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[Game Over] Star Wars Mafia: Jedi vs Sith


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Well, Jeod being Scum explains a lot. It does give a bad taste about it with how it ended (the whole I'll give up, nah I'll play, then fuck it all thing), but one step closer to victory. Also heads up, the FBI meter did shift back towards the light after Jeod's death. Also Jeod actually did have a red lightsaber. I'm not sure he knew that lightsabers are shown upon duel when he made his character, which makes me think back to Retaliation.

11 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Technically wasn't Sunflower the first to vote Jeod this game? Does our newbie deserve a round of applause?

You just like that your friends did well :b To that I say, good job Shade and Sunflower for helping start the train to get Jeod "lynched".

Now I'm not so sure about Nodlied. Unless Jeod was trying to strengthen his teammate before he died. But considering he did turn out to be Scum, maybe his teammate really is Sunflower. Sunflower, can you tell us what you did besides learn for N1?

Voe, did you end up learning the Light Meditation Technique?

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1 hour ago, ChopBam said:

Wooooo we got 'im!!! Tbh I wasn't expecting that, but since Cat5 nailed him I shouldn't have been surprised.


1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

Technically wasn't Sunflower the first to vote Jeod this game? Does our newbie deserve a round of applause?

Yeah, you got him. Yeah, sunflower did it >_>

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1 hour ago, TheIrishman said:

Voe, did you end up learning the Light Meditation Technique?

Yes. Apparently it can clear my dark force affiliation from night 1.

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2 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Well, Jeod being Scum explains a lot. It does give a bad taste about it with how it ended (the whole I'll give up, nah I'll play, then fuck it all thing), but one step closer to victory. Also heads up, the FBI meter did shift back towards the light after Jeod's death. Also Jeod actually did have a red lightsaber. I'm not sure he knew that lightsabers are shown upon duel when he made his character, which makes me think back to Retaliation.

You just like that your friends did well :b To that I say, good job Shade and Sunflower for helping start the train to get Jeod "lynched".

Now I'm not so sure about Nodlied. Unless Jeod was trying to strengthen his teammate before he died. But considering he did turn out to be Scum, maybe his teammate really is Sunflower. Sunflower, can you tell us what you did besides learn for N1?

Voe, did you end up learning the Light Meditation Technique?

I learned a t2 ability and used a night action to increase my force points. My force total might be a little out of whack because of a typo that Verti was going to fix for next turn. It should be 60 instead of 50.

Also wooo for calling Jeod as sith from pretty much the get go. I really don't think the force ghost thing was as important as he thinks. Lots of people were already suspicious before then. The only thing it did is manage to save Orange from the duel probably. Btw on that note, is this force ghost contact still happening? Am I still throwing down the force gauntlet on myself to protect from dark attacks?

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Just now, Sunflower said:

Btw on that note, is this force ghost contact still happening? Am I still throwing down the force gauntlet on myself to protect from dark attacks?

I am no longer in contact with Shade because it's not council phase, but I have been pretty insistent on that being the plan.  Shade things using a volunteer is too risky as Sith might interfere, so who knows if he'll actually do it or not. He also really wants to go sith hunting, ie confirm someone sith by being unable to contact them, then telling us at a later date, but I've also been insistent on him clearing me (and someone else) first.  Again, I'm not sure if he'll actually do it or not.

On the balance I'd say protect yourself though, as we're making you kind of a target either way.

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3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I am no longer in contact with Shade because it's not council phase, but I have been pretty insistent on that being the plan.  Shade things using a volunteer is too risky as Sith might interfere, so who knows if he'll actually do it or not. He also really wants to go sith hunting, ie confirm someone sith by being unable to contact them, then telling us at a later date, but I've also been insistent on him clearing me (and someone else) first.  Again, I'm not sure if he'll actually do it or not.

On the balance I'd say protect yourself though, as we're making you kind of a target either way.

Well if he is reading this, just wanna let him know that I'm pretty much screwing almost my entire force pool for this.

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12 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

He also really wants to go sith hunting, ie confirm someone sith by being unable to contact them, then telling us at a later date, but I've also been insistent on him clearing me (and someone else) first.

Now this is kinda tricky. Say he comes across a Sith or corrupted Jedi, and that's it for his day. Any one of us can then say "oh yeah, Shade contacted me" and start talking as if we were in contact with him and using his "thoughts" to back up our arguments. We have no way to prove or disprove contact with Shade at this point. Unless such a way surfaces tomorrow, we're looking at:

a) Shade being unable to communicate, yet someone claiming first they are talking with him and we can't disprove it or argue it otherwise
b) waiting around all day to see how many people will claim Shade is talking to them now that we know Force Ghosts are a thing

Shade's plan of telling us at a later date is only valid until we're all corrupted. Then the door is shut on him and we would never learn of his findings. The only persons Shade could think to visit would be those who win the duels and receive the ability to free their corruption, and that's assuming they even do. I mean for all we know Irish and Voe may harbor some dark side already. They learned to free themselves of the dark forces, but have they truly done so? Power can be alluring.

26 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Again, I'm not sure if he'll actually do it or not.

Well, you know how well the last plan went :v

Regarding Sunflower's plan, if it's the same technique I used to protect myself last night keep in mind before you go and expend all of your FP that it only protects against physical attacks.

Remembering that I wasted my first night post sithposting (and yes, sithposting in place of shitposting because THEMING) I'll end off with some quick notes on others.

ChopBam's post is a "hey, I'm Town and we got Sith go us" and that's a little sketchy.

Irish and I may be on the same page.

7 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Jeod and Nodlied are my top suspects right now. 

Today's outcome makes one out of two for Sith. Tomorrow we can vote Nodlied to verify our suspicions? With Jeod rip in peace'd, the top two for me goes ChopBam and Nodlied unless either can make a good argument for themselves. Or we select both even.

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ChopBam and TheIrishman are the remaining Shit.

I am perhaps unreasonably confident about this call, but I'll explain as much as I can while still being somewhat concise. You can ask me for details later if you want.

First of all, I now feel very confident about these people being Town:
FRAYDO - because of his apparent attempt to dodge an potential attack from OrangeP47
OrangeP47 - because of Shade939
Nodlied - because of his investigation role combined with OrangeP47's assurance. Also Jeod wanted to fight him.
Voe - because of his reveal of being targeted by...whatever you would call that.

I'm left with ChopBam, Killing_You, Retaliation, Sunflower, and TheIrishman as possible suspects. I expect a total of three Shits.

The case on ChopBam is an extension of the case on Jeod. Jeod reacted unreasonably negatively to news that was good for town. Jeod's meltdown seemed to have an effect on ChopBam, where ChopBam made one public comment regarding it, "Ugh", and then stayed quiet until near hammer. I'm betting ChopBam did some damage control, but he didn't do it here. It was probably easier to do it in the scum doc. ChopBam has otherwise been noticeably unwilling to make an impact and I've noted at least two not-so subtle attempts to get on my good side for flimsy reasons.

The case for TheIrishman doesn't rely on emotions so much, but it does relate to Shade. Based on Jeod's negative reaction and the fact that he did flip Shit, we pretty much know that Shade is a force ghost. We don't need further confirmation. Now, the question I have is, how does one turn into a force ghost, and how common will they be? I don't think it's a case where every dead player or even every dead Jedi will turn to a ghost. There could quickly be too many ways for Jedi to prove themselves. I suspect there will be a specific condition necessary for this to occur, similar to how in Ghost Trick Mafia, a dead player would gain powers if they died while in the same area as a Temsik stone.

In this case, I think the trigger will prove to be the player being killed by a Shit. Therefore, TheIrishman is Shit.


Obviously these cases aren't final. I can see some room for there to be trickery involving the players I currently trust (particularly Nodlied), and I might have the total number wrong.

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Alright guys, just to let you know, I'm going to be quite busy this weekend and probably won't be back until Sunday. So before I leave, I'll jot down some of my thoughts for D3.

Going by flavor , the dark side "purge" ability granted to duel winners, and Voe's report, I'm inclined to believe that we started with two Sith, but another one can be recruited if one dies. This is, of course, based on the "Rule of Two," which states that there's always two sith; a master, and an apprentice. Sometimes, this results in the apprentice killing their master and then taking on an apprentice themselves (see: Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise). There's a precedent for this in Verti's games as well, in a sense. Remember how in Death Note, anyone could become Kira if they so chose, but there were a few people whose win condition revolved around using it? Similar principle, but with a Cult element thrown in.

Building off of this, I think that's what the FBI is for. Rather than being a tension meter, I think it's a clue as to how many people are "corrupted" by the Dark Side, and to what extent the corruption has them. Building off of this, I think Sith have access to a more accurate method of tracking people's corruption. What this boils down to is this: We'll have to be swift in catching the next Sith, before they take on a new apprentice. It's likely that they intended to have Voe as their "backup plan," which was hindered by him being in this duel, no matter the outcome. If he died, they'd have had to start over with someone else. Since he won, their progress will be delayed and possibly even reset. Bonus points for him killing a Sith.

1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

The case on ChopBam is an extension of the case on Jeod. Jeod reacted unreasonably negatively to news that was good for town. Jeod's meltdown seemed to have an effect on ChopBam, where ChopBam made one public comment regarding it, "Ugh", and then stayed quiet until near hammer. I'm betting ChopBam did some damage control, but he didn't do it here. It was probably easier to do it in the scum doc. ChopBam has otherwise been noticeably unwilling to make an impact and I've noted at least two not-so subtle attempts to get on my good side for flimsy reasons.

Interesting. Care to elaborate on that last bit?

1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

The case for TheIrishman doesn't rely on emotions so much, but it does relate to Shade. Based on Jeod's negative reaction and the fact that he did flip Shit, we pretty much know that Shade is a force ghost. We don't need further confirmation. Now, the question I have is, how does one turn into a force ghost, and how common will they be? I don't think it's a case where every dead player or even every dead Jedi will turn to a ghost. There could quickly be too many ways for Jedi to prove themselves. I suspect there will be a specific condition necessary for this to occur, similar to how in Ghost Trick Mafia, a dead player would gain powers if they died while in the same area as a Temsik stone.

In this case, I think the trigger will prove to be the player being killed by a Shit. Therefore, TheIrishman is Shit.

That would likely fall in line with Jeod's reaction to the Force ghost reveal. They'd be celebrating their victory only to realize that there had been a bit of a backfire. Seems to me that Irish is definitely worth a second look, at the very least.

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mgwYiiH.png Council Meeting - Day 3


Council Meeting (48 h duration - delays) is where all the public talks will take place, there won't be any fighting during this phase. The purpose of this phase is to discuss and determine who among the Council members are the Sith, and who should be the chosen One to stand up to fight the Sith. And thus, there will be only two options available during this phase: voting for someone who could be the Sith and at the same time, voting for somebody who could be the Champion in order to fight the Sith. Players with most votes will then meet in the Duel. Their identity will be revealed prior The Duel start, but not their allegiance.

Each player ##Votes a Champion and a Sith. (they can't be the same player)

If the player doesn't vote for a  Champion and Sith at all, he/she will automatically be voted for the Duel (as Sith). You can also vote for yourself to be a Champion if you want, but you can't vote for yourself to be Sith yourself. Any player can change their vote anytime they want.

The Champion will have the advantage to strike first in Duel, and if he/she wins the Duel, also gain a one time Special Night Action.

The Winner of the Duel will be also granted immunity to be voted as Champion next phase (but still as Sith though) and also a new Maneuver Form to learn.


Players can also directly ##Challenge themselves instead of voting (only one player at a time for each player, so you can't challenge multiple players for example before your first challenged player replies, and visa versa, a player can't challenge someone else if he/she was already challenged.

To challenge a player, you also need at least 1 Champion vote and no Sith votes.

The first player who accepts the Duel will initiate a Duel Phase and the Council Phase will be shortened (but not more than 24 hours).

In case there is no challenge accepted, the votes will determine who has the most "Champion votes" and "Sith votes". In case of a tie, Dice Roll will determine the outcome.





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Just now, ChopBam said:

You know I don't make it a habit to play that carelessly when I'm a baddie. :v But yada meta yada.

I admit I wasn't incredibly confident on my case against you, but the one I had for TheIrishman felt pretty strong and I was going to attack him hard.

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