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[Complete] RA:APB-themed Mafia game III


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Maybe I broke my mug. >.>

Anyway, back to the game. I get the feeling that by the way you're posting, that ChopBam will in fact confirm the heavy tank. This is due to your focus on being a town war factory and not a war factory in general. Which means, that since there are six of us left in the game, no nightkills, and zero leads....


You will have to be either shot or have your vote gimmick proven true. ChopBam was hesitant to shoot Mojoman today because he would be lynched. Maybe he wanted to save the gun for a more opportune townie or save it in general, if your claim about only being able to produce a vehicle every other night is true. There is no way to confirm you're town otherwise, unless someone has a role that is capable.


Sorry, but all the pieces fit together more smoothly in the Cat5/ChopBam scum theory.

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Mafia edit: Didn't see Cat5's edits. That's correct--if Killing_You is the standard vehicle destroyer, he could not have roleblocked Mojoman, who is not a vehicle, and is also not scum since cultists cannot convert scum. Thus, he is most likely the Shocktrooper. This lends more credit to my theory.

Because I likewise missed this, I'll dig from Danganronpa and say "No, that's wrong!"


He COULD be scum precisely because Mojoman would have failed a conversion attempt anyway. That's what opens the door for Killing_You to claim he blocked him!

You have literally just now gone for an argument for shooting a role that claims he creates roles that you yourself call a doc.


Almost everything you have been saying since Day 2 is just catastrophic for a town player to say or do.

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Mafia edit: Didn't see Cat5's edits. That's correct--if Killing_You is the standard vehicle destroyer, he could not have roleblocked Mojoman, who is not a vehicle, and is also not scum since cultists cannot convert scum. Thus, he is most likely the Shocktrooper. This lends more credit to my theory.

Because I likewise missed this, I'll dig from Danganronpa and say "No, that's wrong!"


He COULD be scum precisely because Mojoman would have failed a conversion attempt anyway. That's what opens the door for Killing_You to claim he blocked him!



Wrong. Isn't it correct that the classic cult role is killed if they try to convert scum? Mojoman lived to see the next day.

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Come to think of it... yeah... an Allied war factory makes no sense, does it? And I've said that scum have been running us in circles... who's been a major power player? Jeod. Going after Mojo and Isaac pretty hard first couple of days, then drilling me, and now going after Cat5. You both are too well experienced for both of you to be town and still bicker like this. I could be wrong, though.

But digging did bring up this little tidbit...

Nodlied is throwing out the questions, hitting back with answers. But my Capitalist Dog sense is capitalizing.

What if he checked records on Nodlied before being turned into a visceroid, and wanted to let us know before inevitably being voted out? After all, mafia can't be converted, but I *think* cultists can be nightkilled. Can someone confirm this either way? In any case, he probably wanted to let us know even after the fact.

Right on the money friends, but rather than get the hammer while I'm away without fighting, let me take a nibble at an enemy to us all...

##BITE Nodlied


These little tidbits make me think Jeod and Nodlied might possibly be a scumteam. It's not much to go on, I know, but it's all we've got.

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Mafia edit: Didn't see Cat5's edits. That's correct--if Killing_You is the standard vehicle destroyer, he could not have roleblocked Mojoman, who is not a vehicle, and is also not scum since cultists cannot convert scum. Thus, he is most likely the Shocktrooper. This lends more credit to my theory.

Because I likewise missed this, I'll dig from Danganronpa and say "No, that's wrong!"


He COULD be scum precisely because Mojoman would have failed a conversion attempt anyway. That's what opens the door for Killing_You to claim he blocked him!

You have literally just now gone for an argument for shooting a role that claims he creates roles that you yourself call a doc.


Almost everything you have been saying since Day 2 is just catastrophic for a town player to say or do.



It's overpowered and not logical to have in a game like this.


Next time I'll be sure to tell Verti to just give us all doctor cannons instead. /sarcasm


Past midnight here, time for a court recess. I'll check back in 8 hours or so.

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Come to think of it... yeah... an Allied war factory makes no sense, does it? And I've said that scum have been running us in circles... who's been a major power player? Jeod. Going after Mojo and Isaac pretty hard first couple of days, then drilling me, and now going after Cat5. You both are too well experienced for both of you to be town and still bicker like this. I could be wrong, though.


But digging did bring up this little tidbit...


Nodlied is throwing out the questions, hitting back with answers. But my Capitalist Dog sense is capitalizing.


What if he checked records on Nodlied before being turned into a visceroid, and wanted to let us know before inevitably being voted out? After all, mafia can't be converted, but I *think* cultists can be nightkilled. Can someone confirm this either way? In any case, he probably wanted to let us know even after the fact.


Right on the money friends, but rather than get the hammer while I'm away without fighting, let me take a nibble at an enemy to us all...


##BITE Nodlied


These little tidbits make me think Jeod and Nodlied might possibly be a scumteam. It's not much to go on, I know, but it's all we've got.


If Mojo sniffed out a scum in Nodlied he'd have outright said it when I made it public that he was a cop. Then again, he did opt to not confirm it.


I've been hunting scum the entire game, and if not for my reads on Isaac and Mojo (Mojo more of a team effort because Cat5), the visceroids would still be among us.

Seriously, though. I'm sleepy. Night all.

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What if he checked records on Nodlied before being turned into a visceroid, and wanted to let us know before inevitably being voted out? After all, mafia can't be converted, but I *think* cultists can be nightkilled. Can someone confirm this either way? In any case, he probably wanted to let us know even after the fact.

I said this before, but even if Mojoman was signaling this, we still wouldn't know anything about Nodlied because we don't know the sanity of Mojoman's role. The only thing we could rule out is that he isn't an Allied Spy.

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That's at least the second time you've complained that town is too OP. You've been arguing from mafia point of view a lot of the time. You believe claims like Mojoman's cop claim at the drop of a hat and you don't like the idea that town roles can empower themselves, and you've been digging for information all game that helps mafia more than town. I think you're jelly.

##vote Jeod

Killing_You, a lot has been said today. I'll have to do some proper reexamination. It's a good point to think about. Nodlied is someone I'm still not sure about. If you are telling the truth about blocking Mojoman, unless the visceroids started out with more than Issac at the helm, they are out of the game. It's possible you aren't telling the truth and they are still out of the game. Both Issac and Mojo sounded kinda defeated in their later posts, so I think that team probably done. This would mean that either an Allied team or another anti-town third party has to exist.

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That would explain why he got me to shoot at you. Being the war factory, you're a threat to scum, so obviously he wanted you out of the way. And he had your gimmick to back you up. It's a good thing that I missed, at least. Otherwise, he would've steered me towards someone else, using my tunnel vision and nervous demeanor to his advantage. And then just dumped the blame on me, I get hammered, and voila! He gets away having played town like a harp from hell.


Son of a bitch, I'm stupid at times.


##vote Jeod

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Took me a while, but I have read the thread.


I can confirm Category 5's story, which clears him. Allied War Factories do not make Soviet Heavy Tanks. Also by confirming this I am opening myself up to attack.


My previous infantry role was the least important of Soviet infantry roles, so I jumped at the chance to grab a tank. Now I'm open to AT attacks, Lord help me. Anyways, from my perspective I still suspect Nodlied. I don't know what Jeod's missed shot means role-wise, but probably not a spy, as shooting always gets stuck, right?

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I really did not want you to do that, but I guess it was unavoidable.

No it doesn't. His confirmation would only put to rest the battle between you being a cult leader vs. you being scum. If he confirms he received it, then you're not a cult leader. However, it will not confirm you're town.

Do not make the mistake of thinking I write my posts without purpose.

What you've done here is reveal that you believed my claim that I produce units. If ChopBam confirming or not determined if I was a mafia or cult, you're saying that if I can produce units, ChopBam will clear me, and if I can't, he won't.


You already believed that I can. If you weren't sure, having ChopBam's confirmation doesn't prove anything. If I was mafia and he was too, he could claim as I said regardless of my role. Your argument only works from mafia perspective where all you need to know is who I gave the role too. You wanted to know if I was a cult leader, or exactly what I claimed to be. If I was exactly what I said I claimed to be, you wanted to know who I gave it to. That was the objective of this argument.

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I'm actively considering that it may be that mafia needed to be activated by Chaos or I issuing a role to them. They'd receive a different role than normal and earn the ability to night kill, perhaps even more than one at a time. Perhaps this was done as an autobalance of sorts. It prevents the mafia and cult being an active threat at the same time. Or, perhaps, just the elimination of the cult will activate the mafia team.

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##vote Jeod

[Vote Counted] Category 5 Hurricane voted Jeod to be lynched!



##vote Jeod

[Vote Counted] Killing You voted Jeod to be lynched!



##vote Jeod

[Vote Counted] ChopBam voted Jeod to be lynched!



Time Left:

0 day(s) , 13 hours, 14 min, 12 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted Jeod

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Jeod

Jeod voted Category 5 Hurricane

Killing You voted Jeod

Nodlied voted nobody

Wallywood voted nobody


4/6 votes casted so far

Jeod has the most votes - 3

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##unvote -ing to prevent an early hammer. I don't think it means much since Wallywood isn't playing and Chaos is surely town, but Jeod might choose to hammer himself early if he thinks he's trapped anyway. I actually have another angle I want to pursue on someone else. But now it is my bed time.

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[Vote Cancel] Category 5 Hurricane cancelled his/her vote on Jeod!


Time Left:

0 day(s) , 12 hours, 52 min, 21 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Jeod

Jeod voted Category 5 Hurricane

Killing You voted Jeod

Nodlied voted nobody

Wallywood voted nobody


3/6 votes casted so far

Jeod has the most votes - 2

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Basically all you need to know about game mechanics is in the video:



And if you have been following the thread, then you know all the basics already. Then all you need to do is follow the guidelines in the role PM you'll get and day/night posts.


PM me right away if you want to join so I can assign you the role, but you will have start starting next phase (e.g. Night 3).

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Alright, so Cat5 is a fellow production structure, and KY can't hit the broad side of the War Factory (thankfully). Hm, well, this makes some sense so far.


I don't get any confirmations of what happens to the packages I send so idk if Nodlied could even use his.


Also KY's role makes some sense to be there since Cat5 can't be sure if the receipient is actually soviet. So if allies or any other hostile faction were to get a HT, town needs tools to handle it.

Same reason I exist I suppose, so that town didn't run dry on ammo in case of a viceroid apocalypse.


As for Jeod, while the bandwagon sure formed up quickly I can clearly see where it comes from. Also I admit I did have this strange suspicion about Jeod since like D2 start because he was just WAY too helpful and WAY too eager to rally up the town. But I am also kinda paranoid in general so there's this.

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KY I wouldn't read too much into Wallysense being needed "urgently." Truly, any afkers will throw a game off. That said, his role might be a missing puzzle piece.


Fyi I'm going to be gone for a good part of the day as a great friend is getting married and I am his best man. I will probably get a chance to change my vote if convinced by a quick reading, but this current place is where I'll stand for now.

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##unvote -ing to prevent an early hammer. I don't think it means much since Wallywood isn't playing and Chaos is surely town, but Jeod might choose to hammer himself early if he thinks he's trapped anyway. I actually have another angle I want to pursue on someone else. But now it is my bed time.


Hammer myself? If I was scum, why would I do that? Ohoho, but I'm not scum, and lynching me is a waste of time.


##vote ChopBam


I'm still willing to test my theory. ChopBam can't be a building since he can receive tanks, so he's lynchable.

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##vote ChopBam

[Vote Counted] Jeod voted ChopBam to be lynched!


Time Left:

0 day(s) , 9 hours, 50 min, 2 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Jeod

Jeod voted ChopBam

Killing You voted Jeod

Nodlied voted nobody

Wallywood voted nobody


3/6 votes casted so far

Jeod has the most votes - 2

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That's at least the second time you've complained that town is too OP. You've been arguing from mafia point of view a lot of the time. You believe claims like Mojoman's cop claim at the drop of a hat and you don't like the idea that town roles can empower themselves, and you've been digging for information all game that helps mafia more than town. I think you're jelly.


##vote Jeod

Killing_You, a lot has been said today. I'll have to do some proper reexamination. It's a good point to think about. Nodlied is someone I'm still not sure about. If you are telling the truth about blocking Mojoman, unless the visceroids started out with more than Issac at the helm, they are out of the game. It's possible you aren't telling the truth and they are still out of the game. Both Issac and Mojo sounded kinda defeated in their later posts, so I think that team probably done. This would mean that either an Allied team or another anti-town third party has to exist.


I've been arguing from a player's point of view. Are you mad that I pushed for Mojoman's protection when you were leading the charge on him? And look, it turns out Killing_You is actually town! I was right again!


That would explain why he got me to shoot at you. Being the war factory, you're a threat to scum, so obviously he wanted you out of the way. And he had your gimmick to back you up. It's a good thing that I missed, at least. Otherwise, he would've steered me towards someone else, using my tunnel vision and nervous demeanor to his advantage. And then just dumped the blame on me, I get hammered, and voila! He gets away having played town like a harp from hell.


Son of a bitch, I'm stupid at times.


##vote Jeod


This logic requires me to know and believe that Cat5 is a War Factory and also requires his entire story to be true. As for dumping the blame on you after, how would that have been done considering I've been pushing your innocence since you made the shot? My line of thinking was you went from town to visceroid, not scum to visceroid, so any push on you would easily fall apart.


You've been played like a damn fiddle. Of course he waits until I go to sleep to bring in his biggest arguments.

My previous infantry role was the least important of Soviet infantry roles, so I jumped at the chance to grab a tank. Now I'm open to AT attacks, Lord help me.


You mean the Soviet Rifle Soldier? The role that belonged to FRAYDO?

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You mean the Soviet Rifle Soldier? The role that belonged to FRAYDO?

Em, not to burst your bubble, but there's normally more than one of these. Up to 5 actually on more "sane" setups.






So, then, it would be an easy role to claim.

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Why do the cool discusions always happen while I'm gone? D:

By the way, if I'm going to reveal that much I may as well reveal the "gimmick". Taking "forced voting" to another level, I must maintain a cumulative vote total higher than anybody else, with a risk of a penalty effective after Day 1. Thus, the rush to get more votes out on Day 1, and the relative lack of votes since then as I don't have much to worry about given my established lead. Except for someone spamming votes to get ahead of me, which would stand as a very public attempt on my life.

I'm not fully buying such a gimmick, as I cannot connect it to the warfactory fluff in any way or form, but this is a Verti game, everything is possible.

If Mojo sniffed out a scum in Nodlied he'd have outright said it when I made it public that he was a cop. Then again, he did opt to not confirm it.

I've been hunting scum the entire game, and if not for my reads on Isaac and Mojo (Mojo more of a team effort because Cat5), the visceroids would still be among us.

Seriously, though. I'm sleepy. Night all.

Thank you for stealing the credit on Mojoman. Especially considering you buddied up with him on D2.

That's at least the second time you've complained that town is too OP. You've been arguing from mafia point of view a lot of the time. You believe claims like Mojoman's cop claim at the drop of a hat and you don't like the idea that town roles can empower themselves, and you've been digging for information all game that helps mafia more than town. I think you're jelly.

##vote Jeod

To be fair, the entire digging for information ended up in favour of town. :v However, I have another theory.

Killing_You, a lot has been said today. I'll have to do some proper reexamination. It's a good point to think about. Nodlied is someone I'm still not sure about. If you are telling the truth about blocking Mojoman, unless the visceroids started out with more than Issac at the helm, they are out of the game. It's possible you aren't telling the truth and they are still out of the game. Both Issac and Mojo sounded kinda defeated in their later posts, so I think that team probably done. This would mean that either an Allied team or another anti-town third party has to exist.

Well, this is where a new theory comes in. The visceroid team that was converting everyone left and right would quickly win the game if not for our early work against them. Considering the power of such a team, balanced measures would have to be put into place. One of them would be another third party instead of scum. Alternatively, scum cannot kill. But as you've pointed out, there's somebody who seems to be really annoyed by ''town being OP'', which is really interesting since we have two suspected structures in the game. Guess who that person is.

*Insert imaginary vote on Jeod here*

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