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Everything posted by NoSpoons

  1. Alright I understand the outcome here but then wouldn't a system of this nature inherently benefit the allies who have cheaper vehicle options? as they might be able to get those early light tanks out due to its lower price than Soviet Heavies?So the initiative might be given to the allies with this meaning we could start to see Soviets losing structures and defences more often to early rushes. Yes soviets can counter with RPGs but that's only thinning their bank account further or it could be that they will recover quickly enough that the allies will have to face tanks as well with the next attack? Anyway that's all hypothetical that need to be observed Alright well yes, I don't have anything to say as opposition to this Regarding the current issues we have with the medic unit, I've had a look into a few other games and their medic implementation and there are a few systems that are quite common, the first and most common is an AOE heal that well... heals everyone for a large burst of HP but it has a longish cool down, so the medic character has the freedom to pull out a weapon and fight for a while, they can then heal again when the cool down is done, the long cool down gives the opposing side enough time to either finish of the medic or the soldiers being healed, this also means the medic needs time time his heals well in order to be effective, the medics weapons are generally ok but they have smaller clip sizes so they cant just mow down incoming infantry and would be at a slight disadvantage to regular infantry should they 1v1 in the open. The second one that's becoming very popular is a Mercy style single target heal, where they can heal a single target very well but will need to micromanage a larger force, in these systems the medic usually has a gun of equal strength to other units or classes however it is up to them to decide if they should prioritize healing or combat. These systems usually implement a slow self heal passive. Most other systems that attempt to be realistic require the medic and the person being healed to not be under fire, and I don't really need to go into this as it is pretty clear that wont suite the style of combat we have. I do not know all the different iterations of medics we have had over the years nor do I know how effective they have been but of all the systems I have read up about and seen in action I feel the first one may work best for us, maybe there is something from these systems we can borrow? I'm not sure but hopefully this can be of help EDIT: I Dint see the forum dedicated to this topic lmao
  2. Other options that cost money yes, but you said it yourself you want to make countering infantry more expensive? You are acknowledging that players can't just buy a new class whenever they need it however you nerf the free stuff... It is effectively making players buy better infantry in order to fight off rushes you agree? because stock soldiers wont do, so now instead of 5 riflemen to counter your rush you have a mix of sergeants and captains and they are going to put a stop to the rush a lot faster lowering infantry rush success rate further. I understand the problem at hand, basic infantry are good, really good but I feel their ultimate effectiveness comes down to the people using it, we have loads of players who have fended off infantry rushes in this game for years and we have players who only joined a week ago, if Voe runs in with a rifleman or even an Engi you can expect a decent fight, if Newplaye42 runs in he will get gunned down quickly, skill has a large factor here Alright but fair enough you know the details and stats of guns that I do not, but what are these circumstances where making the tri-shot worse helps enemy infantry rushes? Making snipers cost more I understand, it means the rush can't be stopped dead in its tracks so easily from so far away without a cost, however a lot of infantry rushes come down to being in doors up close and personal with 7 people all hopping around the barracks/power-plant/radar-dome ect shooting at each other and you respawn in the midst of this as a riflemen, tri shot will not be the deciding factor here, that comes down to damage per second that can be output onto the enemy and the players ability to hold the mouse on target.
  3. I'd like to note that I don't really see a reason for it to be soviet locked, it could just be a regular door but anyway that's minor and not particularly important. I haven't got round to testing all the finer tweaks so far but regarding the things I use the most I have stuff to say. Allied Riflemen Tri-shot is not really feasible for fighting anymore, the fire rate is too slow, don't bother with it against buildings or vehicles your just hurting your dps immensely so maybe close range combat is where it's at? Well.. no, Tri-shot fire rate is slower than a Sergeants Slug/Dragons Breath fire rate and its worse for sniping as Tri Shot has higher inaccuracy and it does less damage against all targets Compared to the slug, so compared to this similar alt fire we can see its inferior in every way, but it gets even more embarrassing when compared to M16's regular fire, as mentioned already dps is much lower and it is less accurate so maybe it's use would be some kind of high alpha strike while your opponent is unaware of your presence? however again its outclassed by regular fire, you could simply tap your mouse and fire 3 shots to achieve the same thing and you wont have that 2 second quasi reload to deal with, but in stead of limiting yourself to 3 you can hold down the trigger and hit them with maybe 6 or 7 before they react (unless your fighting Totd... Totd wouldn't let you sneak up on him). So it's only useful if you get a head shot with all 3 bullets killing the fool instantly, but then again if you got head shots with all 7 bullets you'd again be better off because you arnt always going to be fighting technicians and other riflemen and more damage in a smaller space of time is always better. So in short, old fire rate was better and I actually found myself using it a lot and occasionally i'd see other players use it but now no one uses it and it feels a little pointless when there are other options
  4. Well as it is something I have no real way to gauge I'll just say that I'd be interested in seeing its implementation and even experiencing it
  5. I believe he was referring to an inhumane player who used to go by the name of Ransik, he is basically the godfather of killwhoring and was cancer to this community, he was the reason why many stopped playing APB a while back, myself included. anyway It is a general rule in game design not to literally punish your player base unless they are hackers, the most successful recorded way these sorts of issues are dealt with is with positive reinforcement, such as giving the losing team reasons to keep playing as stated above but its not so simple, the more you fiddle with balancing and matchmaking in order to shift the power between players the more artificial the matches become, it can be fun to be on the underdog team and win because of a clever attack but opportunities for this differentiation in game play would be lost with a match making balance, not to mention the fact that the community is not big enough for a match making algorithm to function correctly. for example lets use AwesomePlayerA and AwesomePlayerB as examples, they are both at the top of the rankings board vying for the highest rank however because of the new match making algorithm AwesomePlayerA and AwesomePlayerB never get to play on the same team ever again, can you see how this will trickle down? I stand by my opinion that the current system is at it's best and should not be tampered with unless someone has a truly novel idea, no more punishing, no more removing nice features and pls no match making.
  6. Why do we still let Totd play with us anyway?
  7. If that flag pole wasn't in the way you would have died totd
  8. I think its a general consensus that you should avoid getting into situations where you will lose your tank unless you are going to trade it for a more expensive soviet tenk
  9. Those new flying Rangers yaks are going to be awesome
  10. You may argue that the spy is a teamwork killer but I get the feeling you might be thinking about ye olde spy who could kill anyone in one hit with his Nod knife o' doom I used to love that spy because of its retarded strength and the patch that reduced its damage made me hate it... then while testing the new spy for lulz i had a real eye opener. I discovered that due to its lower damage per hit I was no longer able to insta-kill anyone whenever I wanted instead I had to bide my time, wait till a damaged soldier would duck behind cover to reload or as they attempted to escape, then strike and take them out of the fight, this ended up becoming quite tactical, I would pair up with cadre to tip the balance in the favor of Nod during 1v1s with GDI officers when they least expect it and escort tic tank assaults as they destroy enemy vehicles I would kill off the pilots so the force could focus on other targets. In the end I still did very little spying and more so finishing of wounded infantry it was an interesting experience. Yes this is pretty much kill stealing to the eyes of many, but I do feel I was able to fill an important role, maybe changing the spies abilities to further suite this kind of play style of could lead to an interesting development? An organized team of Nod players who know their roles and plan to whittle down GDI infantry for a Chameleon to finish them of could prove to be waaay more cunning and deadly than a bunch of cyborgs charging forward into a wall of officers to see who can get the most head shots. So perhaps I'm saying with the right changes the spy could foster a niche teamwork role rather than drain the life out of teamwork all together, I suppose I might be mistaken in thinking its teamwork but rather just the spy depending on the rest of the team to ks, but perhaps this is about changing the players mind set to think of support instead of ks machine, I suppose the only real way to do this is to alter mechanics and stats further or something but hey that was my thoughts on the matter, the spy still has potential.
  11. I've learned that you can access the war factory ladders from the inside too, great way to escape those nasty commies and really confuse them when you are playing spy in reality tho I've only managed to achieve this twice, by accident on both occasions.
  12. nyeeeeaaah what about that pushy? give us yaks!
  13. ooooohhhh I'm so excited do the soviets finally get migs? I remember someone earlier suggesting that the v2 have the capability to deploy with the 'Q' key if this is implemented so that the weapon angle does not change we might have a solution at hand
  14. Although I would like to start making levels my main issue is having the time to learn the tools and subsequently create the content However I don't have windows 10 and i do have 3ds max so that's at least something
  15. simple solution On Numpad animation.activate { PlayerHP += - 1000 }
  16. I had a project i needed to work on for tomorrow but bump that! imma find that secret However my 2 cents on this map is that I quite like it, earlier today I saw that chinook tactic get used, along with volk + tunnel tactics so I do feel these facets are used just not very widely yet
  17. What if we make the V2's projectile track? eh? eh? Would definitely help with balance
  18. Simple solution, Buff the V2 give it a faster fire rate than the artillery, if its not shooting at least as fast as a Lt i will be disappoint. In all honesty tho the perfect example of this imbalance would be Guard_Duty, the soviet V2s usually get their shit mixed by artillery because of that goddamn hill in the allied base the Soviets cant hit back effectively, and that's often the case with other maps. I suppose in the end i agree to artillery having a much greater usefulness, however nothing kills a long bow better than a V2 Rocket to the face. So does it get bonus points for doubling as the most expensive RPG trooper in soviet Russia?
  19. When your K/D goes from up from 1.5 to 2508.93 in a single match because all you did was play sniper the entire time. In all earnest tho, it's a lot of fun
  20. A Path Beyond for nostalgia ;D although there were some issues on this when playing soviets (i cant remember what they were i just remember having them) I really liked the map and it was a right laugh to play
  21. I've actually tried this before because i hate myself and I'd like to add that fighting tanks was really awkward if Dot did work however, i have some ideas how it could work, I don't know what kind of coding is capable and what isnt but i suppose maybe use a variable as a counter to track how many hits the tank has taken that would cause Dot and then after a bit of calculation reduce the tanks health accordingly and reset the counter? anyway, whether or not this is feasible is beyond my knowledge
  22. Will give it a shot Edit: Was interesting, I anticipate the sequel with high spirits PS. Nice debugging music, it was pretty groovy
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