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APB Changelog

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Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update!

:allied:Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update :soviet:

Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server based on your feedback! This patch contains mostly balance changes, but there are other things in the update as well like an overhauled MCT, a few new sounds, changes to Coastal Influence's Soviet base, and more! But many of you want the long version, so here you go:


  • Thieves take 3 seconds to steal money, and Soviets are now notified about the stolen money as well.
  • Rocket Soldiers/RPG Troopers cannot be trained without a Barracks.
  • Medic Kit healing effect duration down from 6 to 5 seconds.
  • MP5-N range down from 70 to 60 (same as pistols/shotguns).
  • MP5-N reload time up from 2.1s to 2.35s.
  • MP5-N warhead changed from standard Assault Rifle bullets to AK-47 spray bullets (damage to all vehicles/buildings reduced by 15%).
  • Flamethrower splash damage up from 27.5 to 30.
  • Flamethrower direct damage down from 80 to 70.
  • Fire damage multiplier to building walls up from 0.24 to 0.25 (a ~9% decrease after the damage nerf).
  • Fire damage multiplier to building weakpoints up from 0.32 to 0.35 (a ~4% decrease after the damage nerf).
  • Fire damage multiplier to pads/silos buildings up from 0.24 to 0.3 (a ~9% increase after the damage nerf).
  • Fire damage multiplier to defenses down from 0.32 to 0.3 (a ~18% decrease after the damage nerf).
  • Shock rifle damage multiplier to building weakpoints up from 0.2 to 0.225 (a 12.5% increase).
  • Shock rifle damage multiplier to pads/silos up from 0.15 to 0.175 (a 16.66% increase).
  • Allied sniper bots no longer give out 100x the intended points/cash.


  • Gunboat/Destroyer turn rate improved.
  • Destroyer rockets no longer arc up as this causes them to be unable to fire sometimes for some reason.
  • Destroyer/Missile Sub rocket projectile velocity up from 50m/s to 75m/s.


  • The side windows of the Power Plant can no longer be broken.


  • The appearance of the MCT has been vastly improved, with the texture/model overhauled by Synaesthesia and the animation redone by Generalcamo.
  • Rangers, APCs, MBTs, Artillery, and Gunboats now have visible barrel recoil.
  • AA guns use the right sound file now.
  • New sounds for Destroyer/Missile Sub and V2 rockets.
  • Pillbox/Hind use 2 separate sound files (currently identical).
  • Higher-quality stereo versions of the following music tracks:
    • Crush (Rock Trap)
    • Deception (Camos Canyon)
    • Face The Enemy (Coastal Influence, Guard Duty)
    • Fogger (KOTG)
    • Industrial (Pipeline)
    • In Trouble (Pipeline)
    • Militant Force (Fissure)
    • On The Prowl (Forest of Illusion)
    • Re-Con (Stormy Valley)
    • Run (Camos Canyon, Under)
    • Terminate (Under)
    • Underlying Thoughts (Under)
    • Vector (KOTG)


  • RA_CoastalInfluence: Removed a couple of the Allied defenses around the inlet and added a Soviet flame tower by the bridge.
  • RA_CoastalInfluence: Soviet base is raised up to the height of the bridge.
  • RA_CoastalInfluence: Thickened fog a little as there is no ridge blocking base-to-base sight anymore.
  • RA_GuardDuty: Fixed a VIS error in Allied Barracks basement.
  • RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Fixed hole in terrain behind the Soviet base.
  • RA_Pipeline: Fixed the floating rocks on the "V2 ridge".
  • RA_StormyValley: Fixed the out-of-bounds zone.
  • RA_StormyValley: Improved lighting level slightly.
  • RA_Wasteland: Medium/Heavy Tanks no longer respawn.

Get to the launcher and grab the patch! Be on the lookout for more updates, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!
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I can't seem to complete the updating process. The files seem to download all fine, but when it comes to installing, the status on always.patch. turns to "Failed" after about a minute. I think I had a similar issue with the last patch as well, but I was able to get it to work eventually just by repeating the update over and over until it eventually worked...but no luck with doing that this time so far.

Edited by delta
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I can't seem to complete the updating process. The files seem to download all fine, but when it comes to installing, the status on always.patch. turns to "Failed" after about a minute. I think I had a similar issue with the last patch as well, but I was able to get it to work eventually just by repeating the update over and over until it eventually worked...but no luck with doing that this time so far.

Make sure always.dat isn't in use by another program? That would prevent the launcher writing to it. Check for game.exe still running in task manager perhaps, it might not have shut down properly?

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Nice patch.


But it is very unfortunate you couldn't control yourself adding in those music remixes.


But I'll give you another shot at finding the right music files.


Let me know when this happened, so I can turn the music back on. :v

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No rocket/ RPG troopers without barracks? THAT'S UNFAIR if the other side has armor/aircraft/ships HOW is the side without the any anti-armor supposed to fight back if they don't have any vehicles, vessels or aircraft to counter (if they've lost War Factory, HP NY/SB), it's almost like you want to the other side to just give up even though might have Conyard, Refinery/silos/ left add the ability to buy them without barracks back next patch or I'm no longer playing APB.

Edited by TK-421
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...have you tried shooting tanks with the Captain? It's not as bad as it sounds.


Also the situation you describe (where one team has no factories) is one where the losing team would have basically no hope of making a comeback even IF they had rocket soldiers. All rocket soldiers would let them do in that situation is prolong the game and prevent the winning team from actually ending it. Getting rid of rocket soldiers when the barracks is down just means matches end quicker so you spend less time getting killwhored and more time playing the game. Also it means people have more of a reason to destroy/protect the barracks. I don't see how either of these are bad things.

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Although I kinda disagree with a few design aspects of the new MCT's texture, I've actually come to prefer many aspects of it over my own version. I particularly like the glass being added over the tape banks, which is something I wanted to do originally but wasn't able to at the time.

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Here is a bit of a statement from me regarding the music. I did not think that the voices in "In Trouble" were such a big deal. Playing games though, it turns out it was indeed a mistake on my part, and take full responsibility for it. Rest assured that "In Trouble" will be reverted to the mono version come next patch.

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Here is a bit of a statement from me regarding the music. I did not think that the voices in "In Trouble" were such a big deal. Playing games though, it turns out it was indeed a mistake on my part, and take full responsibility for it. Rest assured that "In Trouble" will be reverted to the mono version come next patch.


I'm pretty sure there are higher quality versions of all the sound tracks. I have a few from Red Alert, although where I got them from, I do not remember.


Might be a long shot, but perhaps you could reach out to Frank Klepacki to see if he still has the original high quality, non-remix versions?

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No rocket/ RPG troopers without barracks? THAT'S UNFAIR if the other side has armor/aircraft/ships HOW is the side without the any anti-armor supposed to fight back if they don't have any vehicles, vessels or aircraft to counter (if they've lost War Factory, HP NY/SB), it's almost like you want to the other side to just give up even though might have Conyard, Refinery/silos/ left add the ability to buy them without barracks back next patch or I'm no longer playing APB.


It's the penalty you get for losing your Barracks. Just like when you lose your War Factory, I don't see you being able to get the lower tech vehicles when that goes down.

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It was never in in the first place because it doesn't work. If it did I'd gladly make supply trucks and possibly ore trucks purchasable on War Factory death.


Makes no sense for a destroyed building to still function like that, if you ask me.


Speaking of which, seems no one ever did get around to making destruction animations for buildings. :(

Edited by Raap
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Thing is though, right now, even with infantry massively beefed up from their Gamma/Beta/earlier incarnations (and all without going the Reborn route of turning all infantry into walking tanks!) losing your war factory still kills all hope for a comeback even if you have your barracks, unless there are other vehicle factories about or the teams are massively stacked in your favour. The only map this really isn't true on is Under because of its small size and rampant tunnels. Meanwhile, on maps that aren't Under, you can lose your barracks and not your WF and still have a tangible chance at making a comeback, and that still holds true even with rocket soldiers gone, it just becomes a lot harder when you lack the support of mechs or the best anti-tank/anti-air infantry.


If ST/OT were still available on WF death, supply trucks would allow more mobility for groups of anti-tank infantry and make it easier to do sneak attacks on exposed enemy buildings on maps with concealed enough routes to allow this, and ore trucks would allow you to continue to attempt to uphold the economy if your AI OT is dead but your Refinery is still alive (which of course comes at the price of there being 1 less infantry on the field) as well as being a neat artillery-proof transport for a pair of rockets/kovs/shockies or a building shield, giving the WF-less team a better chance at attacking and defending, and supply trucks in particular would give them a better chance at making sneaky comebacks with both the bar and WF dead than no-bar rocket soldiers could ever hope to do, while being much less capable of stalling than rocket soldiers are. AP mines really aren't a concern for a truck full of sergeants/captains if they don't disembark right on top of the obviously mined doorways (or if one of them sacrifices himself by disembarking in range of ALL the mines).


And besides, a dead barracks still functions enough to let you respawn, not to mention buying techies/sergeants/captains, why can't the war factory do a little too? :p

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If Supply Trucks and Ore Trucks were purchasable after factory destruction, they should drive in from off-map or maybe be brought in by Chinook or Naval Transport (on maps where appropriate); The factory itself, being destroyed, should be totally non-functional.

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Okay...so I was able to get it to work somehow by deleting always.dat and then attempting the update multiple times until it finally worked. That was annoying.


Also, my disk space seems to have been going down steadily the past day or so...is it possible the launcher just downloaded multiple copies of the files (due to me trying to update repeatedly) and didn't delete the extras when it failed?

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If Supply Trucks and Ore Trucks were purchasable after factory destruction, they should drive in from off-map or maybe be brought in by Chinook or Naval Transport (on maps where appropriate); The factory itself, being destroyed, should be totally non-functional.


I agree wholeheartedly with this. I would suggest in addition to this though, that "shipping costs" be added as well. More incentive to keep the thing alive in the first place.

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Seeing an Ore Truck being brought in by Chinook makes as much sense as seeing a Mammoth being brought in by a Chinook. I don't think they could carry that weight!


*goes back to making icebergs that defy logic*

Edited by Raap
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Seeing an Ore Truck being brought in by Chinook makes as much sense as seeing a Mammoth being brought in by a Chinook. I don't think they could carry that weight!


*goes back to making icebergs that defy logic*

I don't favour it either, hence the 'maybe'. ;) Although naval transports would have no problem carrying one (as demonstrated in the cutscene showing the LST carrying multiple tanks at once). Still, ideally they'd simply drive in from off-map, but if that somehow proves to be impractical or not doable on certain maps, then Chinooks and Naval Transports could be a backup method of implementation.


In any case though, even being airdropped would make more sense than somehow being able to build them without the necessary heavy equipment of a working factory.

Edited by Ice
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Still, ideally they'd simply drive in from off-map


Oh dear, boats on the horizon, better spam-purchase supply trucks, surely the cutscene LSTs will collide with them eventually...



Ordering remote kills via purchase cinematics is currently a valid tactic on Hostile Waters. :v

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