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Everything posted by Raptor29aa

  1. Update: Life is crazy busy but a found a few more hours to throw in... The Mountains are taking shape. I was thinking of the description for the map. Soviets land a base on shore and prepare for a sneak attack on through the mountain pass. All that stands in the way of their victory is an allied base with a forest village between. (One map boundary is shore) Also: I will increase the map size... The blue square is the approx size of a war factory (15x50x50).
  2. Baby you're a firework! (Skatey Perry)[Or for North Korea Kimy you're a firework] http://youtube.com/watch?v=J9Pm7IKBDHs
  3. Interesting what would the respawn timer be? And what would this mean for beginning of match rush?
  4. And let me guess the demo Rick rolls?
  5. Update I had a few hours to throw in. Life is still busy, but I found a few hours to bring the map a little more shape. . PS the blue box is a 15x15 cube, so I don't lose perspective
  6. You're wrong... Texture updates aren't boring. That actually looks like a wall. And let's me know that the castle will look awesome. *fires cannon One question will the cannons do artillery level damage or tank level damage?
  7. Thanks Raap. I saw your post and will not be using the old assets I have. And Thank You for the new info. I have learned a lot in a short amount of time. I won't have much time this week for doing 3ds max work, but I will do my best to throw in a few hours more for another update.
  8. Sorry I didn't have n update this week work is getting busy. I will give one next week. (More picture to follow) It's interesting there is a big concern over level edit, yet I haven't even gotten that far. Issac_the_madd do you have terrain ready for level edit? If so cool. Side Note: I found models of buildings online... Yet they are the old models. The war factory with the elevators of doom. LoL
  9. I appreciate the time invested in this. And Sometimes it's the simple things that matter most. Like finding a flamer thrower crate when you an RS or driving an AA truck or operating a cannon. RL is already complicated enough that we escape into simplicity. I keep telling myself that at least. (Like calm down, it's only a rugby game: simply a ball traveling into score zone no need to threaten the other player or yell at the referee.)
  10. Since The bases are only 4 buildings I am not sure how much remixing I can do. I figure I can make the terrain differ in or near the bases. Anyways here is an hour's worth of using 3ds max. I figure I will design the terrain then make a texture map. Then use that texture map to make a much smoother plane.
  11. Sweet! Now the soviets can get the church crate with the AI picking it up. And yea about the seamist silo thing, lol. Good job.
  12. Thanks for the input In Addison to increasing the center and I'll get more creative with ore and gems. I figure the Gem field should be off to the side and make the ore field more centered. I figure each team should have no silo and maybe I should add another oil pump. Also I've fired up 3ds Max 8 and made a 600x600 plane. (Not sure if that's large enough, and will do more later... Picture will soon follow) PS looking forward to the new tools. (Also I realized why my previous worlds didn't show up in LvL edit... I forgot to hit the "make" button.)
  13. Like the horn on a supply truck... You know who you are... You gave away the ambush by honking... And we lost engineer medic and Tanya in that rush.
  14. I think his complaint was not about the MGG but about the building the Gap Generator. It seems he wants the building more visible to hit from inside the cloud. - although the building currently is not cloaked. - maybe the request is to make the building easier to hit by having it stand out -either way I think the current system is fine and no change is necessary.
  15. Yea the idea was to make it impassible, because tree annoyance will most likely annoy me. I will definitely make the gap between bases larger. (Thank you for the input, Mads would be a big problem here in that case and so would base 2 base).
  16. Ok I have the map graphed out Here @Raap I know I've had 3 other attempts before this one. And I gave up when it came to level edit work. I won't have a lot of time to devote to this but I will post periodically. now that I have a map 3ds max stuff will happen soon...
  17. That's true I do lack a lot of the skills + tools, but I do have some 3ds max experience. I know I'll need to get the models and the textures. I have little to no experience with LvL edit. But I won't let that stop me. I figure the biggest obstacle is getting the terrain done. (Or at least the biggest right now) I'll post my graph paper sketch soon. I'm working on the estimated size of the war factory. I think it's 50x50x15. So on graph paper it will be a 3x3 square. With this perspective I might be able to paper map it. Once the graph paper design is done I'll then transfer the info to 3ds max. (more 3ds max screen shots in the future I promise)
  18. I see your point. The I will make the main road wide and the town will have no tress in it. I'm going to have a more detailed schematic on graph paper. Since ms paint doesn't do me any justice.
  19. I do like the idea of a shallow lake. I wonder why there is a dislike of trees at the edge of a base? Or did I hear you wrong and it's forest combat you dislike? I know that trees near a road would bother a v2 driver so I'll take that into consideration. (At the same time it would double as cover).
  20. This is a concept drawing (more and better pictures to come) This is a map I'd like to create each base has two exits wide enough for tanks. One narrow exit is blocked by hedgehog and leads to capturable oil pumps. The wide exit leads to a town. Forest is in the middle (might add lake or trenches or something later... not sure, but forest for now) Also main road out of town has a turnout for Ore Field (maybe mixed field) (Warning: I am a total novice at map making... but I will give it my best shot! And I will try to update frequently) Bases: A few pillboxes/FlameTowers War Factory and Barracks Refinery and service depot Tech level: 5 Let me know if you have any idea(s)/input I will begin to model in 3ds max soon
  21. Weekends topically have the most players. Around 5 pm GMT 0 is a great starting point. I don't know any famous streamers. Although there is that one let's play guy.
  22. Nope, Stormy Valley! will soon be called gloomEMO_Valley Not enough angst for it to be emo, but add a cathedral and it could be goth valley. Anyways it is good to have some in base lighting! Also with a few infantry sweet spots on the hills, for some good rocket soldier tom foolery
  23. Wasn't infiltrating a construction yard a way to stop base repair? I thought supply truck + Tanya = minesweeper 🙃
  24. Stormy valley my solution more wiggle room instead of being locked in one of four routes. It helps with response time and reduces frustration. Infantry maps break up the pattern. They allow me to look for the name of the player that V2'd or artillery' me last round and beat him or her in CQC. Yea not so tough without your tank are you! You've never hid behind one as cover have you? They do block bullets.
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