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Monthly Avatar Theme - May The Fourth Be With You


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New month, new avatar theme! Spaceships!


New month, new avatar theme!


Firstly, may the Fourth be with you friends.



As you may guess - from my current avatar and reference to today - I am a huge Star Wars fan. Of course, this is just part of this month's theme.


This month's theme is spaceships! Spaceships from Star Wars, Star Trek, comics, movies, real-life and all other science-fiction!

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The Eclipse. When you absolutely, positively, must kill every single motherfucker in the galaxy... accept no substitutes.


What about the Death Star?


or... (Spoilers)





















Starkiller Base?

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The Eclipse. When you absolutely, positively, must kill every single motherfucker in the galaxy... accept no substitutes.


What about the Death Star?


or... (Spoilers)





















Starkiller Base?



Why blow up a planet with slow moving weapons with long recharge times, when you can just as easily waltz in, blow up their defenses in seconds, then bombard the living crap out of it, leaving the resources still somewhat viable?

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Surrender the cores to me now, and you will be spared. There can be only one delta...

I hated HW2's story so much because they pulled the significance of the cores and the number of cores out of their ass. With that said at least you didn't do something retarded like deer in space.

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I hated HW2's story so much because they pulled the significance of the cores and the number of cores out of their ass.

Yeah, there was stuff I didn't like about the story as well...but overall I still liked the game.


With that said at least you didn't do something retarded like deer in space.

Hey it's not too bad, looks like we got a good laugh out of it :p

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Surrender the cores to me now, and you will be spared. There can be only one delta...


I hated HW2's story so much because they pulled the significance of the cores and the number of cores out of their ass. With that said at least you didn't do something retarded like deer in space.
Well shit dude..... at least there were 3 cores, and 4 GAMES.... i mean fuuuuck...... Sierra had 1 game up on Gaben, and now Homeworld is up by 2 games.... at least they can count to 3..... same with Battlefront.... they cant even name their game "Battlefront 3"...


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I thought everyone just tries to forget about Cataclysm. So...three games?

You should probably replay Cataclysm, it had by far the best multiplayer experience, and I enjoyed its scifi monster campaign far more than the stupid religious war that was HW2.

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I thought everyone just tries to forget about Cataclysm. So...three games?


You should probably replay Cataclysm, it had by far the best multiplayer experience, and I enjoyed its scifi monster campaign far more than the stupid religious war that was HW2.
In all honesty Cataclysm was best Homeworld.... its kinda funny.... I think the game came before Halo: CE too. Pilot view needs to come back as well.... maybe even taking full control of a ship?

That'd be fun. Jerad.... play the new Deserts of Kharak if you want to play the game C&C 4 style, with a complete fanatic religious storyline. Its a good game though...... loads better than the actual C&C 4

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Hmm, it's been a while since I played HW:C. I remember playing that convoy escort mission...it started off well enough, but pretty soon everything just started going to hell and everything was just getting infected left and right. Every time a ship got infected there'd be all this screaming, and it was happening so often that soon I was mentally screaming "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" back at my computer...lol.


Speaking of the Beast, anyone play Sins of a Solar Empire? The mysterious "thing" in the backstory that ate up the Vasari empire sounds kinda like it's the same thing.

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