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Mig Fun Facts

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Did you know:

- Vs. buildings, Migs do more damage than Longbows. Numbers needed for buildings:

Silo: 2 Migs or Yaks

Allied buildings other than War Factory/NY/CY: 3 Migs/Yaks

War Factory/NY: 4 Migs/Yaks

- Vs. vehicles, Migs do 66% of damage of a Longbow. Still, Migs can two-shot (in one run) or less all Allied vehicles except the Medium/Light/Chrono Tank.

- Migs have 66% of LB's health.

- Migs fly at twice the Longbow's top speed (50m/s vs 25m/s), but because they need to circle around to attack and slow-down to land, realistically they don't always travel at twice the speed.

- Migs aren't very good against planes. Use a Yak if you want to hunt air units.

- You can get lucky with AA guns sometimes since they have to rotate to target you. You may be able to fly out of their range by then.

- You can do barrell rolls with Migs by holding the direction button while flying.


Edited by des1206
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10 hours ago, des1206 said:

- Migs aren't very good against planes. Use a Yak if you want to hunt air units.

Yeah, MiG's in RA1 are strictly bombers so they're not supposed to be good against aircraft in APB. Personally I think their missiles (being Kh-23 air-to-ground missiles) shouldn't even be able to track aircraft at all lol (but on the flipside, getting a lucky hit on an aircraft should do massive damage if not outright destroy it).


10 hours ago, des1206 said:

- You can do barrell rolls with Migs by holding the direction button while flying.

Do you mean aileron rolls (commonly confused with barrel rolls)? ;) Granted, you can do both kinds of rolls and either way it's fun. :biggrin:ZcHgS.png

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I want to add Migs do best on large maps with significant Allied vehicle usage.

It would be awesome to see them in action on maps like TotheCore and RidgeWar where Soviets often have trouble keeping up with fast Allied units.

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On 5/4/2020 at 5:44 PM, Raap said:

MiG unfun fact: I am a terrible pilot and the only way I can score any kills is via crash landing into things.

Your not alone. I have like 0 kills and 50 deaths with the Mig 8)

@Ice I think the Migs should get a secondary weapon for A2A like maybe the R-73 Archer missile which is an A2A missile.

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12 hours ago, NodFan said:

Your not alone. I have like 0 kills and 50 deaths with the Mig 8)

@Ice I think the Migs should get a secondary weapon for A2A like maybe the R-73 Archer missile which is an A2A missile.

If anything the most sensible choice would be the K-5/K-55 or K-8 (the missiles which the MiG's Kh-66/Kh-23 were originally developed from IRL), or perhaps the K-13. That being said, I personally don't think they should have an anti-air weapon since they're supposed to be a bomber, not a fighter (That's the Yak's job).

12 hours ago, Cat said:

The Mig in Red Alert can shoot airborne units though, but hard since we can't target air.

It was described in cutscenes as 'essentially a bomber', and it can only shoot other aircraft while they're grounded or just taking off. Plus it shouldn't overshadow the Yak too much and the roles in which they excel should be divided nicely, with the Yak being primarily a maneuverable anti-air dogfighter and anti-infantry strafing unit, and the MiG specializing as a fast anti-vehicle and anti-building bomber unit.

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6 hours ago, Ice said:

If anything the most sensible choice would be the K-5/K-55 or K-8 (the missiles which the MiG's Kh-66/Kh-23 were originally developed from IRL), or perhaps the K-13. That being said, I personally don't think they should have an anti-air weapon since they're supposed to be a bomber, not a fighter (That's the Yak's job).

Agreed. Besides, we all know what would happen if MiGs were given AA missiles. Longbows would get sniped out of the air left and right.

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Given the new airplane physics, any more maps with planes will most likely require appropriately tailored design (longer distances, more generous flight ceiling, etc.) For those of you who want that (such as myself 8)), make noise about it so the devs get motivated to work on it.

In the long run, we might even experiment with "plane only" maps and gamemodes, sort of a "low budget War Thunder / World of Warplanes" thing, but we'll have to do a lot of internal fixes before that, particularly in the netcode. As some of you might have noticed, planes have a tendency to glitch out when you have high ping.

13 hours ago, forg0ten1 said:

I cant land the mig to save my life. The moment I run out of ammo I immediately find someone to crash into

I'll talk to the others, we'll put together a comprehensive tutorial video :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, NodGuy said:

NodGuy's fun fact: Flying a MiG is frustrating as hell when your ping is constantly ~180ms.

Maybe that's why I can't fly one properly. ~180ms is about the minimum of my ping on APB's euro server.

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52 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

Maybe that's why I can't fly one properly. ~180ms is about the minimum of my ping on APB's euro server.

It's bloody annoying. Populated US server when? I will go in for a strike and pull up but then I just lag down into the ground. At this point I have given up. I do enjoy seeing MiGs flying overhead though.

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1 hour ago, NodGuy said:

It's bloody annoying. Populated US server when? I will go in for a strike and pull up but then I just lag down into the ground. At this point I have given up. I do enjoy seeing MiGs flying overhead though.

Yeah, for some reason Yaks are easier to fly. Maybe cause they are slower.

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I can fly the Yak fine, but the MiG is another story. Because of the ping from playing from NA, combined with the MiG's higher speed and worse handling characteristics compared to the Yak make it difficult to fly a MiG compared to the Yak. In addition, I think that the help section should also mention that the use of free aim allows for off-boresight targeting (there is probably a less jargony term for this that could be used though,) as until i figured it out myself, it made it nearly impossible to shoot something with the MiG while not crashing into the ground/water/trees/whatever else immediately afterwards.

Edited by Blujet
Clarified comparison between MiG and Yak.
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Those are some interesting stats, thanks for this.


As a European, I can actually relate to the whole MiG go crashycrashy thing. More often than not, they tend to 'spaz' out once you're either in the air or just about to land. Thankfully because of the reduced ping I can often recover but crashing is still relatively common if I happen to be in a inoppotune place. I even had a visual glitch regarding my landing gear where the wheels just remained "deployed" no matter what I did and... yeah, I happened to crash with that but thankfully I've only encountered that like twice.


Yaks are fine though. (for me that is)


Edit: Also I too tend to slam into some poor soul if I find myself unable to maintain control, even if it doesn't do anything like 90% of the time :(

Edited by JigglyJie
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13 hours ago, Blujet said:

I can fly the Yak fine, but the MiG is another story. Because of the ping from playing from NA, combined with the MiG's higher speed and worse handling characteristics compared to the Yak make it difficult to fly a MiG compared to the Yak. In addition, I think that the help section should also mention that the use of free aim allows for off-boresight targeting (there is probably a less jargony term for this that could be used though,) as until i figured it out myself, it made it nearly impossible to shoot something with the MiG while not crashing into the ground/water/trees/whatever else immediately afterwards.

yeah so in conclusion, MIGS SUCK!.

I much prefer the Yak because as you said the Yak is easier to handle overall, and what Ill add is that its easy to kill infantry with the Yak.

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