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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Kaskins, Well it all started when I play a game called Dawn of War and continue it series to Dawn of War Soultstorm where there is a faction called Imperial Guard, and I was very good at using this particular faction. The best infantry unit were the Kasrkin.


But the name were used by others so I decide to change Kasrkin to Kaskins. It was because of another online game I usually Kill Steal my friend target, sometimes they even called me KS King. So I got the name Kaskins sound almost like KS King.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

I'm trying this because I wanted to post somewhere.


Kazmo came from a yahoo pool id which was kaz_the_king. I was like 14 and wanted a cool nickname and I named my cat Kazi which came from Kamikaze. So technically my name came from my cat.

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Pushwalls are a staple of some very ancient FPS games, they're walls that you push (I know right???) usually to reveal secret areas.

The developers of Rise of the Triad (the old one, not the 2013 one) had quite a bit of fun with them, culminating in this graphic that I've used as an avatar numerous times:



One of the weirdest things you notice when messing around with cheat codes is a level called "This Causes an Error". I remember loading it up, walking around and then a stupid "I'm Free" graphic would pop up and the game would crash.

"The "I'm Free" graphic was a joke that took on a bigger life than it realistically needed to be." Joe Siegler explains. "However, we didn't care, several of us thought it was funny."

"What happened was this. The moving walls in ROTT followed paths set by the level designer via arrows on the floor. A wall would keep following that path until it hit another arrow. However, if a wall would reach the edge of the map grid w/o encountering another arrow, it would attempt to pass through the edge. If you remember Wolf3D, and it's "no clipping off the side of the map grid video funnies", it's the same type of thing here. The wall tried to go beyond the parameters of the game, and as such, caused an error. The actual error message that the game generated was

"Pushwall attempting to escape off the edge of the map it is located at..."

... and the game would give some coordinate. The first time I saw this message, I busted a gut laughing at this. I did it in Tom's office, and he drew up this picture of a pushwall with a face on it smiling escaping from a wall. It looked very silly and we all had a big laugh out of it. To be honest, I cannot remember who actually said "I'm Free" for the first time (I think it was Joe Selinske, though). Anyway, I ran over to the flatbed scanner, scanned Tom's picture, and gave it to Mark Dochtermann who put it in the game. When that error occurred, the game then displayed Tom's silly graphic before the genuine game error screen was displayed. Somewhere along the line, "I'm Free" got added to the error message as well. This is just another example of the silliness that went on behind the scenes."


The mystery is dead. Of course you guys are still going to say that I push walls until the end of time.

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My story is actually fairly simple. My first experience with online multiplayer was Call of Duty 2. I made my name "slowlysnipe" on there. When I got my gaming laptop in 2012, planetside 2 was still a pretty big force in the FPS industry. But when I made my account on SOE, I didn't realize that it would make me name my individual characters. It also would not let me use my SOE name as my character name. So, I tried devil. didn't work. Then I tried devilslayer. Taken. Then I tried devilslayersbane. and it worked. Since then I switched my steam nick, and all of my forum names have been devilslayersbane.

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Yeah yeah nerdy stuff. I chose Voe Deo as my nickname when I was 10 years old or so. I liked the simplicity of form, as well as the godly element of "Deo" :v 


In fact, I used the full nickname all the way until I started playing APB, where, although the early beta launcher allowed 2-word nicknames, only the first word would be displayed in game (unlike in the direct connect command used in reborn infantry beta, where I played as Voe Deo all the same). Thus, the godly element is gone from me, and Voe is what remains  :haw:


I also use Voekov sometimes, but that's because half of the internet demands nicknames to be 4 letters at least. What a pain in the ass.

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I use variations of Mojomon, Mojoman, Mojomun. The first big online game a played was Wow and after agreeing that the Alliance was full of 12 year Olds (this was before blood elves), I switched to horde and made a troll mage (which was really uncommon at the time).


So the Mojo part is because of trolls and Jamaicans, and the mon part is the same thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

And it's 'Tot or tod' so either you or Totd is on the wrong path. Except it's a combination of both. :D


Mine is pretty easy actually. After having various nicks at the start of my first lans I got stuck with Call of Duty 4 around it's release. Well... if you didn't change your name it was Soldier. After calling me N.Soldier and having a german flag in my name for a bit of time I got the random thought (well... N.Soldier with a german flag...  Nazisoldier...) So I swapped the dot and an o and NoSoldier was born.


Just kidding. I love to go on a rampage in a Technician/Ore Truck combination and thus I'm not a regular NoSoldier.

Edited by NoSoldier
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Let's say, Totd is derived from the acronym of another game I like, nothing to do with German.


SilverShark was a random gamer tag I came up with some years ago. My uncle used to own a speedboat of the model "Silver Shark", so maybe it was inspired by that. Who knows.


Also, fun fact. Before I played APB, I used to log into many gaming communities with the (rather uninspired) nickname "conscripta", which was inspired by no other than the Conscript unit from RA2, as I was an avid player of the game at the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My name is simple but has three parts.

Raptor is for F-22 raptor. I was a flight simulator game fanatic. I played at least twelve different flight sims back in the day (plus anything produced by Lucas arts) At age ten, a friend's of mine actually got me cleared To use a military flight sim for 15 min.

Anyways the 29 is because I had this strange idea I would do something epic when I turned 29.

The a was because renegade had me add another letter. Sometimes I do two aa for anti-aircraft.

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Mine is a bit of a combination. I always loved the Fallout series growing up, so naturally I've played them all, the main antagonist (could be considered a protagonist or even just a neutral character) in the New Vegas DLC, Lonesome Road, really played a bit close to home for me in a philosophical sense. He called himself Ulysses after Ulysses S. Grant, due to the fact that he thought that America could come back from the nuclear war it had endured, and that the two main factions, the New California Republic, and Caesar's Legion, shouldn't be separate as they were, and that both of them were nothing compared to what America could be, not in the sense of America returning to what it once was, but becoming something better than the Pre-War commonwealth that it had become in the days leading up to the war. I also like to read a lot of old novels and stories, and Homer has always been one of my favorites, so taking two of my favorite characters and putting them together just seemed to be very appealing to me. Loving the C&C series, specifically the Tiberium Universe, I always kind of felt like GDI and Nod would be better off as one single mega-power, instead of two individual warring super-powers, though I do have more of a devotion to Nod than I do GDI. The reasons for that I won't go into because I don't feel like starting any kind of argument based off of any real life circumstances. 

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