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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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Why? He's been completely trustworthy and helpful this whole game. If you're going on flavor, as I said it could refer to the confiscated notebook making it's way back to Light, who is an NPC.

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Let's break it down:

  1. Killing_You
  2. Jeod - susoicious AF but 99% not Kira. Investigated.
  3. Voe - Allow me to be bold and state I initiated the investigation on all 3 subjects this game. If that still triggers your scumsense, I have no objection for being investigated. You know my name already, and the details of my role as well.
  4. ChopBam
  5. Chaos_Knight - shady, but not Kira. Investigated
  7. Mojoman - Had the note; didn't use it.
  8. Nodlied - Had the note, didn't use it.
  9. Cat5 - Misa. Probably still has a role to play but probably harmless with low trust. Investigated.
  10. Orange - Great investigative gameplay; caught on quite a few nuances on both Jeod and Chaos_Knight; I have contact with him; I consider him fully trustworthy. 

There are 3 people remaining whom we know nothing about. One of them has the notepad and doesn't want to have it confiscated. The other is defending him. The third one is absent.

I say go for the notepad.

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31 minutes ago, Voe said:

Let's break it down:

  1. Killing_You
  2. Jeod - susoicious AF but 99% not Kira. Investigated.
  3. Voe - Allow me to be bold and state I initiated the investigation on all 3 subjects this game. If that still triggers your scumsense, I have no objection for being investigated. You know my name already, and the details of my role as well.
  4. ChopBam
  5. Chaos_Knight - shady, but not Kira. Investigated
  7. Mojoman - Had the note; didn't use it.
  8. Nodlied - Had the note, didn't use it.
  9. Cat5 - Misa. Probably still has a role to play but probably harmless with low trust. Investigated.
  10. Orange - Great investigative gameplay; caught on quite a few nuances on both Jeod and Chaos_Knight; I have contact with him; I consider him fully trustworthy. 

There are 3 people remaining whom we know nothing about. One of them has the notepad and doesn't want to have it confiscated. The other is defending him. The third one is absent.

I say go for the notepad.

That's a decent breakdown. Care to give your analysis of the three that you're unsure about?


Personally, I say go for the guy who has been essentially silent while we've been hashing things out.

##vote FRAYDO

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So far I'm the only confirmed Shinigami. Is there any evidence to add to the theory there may be more? I see three people who may be Shinigami: KY, FRAYDO, and Mojoman. Shinigami do not use notebooks to make kills, save for perhaps Rem who could have use for it in certain conditions. ChopBam's role alludes to the possibility for L to be removed from the game, after all.

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I have to worry if Mojoman wrongly gave the Death Note to ChopBam. Although he did meet with Nodlied and is meeting with Mojoman now, this is a game of wits. It's a possibility you skillfully fooled both of them and are now in possession of the Death Note. What will happen if you hold onto for the night is anyone's guess, but I believe it safe if we move to confiscate it.

##vote ChopBam

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Anyway, while the guy is infuriating, I still kinda trust Voe. He and OrangeP47 were two of my four remaining suspects, so I'll rule them out for now. Which leaves KY and Fraydo. I guess one thing tipping me towards Fraydo is what I brought up yesterday: his near invisibility. Another thing pushing me toward him is that he is suddenly voting for an investigation on me right after it's suggested by someone else.

##vote FRAYDO

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Also my other question still remains: what happens to the notebook if it's found on a person who has not used it? Is it removed from the game entirely, given to somebody known, or given to somebody unknown?

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40 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

Hey Voe, how mad would you be if Chaos got shot today?

I wonder why ask Voe tho? He sure doesn't seem to care much about my well-being :p He worries about Cat5.

So, what do you have against M may I ask? Since your implications are pretty transparent.

Agreed about voting FRAYDO. Would rather not leave unknowns as unknowns.

##vote FRAYDO

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Just now, ChopBam said:

Also my other question still remains: what happens to the notebook if it's found on a person who has not used it? Is it removed from the game entirely, given to somebody known, or given to somebody unknown?

Idk, I am still in a cell and have no idea where the Note went actually.

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47 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

It's a possibility you skillfully fooled both of them and are now in possession of the Death Note.

Also it's impossible for me to have fooled Mojoman, since he used an item that I responded to earlier. It was my entire game the second day to try to get a meeting with him (and I didn't know at the time it was Mojoman I needed to meet with). You must have missed this. Either Mojoman and I are co-conspirators, or we're good guys.

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1 minute ago, FRAYDO said:

Let's not shoot anyone today


1 minute ago, FRAYDO said:

and let's confiscate ChopBam's notebook.

Disagreed, especially since you've been very silent, only to vocalize when it's your ass in the spotlight.

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I vocalize now because I'm here now. While I have been mostly absent, I can assure I am no silent threat or any threat of sorts. If you wish to press the investigation onto me, we are gaining no helpful information from it. ChopBam, on the other hand, has the Death Note in hand. While it's his intention to hold onto the Note and pass it along to whoever is trust-worthy enough, we can't rule out the possibility of it falling into the wrong hands overnight. Detaining ChopBam seems to be a safe move regarding the position of the Death Note, although I can understand the hesitation in having the name revealed.

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Heh, as usual, a lot happens while I sleep.

I will admit, I'm not 100% trustful of ChopBam, but I'm not going to beat a dead horse (too much), so I'll only present the factors that haven't really been talked about. He has a note, we could confiscate it, BUT what I really want hear is what are his plans for it today? Passing it back and forth with Mojo? Passing it to someone tomorrow who we plan to investigate in advance to kill two birds with one stone? Something else? Having a plan, not necessarily a plan I'd agree with, but any plan, would go a long way to convincing me, not this endless cycle of "nope nope, bad idea" which doesn't have sufficient backing to really make me happy.

On Mojo: Now that he doesn't have the note, he's going back to being suspicious for me. Very few interjections, and what he does say is again the slippery one-liners... I would have preferred to hear from him what his thoughts on the note pass were rather than letting choppy develop it so one sided after the fact of the pass.

Why? Because there is a pretty obvious way to use the rules, as described by Mojo, to make a play that would out a Kira supporter. By explaining it, though, I'd also explain how to defeat it, so I won't elaborate on it. It's possible neither saw the opening though.

On the subject of FRAYDO:  If I was going to give him the fair and balanced treatment that I try and give everyone... I wouldn't really have a leg to stand on in his defense... He has some pretty weak protests here (hell, does he WANT to get investigated, playing like that?  A joke... but maybe serious too... would delay us from real goals...). I wouldn't argue against voting FRAYDO on his own merits, but I do think it'd be a sideshow from the real action and distract us from the real meat of this mystery.

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I don't really have much to add. Chopbam is trustworthy from lore and from our doc talk.

I know his actual name and he doesn't know mine. So he obviously trusts me. Our plan was to just pass the note book back and forth. That way it's locked in limbo and if one person doesn't receive it the next day, then the person who had it before can be investigated and the Death Note taken, since that person has become untrustworthy.

Also Fraydo is being unnecessarily suspicious. Suddenly active and pushing hard on Chopbam, who has done nothing to be suspicious.

P.S. @Chaos_Knight We were talking in the doc about how mad Voe would be if Cat_5 got shot. I named you by accident, that's what I get for not re-reading our doc.

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You're forgetting possible steal actions as well, though. If it's a one shot they've probably been sitting on it and waiting for the right time. Now that you have that predictable plan they can use it to throw one of you two under the bus at their leisure.

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21 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Now that you have that predictable plan they can use it to throw one of you two under the bus at their leisure.

I considered this. I'm still not sure exactly whom I'm handing the note to tonight, but I am not opening it. Do consider that Mojo all but said yesterday in this thread that he was going to give the note to me, and nothing intercepted it.


1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

BUT what I really want hear is what are his plans for it today?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to contradict what you said about a predictable plan. If I give out my plans here, aren't they predictable?

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