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{Game Over} {CYOR} Spooky Scary Scumhunting


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1 minute ago, Louis said:

I mean the explaination Cat5 said about what a hider did was good, I didn't have to ask more. Why does me not asking more irk you more that I'm scum.

The real question is why aren't you asking him more. He can't be verified at all, yet you continue to vote me even though I've been proven unable to have performed the nightkills.

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

The real question is why aren't you asking him more. He can't be verified at all, yet you continue to vote me even though I've been proven unable to have performed the nightkills.

Because he's only on later when I'm asleep, so I don't have the time to answer him and I'm not interested in him my top suspects are KY and Jeod.

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1 minute ago, Louis said:

Because he's only on later when I'm asleep, so I don't have the time to answer him and I'm not interested in him my top suspects are KY and Jeod.

Interesting. Care to explain your position?

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Just now, Louis said:

Because both of you are targeting me.

Not without good reason, though. There's a good chunk of evidence in your direction. Is there anything besides targeting you that shows Jeod and I could be scum?

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On 10/31/2019 at 3:06 AM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Two Three things I'm thinking about that are concerning me that I haven't seen anyone mention yet.

1) It would seem that Louis is the only one who could have done the attempted NK. Granted there could be someone lying, but I don't see a whole lot of room for that...unless

2) FRAYDO and Sunflower could be faking the failed kill. I can imagine a reason why they would have to do so. Seriously doubtful, but something I am considering. And then there is the last problem

3) If scum can kill and use another action at the same time, then nobody has an alibi. Does anyone know whether or not that they can?

@Louis I don't think you should "go down" for this lynch. Recall this quote from D2.

1) Cat5 points out you're the only one who could have performed the attempted kill. That early in the game, I can't see Cat5 willing to bus his partner.

2) Interestingly, Cat5 brought up the same point I made that the attempted kill could have been staged. This is one of the reasons I gained scrutiny the previous day, because it seems ridiculous.

He hasn't continued to press either of these points, leading me to believe he's comfortable with us getting our hands dirty for him. I'm especially concerned about Point #2--since I gained scrutiny for it, why didn't he make further posts about it? If he considers it an impossible thing now, then why didn't he join in scrutinizing me?

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3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

@Louis I don't think you should "go down" for this lynch. Recall this quote from D2.

1) Cat5 points out you're the only one who could have performed the attempted kill. That early in the game, I can't see Cat5 willing to bus his partner.

2) Interestingly, Cat5 brought up the same point I made that the attempted kill could have been staged. This is one of the reasons I gained scrutiny the previous day, because it seems ridiculous.

He hasn't continued to press either of these points, leading me to believe he's comfortable with us getting our hands dirty for him. I'm especially concerned about Point #2--since I gained scrutiny for it, why didn't he make further posts about it? If he considers it an impossible thing now, then why didn't he join in scrutinizing me?

That... makes a lot of sense, actually. Good catch. And since Cat5 is equally as high on my list...

##vote Category 5

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2 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

That... makes a lot of sense, actually. Good catch. And since Cat5 is equally as high on my list...

##vote Category 5

If it weren't for Retaliation essentially confirming the existence of "another Voe", I'd be suspicious of you for agreeing with me so much. I was completely wrong about iLTS.

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

If it weren't for Retaliation essentially confirming the existence of "another Voe", I'd be suspicious of you for agreeing with me so much. I was completely wrong about iLTS.

I believe he's Voe. But if anything, that should just make us MORE wary of shenanigans.

But yeah, it's a good point. Cat 5's pressing, or lack thereof to be more precise, has been seriously lacking.

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4 minutes ago, Jeod said:

If it weren't for Retaliation essentially confirming the existence of "another Voe", I'd be suspicious of you for agreeing with me so much. I was completely wrong about iLTS.

What can I say? You make good points. :v 

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1 hour ago, Killing_You said:

My PM doesn't specify, but based on the info Orange got from copping FRAYDO, I'm his "heir," so to speak. I just need to stay alive and hold the ticket for him to win, in the event that he dies.

So the ticket doesn't do anything that you know of?

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

There should be a masonry involved. Is it automatic, or does the ticket enable it?

No, there's no masonry attached to this thing. It was just, "Hey, neat! You have a golden ticket!" and that's it. (Okay, that's not the specific wording, but same principle.)

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Okay then. If we end up not voting up Louis today, I have an idea that might help us on the next day.

Louis steals KY's ticket. We know KY has an item that's probably harmless. If she's scum, it shouldn't help her. But it would probably let us know that she didn't do the NK.

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2 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

No, there's no masonry attached to this thing. It was just, "Hey, neat! You have a golden ticket!" and that's it. (Okay, that's not the specific wording, but same principle.)

The wording of my report makes it pretty explicit a masonry is involved in this heir process somehow :?

I can't really be any more specific without like doing a direct quote which is probably against the rules.

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Just now, Killing_You said:

So, yeah. Just add "not reading my PM correctly" to the list of Voe things that I've done this game. :v 

Oh, don't you worry about that. I suffered from the same when I asked him about whether or not the pumpkin was an item. :v

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Alright. Let's start reading from page 34!

On 11/1/2019 at 5:28 PM, ChopBam said:

Latest chart y'all.

I like the color coding! Masterful presentation 10/10

On 11/1/2019 at 6:33 PM, Jeod said:

The amulet may have not been stolen by a player, but passed on its own every time a player dies. Louis, who did you pass the amulet to and whoever you did pass it to, do you still have it given Mojoman's death?


On 11/1/2019 at 6:41 PM, Jeod said:

Correct. N1 had no kill, so Louis was able to pass it to Cat5 with no repercussions. At the end of D2, iLTS was lynched, so the amulet got passed on its own. N3 though is a toss-up and if she passed it to you and you got to keep it, the theory is shot.

Interesting theory. An item that passes itself via death. N1 did have a kill, technically speaking so passing the amulet would not have been without issue following this train of thought.

On 11/1/2019 at 6:58 PM, Jeod said:

*mumbles something about the past page of theorycrafting being a waste over a bloke misreading his PM*

aaaaaand wasted time.

On 11/1/2019 at 7:17 PM, Nodlied said:

Ok, so my pumpkin is, in fact, an item.

It forces the target to use his night action on another target in addition to his original target. It is not specified how the pumpkined player is to aquire the additional target. So I assume that it is random.

Sounds very useful! I imagine it would work well to boost an investigative role.

On 11/1/2019 at 7:35 PM, Nodlied said:

The day is young, I'll decide who'll get the pumpkin during the night, or rather, who'd benifit the most.

I would tell you now not to give the pumpkin to me. It would only allow me to pass an additional ticket, which I wouldn't mind. It wouldn't get us much information though.

23 hours ago, Sunflower said:

If she is scum, Jeod is almost definitely her partner.

Louis has been rather shifty as I am reading and catching up.

23 hours ago, Jeod said:

I'm too apathetic to try to defend myself more than I've already done. I was in a proven masonry with Nodlied and was proven roleblocked via him with Chopbam as the other party. But hey, if you wanna go girl-power, go right ahead.

Jeod's distancing seems to indicate he is not the partner though.

23 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:


I have lost count how many times Orange has used this now in this game. I suspect it is not the last time either.

23 hours ago, Mojoman said:

Oh hai I died.


rip in peace

23 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

It is possible for there to be many kills. It's even possible for the scum to die at night!

As for non town/scum people, I got a neutral read on FRAYDO, but I felt he's a bit more sinister than that. KY claims neutral as well. I guess we could fit another, but that might be pushing it. If we did, there might be only one scum.

I'm a touch annoyed that you have a 100% neutral read on me, yet insist on pushing me into a bad light. "Felt he's a bit more sinister". The gall of this man.

23 hours ago, Sunflower said:

FRAYDO died yesterday though. So unless dying was all part of his master plan and I somehow foiled it, I don't see how he could be scum. He might be something scary, but hopefully I'll be on his good side for saving him. :p

Sunflower is absolutely on my good side. The rest of you, well. I like you all better than Mr. :colbert: at least!

18 hours ago, ChopBam said:

@FRAYDO anything to report?


2 hours ago, Killing_You said:

My PM doesn't specify, but based on the info Orange got from copping FRAYDO, I'm his "heir," so to speak. I just need to stay alive and hold the ticket for him to win, in the event that he dies.

Close, but not quite. You are not my heir yet, for I must be able to trust you if I can declare you that. Such is the masonry option, should you choose to visit. Only after the initial visit am I able to select an heir. That being so, Orange's reveal of my "item thief" ability doubles as me confiscating the ticket and revoking your heir status. When that happens, expect to receive this as well.

However, we're not there yet!

2 hours ago, Louis said:

Oh my.... If I go down tommorow for hammer I will take someone down with me... That's all I'll say.

How vaguely threatening.


I need to read closely again to determine my vote. I'm inclined to follow Sunflower's vote in any direction, as she saved me from death. However, there is much more day left to learn more.

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My night action has the potential to determine whether Cat5 is really a hider. However, if he's hiding behind someone and I attempt to visit him, will my action not work? I guess that might also be some kind of verification. UNLESS, he actually has a passive roleblock and uses the hiding claim to get away with both that and a nightkill.

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10 hours ago, Jeod said:

I was thinking about an angle where Cat5 and Louis are a scumteam. When Cat5 claimed Hider and said Louis wouldn't recognize it, Louis didn't ask more about the role. In combination with inability to verify, I think one if not both of them are scum.

9 hours ago, Killing_You said:

Not only does this make a lot of sense, but it explains a few things that have been bothering me. Specifically; the fact that neither Louis nor Cat5 had verifiable claims either night, the fact that both of them were the only ones to be unverifiable both nights, the fact that Orange got a different result from Louis' claim, and the fact that Cat5 has continuously hid behind Louis. The only other thing that bothers me at the moment is the fact that we don't know anything about ChopBam's role, but let's set that aside for now.

Instead, let's look at the discrepancy with the N2 result. Personally, I don't think it's an accident that the reports are different (especially since, in my experience at least, failing to steal someone's items still counts as "visiting" them) and that Cat5 has chosen the same person to hide behind. I have a theory: Category 5 is hiding the investigation results. Pretty much everything falls into place. Them being a scum team would explain the first two, but him having to actively hide the results explains why Orange's result was not what Louis' report was, and it would explain why Cat5 has continuously "hid behind" her.

8 hours ago, Jeod said:

@Louis I don't think you should "go down" for this lynch. Recall this quote from D2.

1) Cat5 points out you're the only one who could have performed the attempted kill. That early in the game, I can't see Cat5 willing to bus his partner.

2) Interestingly, Cat5 brought up the same point I made that the attempted kill could have been staged. This is one of the reasons I gained scrutiny the previous day, because it seems ridiculous.

He hasn't continued to press either of these points, leading me to believe he's comfortable with us getting our hands dirty for him. I'm especially concerned about Point #2--since I gained scrutiny for it, why didn't he make further posts about it? If he considers it an impossible thing now, then why didn't he join in scrutinizing me?

Wow, you flipped your argument pretty fast. Not sure how I'm managing to be suspicious both for "working with Louis" and "not working with Louis" at pretty much the same time. Feels pretty familiar, given ChopBam and iLTS making opposite arguments against me last game for "being too narrow minded" to "considering too many possibilities" but this time it's two people on both sides of the fence. Real cute.

Let's back this suspicion bus back to where it started, yeah? You decided earlier that I was suspicious because my story couldn't be verified and maybe I was working with Louis to make said story. Then with literally no new information, you decide actually I wouldn't be bussing my partner so clearly I'm the only scum. But now you've forgotten the basis of your argument. If Louis and I are not partners, than how does the supposed lie I am making work? I reported my target and the fact that I had somehow magically gotten an item before she revealed who she passed the item to. If I was faking the hider claim and picked someone other than Louis as my fake target, I'm found out right away because Louis can claim she passed an item to me and boom, I'm caught. Makes no sense to make this kind of claim. Why wouldn't I just stay quiet about it or come up with something else?

I think your argument that I'm actually working with Louis actually makes more sense, frankly. 

And to that I say:

##vote Louis

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