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[Complete] RA:APB-themed Mafia game III


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         :soviet: DAY 8 - Game End



Yet another glorious morning, comrades! Or, it would be if some of you weren't missing! After a quick search of the base, you have found who it was!
Chaos_Knight, the Soviet Barracks has been blown up by the Allies! 

Chrono Vortex passed through Chaos_Knight and Killing You and targeted Jeod directly - it gave him a super charged ability which allowed him to zap the last soviet (building) - Category 5 Hurricane, the Soviet War Factory has been destroyed!
Game Winners:
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is victorious!
But wait!
Chrono Vortex is disappearing, and it did change the time and space as it went out. Poor Jeod was caught in an endless loop in between two moments - getting lynched by the remaining soviets and a moment escaping the lynch. This endless paradox could never stop...
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is victorious!
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is dead!
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is victorious!
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is dead!
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is victorious!
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is dead!
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is victorious!
Jeod, the Allied Spy, is dead!
I have decided that the game ended up with no winner... Since we can't prove the time hammer post happened it's indeed the TIME and SPACE that resulted in a truce.
But I want to officially congratulate the "scummiest scumfuck ever scummed...." Jeod for managing the impossible: bussing his teammate, bussing himself, revealing both roles before that and so on. Giving out so much information and disinformation it made him basically conceal the obvious - the ONLY NIGHT KILL in game.
Special thanks to Killing You who was the first one pointing Jeod and Nodlied could be scum.
And finally good job for both Soviet team and Allied team to dispose of the third party Cult so early.
Kudos for Isaac The Madd converting the soviet cop on the first try though.

  :soviet: Player Roles & Game Information

Player Role Infos:
(click for large)
Don't forget to check out the DOCS, as there is more information to the game, as well as some of the funny moments!
Allied Doc
Visceroid Doc
Dead Doc
Chrono Vortex  Doc

  :soviet: Game Log

(click for large)







  :soviet: Game Faction Balance Scheme





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Cat5, I don't think arguing about almost 3rd lynching someone is something to consider.


Requiring someone to be lynched every round just to see that he's still and still and STILL unlynchable until they suddenly morph into something lynchable is at least questionable.


Ok I'll take it this was my first game but I did read the other threads too and I don't recall someone being lynhced more than twice to kill them, did I miss something?


At least the end result made me laugh :)

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You're right, Moony, repeated lynchings of the same person to check for lynchproof is something town would never consider. I only considered it the second time because I have seen mafia dodge lynches because they were given one-time lynchproof. Also, the only reason to go for Jeod a 3rd time is because there isn't anything to lose for doing so. We know he's scum, so if you are going to no lynch, vote for scum even if you can't lynch him. Don't understand why you and Killing_You went for No Lynch.

But yes, in short, because town can't be expected to try to lynch the same person twice, mafia should never have unlynchable roles.

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You're right, Moony, repeated lynchings of the same person to check for lynchproof is something town would never consider. I only considered it the second time because I have seen mafia dodge lynches because they were given one-time lynchproof. Also, the only reason to go for Jeod a 3rd time is because there isn't anything to lose for doing so. We know he's scum, so if you are going to no lynch, vote for scum even if you can't lynch him. Don't understand why you and Killing_You went for No Lynch.


But yes, in short, because town can't be expected to try to lynch the same person twice, mafia should never have unlynchable roles.

Basically Jeod was the only one who was bussed as scum, so no need to "not try to lynch same person" again since you have nothing to lose ;p

The only night kill in game should have been the point of the discussion for the last day, not the vortex which basically Jeod used to put everyone away asking the correct question: Who killed wallymoon and how?



Holy shit that was crazy.

Next time, not so insane game?

Basically most of the craziest roles were requested and it fit with my scenario where I wanted to see how two allied buildings do vs two soviet production buildings.

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...But it wasn't the only night kill of the game. ChopBam was killed by one. Not only that, but you made it appear that the Vortex did it.

That wasn't a night kill - it was super weapon use. Nodlied targeted you but chopbam took the hit as he was bodyguarding you.


Check the chrono doc how the chronosphere worked - it was very risky to use! It's main purpose was to eliminate visceroids basically. Anything else could backfire.

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Who killed wallymoon and how?

With sane thinking and knowing KY, he went to visit the pillbox and die (due to game not wanting to progress anywhere), but I stopped the action by dying myself instead.

Alternatively, chrono vortex killing him for going near the chronosphere and same protection result as above.

But definitely not a new role appearing.

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No, just fucking no. It's hard enough to build trust in others by multi proving by actions and others visiting me at night, let alone people changing roles without an actual day/night action.

This was unfair, not balanced.

Soviets had two roles that could change roles basically almost every night. It was easy to prove said roles as they only gave out soviet roles to soviets.

Allies HAD ONLY ONE TIME USE change role, and only IF chronosphere was destroyed.

I don't see this unfair or unbalanced in regards to soviets...

I simply had to add this mechanic to allow allies night kills in case only buildings are left in game. I hope you understand.

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Oh and my last thought was that because game could never end if allies couldn't nightkill - Jeod lying all along denying he could nightkill with the pillbox.

But then we still couldn't lynch him as he's a building.


I thought the whole bar+wf was needed so that we could eventually day-shoot all buildings despite of many RNGs. It would make sense to me why sovs would need them.

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Who killed wallymoon and how?

With sane thinking and knowing KY, he went to visit the pillbox and die (due to game not wanting to progress anywhere), but I stopped the action by dying myself instead.

Alternatively, chrono vortex killing him for going near the chronosphere and same protection result as above.

But definitely not a new role appearing.


Exactly this was to be discussed. But KY confirmed he wanted to engie nodlied so why would he go to visit the "claimed pillbox" :p

Obviously you don't trust Jeod who claimed to be FT, then PB, and various other lies that were debunked.

I thought the whole bar+War Factory was needed so that we could eventually day-shoot all buildings despite of many RNGs. It would make sense to me why Soviets would need them.

Alternative victory through rng shootings.


Yes engies and flamethrowers were obviously the best way to go, though sniper shot removed Nodlied from the game.

Tanks were to ensure that soviets don't die visiting Jeod nor are converted to visceroids.

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Verti I'm not angry, it was a good game with lots of logical thinking. So thank you for the game :)

It's just really hard to guess new game mechanics coming from custom roles and setups that change the game like this.

As said previously, and I warned you 4 hours before hammer - that because of the new roles in game, I had to put some balance mechanics to ensure the game won't end up in stalemate or unsolvable situation.

To be honest guys, this game ended up beyond my expectations. It was actually pretty even between town and scum and then town got great opportunity to win, yet scum was still able to hold due to lies and misinformation (and a bit of luck but last engie shots had poor chance to succeed against non building)

It was the ending lynch which basically hampered the game ending, hence I decided not to give anyone a 100% victory.

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Thanks for fixing the link. May I have my big red text title now? This was an awesome and fun game, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the docs. :)

Also, I am 100% satisfied with the game ending as it seems like a "true" ending out of four possible endings.

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Ohohohhohohoho, that Chopbam post. He knows that they’ll have to lynch scum today. Except that, you know, the are unable to do so! Ahahahahahahahhahaha! Poor guy, he’s on the right track.

Argh. The logic of a guy new to Verti games.


Fair enough, I do worry about Choppy shielding Cat5 though (tanks can ‘’protect’’ others during the night).


Did you just slip, good sir?




Choppy protected Cat5, therefore, Choppy died

Ah, so they really did target Cat5? I'm glad I protected him then. :D And the log confirms this. Woop, I did something right! Hopefully this makes up for my not catching on to your "obvious War Factory" thing earlier on, Cat5. Although, it really wasn't that obvious to me. I had no idea why I received a heavy tank in the night, and I didn't connect it to a war factory role, especially considering war factories did not exist in previous mafia games.


You can post in pics. But not much :p

I just don’t want people to be confused that you are actually playing and have to be killed again or something.

I guess people got confused anyway, but Jeod really did push them in that direction.
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Aight, so we had an unlynchable, unkillable scum who bussed his mate and RNG'd his way to victory while openly admitting he's allied.





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"Scum" does not equal "scummiest scumfuck who ever scummed"! I require something that sets me apart from the rest of those greenhorns!


If no bad words are allowed can it be scummiest of scum? :v

Edited by Jeod
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:v Thanks Verti :v


Serious question for everyone. Any interest in achievements for mafia games? No real meaning. Just as worthless as Steam or Xbox achievements. But still fun to achieve.

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Aight, so we had an unlynchable, unkillable scum who bussed his mate and RNG'd his way to victory while openly admitting he's allied.





The only winning move is not to play.



The game was perfectly balanced. Unlynchanble meant that allies were on the defense most of the time and couldn't do real night kills. Without the third party, town have grown in power and step by step could logically clear most of it's members. You could see Nodlied had trouble claiming and even Jeod eventually slipped. It was just a question of how and when both of them will be eliminated.


The only way for Jeod to win was either through misinformation (which worked), miss lynching and turning into normal spy to enable night kills.

Finally chrono vortex (which Nodlied wanted to be, either than damaged chronosphere) was there to "motivate" players to do some action or to boost players with extra shots/kills/shifting.

Also, nobody noticed one very obvious easter egg in every day post? :p

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Verti, any interesting "what-if" alternate timeline scenarios you could tell us about? Like, what would have happened if Nodlied had been allowed to come back via Soviet Engineer? What power would Moonsense have gotten if he'd been resurrected?

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