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Everything posted by FRAYDO

  1. What if there were some type of time-extending item that can be found in the KOTG house? Say, five minutes are left and this one-time only item is spawned inside the house for grabs. It can be picked up by anyone and five minutes is then added to the timer.
  2. I can't believe I had almost forgot! A little birdie told me it was someone's birthday today. Birthday wishes and all @forg0ten1! Here's a card I made with love HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORG!
  3. It really drives the feeling of helplessness home. Failure is not an option, comrade.
  4. I can't help but feel the lynch may have been a waste, given that we could not physically lynch him and iLTS simply vanished. I suppose we were left with little option in that regard. I imagine he will return once again tomorrow morning.
  5. Well fancy that. While there was no Construction Yard to kill, even if one were present we could not have killed it anyway. Buildings cannot be lynched, after all. Ah, so there is a cult leader is there? Is Category5 aware of this? What's not to say that you and Chaos_Knight are apart of this "cult". Soviets you may have been, but perhaps he is pulling strings of the undead. If I were to entertain that idea, anyway. Should Categoy5 be this leader, and you being undead, this should make you a part of this cult. And why then, is a member of the cult attempting to oust his leader? In this scenario that I imagine, Category5 is yours and iLTS' master and is calling the shots for you and him, which would make your attempted shot and vote make no sense. If this "cult" were to want to win, couldn't the leader simply call upon his followers and railroad someone? I don't buy your cult story, comrade. Hey, quit with those war speeches. Not all of us are hostile or want any harm. Let me level with you here, my ghostly comrade. If you are not here as a hostile or here to cause harm, what help can you offer to the Soviets to ensure our victory? You lack offensive capabilities, no? In what way then could you further the Soviet cause? Are you here for that, even? Something about this bothers me. The blood moon must be having a play on my sanity, but Voe - your records are reading that you are Allied. Why should I not shoot you now?
  6. Now is that because you are undead and cannot harm the living? Because iLTS seemed to be able to wound Nodlied, strangely enough. Or is it because as a rocket dude you can only attack vehicles? Along with OWA not returning, I see Mojoman has not returned either. What sense is there to lynch the undead? I am going to go with the assumption that we cannot lay the undead to another rest, making these ghosts lynch-proof scum.
  7. So I had wanted to wish some folks here a Happy Birthday when the day comes around, but then that's me flooding the forums with "Happy Birthday So-and-so!" and "Happy Birthday That Guy!" That said, this thread shall be christened The Great Birthday Thread. When birthdays come around, expect a celebratory post. PM when your birthday is coming if you would like, or maybe I'll spy someone's coming up and wish them a happy birthday before they even realize it And today in birthdays, it's none other than our resident Lead Tester and Testing Director @Nodlied! Of what I know of him, Nodlied likes Countryball and tanks. And other things, I'm sure Anyway! Wish our good man a Happy Birthday and post a picture of best tank HAPPY BIRTHDAY NODLIED!
  8. Scum gets rekt, but that isn't enough for you is it? Whatever happens this night, it has been an honour friends. To celebrate our latest scum kill. I hope to see yet another glorious morning.
  9. What's this about a Red Moon? Guys, I'm scared.
  10. Easter is this month! In the spirit of the occasion, this month's avatar theme includes bunnies, easter eggs, spring flowers, and all else Easter! Easter is this month! In the spirit of this festival and celebration, this month's avatar theme includes bunnies, easter eggs, spring flowers, and all else Easter!
  11. I retract back to my Parabomb statement. Grenadiers make the best human bombs.
  12. I am willing to take the shot now, although I do wish to hear Mojoman's "defense".
  13. Interesting theory. ##Vote Mojoman
  14. What if the Grenadier was given clearing charges? One could say his grenades are enough for anti-tank mines, but what of the option of a specialized explosive designed to better tackle anti-tank mines as well as destroying hedgehogs? Given the explosive death he already has, it wouldn't be any different with the added munition and still remain characteristic. Of course, if grenades already clear hedgehogs well enough then that would make my suggestion null.
  15. Pick one. Last I checked, blockades (shore shellings not necessary) are far less destructive than A-bombs. If a blockade were in place, that certainly could mean destructive battles with the Imperial Japanese Navy. Less destructive than an A-bomb I would grant that, but war and its causalities will come forward in short time. Japan in this situation would not idle by with Allied warships looming nearby, and perhaps with a blockade against them in place they may gain sympathy with nearby countries invariably leading to a new theater of war for the Allied forces.
  16. I'm curious. What do you have to say for yourself, Mojomon?
  17. Very carefully. I like to imagine that OWA was physically an APC that somehow was able to talk and communicate with humans and that's iLikeToSnipe hanging out of the back end there.
  18. Most excellent. I hope to see another glorious morning.
  19. Five Grenadiers jumping out of a Chinook = Parabombs
  20. You were the first I scanned, Nodlied. Perhaps due in part to the joke-lynch that I took as an actual vote, you were the first on my suspicion list. You have been rather helpful in showing the ropes to the new players such as I and Mojoman, which gives me a town vibe from you. I partially agree. It has to be one more of them yes, but triattack is the one I am least suspicious of.
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