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Gem Fields

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I did some tests and just want to let people know that on most maps with gem fields, the distance from refinery is always 2x or less than the refinery to ore field distance. This means $/time-wise, it is always worth it to go the extra mile to harvest gems instead of ores, since pure gem give you $1,500 and ore give you $500. That is, if you can handle the danger of leaving your base.


The only exception is RidgeWar, where the gem fields are too far to worth it. It is also interesting to note that while the Allies harvest from a close to base ore field for $500, the Soviets harvest from a farther ore/gem field for $1000.


Also I want to note that for GuardDuty, the Soviets have access to a gem field worth harvesting from outside of their baes, but the Allies don't. What's with that?


Now get out there and harvest! I hope to ambush more Ore Trucks in the field in the future!

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I should probably reduce the Complex gem fields to mixed fields since there's almost no danger in those.


Guard Duty is intentional. There was a mixed field in that spot in Gamma and I left it there (and upgraded it) to fill space and add another obstacle for vehicles to worry about. Allies don't need a gem field on that map (and neither do Soviets really) and there's not really anywhere to put one; in Gamma the Allies had a mixed field but it was around the same position that their current ore field is (both ore fields used to be within breathing distance of the ref, and since the map was low tech, that meant you were basically never wanting for money). Besides, Allies also get one more pillbox.

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I believe the gem field on KOTG is the only one that is not worth mining...that one's just too far away and entails substantial risk to boot.



On another note, I loaded up RA1 for the first time in a good while. I sent my ore trucks to a gem field to mine, and the strangest thing happened...the gems disappeared when I mined them! :gonk:

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This is why team needs to push out if ore trucks wanna harvest gem fields in the middle of maps, so they can protect them, attacking vulnerable harvesters foolish enough to wander alone can really make a difference on the enemy's game. Making the gems field far away would encourage more harvester attacking and defending so I hope the distance is worth it.


The main problem is the distance of the gems whether is it worth to go harvesting an extra distance (with extra risks) just to get 3x reward. The slowness of the harvesters is slightly demotivating because some players get bored but I agree with the speed, you gotta put in more patience to earn those credits. At least the horn sound is fun to use in conjunction with the 'Get out of my way!" command.


Now start harvesting! I would like to see teamwork with players protecting and attacking harvesters.

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I always harvest whenever possible but I noticed that you no longer get a small trickle of cash when you harvest now, why is that? And yeah, the gem fields on KotG and RidgeWar are generally not worth it. Same with Guard Duty, really.


Making the gems field far away would encourage more harvester attacking and defending so I hope the distance is worth it.



If you are able to get three dumps with just ore by the time the gem load comes back, why bother at all? Pre-Delta you could just go for ore or ore/mixed gems because of how much they gave you but now there's a reason to get gems since money value (and cheaper ore trucks) was reworked. Making the gem field even further away would be a bit boring and less incentive to go for them if you can just get 3 dumps of ore before the first load of gems even comes back.

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I always harvest whenever possible but I noticed that you no longer get a small trickle of cash when you harvest now, why is that? And yeah, the gem fields on KotG and RidgeWar are generally not worth it. Same with Guard Duty, really.


It's worth it on KOTG (for both sides) and Guard Duty (for Soviets). Get an ore truck and time your runs for gem vs. ores, try it.

Edited by des1206
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I always harvest whenever possible but I noticed that you no longer get a small trickle of cash when you harvest now, why is that?


Are you referring to how in pre-delta versions, since credit gain was partially derived from points, you'd be rewarded with an amazing extra 0.5 credits per dump which came from the equally amazing reward of 5 points that you got for harvesting?

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No, from actually harvesting you got a small trickle of money everytime you scooped up resources, it was on par with a 2/s silo. (or slightly less) I knew you got points for delivering resources, but I didn't actually know you got a bit on the side money from delivering too.



Guard Duty (for Soviets).

I mean the distance is worth it, I just meant is it actually worth it going for it considering you're locked to T1 where things are less expensive and your ore income is quick and enough to supplement that.

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Actually I take it back, it's not worth it for KOTG. It's close to worth it, but not quite. My mistake in testing.


For it to work, the gem fields need to be expanded nearer to the concrete wall for Soviets (WF side), and nearer to the hedgehog / concrete-barrier by the small path for the Allies, and shrink the default fields a little more. Then it will be worth it.

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It brings a tear to my eye seeing people so eager to harvest, and even better that people see the importance in it.


Why, this reminds me of a good friend of mine - Iraq. Iraq was a man who preached the significance of harvesters in APB and Reborn. This is the man who would organize entire teams into harvesting the fields, then after dumping into the refinery would lead the team into charging the enemy as one big Ore Truck / Harvester rush.


Needless to say, the enemy team could not dare stand to the might of these rushes, usually left saying "wtf" before being smushed and harvested. Good times, good times.

If someone does this, they MUST take a screenshot of it and honor him by yelling FOR IRAQ!

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It brings a tear to my eye seeing people so eager to harvest, and even better that people see the importance in it.


Why, this reminds me of a good friend of mine - Iraq. Iraq was a man who preached the significance of harvesters in APB and Reborn. This is the man who would organize entire teams into harvesting the fields, then after dumping into the refinery would lead the team into charging the enemy as one big Ore Truck / Harvester rush.


Needless to say, the enemy team could not dare stand to the might of these rushes, usually left saying "wtf" before being smushed and harvested. Good times, good times.

I love harvesting too, sitting in the truck doing a noble volunteer job that benefits the entire team while watching the scoop moves up and down and playing with the horn is fun.

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Don't forget certain gem fields are difficult for ore trucks. For example Zama, the Soviet gem field gets me stuck half the time. I literally just drive in wait and reverse out. Any attempt to turn will get you either stuck or in a 13 point turn.

KOTG on the other hand has a massive gem field, yet tricky to get in and out of quickly (quickly as in for an Ore Truck).

Edited by Raptor29aa
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Haven't gotten an ore truck stuck yet, but I do find it annoying that a lot of the ore fields are in these little pits that the truck can't climb out of except for a really narrow ramp. I think it'd be better just to allow it to drive out in any direction rather than being forced to use the ramp.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay so I did a bit of a rough test on KotG. A round trip to gem field from Soviet Refinery taking the Radar Dome direction takes about 170 seconds, while a round trip to the mixed field in the cave takes about 103 seconds. The gems give you 1.5x the money, but it takes more than 1.5x the time to get them. So basically...more danger for less profit.

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Haven't gotten an ore truck stuck yet, but I do find it annoying that a lot of the ore fields are in these little pits that the truck can't climb out of except for a really narrow ramp. I think it'd be better just to allow it to drive out in any direction rather than being forced to use the ramp.


A lot of vehicles suffer from that problem though. Besides the Ore Truck, Mammoth/MAD Tanks and Tesla Tanks also struggle with certain terrain segments... An easy example is the rivers on Bonsai; Drive in them and follow them, then try getting out of them. It's actually been quite a time consuming problem for level development.

Edited by Raap
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  • 3 months later...

I thought the one on Ridge War was always more profitable? It's not that much greater distance than the regular field for either side.



Also @Alstar: lol, who drew that?

You are right. I made a calculation error previously where I only compared the # of seconds traveling to an ore/gem field instead of total harvest time. They are different because even if gem route distance is 2x the ore distance, actual harvesting time is the same for both fields. This results in a scenario where travel time to a gem field can be 4 times the ore field trip, but because both fields the ore truck needs to stay there to harvest, the TOTAL gem harvest time (leaving Refinery to dumping ore) is only 2 times the ore harvest time. The above is the case for the Allied ore truck on Ridgewar.


In terms of actual numbers, before you were getting 3x the money, for 2x the commute time. So basically you were going out of your base for 50% extra income. Now it's 4x the money, for 2x the commute time, leaving the safety of your base for 100% extra income.

Edited by des1206
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  • 2 weeks later...

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