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spying on the enemy


Did the advanced naval yard layout confuse them to the point where they considered you to be part of the environment, or what?


Edit: Wait, you're an Allied spy, why are you spying on your own team?!

Edited by Raap
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Curse whatever God you worship because if sammyd and JackSparrow are your teammates, that means they have abandoned you.






TL;DR of entire situation:

>be me

>have mentioned two as only teammates

>already get trashed by their shittalk about super plan (get mads in 3v3 glhf)

>dont give a damn and try to do my best

>Roam through map with V2, get surprisingly caught by AI enemies when trying to pick up crate in church (1st game on new stormy, please understand)

>get killed by AI

>respawn in base

>meanwhile those two found MCV and started shouting at each other, standing with MCV in middle of base, using horn as often as possible

>they dont give a fuck about ranger passing next to tgem with 2 shotties inside because why not, mcv so kool and useful

>be in 1v2 situation where we lose our radar and almost lose refinery

>they started hampering helping only when i called them retards and buildings were at 50/25% of hp

>surrender seeing them arguing about mcv when attack get somehow stopped


I dont know what have i done to deserve this.

Edited by Alstar
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Oh, so i deserved that by finding out someone stupid enough to buy sub outside of sub pen when thief was roaming around about which they SHOULD know if their cash got stolen before? Didnt knew that being gud at this game is unforgiveable.


If their subs got stolen by me then its their fault for letting that happen, idk what price im supposed to pay for this. Even MPRA is at least 20x more useful at times than those two together.

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Curse whatever God you worship because if sammyd and JackSparrow are your teammates, that means they have abandoned you.


I dont know what have i done to deserve this.

I agree, those two are literally the worst top 2 players to have on your team.


Not only they didn't do anything to help the team and curse at you vulgarly, they also team hamper for their own enjoyment. sammyd stole my tank once in a low economy situation and sold it just to buy something useless for the situation (he was trying to fool around in a MRJ) and he died like 20 seconds later. JackSparrow constantly spam radio and drown all the important team messages.

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I could live with Sammyd and JackSparrow being bad, if they were just bad at planning, gunning or perhaps went soloing for base defenses now and then.
But as I see it, they intentionally fuck it up for whichever team they are on.

Sammyd proudly pronounces ALL his teams plans to the team, types most of his shit in F2, acts like a freaking mastermind when he finds the tunnels below buildings on KeepOfTheGrass, then get surprised when the doors of a team won't open for the other. He shoots at buildings, that are already dead, and recently in a teamfight on Zama, (I was Allies), the soviets were rushing the powerplant. He decided that the best course of action was to stay in the supply truck, and keep using the horn while telling us to follow him.


Screw the turret, powerplant, the fact that our entire base is under attack. You can't tell him to do anything,and I've started whispering my plans to the teammates that I know are good at fighting as a team, because he will intentionally fuck them up by telling the enemy team we are coming.
I don't know if he just really IS bad, or if he is acting like he is, on purpose.

I'm sure I am not alone in this statement; I don't mind fighting an unfair fight, but it pisses me off when the very people who are supposed to fucking help you, actively counterworks you.


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Most of the screenshots i take is me getting MVP to brag about it later, but let me take a look if i can post anything else.









It still works:






Soviets without War Factory against all-based allies, final results:






I was a spy. Stole a supply truck in the most unfortunate moment:








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That moment when your flare is so destructive that it pushes the EVA announcements into the next match.




In a decade of W3D experience, I've never seen that happen before. I always thought the previous match information is wiped clean once a new level loads.


That leaves me thinking, it would be interesting if we could change certain things based on the results of a previous match... *crazy thoughts*

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First off, the game stores a huge chat log in your documents folder, now I think what may have happened was there was too many chat messages for the server to add the building death messages until after the round end and the displayed chat started anew. This is just what I assumed drawing the circumstances of when I've had this happen.

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Pretty much what happened was this: The map was Zama, 3v3 with me on Allies. We had managed to take out a single Flame Tower, but never made progress beyond that since we had to go up against Furs and Raptor. They were essentially laying the smack down on us, and I figured that as a spy I could at least pull some nice points for myself by planting a flare. I put it on the roof of the refinery because why not. I figured that the blast would damage the most buildings, plus it would be easy to defend. I notice the A-Bomb coming and high tail it to avoid adding a death. What I didn't expect was for the blast to destroy the entire Soviet base. And I do mean the entire frickin' base. Tesla coil, remaining flame towers, service depots, main production buildings, even the kitchen sink. Flattened. And that, I guess, triggered the EVA announcements in the next match.

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In a decade of W3D experience, I've never seen that happen before. I always thought the previous match information is wiped clean once a new level loads.


That's because before Delta, all EVA messages were played simultaneously. Delta staggers most EVA messages so you can actually hear them separately and so the chat doesn't become so overloaded that the chat box vanishes entirely.


EVA messages spilling over to the next match is an unforeseen bug that never got spotted in testing and likely can't be fixed without Chronojam but it doesn't hurt the game so who cares

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  • 2 weeks later...

Naval rush


Holy crap people use LSTs on Pacific Threat? :v


Waiting for them to go out...


Pfft you're missing the part where our rangers outdid your shotgunners in the base trade. :v


And Alstar was proven right about Swirly's sub-par playing ability because Swirly decided to argue with him in IRC instead of defending the base that he was in.


And then it devolved into a stalemate because both sides lacked a refinery and WF. Until most of the Soviets quit. :(

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In a decade of W3D experience, I've never seen that happen before. I always thought the previous match information is wiped clean once a new level loads.


That's because before Delta, all EVA messages were played simultaneously. Delta staggers most EVA messages so you can actually hear them separately and so the chat doesn't become so overloaded that the chat box vanishes entirely.


EVA messages spilling over to the next match is an unforeseen bug that never got spotted in testing and likely can't be fixed without Chronojam but it doesn't hurt the game so who cares



On the topic of EVA audio, if it cannot be scripted, then add a silence period at the beginning of the "battle control terminated" audio file. Currently that line is spoken over whatever ended the match, which in nearly all cases is a single building destruction, so the silence period should be long enough to cover that one message (two at most). In the event a time-out ends the match, there is no harm in the "battle control terminated" line to be spoken later into the score screen.

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First we did a LST rush which failed because I forgot the new placement of the FT



That gives me an idea that would spice up map tactics...


Instead of having base defenses be in stationary positions every time the map comes up, why not have defenses (Gap Generator excluded) spawn in 2 or at most 3 different possible positions? The same logic as used with power-ups.


A Flametower being a few meters apart from another position might not seem like a lot but it will change a number of things and always makes players wary when approaching the enemy base (as they should be), rather than always knowing the exact spot where a defense can be safely out-ranged.


Food for thought, @Pushwall.

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Clone truck, epic and unexpected support and teamwork


Trigger warning: manspreading huhuh. No wonder those things can only fit 4 in the back :(


I also also got a screenshot of the truck


Ridge War

Hind rush, chinhook rush, couldn't kill Pushwall... He had high KD... And he bought spy at the end to steal our MVP..

The fact that I was scoring higher than the rest of your team (in order to steal MVP) while you were so badly wrecking us speaks volumes of how bad the rest of my team was D:


That gives me an idea that would spice up map tactics...

Nice idea! That involves placing defenses in LevelEdit though, where it's hard to place them exactly where you want or shape the terrain/props around them unlike in max. And since spawners refuse to spawn vehicles if even the slightest part of them would be stuck in something, I imagine the same would happen with defenses since they count as vehicles, so in order for them to actually spawn properly a lot of defenses would have to be floating. And given the level of clutter in the maps now, it can be hard to find more places to put defenses that don't end up being easier to destroy than normal because of a protective rock/tank husk or whatever. It'll take a bit of messing around to get right but I like it.

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