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[Game End] RA:APB-themed Mafia game IV (Staplerfahrer Edition)


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Nah, shady deals sounds more like the Molotov brothers.




I'd considered that too, but the key phrase that tipped me to Grunyev was "enemy territory". The Molotovs are known to be in Soviet territory (see: "comrades in foreign lands"). Maybe I'm over-examining the flavor text, but I do suspect Grunyev Revolutionaries over the Molotov Brothers.


You know, I've considered the Molotov Brothers as well when you first mentioned this. But, then I realized the Molotov Brothers had direct support from the allies in the form of Tanya and the Naval Arsenal, which would pretty much make them aligned with the Allies, not Third Party. The Grunyev Revolutionaries on the other hand did not have any such support, and only used the equipment which could have easily been stolen rather than given or sold to them. They would be more likely to be a Third Party faction for this reason. If the Molotov Brothers are in-game, they are likely investigation-immune Allied Spies because they would be assumed to be supporting the Soviets. They may also have a special ability of some sort, because these would be the Molotov Brothers.

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Nah, shady deals sounds more like the Molotov brothers.




I'd considered that too, but the key phrase that tipped me to Grunyev was "enemy territory". The Molotovs are known to be in Soviet territory (see: "comrades in foreign lands"). Maybe I'm over-examining the flavor text, but I do suspect Grunyev Revolutionaries over the Molotov Brothers.


You know, I've considered the Molotov Brothers as well when you first mentioned this. But, then I realized the Molotov Brothers had direct support from the allies in the form of Tanya and the Naval Arsenal, which would pretty much make them aligned with the Allies, not Third Party. The Grunyev Revolutionaries on the other hand did not have any such support, and only used the equipment which could have easily been stolen rather than given or sold to them. They would be more likely to be a Third Party faction for this reason. If the Molotov Brothers are in-game, they are likely investigation-immune Allied Spies because they would be assumed to be supporting the Soviets. They may also have a special ability of some sort, because these would be the Molotov Brothers.



That explanation is faulty. The Grunyevs had military support from the Allies--hence the shady deals. There is no basis to suggest they stole their weapons except for from the Soviets, since they had access to both arsenals. Regarding the Molotovs, your hypothesis means that, like the mission, a Soviet Spy would need to uncover them. That seems too reliant on one role, and the new theme this game looks to be the addition of air units.


That said, if you want to compare the two and ask me whether the Grunyevs or Molotovs are in the game, I'd have to choose the Grunyevs based on present evidence and conjecture.

Finally, if it's not the Grunyevs, then it's a humanoid faction. YOU CAN'T MAKE SHADY ASS DEALS WITH VISCEROIDS.


Moving on from that. There's not much to see in the other player's posts so far. The only thing that sort of stands out to me is Isaac's odd line of "shady allies and conventional town". Though he may not have seen off the bat that the shady deals thing signaled a hint to a third party and assumed that the shadiness was all coming from the Allies. So, going on a repeat of last game, I'll make a weak stab at Isaac for the easy lynch and it will somehow be flipped onto FRAYDO.


##vote Isaac

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Nah, shady deals sounds more like the Molotov brothers.




I'd considered that too, but the key phrase that tipped me to Grunyev was "enemy territory". The Molotovs are known to be in Soviet territory (see: "comrades in foreign lands"). Maybe I'm over-examining the flavor text, but I do suspect Grunyev Revolutionaries over the Molotov Brothers.


You know, I've considered the Molotov Brothers as well when you first mentioned this. But, then I realized the Molotov Brothers had direct support from the allies in the form of Tanya and the Naval Arsenal, which would pretty much make them aligned with the Allies, not Third Party. The Grunyev Revolutionaries on the other hand did not have any such support, and only used the equipment which could have easily been stolen rather than given or sold to them. They would be more likely to be a Third Party faction for this reason. If the Molotov Brothers are in-game, they are likely investigation-immune Allied Spies because they would be assumed to be supporting the Soviets. They may also have a special ability of some sort, because these would be the Molotov Brothers.



That explanation is faulty. The Grunyevs had military support from the Allies--hence the shady deals. There is no basis to suggest they stole their weapons except for from the Soviets, since they had access to both arsenals. Regarding the Molotovs, your hypothesis means that, like the mission, a Soviet Spy would need to uncover them. That seems too reliant on one role, and the new theme this game looks to be the addition of air units.


That said, if you want to compare the two and ask me whether the Grunyevs or Molotovs are in the game, I'd have to choose the Grunyevs based on present evidence and conjecture.


The Grunyevs didn't have Tanya Adams supporting them (I doubt the Allies would send their top "volunteer" to the Molotovs unless they were outright supporting them, which they didn't do for the Grunyevs). And perhaps they didn't steal them, but this could be like the Iran-Contra affair IRL where the US sold weapons to their enemy to free hostages and support a terrorist group.


I wish APB_ICE was here to give more incite. This is hurting my head.

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##Vote Voe

[Vote Counted] Nodlied voted Voe to be lynched!



##vote Isaac

[Vote Counted] Jeod voted Isaac The Madd to be lynched!

Time Left:

1 day(s) , 6 hours, 36 min, 22 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted nobody

FRAYDO voted nobody

GeneralCamo voted nobody

Isaac The Madd voted nobody

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted nobody

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted nobody


2/11 votes casted so far

2 voted players are at a tie (1 each)

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Nice mafia edit up there BTW Jeod. Didn't quite catch that while I was making that nice reply.


Isaac from what I've seen of him has a tendency of making strange statements that have no real value, other than in his strange mind. He's like I was back in the day in BHP mafia, where I became the insta-scapegoat because I always said the wrong things (anyone remember Gleadr's game where I managed to get the entire town on me because I claimed Technician when no-one else was a vanilla technician? But turned out to be a vanilla technician anyway?).


Could be intentional however as a double-bluff, but I'm reserving my vote for now as the likelyhood of a double-bluff so early in the game is highly unlikely.

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##Vote Voe

[Vote Counted] Nodlied voted Voe to be lynched!



##vote Isaac

[Vote Counted] Jeod voted Isaac The Madd to be lynched!

Time Left:

1 day(s) , 6 hours, 36 min, 22 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted nobody

FRAYDO voted nobody

GeneralCamo voted nobody

Isaac The Madd voted nobody

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted nobody

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted nobody


2/11 votes casted so far

Isaac The Madd has the most votes - 1



Erm.. how does Isaac have the most votes when only 2 votes have been cast and only one is on Voe?

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##Vote Voe

[Vote Counted] Nodlied voted Voe to be lynched!



##vote Isaac

[Vote Counted] Jeod voted Isaac The Madd to be lynched!

Time Left:

1 day(s) , 6 hours, 36 min, 22 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted nobody

FRAYDO voted nobody

GeneralCamo voted nobody

Isaac The Madd voted nobody

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted nobody

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted nobody


2/11 votes casted so far

2 voted players are at a tie (1 each)


It says that it is a tie. Are you trying to change the game by modifying GM posts? You nasty cheater!!



I know it was edited. :p


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Are you done referencing last game Jeod, or is Fraydo going to get RNGed to death while I flail about?

Also Might I ask how an empty comment on some flavor text is particularly lynch worthy?

##vote Jeod

[Vote Counted] Isaac The Madd voted Jeod to be lynched!

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Jeod's definitely reading heavily into flavor text, but then again, even flavor can be important in a mafia game. Of course, Isaac biting back like that could be anything from simply partaking in a petty squabble to being unnecessarily defensive. It's just Day 1, though, so it's tough to tell.

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Yes, Jeod, that is a weak and incorrect stab at Isaac. I think it would be far better to make a stronger stab at someone who sticks a vote based on analyzing someones thoughts on flavour text.


##vote Jeod

[Vote Counted] Mojoman voted Jeod to be lynched!


Time Left:

1 day(s) , 5 hours, 2 min, 35 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted nobody

FRAYDO voted nobody

GeneralCamo voted nobody

Isaac The Madd voted Jeod

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted nobody

Mojoman voted Jeod

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted nobody


4/11 votes casted so far

Jeod has the most votes - 2

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Are you done referencing last game Jeod, or is Fraydo going to get RNGed to death while I flail about?

Also Might I ask how an empty comment on some flavor text is particularly lynch worthy?

##vote Jeod


Your comment was far less empty than the rest of the players, excluding myself and Generalcamo. Your post was actually a reaction to the flavor text, before I'd even highlighted it.


Yes, Jeod, that is a weak and incorrect stab at Isaac. I think it would be far better to make a stronger stab at someone who sticks a vote based on analyzing someones thoughts on flavour text.


##vote Jeod


Incorrect? Do you perhaps know something that I don't?


The interesting thing here is that neither of you have even commented on the third party theories. As Soviets we want to make sense of the factions as soon as possible.

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I'll know more on day 4, if I live that long. Or if you flip today.

Right now, I don't know anything about a third party anymore than the conjecture given by others. Ex: there's so many people so there could be a third party, the 'shady deals' mentioned'.

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I'll know more on day 4, if I live that long. Or if you flip today.


Right now, I don't know anything about a third party anymore than the conjecture given by others. Ex: there's so many people so there could be a third party, the 'shady deals' mentioned'.


You're revealing a lot for Day 1. With 11 players we definitely have either a third party or more scum, and given the flavor I'm proposing there's a third party. We got lucky with the visceroids last time. RNGesus might not be so kind this time. We're not just hunting Allies here.

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You know, I'm also thinking we might have a second scum team (read: a second night kill) rather than a third party. If this is the case, we might have two night kills on our hands, which could be VERY dangerous.


That doesn't add up with the flavor though; perhaps your word choice is odd to my interpretation. My current train of thought suggests that there is a third party--the Grunyev Revolutionists. If they have a nightkill ability then yes it might as well be a second scum team. Two separate Allied teams doesn't make sense. If that's what you're proposing, mind explaining it more?

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I'll be damned if I fall victim to RNGesus again.


Regarding the shady deals, I suspect Molotov Brothers more than the Grunyev Revolutionists. Shady deals to me implies suspicious activities with the Allies, as Daniel and Yuri did. The Grunyev Revolutionists were simply that, straight-up revolutionists. No shady deals about that; only making the unwise decision of raising arms against Stalin and the might of the Soviet war machine.

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I'll be damned if I fall victim to RNGesus again.


Regarding the shady deals, I suspect Molotov Brothers more than the Grunyev Revolutionists. Shady deals to me implies suspicious activities with the Allies, as Daniel and Yuri did. The Grunyev Revolutionists were simply that, straight-up revolutionists. No shady deals about that; only making the unwise decision of raising arms against Stalin and the might of the Soviet war machine.


But, as Generalcamo pointed out (and I happen to agree with him), the Molotov Brothers are more Allied-aligned than third party and would likely be immune to alignment cops. I don't discount the idea, but I need more evidence to consider it. If they're actually a part of the scumteam, then they probably have some pretty powerful actions. If, for a moment, I pretend their existence is fact, that would mean that Daniel and Yuri are on the scumteam. That means they have a sniper rifle of sorts and a rocket soldier (vehicle destroyer) with an upgraded weapon.

Sorry, it submitted before I was done. Anyway, if I pretend the Molotovs exist, and given their weapons, then it would mean the flying unit mechanic Verti put a lot of attention to in the rules is moot. The Allies would have a Longbow and a Helipad, or be two Molotovs. At the moment, that doesn't seem plausible.

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What makes is pretty curious is that the objective is to "eliminate all threats".

Compared to the pretty specific "Find and kill the allies" of the previous games this brings plenty of questions really.


While I think that you guys might be digging into the flavor too much, it's D1 so... eh, nothing better anyway.


Though that is extremely strange thing to say by Mojoman:


I'll know more on day 4, if I live that long. Or if you flip today.

That's an oddly specific deadline...

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Precisely. Nothing better to do and it brings awareness to the table. I'm satisfied with the stirred pot for now.




I've got my eye on Isaac and Mojo though. I'm not so suspicious of Isaac based on his reaction to my vote, but of Mojoman's reaction to my vote.

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[Vote Cancel] Jeod cancelled his/her vote on Isaac The Madd!


Time Left:

1 day(s) , 0 hours, 34 min, 50 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted nobody

FRAYDO voted nobody

GeneralCamo voted nobody

Isaac The Madd voted Jeod

Jeod voted nobody

Killing You voted nobody

Mojoman voted Jeod

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted nobody


3/11 votes casted so far

Jeod has the most votes - 2

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