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[Game Over] Star Wars Mafia: Jedi vs Sith


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A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away...

Welcome to the Star Wars Mafia: Jedi vs Sith, a Mafia CYOR Forum Game with special Force powers and extra Lightsaber/Force dueling phase! Create your own character, assign skills and Force power orientation, and get ready to restore the balance of the Force to the Galaxy!



mgwYiiH.png Game Introduction



SW Mafia: Jedi vs Sith as hinted in the title, will be about a newly formed Jedi Council members trying to find out who's the Sith among them. While the Sith (Mafia) will work undercover together to undermine the Council and destroy the Jedi (Town) within, the Jedi must find them and destroy them before it's too late. The status of the game will be monitored by the "Force Balance Indicator" (or FBI for short, no pun intended) which will determine which side of the Force (light or dark) dominates. There will be multiple factors that will determine this, mostly by player actions. The game will end if either all Sith have been destroyed, or when the Dark Side of the Force consumes all of the Light Side on the Force Indicator (this will be tracked in daily CVCs - or Cumulated Vote Counts for short).

The game requires at least 10 players to sign up and play. It will probably last for a few weeks, but no more than 4, depending on how the game goes and how many will sign up. All players that sign up need to create their character (optional CYOR) and PM me before the game start, see below in character creation section how to.



mgwYiiH.png About the Game


This Mafia Forum Game will pretty much follow some of the standard Mafia Rules, such as phases, night actions and classic Town vs Mafia setup. The biggest difference, however, will be the basic player elimination process. This will not happen during the "Day" phase as normally, but during the extra "Duel Phase", which will be explained below. Furthermore, the player elimination may not be instant but will require a fighting mechanic with RPG and RNG elements. Hence player characters will also have individual statistics (such as health, attack, force points), skills (such as intelligence or dexterity), and extra Force powers that can be used during or outside the Duel phase.

The game will be broken into two phases: A Council Meeting (classic Day phase) and "The Duel" (a classic Night phase and battle phase combined). I'm considering that both will last 48 hours so that everyone can participate regardless of availability.

Council Meeting will be a phase where all the public talks will take place, there won't be any fighting during this phase. The purpose of this phase is to discuss and determine who among the Council members are the Sith, and who should be the chosen One to stand up to fight the Sith. And thus, there will be only two options available during this phase: voting for someone who could be the Sith and at the same time, voting for somebody who could be the Champion in order to fight the Sith. Players with most votes will then meet in the Duel. Their identity will be revealed prior The Duel start, but not their allegiance.

The Duel will be the only phase where battle actions will be allowed to use, whether multiple Force techniques or Light Saber attacks. Only the Duelists will be allowed to post in public though, and there won't be any other discussion. The Duel will be turn-based with monitored individual player stats, each player playing their turn after the other player has finished. The champion will always start first and have the advantage to strike his opponent down. Most of the battle actions will be, however, modified by RNG and player skill set, as well as all Force-based actions. The purpose of the duel is to defeat the opponent - preferably the one with the most Sith votes. The Duel will end once one of the players is defeated, which will also result in that player's elimination, and his/her allegiance to the Force will be revealed. The victor of the Duel, however, will be able to learn extra battle technique and one-time immunity to be chosen for the next Duel as Champion (unless he's voted to be the Sith this time).

While the Duel is ongoing, the Sith (unless they're fighting) will meet secretly in order to plot their next move to undermine the Council (there will be multiple ways to do this). The other Council members will have the opportunity to use one of their Force Powers in order to help with the investigation, help others or simply meditate in peace to heal or discover new ways of the Force.



mgwYiiH.png Create Your Own Character (CYOR) Guidelines


Every player character in the game will have his/her own modifiers and characteristics that will determine the basic actions that can be used in the game. Aside from that, there will also be the flavor, which is not really important game wise, but will give the player some sort of identity.

Creating a character is not mandatory, but I strongly suggest that you put some effort into it before the game starts as it may influence your progress in the game. Please follow the instructions on how to create your own character:



First off, you need to choose or create a character of your own from the Star Wars universe. There are no limitations, but please have in mind, that you are creating a Jedi Master to fit the theme of the Council Meeting (town). Even if you want to be a Sith (mafia), you will need a Jedi identity first.

You can also pick any existing character from the SW universe, but please do not choose one of the main protagonists or antagonists such as Yoda, Luke, and Anakin Skywalker so we won't have them all in one plot. You can be original and pick one from the extended universe, or even create your own one from scratch. Here's how you do it:

  • Jedi Name - you can use a name generator, or make up your own (in Forum guidelines though, nothing offensive allowed)
  • Sith Name: If you would like to become a Sith, send me your Sith name in case you will be chosen for the mafia role, otherwise it will be given to you (e.g. it starts with "Darth")
  • Race - pick from many races of the SW universe, this will help to make your avatar appearance, and may or may not to result in some easter eggs in game or extra skill boost
  • Background - your own personal Flavor text that will be revealed if you are chosen for Duel.
  • Colour of the Lightsaber - every Jedi needs one, so please pick


Character Attributes & Skills

The attributes of your character apply bonuses or penalties to everything from combat to skill checks to Force powers. Check each attribute to see what aspects of gameplay it can affect. You have to pick two, but only one from each category:


Combat Skill Focus - These skills affect your core character attributes such as attack, defense, and health, most important in battles. Pick one skill which you would like to focus on:

  1. Strength -  is your physical power, adds modifiers to melee damage and chance to hit, which is important for characters that focus on close-combat (e.g. with Lightsabers).
  2. Dexterity -  is your agility and reflexes, adds modifiers to ranged attack rolls and increases a character's Defense rating, making them harder to hit.
  3. Constitution - represents health and resiliency, adds modifiers to the health points gained and regeneration rate.


Knowledge Skill Focus - These skills affect your character's progress, and how you handle the Force, so it ties up with the Force abilities as well. Pick one skill which you would like to focus on:

  1. Intelligence - represents knowledge and reasoning, doubles your rate of learning new things.
  2. Wisdom -  represents willpower and perception, adds modifiers to Jedi Force Points and Force Power abilities associated with combat.
  3. Charisma - represents personality and the ability to persuade others and adds modifiers to Force-related feats and powers that are related to non-combat actions.


Force Powers

The Force has a range of powers that function in accordance to fundamental attributes that were cardinal in nature and categorized by the way in which a user was able to focus on the Force while using an ability. The aspects of the Force were divided into Control, Sense, and Alter by the Jedi Order. During the game, you may be able to learn more aspects of the Force. This knowledge will grant you actions that you can use either during the investigation or directly during the battle as well. There are also Powers that are general/basic and those will be available to everyone from start, but you have to choose one branch that you want to focus on first:

  1. Control - the ability to control one's own body and thoughts. Grants access to protective night & duel actions.
  2. Sense - allows Force-wielders to immerse themselves in the environment. Grants access to scouting night @ duel actions.
  3. Alter - focuses on the ability to manipulate other objects. Grants access to offensive night @ duel actions.


Choosing one aspect of the force will basically determine your orientation in the game from the Mafia standpoint as well. E.g. If you choose sense, you will basically get a cop/scout action. You cannot directly pick your actions from start, but you will be able to learn more actions.

Once you have picked your flavor characteristics, skill attributes and the Force Power aspect, PM me. If you won't pick by the time I'll start balancing the game, your character, skills, attributes, and aspects will be randomized.



mgwYiiH.png Game Update


I will have some trouble maintaining availability to run the game during January, hence I'm looking into ways to automate some of the game elements, or make them easier to handle. Hence some parts of the game are currently redesigned and I will need at least a week to create a force tracker and duel simulator. If we can get enough sign-ups and everything goes well, the first go-live date could be next Monday, January 8th (but it's still a subject to change)


Jedi Council:

  1. Jeod
  2. Nodlied
  3. ChopBam
  4. TheIrishman
  5. Killing_You
  6. Shade939
  7. OrangeP47
  8. Sunflower
  9. Retaliation
  10. Category 5 Hurricane
  11. FRAYDO
  12. Voe



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There wont be any jrpg elements like in my other rpg games such as exploration, quests or items.

The only rpg element will be turn based duels. Everything else is pretty much mafia with more actions, open setup and force mechanics.

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  On 1/1/2018 at 1:34 AM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Are you sure this isn't a JRPG? This is sure a lot of effort to put into making a character.


I'm looking forward to this game, sir.


By the way, have you played Ace Attorney Investigations? The first was recently released to iOS and I assume Android. I discovered it over the weekend and have yet to beat it. It's definitely a thrill so far.

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  On 1/1/2018 at 9:50 PM, Jeod said:

I'm looking forward to this game, sir.


By the way, have you played Ace Attorney Investigations? The first was recently released to iOS and I assume Android. I discovered it over the weekend and have yet to beat it. It's definitely a thrill so far.


Indeed I have. I'm sure I played it years ago when it released on Nintendo DS. I don't really want to comment on it until you're done, but I will say that they've never released AAI2 outside of Japan. You'll probably want to find the fan translation if you wind up wanting to play that.

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  On 1/1/2018 at 10:43 PM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Indeed I have. I'm sure I played it years ago when it released on Nintendo DS. I don't really want to comment on it until you're done, but I will say that they've never released AAI2 outside of Japan. You'll probably want to find the fan translation if you wind up wanting to play that.


I feel like AAI2 will be localized. Capcom seems to have a thing for porting their AA games to mobile, they've done it for all their games now.

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  On 1/1/2018 at 10:53 PM, Jeod said:

"Seasoned veteran"? If you're getting your information from OrangeP47, then you only have about 30% of my dossier. ;)


I'm actually going to write up a dossier on all you people to help even the playing ground, but I've not done it yet. :p;)

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