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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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So me agreeing with Chris regarding your possible role, which, considering the circumstances and the investigation and apparant nightaction results, would make a lot of sense. This goes up to double when I look at my night action which specifies that I can do something to someone if possible, which strongly indicates that there are roles out there that aren't normal human beings. And this ties up nicely with the info we received on you. So yes, I thought and still think that your a Shittygami.

And then guess what, I ask who visited me during the night, in my very first post of the day. Could it possibly be that me agreeing with Chris on the subject and me asking who visited me are unrelated?

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It was possible, which is why I didn't bring this up the moment you said those things. However, now that Misa has been apprehended without a notebook, and one was left on Mojoman's doorstep, it tidies up nicely. The question becomes, now, why did Cat5 choose to pass the notebook instead of hang on to it when he wasn't under any suspicion? Furthermore, it's also unknown if Mojoman's notebook is the same one Cat5 may have had. I believe there's an 85% chance it is: you passed it last night after Misa was found, anticipating you would be questioned today.

Unfortunately I have no idea what your motives are:

1) Why even mention the notebook Day 2? Seems like a poor use of tactics to try and distance yourself from a possible Shinigami.

2) Why not come out and say you have/had a notebook? After all, those who have received a notebook will have the ability to see Shinigami. Why not come out and use that to investigate me again? Could it be that you suspected I was a Shinigami, and you wanted someone else investigated so you could kill? But if this is true, then it happened to be the wrong person and so you had to pass the notebook instead.

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1 hour ago, Nodlied said:

You were watching? What excatly did you see? Also, the meeting with Choppy is ongoing

Yeah, I decided to spy on you to check if I should be trusting you. Saw your meeting but obviously not what you 2 were doing there.
I guess lack of result is also a result in a way, same with spying on Jeod.

1 hour ago, Nodlied said:

don't think opening it will be such a good idea. Making use of special items in Verti games tend to end badly, and you of all people should know that.

C'mon, it's going to be fun. xD (most likely not)
But to be fair, if I was him I'd have opened it all risks considered as we need all the info on game mechanics we can get. It also never really hurt anyone to touch it in the source materials as long as they didn't actively use it. But yeah, it's all up to Mojo if he's curious or cautious.

The previous questions remain. Who can take away the Note from the inactive player? The only force which comes to mind is a Shinigami.

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10 minutes ago, Jeod said:

It was possible, which is why I didn't bring this up the moment you said those things. However, now that Misa has been apprehended without a notebook, and one was left on Mojoman's doorstep, it tidies up nicely. The question becomes, now, why did Cat5 choose to pass the notebook instead of hang on to it when he wasn't under any suspicion? Furthermore, it's also unknown if Mojoman's notebook is the same one Cat5 may have had. I believe there's an 85% chance it is: you passed it last night after Misa was found, anticipating you would be questioned today.

What? So you say that Cat5 must have had a notebook that is likely to be the one that ended up in Mojoman's hands. Yet I'm the inbetween culprit because of the things I said, which were unrelated?

Unfortunately I have no idea what your motives are:

1) Why even mention the notebook Day 2? Seems like a poor use of tactics to try and distance yourself from a possible Shinigami.

2) Why not come out and say you have/had a notebook? After all, those who have received a notebook will have the ability to see Shinigami. Is that so? If so, how would you know? Why not come out and use that to investigate me again? Could it be that you suspected I was a Shinigami, and you wanted someone else investigated so you could kill? But if this is true, then it happened to be the wrong person and so you had to pass the notebook instead.

Jeod, you're trying far too hard to label me as scum by tying up unrelated things. Really, what is your endgame here? Am I such a high threat to you that you want me gone as soon as possible?

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19 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Yeah, I decided to spy on you to check if I should be trusting you. Saw your meeting but obviously not what you 2 were doing there.
I guess lack of result is also a result in a way, same with spying on Jeod.

Well that makes sense, I guess. (Also, the meeting is in a Google doc, so that would explain why you couldn't see what we were doing. I simply sent a meeting request via PM and Choppy accepted.)

C'mon, it's going to be fun. xD (most likely not)
But to be fair, if I was him I'd have opened it all risks considered as we need all the info on game mechanics we can get. It also never really hurt anyone to touch it in the source materials as long as they didn't actively use it. But yeah, it's all up to Mojo if he's curious or cautious.

Well, we don't know if the note has the power to corrupt and/or change player objectives in the same way the onering and the markershard could. Which is why I'm advising against opening the note.

The previous questions remain. Who can take away the Note from the inactive player? The only force which comes to mind is a Shinigami.


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If there's an agreement to me accessing the Death Note I'm not against it. The only extra thing that would happen to me is that if I am investigated, I will be held as a 'Kira Suspect' and any extra items I have will be confiscated. I already used one item to try and contact Chopbam, and my other item I don't really see a use for at the moment (Both are one time uses).

But I'm also not sure of any secondary effects accessing the Death Note might have.

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Now that we're deeper into it and Voe's had a chance to get into things, I think he can be a pretty big asset. Hell, if his goal is to protect Misa, and if Kira tries to burn Misa to prevent us from getting more info, and Voe's Rem, then he might actually play a good role in helping us get a lot closer.

To be clear, I think we still need to keep Cat 5's suspicion higher than trust, but I think it's time to let Voe out to play. To be clear, this is not just because he gave me trust too, I had been thinking this before bed but wanted to sleep on it.

##propose trust Voe 25

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I can see there being very circumstantial evidence. Nothing I would bet on, though. Something's fishy about Nodlied, but if he was that deep down the rabbit hole I have a hard time believing he'd act as he has, both incidentally and deliberately, and cast as much attention on himself as he has.

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How useful would your second item be Mojo? I would like for you to access the Death Note if it gives town more information, though the possible investigation later may cost your item.

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My item could be useful if we need to block some people from talking. But it would be very situational.

Also all this theorycrafting assumes I don't get ganked tonight somehow.

If I do end up dying tonight, it won't be because of Chopbam.

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15 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

Also all this theorycrafting assumes I don't get ganked tonight somehow.

Well, it doesn't seem we've even decided, as a whole, to investigate or do the passing, which is key to factoring in what happens next. I'd say if we don't investigate you you have a pretty high chance of surviving (upwards of 80%). The other 20% is if Kira forces have used powers to check you out on their own.

I'd be the first to jump on the planning/speculation train, but we really do have two very different paths depending on what we do there.


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I am going to (re)iterate that based on my role info I know N is at potential play in this game as a backup option should L fail.

I went into more detail with Nodlied in private, but basically the question is this: if N is a playable character (which I suspect) and he is NOT Jeod, then why hasn't he risen and provided CC to Jeod's claim?

1) N could be NPC, or

2) N could be a task force member resurrected and they don't know it yet, or

3) Jeod is N.

Any other possibilities are quite slim.

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10 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

I am going to (re)iterate that based on my role info I know N is at potential play in this game as a backup option should L fail.

I went into more detail with Nodlied in private, but basically the question is this: if N is a playable character (which I suspect) and he is NOT Jeod, then why hasn't he risen and provided CC to Jeod's claim?

1) N could be NPC, or

2) N could be a task force member resurrected and they don't know it yet, or

3) Jeod is N.

Any other possibilities are quite slim.

You know, there's a very common and extremely obvious n00b trap scum can do in normal games. Claim cop/doc and wait for the fool to counterclaim so that you could kill them later. This might be a similar case.

Bonus points: If Jeod is Shinigami he can do this trick safely, as even if actual N called him out and then died to Kira... what can WE do to a Shinigami? We can't even investigate or spy on him for that matter.

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1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

You know, there's a very common and extremely obvious n00b trap scum can do in normal games. Claim cop/doc and wait for the fool to counterclaim so that you could kill them later. This might be a similar case.

Bonus points: If Jeod is Shinigami he can do this trick safely, as even if actual N called him out and then died to Kira... what can WE do to a Shinigami? We can't even investigate or spy on him for that matter.

Perhaps normally, and of course we know there are other ways to get names than investigations, but I feel as if the extra step here of needing to get a name might complicated that more than usual and make this a less attractive option for scum than usual.

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1 hour ago, ChopBam said:

Wouldn't that n00b trap identify the killer as the person who made the first claim? 

In more traditional mafia it depends on setup and other factors like player count (not unheard of to have 2 cops in game), janitors and etc. So it's not really a rare tactic AFAIK.

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14 hours ago, Voe said:

##propose trust Orange 100

Voe proposed 100 Trust Points to OrangeP47!


7 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

##propose trust Voe 25

OrangeP47 proposed 25 Trust Points to Voe!




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15 minutes ago, Voe said:

##vote chaos_knight

Why do you receive double the political power of everyone else?

Now that you mention it, what happened to his Trust value?

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15 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Now that you mention it, what happened to his Trust value?

Trust and suspicioun mutually destroy each other.

As for my proposal points, I used an item :p

Also ##vote Voe let's see what your yesterday weirdness was all about.

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I can see it this way: either jeod is a shinishitfest and gives away death notes,  giving the first one to Nodlied (and thus the certainty he has one) and the second to Mojoman. Or, chaos and Nodlied are indeed both scum and jeod is sincere and caught it early on. Problems arise where i think about it an realise that Mojoman certainly isn't scum as he claimed the possesion. In this case, why didn't Nodlied? Is he a bad guy? But if he is,  why is jeod trying to frame him? Doesn't jeod know who the other scum mates are?

There is another interesting thing. Jeod wants the note confiscated badly. Chaos wants to open it. Why such a great difference in opinion? Do you both have your own agendas? Does jeod steal the note when confiscated? Or does chaos gain some powers when one is used? Some food for thought. 


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50 minutes ago, Voe said:

You called Kira like Cat5 did? Fine, thanks for telling.

I have my own means, 1 time use tho. :p

##propose suspicion Voe 50

The thing about confiscating is, if someone is given access to L's stuff he can steal stuff or release a prisoner. That I found out last night (since there was stuff to steal and a prisoner to release). I spent my action to spy on Nodlied (confirmed by him) but yeah, stealing is a possibility.

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58 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Talking about Jeod, why isn't he posting anymore? I've seen him reading this place, but no post for 22 hours since I said that I'm not the killer.

I read on mobile and respond when I'm on a laptop. Typing on mobile is annoying.

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