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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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7 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

I spied Nodlied and interestingly didn't see anything about the opening of a notebook. All I saw was that he's meeting with CK.

Tried to meet with FRAYDO last night but no dice.

Any reason. Was he AFK and just didn't accept?

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Oh FUCK!!!

Okay, looking at the playing field, I see two possibilities: Either Nodlied is Kira, or Jeod's claim that "Sidoh will take all the books" is a ton of bullshit, and he retrieved the confiscated book and passed it to someone. Personally, knowing who Nodlied is and how reluctant he's been to use the book, I'd bet that the latter is the case. I'm 95% sure of it.

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I'm guessing Kira wanted to wait till we publicly opened a notebook before deciding to kill. A clever move to frame whoever opened it.

Kira also wanted to wait till we had some names revealed.

Could Kira be one of the characters we've investigated already, such as Cat5?

Nodlied do you have more insight to provide us with? Are you planning to pass the note tonight?

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5 hours ago, ChopBam said:

I spied Nodlied and interestingly didn't see anything about the opening of a notebook. All I saw was that he's meeting with CK.


5 hours ago, ChopBam said:

I suspect he was AFK. He has by far the most trust now.

I wasn't AFK during the nightphase. I did open the notebook (how else did I post the rules? :v) Also, PetChris sent me the meeting invitation before I was able to do so myself. 


5 hours ago, Killing You said:

Oh FUCK!!!

Okay, looking at the playing field, I see two possibilities: Either Nodlied is Kira, or Jeod's claim that "Sidoh will take all the books" is a ton of bullshit, and he retrieved the confiscated book and passed it to someone. Personally, knowing who Nodlied is and how reluctant he's been to use the book, I'd bet that the latter is the case. I'm 95% sure of it.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not the killer, lest opening the note allows a sinister party to ''use'' me to kill somebody without me knowing it. In any case, I'm pretty damn sure Jeod is the one who killed Voe, as it wouldn't suprise me that he was the one who took the confiscated book from the confiscated items.

5 hours ago, ChopBam said:

I'm guessing Kira wanted to wait till we publicly opened a notebook before deciding to kill. A clever move to frame whoever opened it.

Kira also wanted to wait till we had some names revealed.

Could Kira be one of the characters we've investigated already, such as Cat5?

Nodlied do you have more insight to provide us with? Are you planning to pass the note tonight?

That's what I think as well. As for who the killer is, I'm just too bloody sure that it's Jeod. His night and day posts do as good of a job at hiding it as a boxtank trying to camouflage up in the open field.
As for more insight, I've received more actions at the day start.

  • I can now pass the note on during the night to a player of my choice (same as before)
  • I can ''fortfeit'' the debtnote, which will return it to the previous owner. Should they be dead or not exist, it'll go back to the shimitinkywinky. It also specifies that if I haven't used the notebook to kill somebody, I will not be blamed for any kills made via this notebook. This does seem to specify that there are multiple debtnote docs as well.
  • And I can request sensor eyes, but the shinysnicker would have to agree on that.

I will have to choose between these three options else the booklet will ''be taken'' (by the shimiwinywoe I guess).

In case the owner kills somebody, he/she/it/attackhelicopter will be able to ''send a tape'' for the day post, which will allow the player to post a message within a 999 character limit.

And yes, in case we decide on investigating somebody else than me, I am planning on passing the booklet to somebody else.



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7 hours ago, Jeod said:

So Nod. Did you find another shinigami?

No. Must be nice to know you're the only wanker out there, isn't it? (Besides, meta knowledge only reïnforces the probability that you're alone!)

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59 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

No. Must be nice to know you're the only wanker out there, isn't it? (Besides, meta knowledge only reïnforces the probability that you're alone!)

In that case the notebook you have is a fake. None of the other possible shinigami have any reason to hide from you. That also means that some of the rules you posted might be fake as well. Have fun with that.

so what if I did swipe the notebook and kill Voe? How will you investigate me or kill me? You see why I'm being so open about this now.

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1 hour ago, Nodlied said:

I wasn't AFK during the nightphase. I did open the notebook (how else did I post the rules? :v) Also, PetChris sent me the meeting invitation before I was able to do so myself. 

I was talking about FRAYDO. :v

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1 hour ago, Jeod said:

so what if I did swipe the notebook and kill Voe? How will you investigate me or kill me? You see why I'm being so open about this now.

Personally, I think you swiped the notebook and passed it to someone who would do your bidding. Who that someone is, we'll find out. 

My guess is that it's related to the point drain. I got hit with one yesterday, and Orange got hit today, and in our meeting we confirmed that it was the same ability. I also think that it might have been someone who hasn't been in the forefront of the action. Right now, I'd say Mojoman is suspect alpha. He's been sitting back, poking the bear every once in a while, and everyone was either too distracted to care or cleared him on the basis of "had the notebook, told us, didn't use it." I feel like this may not be sufficient enough to clear someone now.

##vote Mojoman

Anyone have a better idea, now's the time to lay it out. We've hit emergency mode now.

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I doubt it's Mojoman. He rang an emergency beacon early on that revealed his character's name to me.

This whole "anybody can become Kira" thing is a bit worrisome to me, however. I will need to rethink some assumptions I've had. 

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3 hours ago, Jeod said:

In that case the notebook you have is a fake. None of the other possible shinigami have any reason to hide from you. That also means that some of the rules you posted might be fake as well. Have fun with that.

so what if I did swipe the notebook and kill Voe? How will you investigate me or kill me? You see why I'm being so open about this now.

I'm pretty damn sure that you're the only wanktank out here and that you are the only source of the debtnotes. Also, considering I have this little book now, I should be able to see you and, thus, investigate your ass. Banishing you back into the warp will require some additional thinking though.


58 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

I doubt it's Mojoman. He rang an emergency beacon early on that revealed his character's name to me.

This whole "anybody can become Kira" thing is a bit worrisome to me, however. I will need to rethink some assumptions I've had. 

Well, if we go by lore, taking another look at Cat5 could help. Otherwise, putting Jeod's head on a stick should be one of our priorities.

As for the ''anybody can become the murderer thing'', the OP states that. The players have the choice to become one, the information you get after opening the debtnote also shows that. So it could be anybody with a notebook.

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13 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Well, if we go by lore, taking another look at Cat5 could help. Otherwise, putting Jeod's head on a stick should be one of our priorities.

I don't think it's Cat5. He was sounding the alarm yesterday, which we ignored in favor of locking down the notebooks. As for Jeod, I say we ignore him. We don't know for sure if you having opened your notebook will allow us to investigate him, and given that Kira has become an active threat, we don't have time to test this out.

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2 minutes ago, Killing You said:

I don't think it's Cat5. He was sounding the alarm yesterday, which we ignored in favor of locking down the notebooks. As for Jeod, I say we ignore him. We don't know for sure if you having opened your notebook will allow us to investigate him, and given that Kira has become an active threat, we don't have time to test this out.

Fair enough.

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Now hold on the damn train.

13 hours ago, VERTi60 said:

We were unable to find any evidence that Mogi has used the Notebook we found on him yesterday, but the Notebook was used regardless. We need more suspects to identify the user.

From the looks of it, someone wrote in Voe's name in the Note and then gave it to him.

Let's try and trace the previous owners of this item. Jeod claimed he gave that note to Cat5. Cat5 claimed he gave it to Voe. Jeod said he had 2 at the start. N1 he gave it to Nodlied. N2 I assume he just sat on his rear since Cat5 was in jail and then on N3 gave Note away. N4 Cat5 passed the Note to Voe.
There was only 1 night when the Note in question wasn't passed around - N2. But, unless Jeod lies (wouldn't be the first time) he can't use it directly at night. So there's that. Question is, WHEN could it be used then?

Another thing.
1st Note: Jeod >(N1)> Nodlied >(N2)> Me > Confiscated N3 > Missing???
2nd Note: Jeod >(N3 claimed)> Cat5 >(N4)> Voe > Confiscated N5 - Present.
3rd Note: ??? > (Mojoman) > (N4) > Nodlied - Present.

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Also, dear FRAYDO, care to explain why you stole Orange's points last night?

I am no expert but my math tells me that:

68 (your trust from yesterday) + 1497 (Orange's trust from yesterday) - 21 (your suspicion from yesterday) = 1544. Your exact current trust.

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2 hours ago, Killing You said:

Personally, I think you swiped the notebook and passed it to someone who would do your bidding. Who that someone is, we'll find out. 

My guess is that it's related to the point drain. I got hit with one yesterday, and Orange got hit today, and in our meeting we confirmed that it was the same ability. I also think that it might have been someone who hasn't been in the forefront of the action. Right now, I'd say Mojoman is suspect alpha. He's been sitting back, poking the bear every once in a while, and everyone was either too distracted to care or cleared him on the basis of "had the notebook, told us, didn't use it." I feel like this may not be sufficient enough to clear someone now.

##vote Mojoman

Anyone have a better idea, now's the time to lay it out. We've hit emergency mode now.

The flaw in your logic is that passing, opening, and then using is three actions. That can't all be done in one night.

18 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Now hold on the damn train.

From the looks of it, someone wrote in Voe's name in the Note and then gave it to him.

Let's try and trace the previous owners of this item. Jeod claimed he gave that note to Cat5. Cat5 claimed he gave it to Voe. Jeod said he had 2 at the start. N1 he gave it to Nodlied. N2 I assume he just sat on his rear since Cat5 was in jail and then on N3 gave Note away. N4 Cat5 passed the Note to Voe.
There was only 1 night when the Note in question wasn't passed around - N2. But, unless Jeod lies (wouldn't be the first time) he can't use it directly at night. So there's that. Question is, WHEN could it be used then?

Another thing.
1st Note: Jeod >(N1)> Nodlied >(N2)> Me > Confiscated N3 > Missing???
2nd Note: Jeod >(N3 claimed)> Cat5 >(N4)> Voe > Confiscated N5 - Present.
3rd Note: ??? > (Mojoman) > (N4) > Nodlied - Present.

This guy gets it. But aside from what you've figured out, why would I want Voe to open the notebook to discover his own name?

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Just now, Jeod said:

This guy gets it. But aside from what you've figured out, why would I want Voe to open the notebook to discover his own name?

You might be doing this all just for a giggle for all I know. It's not like we CAN do anything about you anyway.

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1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

You might be doing this all just for a giggle for all I know. It's not like we CAN do anything about you anyway.

Sure we can! We'll just stop listening to the fieldwanker.

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Stop listening if you want. But I'm telling you that the notebook you have, Nod, is absolutely a fake and therefore the rules may be fake too. I know if there are any fake rules obviously, but I'm not telling you zip. As for proof that it's fake, all the evidence is in the open already. You don't need me to put it together...well, you kind of do. But not me specifically.

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You're quick to catch on Chaos, and I assume Orange knew as well and was waiting for me to give my side of the story. We need an eye as good as yours on the CVC for any point discrepancies.

I questioned authority as my night action suggests, and gained all of Orange's trust points in order to set myself up for the L action tonight. While most of us are appearing as trustworthy, I have it in my mind that I, the confirmed Japanese Task Force member, be allowed to the L special action. While showing to have been very thorough in this investigation, Nodlied and Orange are still unknowns, and that makes them as dangerous as they are helpful.

ChopBam, I received your invite to a meeting. No hard feelings, but I chose not to accept. Despite Orange "clearing" you with his use of the L night action, as well as proving yourself in the meetings that you have participated in, you remain suspect to me. Again, no hard feelings. I just chose the safer option and trust in my intuition.

To reiterate, I'm going for the L night action tonight. To attain this, I do require that I have the most trust points by the end of this day. Whatever this action really is, or if changes night by night, I will use it to our benefit and confirm some suspicions. Should anyone object to this proposal, consider yourself higher on my suspect list. Should I die by Death Note, I leave it town to consider OrangeP47 may have something to hide.

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2 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

You're quick to catch on Chaos, and I assume Orange knew as well and was waiting for me to give my side of the story. We need an eye as good as yours on the CVC for any point discrepancies.

I questioned authority as my night action suggests, and gained all of Orange's trust points in order to set myself up for the L action tonight. While most of us are appearing as trustworthy, I have it in my mind that I, the confirmed Japanese Task Force member, be allowed to the L special action. While showing to have been very thorough in this investigation, Nodlied and Orange are still unknowns, and that makes them as dangerous as they are helpful.

ChopBam, I received your invite to a meeting. No hard feelings, but I chose not to accept. Despite Orange "clearing" you with his use of the L night action, as well as proving yourself in the meetings that you have participated in, you remain suspect to me. Again, no hard feelings. I just chose the safer option and trust in my intuition.

To reiterate, I'm going for the L night action tonight. To attain this, I do require that I have the most trust points by the end of this day. Whatever this action really is, or if changes night by night, I will use it to our benefit and confirm some suspicions. Should anyone object to this proposal, consider yourself higher on my suspect list. Should I die by Death Note, I leave it town to consider OrangeP47 may have something to hide.

I object :D

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5 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

You're quick to catch on Chaos, and I assume Orange knew as well and was waiting for me to give my side of the story. We need an eye as good as yours on the CVC for any point discrepancies.

I questioned authority as my night action suggests, and gained all of Orange's trust points in order to set myself up for the L action tonight. While most of us are appearing as trustworthy, I have it in my mind that I, the confirmed Japanese Task Force member, be allowed to the L special action. While showing to have been very thorough in this investigation, Nodlied and Orange are still unknowns, and that makes them as dangerous as they are helpful.

ChopBam, I received your invite to a meeting. No hard feelings, but I chose not to accept. Despite Orange "clearing" you with his use of the L night action, as well as proving yourself in the meetings that you have participated in, you remain suspect to me. Again, no hard feelings. I just chose the safer option and trust in my intuition.

To reiterate, I'm going for the L night action tonight. To attain this, I do require that I have the most trust points by the end of this day. Whatever this action really is, or if changes night by night, I will use it to our benefit and confirm some suspicions. Should anyone object to this proposal, consider yourself higher on my suspect list. Should I die by Death Note, I leave it town to consider OrangeP47 may have something to hide.

Just for the record, that's underhanded and dirty.

Knowing exactly who Nodlied is, I'd say he's completely trustworthy. Choppy's someone I'm not entirely clear on, especially after chatting with Orange.

So I have to ask you something: The action that you used on Orange last night, did you use it on me two nights ago?

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1 hour ago, FRAYDO said:

You're quick to catch on Chaos, and I assume Orange knew as well and was waiting for me to give my side of the story. We need an eye as good as yours on the CVC for any point discrepancies.

I questioned authority as my night action suggests, and gained all of Orange's trust points in order to set myself up for the L action tonight. While most of us are appearing as trustworthy, I have it in my mind that I, the confirmed Japanese Task Force member, be allowed to the L special action. While showing to have been very thorough in this investigation, Nodlied and Orange are still unknowns, and that makes them as dangerous as they are helpful.

ChopBam, I received your invite to a meeting. No hard feelings, but I chose not to accept. Despite Orange "clearing" you with his use of the L night action, as well as proving yourself in the meetings that you have participated in, you remain suspect to me. Again, no hard feelings. I just chose the safer option and trust in my intuition.

To reiterate, I'm going for the L night action tonight. To attain this, I do require that I have the most trust points by the end of this day. Whatever this action really is, or if changes night by night, I will use it to our benefit and confirm some suspicions. Should anyone object to this proposal, consider yourself higher on my suspect list. Should I die by Death Note, I leave it town to consider OrangeP47 may have something to hide.

Yes, this is what I suspected. I will say as I did yesterday (and before), you could have just *said something*. I was open to others having the L power, and indeed, was setting up to help our chosen candidate get the most trust but even with my fat stack of proposal yesterday I didn't have enough to make it 100% sure nobody would screw with it, so that effort just kind fell by the wayside.

Did your point steal also super-role block me? Because my L power was blocked. Maybe it was a side effect of being drained, though that seems weird. For the record, the L power had shifted, it had given me the ability to see what night actions someone was taking, and I was going to watch Cat 5. Now I got nothing.

Now, I honestly do believe your intentions are good, you're just not handling it in the best manner. There's no reason to screw people over when you could have just raised this concern earlier. But, you are indeed confirmed town, so I can't exactly attribute any malice (except the off chance that because you've been revealed for so long someone is controlling you via death note, but I highly doubt this as controlling your words would probably be difficult and you're fully committed to this).

If this is what the group wants I'll leave it at that, though. I have some thoughts on the Notebook and the chart CK posted, which I'll work up in a second post here in a minute for organization's purposes.

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On Deathnotes:

While Jeod is not to be trusted, he might be onto something, and if that note is a fake he really doesn't have anything to gain by lying to us that it's real, so he's a bit less inclined to be a derp about it than normal.

Mojo is the one most tripping my sensors right now (though not the only one). My reasoning is much the same as KY's. We've always had similar logic and now can talk directly about it, heh. Mojo has consistently acted strange, EXCEPT when he claimed that book and then passed it. Was that a ploy to get on our good side early? He's kind of just been needling people from the shadows. That could be a good town tactic trying to provoke people into slipping, OR it could be that he's trying to see who gets stuck holding all the suspicion after he's done a drive by on them, then he'll pounce.

We don't know where that note came from. He could have started with a fake and chosen that moment to throw it into the mix just for chaos (lower case c ;) ), I don't know.

That's not enough for me to be so bold and vote for him right here and now. It is enough for me to share that suspicion and concern, though.

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