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[Game Over] The July Crisis Mafia


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The day has come to an end and it is time to tally up the votes. Looks like OrangeP47 is going to be investigated. His real name is Carl Aiger and is an Austrian national. He currently has no items. However he is currently --- Hostile! He will be arrested and jailed for the time being. We’ll see what we will do with him later. His items have been confiscated and transferred to the vault.



Additionally, you nominated VERTi60 to gain access to the vault tonight!




Good news, we have found new evidence!


‘’French Involvement’’
‘’An interesting event happened in Toulouse, France. It was there where the Black Hand met to discuss their future plans. The fact that this meeting was followed by a French warning to Serbia about a potential assassination on the Archduke shows that the governments knew about the attack well in advance.’’


It has been transferred to the vault to await your further judgement!



The info chart has been updated:



Sleep well everyone. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time!


24 hours remain until the end of the night!

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

@Voe, I may be wrong, but I believe finding a hostile results in a "death", and so OrangeP47 should get access to the dead doc. Check your notes.

Nie ucz ojca dzieci robić ;)

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Soo what's this crowbar? If it's a tool that allows players to steal, then we can assume a thief can be anyone who has it. Also there's no grenade so I assume I have the KY's one then.

Not sure if I keep or remove the crowbar, I'll rather have some fun with the typewriter. I'll probably leave the Grenade in there too as together with the crowbar it should be safe there. But I'll definitely try to place the "French Involvement" evidence into the truth box - there's still the "A note to the Black Hand" in there btw.

The rules of the vault are as Cat5 described before, you can only take one item but you can transfer evidence around as much as you want.

If you have any suggestions lemme know, but this will be my last post.

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If there isn't a Grenade in there now, it isn't safe to leave it there. It had to be taken out of there somehow, and I'm not responsible for it. Since I didn't attempt to move it, it couldn't have been redirected from me (and FRAYDO would have it if I had attempted to move it)

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3 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

Name one time a neutral helped town without furthering their own ends. You're still on the hitlist killing_you.

I'm fully aware. I've said all I can say, and when the time comes, my innocence will speak for itself. Provided I don't get shot or blown up, of course.

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Man we really need a mechanic where you could combine actions with another player... Like someone throws the grenade then another person shoots it for a high miss chance of doing nothing but an added effect of killing 2 people if it works.



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11 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Also I took the time to make a video while waiting.

FRAYDO is the target switcher. Given that Retal got marked hostile by roleblocking, there is no way FRAYDO is not hostile for changing my actions. 



I wholly approve of the video you had made just for me, and as such I concede to you. I do have your Spyglass after all, may as well put it to use and aid your investigation tonight before you up and lock me up again. Correct me if I am mistaken, although I suppose you cannot given night posting limits, but you were only able to search Mojoman and Orange for evidence? Interesting that the Spyglass found nothing on Orange at that time, assuming you did search him after all.

To my point, I'm using the Spyglass on you tonight, Category. If you're Austrian as you claim to be then chances are good evidence will be found on you. We can then have that transferred to the vault and determine its validity. Say nothing if you are okay with this, or roleblock me and stall the search for evidence.

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Looks like you guys decided to ham while I was gone. Good on you. :v

Thanks for the stand-in Voe, I appreciate it.


By the way, the day will start standard (newish) time. So you will have slightly less than 4 hours for your day actions and it will be less than 5 hours for the next day to start.


EDIT: To clear up on OrangeP47's imprisonment. He cannot perform any actions anymore, nor can he even vote. He also not be affected anymore by any actions. However, he can still talk.

Oh, and remember about your limit of two nightposts. Some of you have gone over the limit. I'll let it slide for now, but there will be consequences next time.

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11 hours ago, FRAYDO said:



I wholly approve of the video you had made just for me, and as such I concede to you. I do have your Spyglass after all, may as well put it to use and aid your investigation tonight before you up and lock me up again. Correct me if I am mistaken, although I suppose you cannot given night posting limits, but you were only able to search Mojoman and Orange for evidence? Interesting that the Spyglass found nothing on Orange at that time, assuming you did search him after all.

To my point, I'm using the Spyglass on you tonight, Category. If you're Austrian as you claim to be then chances are good evidence will be found on you. We can then have that transferred to the vault and determine its validity. Say nothing if you are okay with this, or roleblock me and stall the search for evidence.

You really can't help but be super scummy can you? Sounds like a desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable.

A question I thought of since I last posted that I think we should consider. Is evidence from scum true or false?

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