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[Danubian Federation Victory] Ausgleich '37


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3 hours ago, Jeod said:

You should probably start being a lot more blunt and far less cryptic.

##investigate Shade939


12 minutes ago, Jeod said:

##nominate Jeod

I could use the crowbar to take the walkie easily, but it's a red action so would lower stability. I'd much prefer to go with the easy method.


7 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

Of course. No point in losing out on the vault or a vote.

##nominate Jeod

Why would we find the killer?


4 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

Is hammer today?

##nominate TheIrishman

I've been grossly distracted with Hol4 and work. I would've tried to catch up earlier, but I'm out helping my gf right now.


1 minute ago, Retaliation said:

##VoteInvestigate Sunflower.

Hammertime! And those votes have been included in the day end CVC!


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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Last minute bombshell. Awesome.

According to the latest vote chart, it was expected really. The bad news is, it doesn't reveal treachery. The vote chart was based on everyone being truthful. If Irish isn't abolishment, then one of the abstainees may be.

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The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation.

Looks like Sunflower is going to be investigated.


His real name is Emil Benes and he is a Bohemian national. He currently has no items. But what about his status? Well, it looks like he's Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. His non-existent items will not be confiscated.

Secondly, you’ve decided to enact an economic reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose.

A - Radical Status Quo
It isn't the Dual-Monarchy for nothing. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of both Austria and Hungary.

B - Soft Status Quo
The Empire is led by its two strongest members. Choosing this option will slightly boost the economic power of both Austria and Hungary.

C - Soft Pluralism
Even though Bohemia is the industrial heart of the Empire, the two other minors, Illyria and Galicia are falling behind. Yet this reform slightly boosts the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia.

D - Radical Pluralism
It is often said that nations cannot stand on equal footing if they don't have the same economic power. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia.

(Yes, these have been copied from D1. I'm lazy, deal with it!)

You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party.


The previous military reform, enacted in the early morning of today, is almost complete! The Austo-Hungarian military capacity has been greatly strenghtened and even the Royal Guards themselves will receive their new briefing tonight.

Additionally, you nominated Jeod to gain access to the vault tonight! 

Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time!

24 hours remain until the end of the night!

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Just now, Jeod said:

Holy shit why.

Knowing this lot, even if only one or two people were swayed, it'd break the usual tie that we have. Assuming the radicals would join in on it this time rather than voting soft again, then I figured if we're in for a penny then in for a pound, I might as well shift my vote as well.

I'm assuming the syndicate wants independent states either through radical pluralism or possibly just stalling all the reforms and lowering the stability to nothing before we can get anything done. Considering how SQ has won the first vote, we'll either have to go back and forth between votes (getting nothing done) or we have to work together and pick a side that'll win. I'd rather lose with an honorary title than lose to the syndicate.

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Updated the Day-End post with relevant information regarding the previous military reform. (I forgot to do this, considering I haven't had to do it during any of the previous days.)

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The resemblance is uncanny!

In the event that I die, let me first confirm that Orange indeed checked Cat 5's vote and Cat 5 seemed to have voted for Option B, Soft Status Quo. Either Cat 5 is feigning confusion at this result, or someone has an ability they are using to rig votes in their favour.

Also, regarding someone getting shot tonight, I don't recall that being the method of Snipe's murder. Either Sunflower is misusing the phrase or she is aware there is a gun in play and may even know who currently holds it.

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I should mention that I trapped OrangeP47 the second night due to him having the Evidence Base Key and not wanting potential Scum from stealing/killing him without us knowing who it was. The third night I trapped Jeod since he was the one we had visit the vault. My traps don't say whether they stay for only one night or for forever. The player isn't actually "marked" in a way that reveals them to me. I simply said that to force them to be honest and it seemed to have worked. It only prevents the player from voting/nominating/investigating or using any other day action, which we can use this to determine who fell into the trap as long as we have every player vote for at least investigating since it costs 0 PP and shouldn't personally affect anyone.

As for what we're voting for tonight, why Soft Pluralism? We're already at 59% for Status Quo, right? If we vote Pluralism it'd just move it back and we'd get nothing done. I think we should vote Soft Status Quo.

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58 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

I should mention that I trapped OrangeP47 the second night due to him having the Evidence Base Key and not wanting potential Scum from stealing/killing him without us knowing who it was. The third night I trapped Jeod since he was the one we had visit the vault. My traps don't say whether they stay for only one night or for forever. The player isn't actually "marked" in a way that reveals them to me. I simply said that to force them to be honest and it seemed to have worked. It only prevents the player from voting/nominating/investigating or using any other day action, which we can use this to determine who fell into the trap as long as we have every player vote for at least investigating since it costs 0 PP and shouldn't personally affect anyone.

As for what we're voting for tonight, why Soft Pluralism? We're already at 59% for Status Quo, right? If we vote Pluralism it'd just move it back and we'd get nothing done. I think we should vote Soft Status Quo.

Because the pluralist faction is still strong, and if not satiated, will begin to fight dirty.

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It is a morning that comes with horrible news! Fraydo, also known as Miklos Horthy, an honoured Hungarian has been shot tonight!


He has somehow survived and is now recovering in the Vienna hospital but he's out of the Ausgleich as we won't know how long it will take for him to recover.

After going through his personal documents in his room, it is soon discovered that was aligned to both Pluralism nUSOvqF.png and Status-Quo GMpZRBw.png. He didn't appear to care who won. However, we did find out that he tried to protect the Monarchy by any means necessary. He didn't appear to have had any night actions, but he did have two items. The first was an Evidence Base Key and the second one was his Legendary Admiral's Cane. Both items have been transfered to the vault.


But what about the reforms? Well, it looks like the C variant, also known as Soft Pluralism has won the day! This economic reform will ever so slightly bring the minor states of BohemiaGalicia and Illyria closer to Austria and Hungary when it comes to economic might. The minor nations seem to be satisfied once again and there's no longer any indication that they might leave the Ausgleich again if there's another opposing reform. The Pluralists are also happy with the fact that their voices have been heard, which has boosted stability in the Empire.


Even now, there are no interesting articles in the newspaper. In which case, it is probably best to start working again. And eh... perhaps we should find the murderer as well. We don't want to lose any more people.



Let us honour our great friend Horthy!


48 hours remain until the end of the day!

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FYI, Fraydo  is ''dead''. I just don't kill historical characters in this game. :v (This way you can also figure out which characters actually existed and which ones were made up.)

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3 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

##votenominate Retaliation

Cane and I will be reunited!

Hold it, I think we should let orange get that key first. Not that you can’t be trusted, but you can’t be trusted. :v

##investigate TheIrishMan

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Just now, Jeod said:

Hold it, I think we should let orange get that key first. Not that you can’t be trusted, but you can’t be trusted. :v

##investigate TheIrishMan

If I cared about the key, I would have stolen it or pushed to have myself nominated earlier.


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