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Submit an APB Map Request!


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Path beyond and some co-op maps with Giant Ants (probably not gonna happen).


RA_apathbeyond is also a favorite of mine. It would almost need to be remade from scratch, as the version that we know is much too large. That being said, it probably wouldn't have to be shrunk too much because we have sprinting now.


No comment about the ants :v


Someone mentioned alpine lake earlier. That was also a really good one IMO, even though it had some issues. I think it could be fixed though with some love. It had lots and lots of infantry tunnels! :D Also, I'm going to be that guy and bring up RA_FinalBarricade! :D I liked that map a lot, even with all its flaws.

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I feel TWT and Bonsai are too similar, so unless there's something else really attractive and unique about TWT, it's not worth the remake.



I think TWT is much better then bonsai, I mean what exactly do you mean by similar? Gameplay? theme?

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So far Fjord and some sort of urban setting map are the most requested.


What if I said, that I could make a Fjord with an industrial area within the level? Industrial interiors and workplaces play exactly the same as an urban setting.


Edit: 5 minute draft design

That would be awesome. :D If you'd like, I could help you with concepts/building design, and have some props I could loan you as well.
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I feel TWT and Bonsai are too similar, so unless there's something else really attractive and unique about TWT, it's not worth the remake.


I think TWT is much better then bonsai, I mean what exactly do you mean by similar? Gameplay? theme?


Two bases wedged into opposite corners of a map, where one of the teams is a bit more elevated than the other and backed up against a cliff corner, while the other team is backed up against a shore corner. The cliff layout and location of the entrances is similar in design, there is missile silo warfare, and even attack routes show a resemblance to one another.
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Two bases wedged into opposite corners of a map, where one of the teams is a bit more elevated than the other and backed up against a cliff corner, while the other team is backed up against a shore corner. The cliff layout and location of the entrances is similar in design, there is missile silo warfare, and even attack routes show a resemblance to one another.


The same could be said of Bonsai vs Zama :p Part of the reason I put a radar dome on Bonsai was to make up for TWT's absence (and also because I wanted more MRJ outlets and disabling radar is pretty damn useful on nuke maps)


Like Fraydo I'm going to hang back because I would be happy with any old map coming back and being purged of their problems really. Except DM maps. I think we have enough of those.

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Well, apparently we found this hidden in an archive somewhere. Neither me or Pushwall unfortunately remember who originally made this and there didn't appear to be any documentation on this level.


What I do with this is not yet decided. It'd help if I knew who originally made this.



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*beats Einstein with a stick*

Hey, don't beat up the doc. Without him there wouldn't be a Chronophere, Prism Tanks, Prism Towers or Mirage tanks, and what would the Allies do without those?


Probably just a collection of spectrum tanks, peacekeepers, proton colliders and century bombers.

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Imagine, then, Mirage Tanks, Sergeants with Riot Shields, a Super Artillery piece superweapon complete with gatling barrels, and a VTOL Badger Bomber, in that order, and you've pretty much got those four things he mentioned down.

Why are Allies and Soviets fighting over a piece of glacier anyway?


I miss TheWoodToday and Metro


"fjord" usually describes terrain in one of two places: Iceland, and Norway. Neither of these are places the Allies would want the Soviets to have a base. Both of these are places the Soviets would really, really want a base, especially if once they got established they started setting up Submarine Pens, Airfields, and Missile Silos nearby. Easy access to the entire northern coast of Europe? Heck yeah. And the reverse is definitely true of Norway for the Allies. An airbase there would give them access to most of northern Russia, including Moscow itself.

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Does it have a name?


*beats Einstein with a stick*


Look at the bloody picture for 10 seconds longer and then see if you have to ask that question again!


I actually didn't recognize it either.




Please don't hurt me.

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RA_Luna was a Capture the Objective map involving a bunch of crates players had to collect. It was also set on the moon, and had low gravity. The problem with it was though that the objective was hard to find, so it devolved into Deathmatch nearly 100% of the time.


As for Fjord: I can confirm that this version is Blackwolf's version. I was the one who actually gave it to Pushwall in the first place, after finding it deep in Reborn's archive FTP (which dates back all the way to 2003). It had Reborn structures on it, but it clearly was a rush job since IIRC they weren't welded into the terrain, and the terrain still had holes for APB's structures. Considering how lush it is, converting it to Reborn would take a while, so APB would definitely have better use for it.

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Currently struggling with the ethical question of whether or not it is right to finish up the work of an individual who leaked both APB Gamma and Reborn several years ago.


I'll get back on that once I had a moment to consider it.


In the meantime, please keep giving requests. I can only do the most requested map right now, but that doesn't mean that some time later, me or another content creator cannot pick up the second or third most requested map! This is still good as an indication of what you, the players, really like to see added to the game.

Edited by Raap
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It was a map BlackWolf made for APB back in 08 or 09 when he was on the team. When he left/was kicked off he started to convert it for Reborn but then just left it. He started it after making a simple but better version than was released.

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Make an Arena map. :v



We got one already, it's called Rock Trap. :v



Alright guys, thanks for your requests. I have made the decision to create a new Fjord entirely from scratch, and without using Blackwolf's design.


The new Fjord will be heavy on the industrial theme, feature a dam (well, duh), a bunch of ice, oh and some water. And bases, yeah. Bases.


Look for updates on development progress on this map in the near future!

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