was something unbeknownst to me and it actually looks right up my alley in a world dominated by grind fest multiplayer military games. Then there is a new Mount and Blade coming out and this has me foaming at the mouth. That was a great game for what it was and although I only played a few hours of it I plan on picking it up when its cheap and giving it a proper play. Not only that, there is a STALKER-esque Metro series game on the horizon and I for one loved the last two but am apprehensive at the idea that it may end up in the realm of AAA dredge. All I gotta say, Thank goodness I didn't have to listen to Todd Howard drone on and on about innovation this time around while showing bare bones build mechanics that I've seen in a Renegade mod server (lol ECW/RP2) 8 years ago (with no object limits) unlike Fallout 4s unwanted and piss poor building mechanics. Discuss anything you've seen, what rattles you, and what you like.
  4. Mount and Blade 2, Ace Combat, and a new Metro. Damn right

  5. I scratch my last comment, apparently it went through after giving the answer "nod" (after doing it multiple times under the same password) for the factions of the Tiberium universe.
  6. Tried every question they will give me with a multitude of different answers to the same question. My wager is this is intentional
  7. What really became of the Philadelphia experiment
  8. It's quite the update. I recommend that you watch it sooner rather than later! Frankly, I really like this channel. ' Gotta say again, who wouldn't want to fight the Chinese with a lever action, supported by tanks with "SUCK ON THIS" written on the barrel back in 2009? Who the hell runs EA's marketing department? That was exactly what was hot back then
  9. Jim Lahey Trailer Park Supervisor the main antagonist to the boys schemes and never fails in sending them back to con college. He is even an actual video game boss now that you defeat by giving him the "Trudeau salute"
  10. They better have a trailer for Ace Combat 7 at E3 or I might just go live in some trailer in the woods.


    1. Testament


      Oh yeah, that's the only weeb stuff I'll get behind

  11. I whine and complain but I will always be here may or may not be a true statement
  12. Snipers have their place in APB. If you wanna see kill whoring and cheap one shot insta kills take a look at the ramjet of vanilla Renegade. One shot kill to basic infantry, no bullet drop and a one shot kill head shot on anyone character. I have seen snipers used in a myriad of roles, if there are bothering you go buy a captain or use a soviet rifle soldier and run them down. If people wanna sniper people that's their prerogative, denigrate and nag them in game to stop being a useless pleb to the team. TL;DR lern2dodge
  13. Match start swaps to me are an important thing to consider. Lots of people stick around to see their recs, then quit without offering to swap. The other night we had multiple 5 person games that was eventually disbanded because someone did this, I wasn't about to sit on a team of 3 vs 1 and pad my recs so I quit and saw everyone else quit shortly thereafter. I know it was done for a reason (I also probably complained about it too at some point) but I miss having the ability to buy a rocket soldier when the barracks is down. You could pull off some pretty amazing rebounds with em
  14. First off, no their not. I've used the Draganov to kill mechanics and counter snipe. They are great for defending the base against the first rush and for shoot engineers repairing base defenses. They are not cheap, takes quite a bit of skill at long range actually.
  15. Rage quitting at least in any case where I have participated in it stems from people who are on a stacked team, who proceed to clear out our buildings and do nothing but use anti-infantry units to kill whore and pad their KD ratio with. For sure take away the K/D ranking and the deaths ranking but preserve the kill number. I personally don't see K/D as having any value as some really great players do oodles of damage and die twice as much or more than they kill. I also like Gary's idea regarding a stat but can see some conflicts with the actual implementation of it. Similarly, In my personal experience have found it frustrating that when people leave it can skew the teams rosters a ridiculous amount or lead to the other person on the enemy team leaving. It'd be nice to see some way in order to change over to losing teams or low player teams when the player count is low. Either by just allowing it, or having a vote not unlike the system Jerad has implemented in his project. With a name like "UncleGrandma", (which doesn't exactly make much sense in the whole noun/pronoun game) one can assume Pyryle was poking fun at the name, as I and many others have done before.
  16. All the soviet helicopters have wheels, if anyone feels the desire to animate it the helos can land on the runway and taxi off of it like Jerad's large aircraft do. Love the model of the Yak though, I plan on being the resident APB ace.
  17. I think that the more external publicity there is the better. I have encountered folks who have had problems with the W3DHub Launcher and view its as "sketchy" or illegitimate. The more exposure there is about how this is a grass roots effort by fans to extend the life of a cult game will ensure the survival of these mods and Renegade. There needs to be even more tertiary exposure, you damn well know people would be better off playing this in their downtime in lieu of some mobile freemium game. I hope to see more of this in the future, because it enhances the legitimacy of these projects and informs the public that they are indeed going forward with EA's blessing.
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