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Showing most liked content on 05/22/2017 in all areas

  1. Here are some textures I have been working for a while. These are inspired by another set of custom textures I made back in 2010-2011 for various equipments found inside de buildings. These are up-scaled 1024x1024 compared to the old ones, to accomodate more details. Anyway here are the ones I made thus far: I know there are some edges where the textures are not aligned, or are stretched, or too narrow. There is nothing I could do there, because that is how the original texture was applied on. Anyway, I'm planning to continue with fixing the lights and those monitors from the radar dome.
  2. Recent study on the behaviour of enemy players shows that they suffer from suicidal overconfidence, and catting is among the lines of the Redshirt army.
  3. {AW} Artillery Barrage firing!
  4. Catting tried to thief...
  5. 2 likes
  6. [blurb]Coming soon to a RA:APB near you! Introducing the Yakovlev Yak-9P![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Dev. Blog Yakovlev Yak-9P Set to debut on Guard Duty, the Yak will afford the Soviets an incredible alpha-strike in their arty-hunting efforts. The Yak can reach speeds of up to 45m/s (the next fastest unit being the Longbow at a mere 24m/s) and expend its magazine in a minimum of 1.33 seconds. The Yak boasts infinite ammo but with a long reload time, although that shouldn't matter much as once you've expended your magazine you're turning around for your next attack. It's splash damage ignites infantry, better allowing your comrades to finish the task should your target remain alive. While mostly effective against infantry and light vehicles, the Yak can still find opportunities in armour-broken heavy vehicles that are on the retreat. As in Red Alert, the Yak will cost 800. With a health of 350 and lack of armour, be advised that your attack runs will leave you vulnerable to return fire. Choose your battles wisely and you can stay airborne for long periods and dish out more punishment than a Hind can. Unlike the Hind however, in the event you are shot down your infantry will also die in the crash. Airfield It goes without saying that the Airfield will also be included as a new structure. Purchased Yaks will fly onto the strip waiting for takeoff, and here you repair and can sell your Yak. It should be noted that the Airfield is technically a "Helipad" in the code, making it unlikely to see both buildings on the same map. Nonetheless, we can discuss how to fit the Airfield and Yak into high-tech maps and implementing them in the future.[thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb]
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  7. Oh oh, haha no he's fine. The joke was that he's always been in space and is just constantly moving further away from earth. Remember he started on the moon, then was on Mars, last year on Pluto. Now moving beyond. That's all I meant. His heart is still pumping and in fact I'm sure he'll be visiting the forums sometime soon because I messaged him.
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  8. We'll be sorting a few things out with the Airfield, especially with damage animations/emitters. Enjoy Yaks anyway in the meantime though.
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  9. Why do we still let Totd play with us anyway?
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  10. @Pushwall I'd be more than happy to send them do you once I have a few more completed! In regards to the door, the vertex coloring works with my texture as well: The color feels less saturated, maybe because my texture is much darker then the original.
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  11. You may see some other previously unimplemented things of his eventually. I think he really liked to plan for the future.
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  12. He had moved on a long time ago, I think he was going to school for 3d modelling and something also happened in his personal life. I really enjoyed working with him and he was a really great dude and a great modeler so I hope he can return one day.
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  13. @Jerad2142 Oh deer, another year older.
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  14. This is great! I also agree that both sides don't need equivalents. If you want that argument than soviets should have some sort of stealth ground unit. As that is huge. However, the soviets have their sheer power and might to help balance against that with tesla units coming to mind immediately as a counter.
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  15. The Yak is amazing to fly, Pushwall has done an amazing job on it! Allies have more units in other areas, would be a bit silly to give them planes "because".
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  17. I guess it comes down to personal preference. Mine ranks Ralism above content diversity. I always loved the C&C games where one side got more air units to play with while the other side got more naval or infantry. Personally, I really don't mind the Soviets being more air dominant while Allies need to rely on creative infantry and ground vehicles use. If we give Allies fighter planes, it will leave a bad taste in my mouth. Is this still Red Alert? Where do we draw the line in terms of creating new units for the sake of fun?
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  18. That tricky Pushwall. Saying there are no plans for further development and then developing plans right beneath our noses!
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  19. and MAKE THE BUILD LIMIT MORE LIKE 20 OR ABYE 15 PLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  20. Balance wise, they kind of fill that "fast attack vehicle" niche that the Soviets often lack, at the cost of being made of paper and being forced to aim their shots on the fly (no pun intended). Balance doesn't always have to be 1:1 symmetrical.
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  21. Not every unit needs to have a counterpart for things to be balanced! For every Yak/Mig in action there is one less Soviet infantry+vehicle on the field! Let's be as Ralistic as possible.
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  22. Thing is, we already had a Yak model and texture on hand, so that was easy to put in as all it needed was the landing gear animation. Not so much with the MiG - we have no assets for that at all. If you're extremely attentive you may have seen a teaser somewhere on this forum that accidentally showed a MiG, but it's a placeholder model that's just being used to prototype the unit's stats just in case we ever end up with all the means to implement it in future. And I'm not too comfortable with the idea of Allied planes. From what I remember that was just a Chronojam fever dream. We can probably work around the "imbalance" in other ways, like having MiGs on certain naval maps if Cruisers become a reality, as they seem like they'd be a natural counter (CI would need a terrain overhaul to make room for an airfield and for planes to not be able to peer into blue hell, but Hostile Waters could probably have an airfield added with ease), or sticking them on Seamist where the teams' base balance is already intentionally out of whack anyway. On Guard Duty, the Allied Radar Dome you see in the video is the balancing factor against the existence of an Airfield, and anyone who's been paying attention to feedback threads may have some idea as to why a team having a dome could possibly be a good thing and not a hindrance.
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  23. I remember back in the Beta days all the calls of 'it'll never happen'. Honestly, it's kind of surreal being here. I also remember people telling me in the 9935 days that the mod was dead too, so maybe predictions are just tricky things.
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  24. Should have known there was a reason for delaying the patch. Excellent choice trying this on Guard Duty, the map really needed something to make it more exciting than, well, guard duty. Take that 2007! Ten years later, W3D finally offers airplanes! Looking forward to the solution to enable them on high-tech maps (Siege was created for airplanes). Also the MiG. Also the to-be-created Allied equivalents. Also me getting triggered by that helipad airfield texture resolution...
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  25. I found some old screenshots from back in Beta, circa 2008-2009. These where taken on my old '04 PC, so don't expect any good graphics settings.
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  26. Finally had a moment to resume work on the Hostile Waters revamp, here is one of the two new naval landing spots (iceberg top not finished): This is also the general art direction for all things industrial on the map (including the new "land route").
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  27. At least, with your repairs, I was able to blow up Jie's heavy tank and kill him
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  28. As an engineer I ran up to clear some mines on Complex. I was elated when I got lucky in destroying two phase tanks with one of their own AT mines... It's sometimes fun to just go out and repair your own arties in the field. What's not so expected though is when they defeat you and the arty with an organized Ore Truck Sandwich.
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  29. It's an earthquake, draw your own conclusions from that.
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  30. 10 episodes of APB Madness Now a little poll, what has been your favorite moment in the series? By the way, let's not forget this one.
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  31. A year ago I would have told you to get fucked if you wanted me to add VIS, or told you that it's not worth sacrificing your own sanity for, but it's gotten a lot easier now due to both me figuring out that certain parts of the 15 year old tutorial are BS (particularly the bit where it tells you to place the VIS sectors below the ground - all that means is you need to spend more time on manual VIS points, especially if there are tunnels) as well as fixing a lot of building materials that the previous owner had set alpha rendering on despite them being opaque walls separating the player from blue hell - which often resulted in VIS gen basically throwing up its arms and saying "uh no, I can see forever in this area, so I'm not going to hide anything". You'd be surprised how much of a map's meshes are from buildings. Since this map has a lot of them and the VIS camera is so low-res that it has a lot of trouble detecting small objects from 200m+ distances to make them visible, a lot more stuff is hidden than you'd think even when looking from base to base. Of course, VIS camera being the way it is has its downsides and sometimes really obvious things get hidden, as you noticed. It depends. If you're just adding foliage and such it just means I'd have to re-generate the VIS. If you're adding new tunnels and such, that means having to carve out new VIS sectors too. If that new foliage is part of the same mesh as the old and around the same area (like extra grass around an existing grass mesh) it probably won't need any VIS change at all.
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  32. SORRY! As for bots being smarter, smart enough to have attack plans (pre-designed I imagine), and smart enough to understand the concepts of credits and purchasing, I can safely say I didn't see that coming. If they are more developed beyond this point while also not being a huge performance drain, then tossing them into all existing maps alongside playercount scaling effects (more players = less bots) would start to make more sense (more sense, moon sense, SEE DAT?).
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  33. If the biggest problem with this game is "updates are too frequent," we'll take it.
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  34. Thanks for Serious Sam 3!
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  35. Also, my sister took Mirror's edge. Thanks.
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  36. Taken BioShock 2, thanks a million
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  37. Thanks a lot for Dawn of War! I should drop those keys from multiplayer bundle here.
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  38. Thank you for Burnout!
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  39. Taking Dead Space. Thanks!
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  40. Thanks for the Battlefield 3 code!
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  41. Also thanks for RA3 uprising and company of heroes!
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  42. Thanks for Bioshock!
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