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APB Changelog

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Nice list of changes, thanks for the update. Hopefully the APC doesn't eclipse the Light Tank.


But still nothing to the flamethrower and the grenadier? 

Only change being infantry maps get totally destroyed by the Fire Nation attacking the Allies..... Fissure being the best example...

but no, The APC isnt a choice over light tanks as they do less DPS than a light tank. They have a heavier gun, but its got a shorter range than the Cap, a bit more total damage output than the M60, more armor, and can transport support soldiers with it. Yes.... APC rushes are great on maps like Complex and Pipeline.... DO IT....... They also do a tad bit more damage to infantry if you land good headshots, which could be easier due to the rate of fire being noticeably reduced.

Edited by MPRA2
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Hey, Pushwall, if you want the APC to be an anti-hind measure for when the allied Barracks is down, it'd be realllly nice if said APC could hit a hind anywhere but maximum range. 

What I'm saying is it needs several degrees more gun elevation.

Also the Camos Canyon Soviet Defenses could use a shuffling or two so it's a bit easier for Allies to get into the soviet base during a start of map supply truck rush... Soviets can walk right in, Allies have to take a very narrow path with a ST at full speet, that doesn't always work because sometimes the flame tower is just too smart (or lucky, or your driver too unlucky) to be dodged.

Edited by SarahNautili
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Hey, Pushwall, if you want the APC to be an anti-hind measure for when the allied Barracks is down, it'd be realllly nice if said APC could hit a hind anywhere but maximum range. 

What I'm saying is it needs several degrees more gun elevation.

Also the Camos Canyon Soviet Defenses could use a shuffling or two so it's a bit easier for Allies to get into the soviet base during a start of map supply truck rush... Soviets can walk right in, Allies have to take a very narrow path with a ST at full speet, that doesn't always work because sometimes the flame tower is just too smart (or lucky, or your driver too unlucky) to be dodged.

I mean, we have the special AA trucks and Missile soldiers for a reason here..... its like a more.... Well armored less DPS AA vehicle.

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Well, if the Barracks goes down on a map that's not ToTheCore, Allies don't have very many good AA options. The APC seems pretty well suited for this niche.

Well, how any video game logic would work: "if you lose a building, its your team's fault for not defending it well enough" 3 Captains can take down a Hind if they are good at AVOIDING THE HIND'S SPRAY..... They could also at least heavily damage the hind too, they have slightly longer range than the APC/Ranger anyways, as I have tested on Pipeline a few days ago. Cap could outrange flame towers just outside of their circle, while APC/Rangers had to get well within firing range in order for their shots to hit. All in All, the APC is good as it is, but its real role as an APC, is to: 1. Of course carry soldiers safely into battle coupled with being Mine Resistant, 2. Medium AP support, and 3. POSSIBLY harassing vehicles. I mean, Kaskins has 2 APC varients that are made for Anti-Aircraft if you want that....... slap the SIDAM turret or a Vulcan Chaingun on the APC to make it better against aircraft.... Thats my personal opinion though, but of course I'm probably wrong because "I complain about how everything is OP."

Edited by MPRA2
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How about the fact that while the allies have no good counters to helis while their barracks is down (captains don't count since a hind pilot with decent aim can decimate them), the soviets have a hard counter (mammoth tanks) and another counter in V2's. Allies... don't really have anything, their tanks don't have enough gun elevation, the arty's nowhere near as good as the V2 at hitting aircraft (although it can be done, I've done it), and the hind is more of a phase counter than the phase could ever be a hind counter, especially with that pricetag. So what harm would come from giving allies a decent vehicular anti-hind measure, especially if it helps them match an ability the soviets have with ease?

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Does the Longbow count as a Hind counter? I mean, I basically can't go anywhere in a Hind when Longbows are in the air. You can't fight, you can't run...you just die.

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Well, to quote a good friend of mine, "Everything is OP when the enemy is using it.  :v "



Does the Longbow count as a Hind counter? I mean, I basically can't go anywhere in a Hind when Longbows are in the air. You can't fight, you can't run...you just die.

Longbows are the best counter to Hinds. Even without the APC's new gun, it would be pretty good against a Hind. Granted it wouldnt KILL IT, but it would be wounded.... The point would be "DON'T LOSE YOUR BARRACKS!" Buuuuuuuuuut, nobody gets that apparently. What if Soviets lose their War Factory? Shock Troopers/RPG are the only counter to vehicles if you dont count Volkov, as he isnt in most maps, and you cant really count the Shock Trooper either because he's not in too many maps either.

Soviets lose Barracks? Well then, you lose Sniper/RPG/Shockie/FlameGuy/PocketArty/Volkov/Engineer. You lose a good amount of tried and true Anti-Infantry units if Mammoth Tanks/Tesla Tanks aren't an option..... Even then, Teslas are squishy, and Mammoth Tanks are just as slow as a MAD tank, and if you don't have Minelayers available? Well you better hope you got the repair cat, or some good teamwork because Allies WILL get into your base.... Look at BOTH sides of the coin first. Soviets and Allies both have very good units in their Barracks/War Factory. Hinds can EASILY be wounded (if not killed) if you know what you're doing, and you don't solo it like a lemming.... I can tell you right now that 3 Caps could definitely take on a Hind and at least heavily damage it to where whatever stray unit is in the field can finish the job. or just use it's direct counter if you cant buy rockets..... THE LELBOU.

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I can tell you right now that 3 Caps could definitely take on a Hind and at least heavily damage it to where whatever stray unit is in the field can finish the job.


That's not a solution when the enemy has many Hinds. Unless two thirds of the Soviet team has ragequit when they were winning for some reason.

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I can tell you right now that 3 Caps could definitely take on a Hind and at least heavily damage it to where whatever stray unit is in the field can finish the job.


That's not a solution when the enemy has many Hinds. Unless two thirds of the Soviet team has ragequit when they were winning for some reason.


I rarely see Hind rushes on large ground maps... Only Hostile Waters, Pacific Threat, sometimes on Stormy Valley, and VERY RARELY on Ridge War.

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I rarely see Hind rushes on large ground maps... Only Hostile Waters, Pacific Threat, sometimes on Stormy Valley, and VERY RARELY on Ridge War.


So you only see Hind rushes on every single map that has Hinds, sans To The Core which has only been out a few days. Kden.

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Looking solid, if I had more time I'd test it first-hand.


One point of concern; Is it the same Antlion CJ created using the heightfield editor in LE? If so, firstly, yuck. Secondly, heightfield terrain has a lot of problems and I don't believe any of those got fixed due to the general consensus being that it wasn't a supported method?

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I didnt really like the destructible bridges on Coastal.... The map goes: "First team to spam arty/support units on the island is 70% certain to win". With the bridges being destructible, it turns out to be: "The team that can hold the island and destroy the opposing bridge = no hope whatsoever for the team that cant push the enemy off the island". I still think Helicopters or just the removal of ranged units (Artillery/V2) should also be considered.... the map is very HEAVILY Biased to the team that spams the island the best, Naval units come second.

but again, nobody listens to the guy who complains all the time. So, just take it as you will.

Edited by MPRA2
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